Family Day

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Family Day. Oh, I love this day at school. A day where everyone's parents come together to celebrate...something...I'm not exactly sure but I don't really care. Formal events meant formal attire, so I dressed in a white 50s dress that had palm leaves printed on it and white heels. I kept my hair out, however, I kept my hair scarf tied around my head, and my necklace rested safely on my sternum. I joined Ben at the front of the courtyard and soon enough, we started to sing.

Ben -

Ma chere Mademoiselle, it is with deepest pride

and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight.

And now we invite you to relax, let us pull up a

chair as the dining room proudly presents

Your dinner!

Everyone -

Be our guest! Be our guest!

Put our service to the test

Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie

And we'll provide the rest

Soup du jour

Hot hors d'oeuvres

Why, we only live to serve

Try the grey stuff

It's delicious

Don't believe me? Ask the dishes

Boys -

They can sing, sing, sing,

They can dance, dance, dance

After all, Miss, this is France

And a dinner here is never, never second best

Come on

Go on, unfold your menu

Go on take a glance and then you'll

Be our guest

Be our guest

Be our guest!

Come on

Be our guest-guest

Everyone -

We tell jokes! I do tricks

With my fellow candlesticks

And it's all in perfect taste

That you can bet

Come on and lift your glass

You've won your own free pass

To be our guest

Ben -

If you're stressed

It's fine dining we suggest

Everyone -

Be our guest

Be our guest

Be our guest

Be our guest

Be our guest!

After the song, everyone dispersed to their parents. I saw my Dad leaning on his fish hook in the corner of the courtyard, wearing only dress pants, dress shoes and an unbuttoned shirt, his tattoo's on display. "Dad!" I cheered, launching myself at him.

"Lee Lee!" Dad cheered, catching me and spinning me. He then set me down. We closed our eyes, pressing our foreheads and noses together in formal greeting. When we separated, Dad grabbed me by the shoulders. He turned my around, pulling my arms and legs out and inspecting them for just the littlest speck of ink. I deflated slightly, and I could see Evie peeking at me out the corner of her eye as she stood with Dude in her arms. I heard my Dad sigh, and that just made me feel even worse. When Dad turned me back around, he grinned, I could only muster a small smile. "How has school been little warrior?"

"It's been good, Dad, I'm learning a lot about the cultures of the other students and their families, it's very educational." Dad then lifted his Fish Hook,

"How about a race?"

"I...uh...not today, Dad." I crossed my arms, hunching slightly.

"YOU!" A voice shouted. I looked over to see Mal standing with Queen Leah, Audrey's Grandmother, and she didn't look happy.

"I-I have to go Dad." I said, letting my arms drop before hurrying over to my friends.

"How are you here?" Queen Leah wondered, "And how have you stayed so young?"

"Queen Leah, it's ok." Ben assured, putting an arm around Mal's shoulder. "Maleficent is still on the Isle, this is her daughter Mal. "Don't you remember, my proclamation to give the new generation a chance?"

"A chance to what Ben? Destroy us?" Queen Leah accused. She turned to the Fairy Godmother behind her. "You remember, do you not? The poison apples and the spells." She turned back to me, "The spells. My daughter was raised by fairies, because of your mother's curse. So her first words, her first steps. I. Missed. It All!" Queen Leah turned to Fairy Godmother who was behind her. "You musnt trust them."

"I'm so sorry-" Mal started, reaching out to Queen Leah but Chad stepped in the way,

"Go away! Stay away from her." Chad said, holding his hand up. Mal jumped back slightly,

"Chad, bad idea." I warned, stepping into the issue.

"Oh, you have no right to talk!" Caitlin stated, shoving past her brother, "You're practically one of them, Malie! Your all so buddy with them! Need I remind you they were raised by their parents, on the Isle. Do you honestly think Villains teach their kids values like Kindness or Fair Play, I don't believe so." Caitlin pointed at Mal, "You stole another girl's boyfriend." She accused.

"Hey, Hey!" Ben stood in front of Mal to protect her.

"You enjoy hurting people." She pointed at Jay, "And you." Caitlin sneered at Evie, "Don't think your nothing more than a gold digger, and a cheat."

"Mirror, Mirror in my hand, who's the biggest bitch in the land!" Evie said and shoved the mirror in Caitlin's face,

"What?! How dare you!" She swatted Evie's hand away a bit too hard, which made her stumble. I grit my teeth in anger, no one messes with my friends. I stepped forward, grabbing the front of Caitlin's dress in a tight grip, "Get your commoner hands off me!"

"You are a bitch!" I seethed, "Picking on others!" Beside me, Evie sprayed something in Caitlin's face that caused her to pass out. I dropped her in shock, stepping away. I then looked around, only to notice that all the VK's were gone. Dad was slowly approaching me, his Hook over his shoulder, "Dad..."

"I knew I never should have let you come here." Dad muttered, gripping his Hook tight, "I should have made you stay in Motunui, where it was from those people."

"You say that like it's a bad thing." I said to him, "I was only trying to be kind to-"

"I don't want to hear it, Malie." I tensed, Dad never called me by my full name. "After the Coronation, you're returning home, no more of this childish nonsense." Dad lifted his hook. He was surrounded by a blue glow as he jumped into the air. He became a hawk midair, and with a screech, he flew away, the wind whipping around me. My eyes watered, and I looked down to hide my tears. I lifted my hands, wiping my tear-stained cheeks before retreating to my room, ignoring the sympathetic looks and soft calls of my name.

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