VK's In School

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The next day was the first day the VK's would be attending classes at Auradon Prep. I was determined to make them feel welcome and accepted. I got dressed quickly, emerald green leggings, blue button-up shirt that was tied in a knot at the front, white sneakers, my trademark headband in my hair and my necklace secure around my neck. After my first class of the day, I found myself in the bleachers, lounging as I watched the Tourney Team and Cheerleaders practice. I watched as, surprisingly, Jay and Carlos make their way onto the field. "Jay, Ben, offence!" Coach called, "Chad, you're defence! Taylor, your the shooter. Hey, you! Lost boy!" Coach shouted towards Carlos, "Put your helmet on, get out of the kill zone! Pick it up, put it on, two hands!" Coach blew the whistle and the practice started. Jay was running through all of the players, knocking them off their feet. When he started to run through the kill zone, the shooter started to do his job, trying to hit Jay. Jay dodged each projectile with ease. I let out a low whistle as he left the kill zone. I watched as Jay ran over Carlos and then knock Ben out of the way to grab the ball, hitting it into the back of the net. He took off his helmet and then started to do a victory dance. Coach then blew the whistle again, "You!" He yelled at Jay, "Get over here." Jay looked confused as the team gathered around Coach. All of the other cheerleaders were shouting praises at Jay. I laughed, lifting my hand and grabbing my necklace, becoming a seal on the bleachers.

"Go Jay!" I cheered, slapping my fins together, "Arr! Arr! Arr!" Two heads whipped over to me and glared, one was Audrey and the other was blue-eyed and cold. Caitlin Charming, Chad's older twin sister. She is not my biggest fan, and I'm not hers. I stuck my seal tongue out at her for a second before I turned back into myself, lounging back in the bleachers as I was previously.

Ben, Chad, Audrey and I were walking back from practice

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Ben, Chad, Audrey and I were walking back from practice. Chad and Audrey laughed at something I said, but soon cut themselves off. I looked to where they was staring at and saw Mal and Evie at Mal's locker. Chad lightly slapped Ben on the shoulder, "Hey. Those kids are trouble." He said. I watched as Evie walked away.

"Come on, Chad, give them a chance." Ben said.

"They've been here less a day." I reminded them.

"No offence Benny-Bear." Audrey started, taking Ben's hands in hers. "But you're just too trusting! I know your mum fell in love with a big nasty beast that turned out to be a prince. But with my mum, the evil fairy was just the evil fairy, that girl's mother!" She hissed the last bit, nodding in Mal's direction.

"I think you're wrong about them, I'll see you later." Ben and I walked away from the duo and up to Mal. She closed her locker and looked up at Ben, "Hey." Ben greeted.

"Hey." Mal replied.

"As much as I'd love to stay and chat, I need to go." I said, patting Ben on the arm, "You can survive without me for one lesson, right?" I asked the prince.

"I don't need your protection all the time." Ben told me. I laughed,

"I'll meet up with you later Mal, bring some of my famous Manapua and Malasadas with me." I gave Mal a smile before walking in the same direction that Evie had gone.

"That Manapua stuff is disgusting!" Ben called to me. I turned and walked backwards,

"Better than that stupid grey stuff your family eats!" The two of us shared a laugh before I turned and continued to the science labs.

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