Gone, But Not Forgotten

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It was midnight when the Ocean delivered me to Uma. She was sitting by herself on a deserted island. She was in her Cotillion dress, her knees pulled up to her chest. The Ocean set me down beside her. I crossed my legs and sat next to her. "What are you doing here?" Uma muttered.

"Well, because you need me." I told her, turning my head towards her. "There's nothing for me on that ship, those people who I thought were my friends, aren't. You're the only one who's been nice to me today, you know, despite you kidnaping me and all." I held my hand up, sticking my pinkie out to her. "Let's promise to not let anyone get in the way of us." I stated. "We'll stick together, no matter what." Uma wrapped her pinkie around mine.

"Pirate's honour." She stated.

"Goddesses Promise." I echoed.

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