BennyBoo's New Boo

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In the next couple of days, we had a big tourney game, the Auradon Prep Fighting Knights against the Motunui Kula Sharks. I was dressed in Motunui Kula's colours. I was wearing a red crop-top hoodie and black shorts. I had white sneakers on and my green hair scarf was replaced with a red one, my necklace tucked under my shirt. I stood in the bleachers in between Lonnie and Mal. Before the game started, the Sharks performed the Haka, and the Knights accepted the challenge. After that the game was in full swing, both sides fighting hard. You could hear the Motunui Kula's chanting from across the field.

Ka tū te ihi-ihi

Ka tū te wana-wana.

Ki runga ki te rangi

E tū iho nei

E tū iho nei. Hi!

I chanted alongside them when I could. "What are you doing?" Mal asked me, "Some kind of spell or something?" I shook my head.

"It's a chant." I started to explain, "Like, a War Cry. I used to do it with my school when I used to attend. It's traditional." Mal nodded slowly before turning back to the game.

"Is that why you're wearing red and black?" Evie questioned, leaning past Mal to look properly at me.

"Go Motunui Sharks!" I cheered softly, "I asked Dad if I could transfer to Auradon Prep for more cultural experience. My people may be Voyagers but Motunui is home, I had never left until last month." We then turned back to the game, and unfortunately, the Motunui Sharks lost. I wasn't all too upset, Jay managed to assist on Ben scoring the winning goal. I clapped politely alongside everyone cheering for Auradon.

"Excuse me. Excuse me. Can I have your attention please." Ben said, standing up on the stand where the shooter stood during the game. I crossed my arms. 

"This ought to be good." I muttered.

"There's something I'd like to say." Ben looked around, "Give me an M!" He said, before making the letter with tier body.

"M!" The crowd cheered, copying and making an M with their body.

"Give me an A!"


"Give me an L!"

"L!" My eyes widened,

"What does that spell?" Ben asked,

"Mal!" The crowd cheered.

"Oh my Gods!" I laughed.

"Come on I can't hear you!" Ben called.

"Mal!" The crowd replied.

"I love you Mal. Did I mention that?" I watched Audrey run off the field. What the heck is going on with Ben? "Give me a beat!" Ben commanded the band and Doug started to count down in Spanish,

"Uno, dos, tres, quatro!" Doug cheared,

Ben -

Did I mention that I'm in love with you?

And did I mention there's nothing I can do?

And did I happen to say

I dream of you every day

Well let me

Ben and Cheerleaders -

Shout it out loud!

Ben -

If that's ok

Hey hey

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