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I managed to snag a seat next to Evie in the labs, Doug on her other side. I. Hate. Science. It's my worst subject by far. I'm scraping a solid C, C+. I know I can do better but my old school doesn't have any science classes so I had no idea what I was doing. As I was working, I could see Caitlin giving her brother the answers, but Mr Deley didn't pay any notice, as usual. "Any chance he's in line for a throne?" Evie asked dreamily, causing me to look up and see that she was looking at Chad dreamily. "Anywhere in line."

"Chad, Prince Charming Junior." Doug said, "That's his twin, Caitlin."

"They're Cinderella's kids." I added, scooting closer, "They both got the looks, obviously, however, Chad didn't get much of the there-there like his sister did."

"Looks like there-there to me." Evie muttered.

"Evie!" Mr Deley called, causing the blue-haired girl's head to snap up, "Perhaps this is just review for you. So tell me, what is the average atomic weight of silver."

"A-Atomic weight?" Evie stuttered, "Well, not very much. I mean is an atom, right?" She and Chad laughed, but her's was cut short by Mr Deley calling her to the front. Evie pressed her lips together, stood silently, and walked up to the front of the class. "Let's see. How do I find the average atomic weight of silver? That would be, one-oh-six-point-nine-oh-five times point-five-two-zero-zero plus one-oh-eight-point-nine-oh-five times point-four-eight-zero-zero, which, Mister Deley, would give us, one-oh-seven-point-nine amu."

"I forget." Mr Deley muttered, "Always a mistake to underestimate-"

"A villain?" Evie interrupted, "Don't make it again." Evie tossed our teacher the chalk. She took the note that Chad handed to her. She sat back down in her seat. I peeked at the note over her shoulder, it read 'Meet me under the bleachers at 3'. I looked back up to Evie who nodded. I saw Doug deflate.

Later that day, I knocked on Mal and Evie's dorm room, a covered plate of Manapua and Malasadas in my arms

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Later that day, I knocked on Mal and Evie's dorm room, a covered plate of Manapua and Malasadas in my arms. The door opened and Jane was there with a brand new hairdo. "Nice look Jane." I complimented. "Can I come in?"

"Sure." Mal droned from the other side. I walked in with a smile,

"I come bearing food!" I declared, taking the towel off the food I had bought to reveal the scents. Mal and Evie looked up, "So, these are Manapua." I pointed to the steamed buns, "They're filled with Char Siu which is just flavoured pork. And then these are Malasadas." I indicated to the other balls on the plate, "They're just sugar-coated dough." I set them on the table, "Help yourselves." I picked up a Manapua and sat down at the table, biting into it. Jane swiped one of the Malasadas and started to pace the room,

"Mum said 'If a boy can't find the beauty within then he's not worth it.' Can you believe that?" Jane complained before taking a bite of the Malasada, "What world does she live in!" Jane plopped herself on Evie's bed.

"Auradon." Mal scoffed.

"At least your Mum pays attention to your schoolwork." I said, "My dad doesn't care much for education and is more focused on physical ability."

"Mal, do you like?" Evie asked, holding up the dress she was sewing.

"Yeah." Mal said, "It's cute. Brings out your eyes."

"I know." Evie complimented herself.

"I'll never get a boyfriend." Jane said.

"Jane, what have I been telling you." I sighed, leaning closer to her, "Boyfriends are overrated. Girlfriends are so much better.

"I agree with you there." Mal pointed her pencil at me. "With the...overrated boyfriends part, not the other thing."

"How would you know Mal, you've never had a boyfriend." Evie accused.

"It's cause I don't need one E. They're a waste of time." Mal finished, going back to what she was doing. Evie gasped.

"I forgot to do Chad's homework!" She jumped up and went to get Chad's backpack, "Oh no. Oh no, no, no no!" She sat down at the table beside me.

"And that is exactly what I mean." Mal said as Evie started on the homework.

"Your doing Chad's homework?" I asked her, "Evie, come on, you can do so much better." There was a quick knock on the door and Lonnie strolled in.

"Hey, guys! I'm Lonnie." She introduced. Lonnie was met with blank stares from Mal and Evie. "My mum's Mulan?" Lonnie continued, "No? Ok. I love what you've done with Jane's hair and I know you guys hate us and well, you're evil. But do you think you can do mine?" She asked.

"Why would I do that?" Mal questioned,

"I'll pay you fifty dollars." She replied, holding out a purse that jingled with coins.

"Good answer." Evie declared. She stood and snatched the purse from Lonnie's hand. "I need more material. Let's see, I'm thinking we lose the bangs, maybe some layers-" Lonnie cut her off,

"Oh, no, no, no! I want it cool." She turned to look at Mal, "Like Mal's."

"Realy. The split ends too?" Mal glared at Evie. Evie shook the purse of money in her direction with a raised eyebrow. Mal groaned and picked up her book, opening it.

"Beware forswear, replace the old, with cool hair." Mal recited. Mal moved her finger and Lonnie's head moved with it. Her bob transformed into long brown wavy hair. I guess the book was a spellbook. Lonnie went to look in the full-length mirror.

"I know. I know." Evie put her arm around Lonnie. "It looks like a mop on your head. Let's cut it off, layer it-" Lonnie once again cut Evie off,

"No, no, no! I-I love it!" She exclaimed.

"You do." Evie said, frowning,

"It's just..." Lonnie took her skirt and ripped it. "Now I'm cool." She declared.

"Like Ice." I stated. Jane stepped in front of Lonnie. She also ripped her skirt. She then realised what she did.

"What did I just do!" She whimpered, "Mum's gonna kill me!" I laughed. I pat the two on the shoulders,

"I think we've overstayed our welcome, girls." I said, "Let's leave these two to do what they want. I'll leave the food here, just get the tray back to me later." I steered Jane and Lonnie out the door, "Bye!" I waved at the two as I closed the door behind me.

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