The Royal Proclamation

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I was....I don't know where I was but it wasn't Auradon, or Motunui. I was in a dark and dreary place where the sun didn't seem to shine. The clouds seemed to cover the sky. I was walking down a dark alleyway. I was following someone, I don't know who it was. Suddenly, a girl with dark skin, long, braided teal hair and dark eyes poked her head around a corner, causing me to pause. "Come on slowpoke." She called.

"Who are you?" I asked, my hand reaching up to clasp my necklace. The girl frowned, stepping around the corner. We seemed to be the same height, and she was dressed in teal pirate atire, a cutlass strapped to her side.

"Come on, Malie, I get that it's been a while since we saw each other but you've known me for ages."

"I don't know who you are." I stressed. I squeezed my hand around my pendant, the sharp edge digging into my palm.

"No Powers on the Isle, remember?" My eyes widened, and a pounding echoed through the empty alley.

"Malie!" A familiar voice called through my room. I yelped, tumbling off my bed and landing face first on the floor. I groaned, my nose pressed hard into the carpet. "Malie, did you fall off the bed again?"

"No...?" I called.

"You did." My door opened as I sat up, rubbing my nose as I turned to it. Audrey stood in the middle of my room, arms crossed. "Your a Demigoddess and even Jane has more poise than you." I stood up properly, stretching out.

"Yeah, well, Jane didn't only just start to live on land less than a month ago." I retorted.

"You need to get ready." Audrey stated, "Those...Villain Kids are coming today." Audrey hunched slightly, "And you have to come greet them."

"Me?" I laughed, moving over to my vanity and picking up my necklace, slipping it on. It was a simple leather string with a single pendant, a small Fish Hook that rested on my sternum. "No way."

"Uh, yes way. I'm not meeting them on my own."

"You have Ben!"

"He's gonna be talking to them, he's the Prince."

"And I'm a Demigoddess, you said so yourself." I turned to Audrey, "I am not-" I cut myself off when I saw the look Audrey was giving me. "No, not the Puppy Dog eyes." Audrey didn't let up. When I could tell she wasn't going to stop, I groaned, "Fine! I'll come with you." Audrey's face lit up, "But, you have to make and eat Manapua with me."

"Fine." Audrey groaned. I smirked victoriously, "Be ready in an hour."

"Yeah yeah." I sighed as Audrey turned on her heel and walked out of my room, closing the door behind her. After Audrey had left, I changed out of my pyjamas and into a more appropriate first meeting outfit. I pulled on a tight, sea blue crop top, denim shorts held up by emerald green suspenders. I pulled on brown, heeled ankle boots and pulled a hair through my wavy black hair, tying a scarf around my head, under my hair and letting the not rest on my forehead. After I made sure I was right, I turned off the light to my room and left, locking the door behind me.

Waving to everyone in the halls, I made my way to the entrance of the school where Ben, Audrey, Fairy Godmother and the Marching Band were waiting. I shoved my thumbs into my front pockets as we waited. My eyes scanned the road, and as soon as a black limo could be seen, the Band started to play. I smiled as the limo came to a stop in front of us. My smile fell when two boys tumbled out of the car, each tugging on the end of a posh scarf. One was significantly smaller than the other, with black and white hair wearing red and black. Cruella's son no doubt. The other had long hair covered by a beanie and was wearing yellow and red.

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