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The people of Motonui were all gathered on the beach on our island, Uma and I with our backs to the sea and our boat on the bank, waves gently splashing against it's hull. Aunt Moana stood in front of us, dressed in her formal attire. "Malie." She started. "You have chosen to take on the ancient rite of our people." Aunt Moana took her necklace off and slipped it over my head, letting the pendant rest against my sternum. "In the tradition of our ancestors, you will venture past our Island, find new land, expand your horizons."

"Thank you, Chief." I said softly. Aunt Moana smiled at me.

"Go, explore. Come back with more knowledge than when you left." I nodded. Aunt Moana closed her eyes and leaned toward me. I closed my own eyes as we rested our foreheads together. When we parted, I turned to Uma, approaching her.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Uma replied. Together, we pushed the boat into the water. We hopped on, and with a little help from the Ocean, the boat was pushed out into the water past the reef. I knelt at the end of the boat, gripping the sail rope and oar in one hand and sticking my hand in the water. Slightly moving the oar, I felt the current temperature change and adjusted the sail accordingly.

"Did we really have to paint the sail?" Uma asked as the boat moved accordingly. I looked up at the canvas, painted with an elaborate picture of a hook cradled in tentacles.

"Yeah." I replied. "It shows who we are."

"And...what are you doing with your hand?"

"I'm Wayfinding."


"Yeah, it's how my people sail. Knowing where you're going, by knowing where you've been. Dad taught me before I could walk. I'm the best navigator on the Island."

"You know, I don't know how to sail properly." Uma admitted to me.

"A ship captain not knowing how to sail?" I chuckled.

"Hey, I was trapped on an Island with a magic barrier that stopped me from leaving."

"Well, a pirate not knowing how to sail isn't good. Come on." I shifted around and pat the space next to me. "I'll teach you." Uma hesitated for a moment before kneeling next to me.

Uma and I had been on the water for a couple of days, and we had bonded quite a bit, she took to Wayfinding like a Hawk to the skies

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Uma and I had been on the water for a couple of days, and we had bonded quite a bit, she took to Wayfinding like a Hawk to the skies. We found an inlet and followed it through the water. "Uh, Malie?" Uma wondered.

"Yeah, what is it?" I asked, hanging off the mast of the boat as I scanned the area.

"Do you have purple demons in Auradon?"

"Purple demons?" I repeated, looking down at her. Uma was staring at a spot in the distance. I looked to where she was, and spotted a purple and black creature writhing on a desert-like plain. "What..."

"Look, there are people there." Uma pointed out to a small port where a boat was slowly pushing out from the docks. "We can ask them." Before we could even move, the boat that was slowly moving was suddenly going at a breakneck speed, and the larger ship crashed into our own, throwing Uma and I onto the ship's deck where a large pill-bug like creature, a boy and a teenager with a wide-brimmed hat was looking from the stern of the ship. I snatch the sail before it fluttered out of reach, a tear straight through mine and Uma's painting.

"What in Te Kā are you doing?" I cried, causing the group to turn to us. "You just destroyed our boat!"

"Sorry." The boy apologised.

"Who are you?" The teenager demanded, brandishing a sword. Uma unsheathed her own cutlass and pointed it at the other teenager.

"Look, let's all calm down." I said, lifting my hands. "I'm Malie, this is Uma."

"Captain Boun, at your service." The boy said with what was supposed to be a charming smile.

"I'm Raya." The teenager said. Raya pointed her sword at me. "Now, what are you doing in Tail?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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