Plans To Travel

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Uma had settled into Motonui with relative ease, she loved being close to the sea, and I would find her at the waterfront, just staring out into the ocean. It was about a week after Cotillion when I approached her with an offer. "Hey." I greeted, sitting next to her in the sand.

"Hey." Uma replied softly, glancing over at me. I watched Uma for a couple moments.

"You really wanna get out there, don't you?"

"I mean, I love it here, I've never been so close to the ocean before, even on the Isle the waters were shark-infested and I was told never to go in. But..." Uma stood, padding forward into the surf. "I want to go out there, on the waves, in the water..."

"Well, that works out." I stood, approaching Uma in the water. The daughter of Ursula looked over at me. "I have my Rite of Passage soon."

"Rite of Passage?" Uma asked.

"Well, 'cause of Dad, our people stopped travelling the seas, there are people out there who don't know who we are. Cultures have developed out of our knowledge, our people are out there..." I turned to Uma. "So, that's our Rite of Passage, to go on a sailing journey, and find more of our people. So...join me."

"Join you?" Uma asked. "I mean, I may be a pirate but I don't-"

"I don't know anything about sailing either." I admitted. "Not a thing. But, we can learn, together."

"You seriously want me?"

"I mean, Matiu is doing his whole chief training and I don't want people thinking that we're trying to copy our patents and going on adventure together. Besides, it'll be more fun with you." I gently nudged Uma with my elbow. Uma smiled a little. "I just have to confirm it with Aunt Moana, and then we can start building the boat."

"We have to build the boat?" Uma asked.


"Your traditions are weird."

"All traditions are weird." I said as I lifted my shoulder in a shrug. "Stay here in the water, I'll be back." I flicked some water at Uma, causing her to snort and splash me with some water herself. I headed out of the surf and headed through the village. I found Aunt Moana heading through the village with her son. "Aunty!" I called, hurrying up to her.

"Malie." Aunt Moana greeted with a small smile. "What's got you all happy this morning?"

"Well...I was thinking about going on my Rite of Passage."

"Oh, ok." Aunt Moana nodded. "Well, it is pretty late, you're almost 17."

"I know, I know, but I couldn't find anyone I wanted to go with."

"Oh, who are you going with?"

"Uma." Aunt Moana stopped walking and turned to me.

"Uma, the girl you came to the Island with?"

"Yeah, her."

"Uh, but she's not one of the people." Aunt Moana said. "I don't think it's smart."

"Aunty, she's the Daughter of Ursula, she knows the sea better than we do. Besides, there's no one else I want to travel with."

"Well...ok..." Aunt Moana said slowly. "But, you have to be the one to keep her in line."

"Keep her in line? Aunty, you need to trust us a little more." I smiled. "But...thank you." I then turned and ran back to the beach. "Uma! Come on! We have to start building!"

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