Talk of Cotillion

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After Mal's dress fitting, we met up with Jay and Carlos before continuing to our next class. All of the girls were smiling bashfully, waving at Jay. "Why do you torture them?" Carlos asked him. "Just pick someone to take to Cotillion already."

"I'm going solo." Jay told the shorter boy, "That way, I can dance with all of them."

"Ah, you're the expert. Um, Jay." The three of us paused, "If you were to ask someone, what's the best way to go."

"Listen." Jay put his hand on Carlos' shoulder, "All you gotta look like me."

"Oh ha-ha."

"Ignore him." I said, slapping Jay's hand off Carlos, "Just...ask. Go up to whoever you want to and just ask."

"Mal!" Jane called, and everyone turned to her.

"Jane!" Carlos almost yelped, "I was wondering...uh...if you liked the...carrot cake last night?" I suppressed a groan. So close yet so far.

"I had the pumpkin pie."

"Oh, cool, uh..." Jay then thankfully stepped in, steering Carlos away as Lonnie appeared behind Jane.

"I have an opening for a fitting at three." Evie said, "Who wants it."

"Me!" Lonnie and I called at the same time.

"Rock paper scissors?" Lonnie guessed. I nodded. I shifted my bag on my bag and put my fist down on my open palm. Lonnie copied the action.

"Rock! Paper! Scissors! Shoot!" The two of us chanted, hitting our fists into our palms. I slapped down paper while Lonnie kept her fist as rock. Mini-Malie cheered.

"Yes!" I cheered, reaching out and Grabbing Lonnie's fist. I held my hand out for my Tattoo self to high five and she did.

"Perfect." Evie said, "I'll take you two later." Evie then pulled Lonnie and I aside.

"Oh, Lonnie, who do you think Mal's bridesmaids are gonna be!" I gasped.

"Oh, Evie for sure, maybe." Lonnie replied.

"You would have to be in the Wedding Party too, and Jane as well..."

"Wait wait wait, what?" Evie questioned. "What do you mean bridesmaids?"

"You don't know?" Lonnie wondered, "Cotillion is basically telling the world you're getting married." The three of us appeared behind Jane again, grinning at Mal like maniacs. "I can hardly wait to see what your wedding looks like!"

" too-Wait what!" Mal exclaimed.

"The Royal Cotillion is like getting engaged to be engaged to be engaged!" Jane explained.

"I knew it!" Evie exclaimed.

"Well everyone knows it." Lonnie said in a 'duh' tone.

"Look at you Mal." I teased. "You know the saying, 'First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes-'"

"I didn't know that's what Cotillion was!" Mal exclaimed, cutting me off. However, a smirk crept onto my face as Ben approached. "How come nobody told me that? Is my entire life just planned out in front of me-"

"Hi Mal." Ben greeted, causing Mal to jump and look up at him.

"Hi Ben~" Evie, Jane, Lonnie and I chorused. Mal glared at us.

"Oh, oh! Quick moment!" Jane said as she dragged Ben over to the side. Evie, Lonnie and I continued to chat as we continued to class.

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