The Date

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One day, after the Tourney game, Doug, Evie and I had a science exam. I had to reluctantly hand over my necklace to Mr Deley because the rule was 'No Magical Items'. I understood, but was still angry. Evie had practically barged into my dorm room that morning and chose my outfit. I said we were friends, I guess this was just what it entailed. She made me dress in a dark blue, knee-length dress with thick, lacy shoulder straps, emerald heels and a long, emerald cardigan to go on top that reached my ankles. After she left I put in my hair scarf and, despite a little huff when she saw me there were no complaints. We all settled into our exam and got to work. Just as we started, Evie was rummaging through her bag. "Looking for something?" Mr Deley asked, causing me to lift my head as Evie snapped her bag closed, looking up as well. Mr Deley pulled out a small mirror from his pocket. Doug and I shared a confused look, "Thank you, Chad, it's gratifying to see someone still respects the honour code." Evie gave Chad a harsh, harsh glare, to which he just smugly smiled back. "It would be my recommendation that you are expelled."

"Mister Deley, I-" Evie started.

"But that isn't fair!" Doug interrupted, scrambling to his feet, "Obviously she wasn't cheating since she didn't have that...whatever-it-is."

"It's called a Magic-" I slapped Evie's arm.

"Quiet!" I hissed at her, "Not. Helping."

"Maybe she needed another pencil." Doug suggested.

"Actually, I was-" Evie started again, prompting me to slap my hand over her mouth, holding the back of her head with my other hand. Evie looked over at me with wide eyes.

"Evie, I love you, but please be quiet." I muttered to her. "Now, if I let go of your mouth will you stop talking?" Evie paused for a second before nodding. I let my hands fall from her head.

"Please." Doug pleaded.

"Please...?" Evie echoed.

"Well, if you can pass this test, I'll return your property and let the matter drop." Mr Deley conceded. After all the drama, we finally managed to properly start the test.

After the test, and after Mr Deley returned my Necklace, Doug and I were sitting on an outside bench discussing our test results

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After the test, and after Mr Deley returned my Necklace, Doug and I were sitting on an outside bench discussing our test results. Doug, the genius he is, A+ with no effort, and I managed to scrape a B-. Ha! Take that! As we were talking, I didn't notice Evie appear behind Doug until the exam booklet was slipped in front of us. "For the first time, it's like I'm more than just a pretty face." Evie admitted.

"Shocker, huh?" Doug commented. Evie slid into the spot next to Doug, setting her test down. I took it, spinning it around to read that little miss princess here got a B+.

"Go Evie." I congratulated, sliding the test over to her.

"Thanks." Evie said with a happy smile before turning to Doug, "You were pretty great in there."

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