007~Void Stiles "sly fox"

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"You don't scare me." "I should."


He was sitting on the couch in the living room with a strip of tape over his mouth but I couldn't face him. Even if he couldn't talk it was still stiles' face, eyes, hair, moles, everything was the same except it wasn't. This stiles was sadistic and cold. He's eyes were darker and red underneath and his skin was paler and voice (even though it sounded the same) was raspier and huskier.

I don't know how we got to this stage. Ever since stiles came to me after his scan and told me the news that he has the same symptoms as his mum before she passed my brain shut down and I didn't feel anything. I needed to put on a brave face for him but it was hard. And then he was sent away by his dad for his own good but he came out worse than when he went in.

And now he was here in front of me possessed by some evil spirit. A Nogitsune to be exact. Every sense of stiles' personality was gone and not an once of love, remorse, passion remained. He didn't look at me the same as he used to, no sparkle in his eye. It felt like he just forgot about me and i lost my best friend even though he was right in front of me.

I've loved stiles since i was a little girl but this shell of him was making it impossible to find those feeling buried in my mind. I was dancing through my mind with the ghost of him. Always 2 steps too far away and unable to touch him like i've wanted to do for so long. I just drown everything out like i always do but i didn't want to push him out because a piece of me knew we would find him.

I hadn't bothered to talk to him since we found out he wasn't our friend. I didn't want to hear him see him touch him smell him but this time i had to. Scott had an idea on how to find stiles so i had to be there. I just sat in the corner of the living room staying quiet and keeping to myself but everyone would check on me every now and again to see how i was holding up. Eventually i zoned back into reality when i heard my name in the conversation, it was something about me and scott entering his subconscious and trying to pull stiles out through supernatural means.

Worried looks were passed around the pack and eventually everyones eyes landed on me.

"What? why am i doing this." i ask

"We need at least 2 people with emotional meaning in stiles' life and you two fit that." Deaton speaks up.

I get up and walk over to scott who has his claws pressed against 'stiles' neck.

"you sure you wanna go in my head you never know what you're gonna see." he smirks under the tape at me and i roll my eyes.

"You don't scare me." i state "i should ."

i keep walking and took a seat on the couch besides 'stiles' and he sank his claws into stiles' and my neck. My vision went black and i blinked my eyes open. We were standing on a huge white washed room with strip lights along the walls. It reminded me so much of a hospital wing, from the walls to the lights even to the smell, it was all so... deathly yet peaceful. I looked over to scott who had the same puzzled expression across his face. I glued my eyes around the room until scott shook me and pointed down the long room. Sitting at the end were two figures hunched over a board of some kind. I instantly knew who it was, to the left of the board was stiles moving black and white pieces across the board.

He didn't seem to notice us so we started screaming his name and shouting but he didn't even flinch. Scott started walking towards him but a realisation dawned on me so i grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Wait! Deaton said tgis was supernatural and not science right." i asked

"Uh yeah why?" scott asked with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"So we need a supernatural way of pulling him out because clearly shouting didn't work and our pack is supernatural. How do wolves call other wolves." i say

"They howl." Scott turned his head to stiles and i covered my ears as scotts roar/howl echoed through the walls and down the room. Stiles raised his head signalling we caught his attention and he sat up straight before looking at the bandage covered thing in front og him. He swiped the black and white pieces off of the board and stood up. Then suddenly we were back in the living room and my nose was bleeding and stiles was unconscious. I stood up and stumbled into the wall, my ears were ringing and blood trickled from my nose. I looked back to everyone and they were all stood staring at me. "you okay y/n?" Melissa asked and as soon as she said my name 'stiles' shot up off the couch coughing.

A piece of material stuck out of his mouth and he started pulling it out. It was a bandage, like the ones on the thing sat in front of him in his subconscious. He kept pulling and pulling and pulling until a pile of white material laid on the floor. We all stood in shock until a hand shot up from the pile and started climbing out. Scott and Isaac grabbed his arms and kept hold of him but i got a familiar feeling from the mystery man clad in leather and more bandages.

"WAIT!!" I reached out and removed the bandages from his head and familiar honey brown eyes met mine and a scared stiles stared up at me. "y/n?"

"omg stiles." I brought the boy into my arms and hugged him tighter then ever. i Didn't want to risk losing him again but this moment of euphoria was snipped short.

"Um scott, y/n we have a problem." Deaton spoke and i looked his way and he was looking at the now open front door. Shit the nogitsune was gone. Again


Guys i haven't watched season 3 of teen wolf in over a year probably so my memory of the plot is fuzzy so if i got anything wrong my apologies :)


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