Mal Goes Missing

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Dressed in blue denim shorts, a dark blue tube top and green sneakers, I stood next to Ben as we went over some of the fine details of Cotillion. "Yeah, so I talked with the Ocean and they promised to keep the boat steady throughout Cotillion." I reported to Ben, crossing my arms.

"I still find it weird that you talk to the Ocean." Ben commented as he made a note in his book. I shrugged.

"Perks of being a Demigoddess, I guess." The door to Ben's office opened slightly with a knock.

"Ben?" Evie questioned softly as she took a step in the door. "Malie?" Ben put down his pen as I straightened, giving the blue-haired girl a smile.

"Evie." Ben greeted, "Come on in." Evie stepped inside and closed the door behind her. I noticed the look of distress on Evie's face and my smile slipped from my face.

"Hey, E, is everything ok?" I asked

"Mal's gone back to the Isle." Evie reported. My face fell. Evie walked up to Ben and handed him a note. "Ben." Evie offered Ben his ring that Mal always wore. I ran a hand through my curls, letting out a puff of air.

"This is my fault." Ben stated. "This is my fault, I blew it. She'd been under so much pressure lately and instead of understanding I just went all beast on her."

"Ben..." I trailed off.

"I have to go there and apologise. I-I have to go there and beg her to come back."

"Ben, you'll never find her, you need to know the Isle and how it works." I pressed my hand over my mouth. If Ben was going to the Isle I was going as well, there is no way I was letting Ben go by himself. I am gonna get an earful when I get home, but... "You have to take me with you." I turned to look at Evie.

"Yes." Ben agreed instantly before backtracking. "A-Are you sure?"

"Yeah. She's my best friend."

"Well then if that's why you're going then I'm coming too." I stated, crossing my arms.


"No, Evie. Mal's my friend too." I showed Evie my Tattoo of the Coronation, Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos and I standing against Maleficent. "See." I pressed my finger to Mal. "Mal is right here. From the moment this appeared on my skin our fates have been intertwined, and if she is over on the Isle by herself, there is nothing that's gonna stop me from helping find her." Evie looked at me for a second, then down at my Mini-Malie who was looking up at the bluenette with pleading eyes.

"Fine. And we'll bring the boys too because there's safety in numbers and none of us is really too popular over there right now."

"Thank you." Ben said.

"Let's get two things straight. You two have to promise me that I won't get stuck there again."

"I promise."

"I promise too." I added, "And...what's the second thing?"

"And there's no way you're going like that." Evie stated, causing a small smile to creep onto my face. Of course.

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