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When I came too, I was tied to something. My vision was blurry, and my head was throbbing. I blinked to clear my vision, but I couldn't see much. When my eyes adjusted, I was sitting in what seemed to be a storeroom, tied to a chair and gagged. It was dark, the only source of light was a flickering bulb dangling from the ceiling. The door then opened, and my head snapped up and my breath caught in my throat. Standing in front of me was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had dark skin, brown eyes, long, teal braids covered by a pirates hat. She wore a teal captains jacket and a teal skirt and boots. It was the girl from my dream... "Well, well, well, what do we have here." The girl mused, sauntering up to where I was sitting. "Mal's little lapdog." I bit the inside of my cheek. I couldn't say anything, but all I could do was stare at the woman in front of me. She reached forward, ripping the gag out of my mouth. I stretched my jaw, trying to get feeling back into it.

"For the record, I am no one's lapdog." I corrected.

"Could have fooled me. Following her all the way here to the Isle to take her back to Auradon."

"She doesn't want to come back." I said to the girl, looking down, "As much as I want Mal to come back, I can't force her to do anything." I then looked up, right into the girl's eyes. "If I'm gonna be tied up, can I at least know the name of my captor."

"Uma, daughter of Ursula." The girl, Uma, dipped into a mocking bow.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Malie, daughter of Maui." I gave Uma a polite nod of my head.

"I'm not nice." Uma almost growled.

"Sorry, that was the wrong thing to say."

"Damn right it was." Uma stepped closer to me, leaning down so she was in my face. My cheeks heated up, and my heart rate sped up. "Do you know how I feel?"

"Not particularly." I breathed. Uma leaned away from me and my heart sank a little.

"When your precious King took Mal and the others off the Isle, that's as mad as I've ever been in my life. And trust me, I've been plenty mad."

"Look, Uma, I'm sorry for everything that's happened. I've tried to get Ben to bring over more kids but he kept on saying soon, but soon never came. I know what it feels like to be judged by others."

"How would you know, daughter of Maui, how I feel." Uma rested her hands on the arms of the chair, her fingers gently brushing mine as she leant in close again. "Did you ever get betrayed by Mal? Humiliated, cast out." I shook my head.

"I've never had any true friends, so I haven't been betrayed like that. But, I know what it's like to be seen for what only your parents have done and not you as a person. Dad stole Te Fiti's heart years ago, unknowingly dooming the entire world. With Tefiti's heart gone, all of the natural resources she created began to wither and die, she became Te Kā, a being of pure destruction. Everyone only saw what my Father did in the past, and not what he did with my Aunt to save the world." I blinked, a single tear sliding down my cheek. Uma backed away. "Everyone looks to me and only sees my father's wrongdoings, expecting me to be the same. But I'm not. I understand why your doing this, and I know I can't convince you to change your plans, but...if you ever need someone to talk to, just ask the Ocean, they'll lead me to you." Uma shakily reached out, using the pad of her thumb to wipe the tear before letting her hand drop.

"You better hope Mal comes through for you and brings the Wand." Uma muttered. before turning and leaving the st, leaving me alone in the almost darkness.

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