Music & Mayhem

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The boys, plus Feister and Brooklyn were all gathered on the couch. Some of the boys were scattered across the floor since they couldn't all exactly fit on the couch. The one thing they all had in common was they were all wearing their pjs. Which was mostly sweat pants, over sized t-shirts and or hoodies for the boys. Feister wore something similar only she preferred shorts and Mush's hoodie that practically drowned her body. However, in Brooklyn's case it was a cute set of pale blue shorts and a matching shirt with butterflies. At the moment, Albert was up at the mic. The lyrics played on the laptop that stood on one of the kitchen stools. But the redhead didn't bother giving it one look, for he already knew the whole song by heart. Though nobody could tell if he was actually on key or not. Well, Finch might've known if he wasn't busy pushing two pillows between his head. Which was a clear sign that Albert was indeed off key. At least he was having a good time.

"WE'RE GOIN' DOWN DOWN IN AN EARLIER ROUND AND SUGAR WE'RE GOIN' DOWN SWINGIN'!" Albert screamed sang into the mic, channeling his middle school self. He was one of those kids who were a little on the emo side of the tracks. The cherry on top, however, nobody knew what in the world he was trying to sing. Well, they knew what the song was, but the way Albert was pronouncing was hard to understand. When the redhead hit the last note, he screamed out of pure adrenaline for good measure. "Oh don't look at me like that," Albert grumbled once he saw several of the boys still had their ears covered. He walked back to his spot on the couch, plopping next to his sleepy girlfriend who oddly enough, snuggled into his chest the moment he let his arm lay around her. "You liked it, right sweetheart?"

"Hmmm yeah," Brooklyn mumbled, her voice masked with tiredness.

Quietly, Albert chuckled to himself as he pulled her closer. He let the tips of his fingers play with her hair gently, causing her to snuggle closer. Which was a rare thing for her to do. They were still testing out the waters of their new found relationship. But with each and every passing day, another baby step was taken.

"I'll go next," Mush said.

"There goes my hearin'," Feister groaned as Mush got up. She flopped down on her back and pulled the hood up and over her head.

Mush roll his eyes with the softest head shake as he started to scroll through the endless options of music. Eventually, he found one and proceeded to set it up before grabbing the mic. It went quiet for a moment as the song loaded. First the music came, then without missing a single beat, Mush started to sing, "I like this right here......this girl she came round the corner, looking like a model, magazine figure, she was shaped like a bottle." he started to dance around, smirking a little as he did and sent a wink to Feister, who groaned more, grabbed the nearest pillow and screamed into it. "Felt so right, just couldn't be wrong, love at first sight, if that exists at all, I couldn't move, felt like I was stuck-" he started jumping up and down, "-and then baby girl looked up and I said HEY THERE PRETTY BROWN EYES, WHATCHA DOIN' LATER TONIGHT? DO YOU MIND IF I SPEND TIME WITH YOU!"

"I never hated you more," Feister said. But Mush was already too lost in his own world to hear that. Then again, has he ever listened to what she said? Maybe once or twice, but in a time like this his sense of hearing seemed to have disappeared along with the rest of his brain cells. Oh wait, Mush didn't have any. Though it was only a few minutes of him singing, it felt like a lifetime in her mind before it was finally over. When it was, Mush happily sat down again and wrapped his arm around her as he planted a kiss to the top of her head. She gave him an annoyed look, to which Mush replied with, "You know you love me."

"Shut up," was all Feister had to say.

Mush only smiled. He knew that was her special way of saying, "I love you too." she wasn't exactly the typical affection type. She showed it in other ways. With little punches to the shoulder and teasing him about every little thing. If it weren't for the glimmer in her fiery eyes, and knowing her for as long as he has, he would've taken it as her actually being serious.

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