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Ah, the night of Cotillion, what is meant to be a celebration left a bitter taste in my mouth. Because Doug is an idiot, I managed to get Evie and Mal's room key off him to retrieve not only my dress, but one for Uma as well. I had ussured us into my room for some privacy. Having no roommate has its perks. Evie had made me a long, one-strapped beige gown with flowers stitched into the bodice and the spaghetti strap that reached over my left shoulder. My dress went to the floor and had a slit up my right side that reached just above my knee. I pulled my hair into a high bun and secured it with a flower-printed beige hair scarf, my necklace rested softly against my sternum. "Do I really have to wear this?" Uma asked, shuffling out from the bathroom. I turned to her and my breath caught in my throat. Uma was dressed in a long, aqua dress with ruffles that started just below her hips.

"You look gorgeous." I said. Uma looked down. "Alright, time for hair." I lead Uma to the chair in front of my vanity and sat her down. "I won't pull any of your braids out, but I will just style them." Uma eyed me in the mirror as I started to work on her hair.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Uma asked.

"Well, I think that you've spent your whole life with people only being rude to you, I might as well change it up and be nice." Uma smiled at me through the vanity.


Uma and I arrived at Cotillion together, and met up with Ben. She had told me of the spell that she had put on him, and honestly, I was all for it. The boat was quiet as Uma and I emerged from the back. "Shall we?" I asked her softly. Uma nodded and took my arm. I heard the shocked gasps from Mal and the others. I lead Uma down to Ben, "She's all yours." Ben took Uma's hand as I descended the rest of the stairs. I stood off to the side, my back facing my former friends. I realised shortly after I had changed that I had gotten a new Tattoo, which spread across my shoulder blades. It was of Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos and Ben leaving me on Uma's ship, and me standing with the Pirate Captain. My Mini-Malie was not happy with what the others had done, and I could feel her tiny glare pierce through my skin. Ben bent down, kissing the head of the signet ring on Uma's finger.

"I'm sorry." Ben apologised as she approached Mal. "It all happened so fast. Something happened to me when I was on the Isle, with Uma, a connection."

"What are you saying?" Mal questioned.

"I'm saying-"

"It was love." Uma cut in. I know this was all a ruse...but it didn't stop my heart from squeezing a little tight in my chest. "It was, I just...I realised how alike Ben and I are, you know."

"We are."

"I know."

"Your so beautiful."

"Ben." Mal interrupted, "Ben. Did you go back for her?"

"No, he didn't." I spoke up, stepping forward myself, "Uma and I managed to dive through the barrier before it shut behind you."

"And I'm an excellent swimmer." Uma admitted.

"You are." Ben said,

"Thank you. Listen, Mal." Uma said as she took Mal's hand in hers. "I just really wanna thank you. I do. For everything." Uma pulled the daughter of Maleficent into a hug. Uma let go of Mal and smiled as Ben moved forward,

"Don't you see Mal?" Ben said, "You were right. You knew that...we weren't meant to be together. That's why you never told me that you love me." Uma then handed her purse to me with a smile. Music started to play, prompting Ben and Uma started to dance. I smiled smugly at the dance.

"How could you!" A voice hissed from beside me. I turned and saw Evie glaring at me. I gave her the same smug smile.

"Well...if you and the others had bothered to save me as well as Ben, we wouldn't be in this position." I told her.

"We did try to save you!"

"Yes, the little song you did. 'Give him up and do it now'. 'Give back the king'. No mention of me whatsoever." I glared at Evie, "Now you need to live with this." Evie turned on her heel and walked away. She then ussured Mal away from Cotillion, Jay, Lonnie, Doug and Carlos following. Jane ran forward towards Lumiere.

"Lumiere! Unveil the gift! They need to see it!" Jane exclaimed.

"And now, for the unveiling of King Ben's masterpiece!" Lumiere called, "Designed especially for his lady." Lumiere gestured to Mal. I turned to see a cloth being removed from a stand at the other end of the boat. It was a mural of Ben and Mal. They were holding hands and Mal's hair was purple, this had to have been commissioned before Cotillion, there's no way this all could have been done in one night.

"Ben did that?" I heard Mal ask.

"Yeah, he did." Evie said as she and Mal started to descend the stairs.

"Evie, Ben's known who I was all along."

"He loves the real you, Mal.".

"A true love."

"Yep." My head snapped to Uma, and her head whipped to me. I gave her a sort of hurry-up gesture.

"Told you." Carlos commented. Uma turned and stalked closer to the stairs.

"Cover that back up!" Uma shouted.

"I will not." Lumiere said hotly. Uma then turned to Ben.

"Um, why don't you tell everyone the present you have for me Ben?" She asked.

"I have an announcement!" Ben exclaimed. He took Uma's hand and pulled her closer. "Uma will be joining the court tonight, as my lady." My heart broke a little.

"Son-" Beast started,

"Not now dad!" Ben shouted at him. He looked confused for a second before regaining his composure. "So as my gift, uh, to her, I'm bringing down the barrier once and for all!" Whispers broke out among the guests. "Fairy Godmother, bring down the barrier."

"I most certainly will not." Fairy Godmother argued.

"I am your King!"

"Obey him." Uma added.

"If you won't obey a King then obey a Demigoddess." I spoke up, stepping forward. More hushed, angry whispers broke out among the guests again. "Take down the barrier."

"Ben." Mal said. "Ben." She walked forward more so she was next to Uma. Ben turned his gaze to Mal. "Look at me."

"No!" Uma interrupted, "Look at me. You love me, remember?" Ben's eyes flicked between Mal and Uma.

"No, you don't."

"Yes you do."

"Ben, please look at me." Ben focused his eyes on Mal.

"Bring down the barrier now!" Uma shouted at Fairy Godmother.

"I do not take orders from you!" Fairy Godmother exclaimed.


"Ben..." Mal trailed off, "I never told you I loved you because I thought that I wasn't good enough. And I thought that it was only a matter of time before you realise that yourself. But Ben, that's me!" Mal gestured to the stained glass mural. Ben glanced back at it before turning his attention back to Mal, "I'm part Isle and part Auradon." Uma grabbed Ben's arm.

"Ben, eyes over here." She said.

"And Ben, you've always known who we were and who we can be."

"Don't listen to her."

"Ben...I know what love feels like now. Ben...of course I love you. Ben, I've always loved you." Mal then pulled Ben close and kissed him, the entire boat gasped. Uma and I exchanged worried glances.

"Mal..." Ben trailed off when he and Mal separated.

"True love's kiss." I heard Evie mutter, "Works every time."

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