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"It can't be." I whispered,

"Go away Mother." Mal said. Maleficent started to laugh,

"She's funny." Mal's mother snorted, "Your very funny. Wand me. Chop chop." Mal looked like she was going to had the wand over but she instead threw it to Fairy Godmother.


"Boo." Maleficent cut the Fairy Godmother off and everybody froze...except me, the VK's and Maleficent herself. I looked down at my necklace, the lines etched into it had sparked but were now fading from blue back to its natural colour. Thank you Te Fiti. I prayed silently, Jay stepped in front of me, his large size concealing me. "Psych." Maleficent said. She walked up to Beast and took off his glasses, "Oh, in another time, in another time." I cringed. Maleficent put his glasses on crookedly. She walked up to Fairy Godmother and yanked the wand out of her hand. She put the tip of it up Fairy Godmother's nose, "Oh, oh oh, someone needs to pluck their nose hairs." Maleficent looked at us, "Where shall we begin?" Maleficent ducked underneath one of Fairy Godmother's arms, "I know, why don't we start by getting rid of this!" She pointed at Ben's ring and it flew off Mal's finger onto the wand, "Perfect fit!" I glared at Maleficent from around Jay as she ducked underneath Fairy Godmother's other arm, "Oh, excuse me, pardon me, the horns, the horns!" Mal's mother walked up to Ben, "Falling in love is weak." She turned his head to her, "And ridiculous." She put his crown on the side and turned his head forward again. "It's not what you want."

"You don't know what I want!" Mal exclaimed, "Mum, have you ever asked me what I want. I'm not you!"

"Oh obviously." Maleficent said in a 'duh' tone, "I've had years and years and years of practice being evil, you'll get there."

"No I will not." Mal interrupted her again, "And I really wish you hadn't gotten there yourself." Maleficent glared at her daughter, "Love is not weak, or ridiculous. It's actually really amazing."

"I know one thing young lady, you have no room for love in your life!" She shouted, pointing the wand at Mal.

"And now I command, wand to my hand!" Mal shouted. The wand was then surrounded in a golden light, It moved so that it was in Mal's hand instead of Maleficent's. "It worked!"

"I hardly think so, I think this is tedious and very immature. Give me the wand, give me the wand!" Maleficent stuck out her hand,

"Hold on Mal, maybe good really is more powerful than evil." Carlos suggested. Maleficent started to laugh,

"Oh please! You're killing me. Arf!" Maleficent barked to try and scare Carlos. Dude then came running in and jumped on Maleficent. "Oh! Oh the breath! The breath get off me!" She got Dude of her, when Jay went to take her sceptre. Maleficent looked him in the eyes and rubbed his arm, "Gaston should be jealous." She flicked Jay's head and he fell back, "Enough!" She shouted, "You all will regret this!" Green smoke covered Maleficent as she turned into a dragon. My blood ran cold.

"I'll distract her." I said, waving a hand over my Necklace, which promptly turned into a large Fish Hook, much like my fathers. Maleficent let out a roar and flew up.

"But Malie, you can't-" Mal started,

"Get the wand out of here!" I shouted at them, before my Hook lit up and I became a giant hawk. "Come on Maleficent!" I screeched as I flew up, "Show me what your made of!" I dodged and weaved away from Maleficent's jaws, however, when she shot fire, she managed to clip my wing, burning my feathers. I fell, landing behind my friends. When I hit the ground my transformation stopped, my Hook sliding away from me. My shoulder was burnt badly, causing me to curl up.

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