The Coronation

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The coronation came sooner than I wanted it to, after this, I would be returning home. I stood in front of my mirror, gently playing with the fabric of my dress. A long, sleeveless, pale teal dress that reached the floor, with coral patterns on the skirt and white heels. My hair was pulled into a bun on the top of my hair secured with an aqua hair scarf. Pretty soon, everyone was gathered in the Cathedral. I was up the front with my friends, Dad was beside me, but I refused to speak with him. An attendant escorted Mal to stand beside me. "Nervous?" I asked her. Mal's head snapped over to me. I saw her eyes flick from my Father back to me. She nodded,

"Yeah." She admitted. I reached over and took Mal's hand.

"I'm right here with you." I promised her. Mal gave a small smile before the fanfare and choir started and I let go of her hand. We turned to the entrance to the Cathedral to reveal Ben. He took his time walking down the aisle. When he reached us, Mal and I curtsied. Fairy Godmother gave Queen Belle a hug and bowed to King Beast. King Beast bent down so the Fairy Godmother could take his crown. Ben knelt down and the crown was placed on his head. King Beast then lifted the jar that was covering the want. Queen Belle took the wand and handed it to the Fairy Godmother who then stood in front of Ben.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of Auradon, with justice and mercy, as long as you shall reign?" Fairy Godmother asked Ben.

"I do solemnly swear." Ben promised,

"Then it is my honour and my joy," Fairy Godmother tapped her wand on both of Ben's shoulders, "To bless our new King." The wand was ripped out of the Fairy's hand everyone gasped. I watched as the wand shot a spark out the window of the Cathedral. "Child what are you doing!" Fairy Godmother shouted at her daughter.

"If you won't make me beautiful I'll do it myself!" Jane cried, being thrown around by the wand. "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo!"

"Oh Gods!" I exclaimed, backing up slightly.

"Take cover!" Beast roared, protecting Belle and Fairy Godmother. Mal ran out from beside me and wrestled the wand from Jane's hands.

"Careful Mal!" Belle warned. Mal managed to get the wand and held it out in front of her like a sword. Jane stared at her for a second before running into the crowd.

"Careful Mal!" Belle warned. Mal got it and held it in front of herself like a sword. Jane stared at her for a second before running into the crowd.

"Mal." Ben started. "Give me the wand."

"Stand back." Mal said as Evie, Carlos and Jay burst through the large doors and ran up behind Mal.

"Come on guys..." I muttered.

"It's ok." Ben tried.

"Ben I said stand back!" Mal shouted at him,

"I told you so!" Audrey stepped forward. Mal turned to her, wand in hand. Audrey jumped back into the arms of her parents. Mal turned back to Ben,

"Let's go." Carlos said.

"Revenge time." Jay added.

"You really want to do this?" Ben asked,

"We have no choice, Ben!" Mal cried, "Our parents-"

"Your parents made their choice. Now you make your's." He cut Mal off. Mal was silent for a moment, looking around the Cathedral. Her eyes found mine, and I pleaded with her to choose her own path.

"I think I want to be good." She said softly, lowering the wand slightly,

"You are good." Ben assured,

"How do you know that!" Mal shouted at him, lifting the wand again.

"Because... because I'm listening to my heart." Ben said. Mal paused for a moment.

"I-I want to listen to my heart to." Mal slowly lowered the wand as she turned to us, "And my heart is telling me that we are not our parents." She looked at Jay, "I mean stealing doesn't make you happy. Tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy." A 'whoop' was heard in the background as Mal turned to Carlos, "And you, scratching Dude's belly makes you happy, who would have thought." Mal turned to Evie. "And Evie, you do not have to play dumb to get a guy, you are so smart." Evie nodded. "And I don't want to take over the world with evil. It doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school. And be with Ben." Mal turned to him, holding up her hand with his ring on it that I had only just noticed. "Because Ben makes me really happy." Ben smiled. Mal turned back to us, lowering her arm, "Us being friends makes me really happy. And Malie does too." I smiled at them, "She's the only one to have made an effort to try and be our friend. Destroying things doesn't make me happy. I chose good guys." Mal put her hand out in a fist.

"I chose good." Jay said, adding his fist,

"I chose good." Evie smiled and put her fist in. We all looked at Carlos,

"So just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how mad out parents will be?" Carlos asked, "Cause they're gonna be really, really mad."

"Your parents can't reach you here." Ben assured,

"Ok then, good." Carlos put his fist in. Mal looked back at Ben and indicated for him to come here. He slowly walked towards them.

"Malie, where the heck are you!" Jay called, leaning over to look at me. I blinked, pointing at myself. "Yeah, you!" I went to step forward, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"Don't you dare." Dad muttered, however, in the silent hall, it was like he had shouted it. I ripped my shoulder from his grip, turning and glaring up at him.

"Stop telling me how to live my life." I hissed up at him. I turned, sharply, stalking up to the VK's and Ben, who had put his fist in the circle. I found myself squeezed in between Evie and Carlos, adding my fist in with the others. Evie grinned, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and giving me a squeeze. We then heard an explosion. A green smoke then flew through the window and landed in front of us. The smoke was revealed to be Maleficent.

"I'm back!!" She cackled.

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