How to Be Evil 101

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Either Evie slaved at these outfits all day...or she just had them lying around. Knowing Evie, they were already made and sitting in her closet just waiting for us. Evie had practically shoved my clothes into my arms and left me to change. I pulled on a black singlet, black leather pants, a dark green leather jacket with a fishhook stitched into the back and matching boots. She made me wear a darker hair scarf but allowed me to keep my necklace on, but made me hide it under my shirt. That night, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Ben and I hurried out to the front of the school where a limo was waiting. "Jay!" Ben called, "Keys, remote." Ben tossed the items to him.

"Wait." Evie stated, causing us all to pause. "Something's wrong." She walked up to Ben, tugging his beanie down a little more. She then turned to me, messing my hair up and causing me to grumble.

"Shotgun!" An unfamiliar voice shouted. I blinked, turning to Dude, the only other being here.

"No, dude, stay." Carlos ordered, "The Isle is way too dangerous."

"Did...did Dude just..." I trailed off, pointing to him.

"Talk? Yeah. I know. I'll tell you later." Everyone then piled into the limo.

"Ok. Once we cross the bridge, park under the pier in the old garage." Evie told Jay. "Got it?" I watched the scenery roll past under the pale moonlight. The sprawling landscapes of Auradon soon turned to water as the Limo drove over the bridge. We soon came to a stop on the Isle. When we hopped out, we covered the limo with a couple of tarps. I then looked around, my shoulders tensing.

"So this is the Isle." I muttered. I walked over to a pipe that leads to something. I stepped up onto it. "What's down here?" I asked, my voice echoing through the tunnel.

"Malie!" Jay called softly, grabbing my arm and tugging me down, "You don't want to know." I nodded.

"Hey, guys, keep it chill, all right?" Carlos said. "Last thing we need is our parents figuring out we're here." The five of us then walked through the Isle. I kept my arms wrapped around myself. Ben had the bright idea to try and introduce himself with a smile and a handshake. Bad idea.

"Ben, stop." Evie ordered, rushing forward and pulling him back. Jay did the same to me, "Just stop."

"Why?" Ben wondered.

"This isn't a parade, it's the isle."

"Keep your hands in your pockets unless your stealing." Jay said.

"You either slouch or strut." Carlos added.

"And never, ever smile." Evie finished.

"Ok, thank-" Ben started.

"No." Evie interrupted, "No thank you, and drop the please too. Just...chill."

Evie -

Let me tell you something you can really trust

Everybody's got a wicked side

I know you think that you can never be like us

Watch and learn so you can get it right

Evie, Carlos and Jay -

You need to drag your feet

You need to nod your head

You need to lean back

Slip through the cracks

You need to not care

Carlos -

Uh, you need to not stare

Evie, Carlos and Jay -

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