Typical Friday Night

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Modern AU 

It was a usual Friday night at the Lodge as Feister walked into the empty kitchen. The whole place was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The reason for this was because Friday nights were date, movie, or basically anything else that teens do in the city on the eve of a weekend. In other words, the boys were out doing who knows what while Feister was stuck by herself. The boys urged Feister to go to the movies with them, or to the diner for a sundae. But Feister wasn't in the mood. This reason being is that on Friday nights was well....besides movies and dates, or late night frozen treats, it was also "hope to find a cute girl" night.

Long story short, Kid Blink snagged a date with this girl....only if he could find someone to go out with her friend because apparently they were a package deal. And who do you think Kid Blink picked as his wing man? That's right, Mush was out with some random girl thanks to Blink. Hence, the main reason for the oil that was fueling Feister's anger. But, if we're being honest here, it was mostly sadness.

Since she wasn't sleepy Feister decided to make herself a bag of popcorn and watch some movies in hopes she'd fall asleep on the couch and not have a care in the world. After getting a popcorn bag from the pantry, Feister teared opened the plastic, put the bag into the microwave, and set the time. To pass the time Feister decided to play some music. Not knowing what she wanted to listen too, she put the playlist on shuffle. Luck would have it You Belong with Me started to play. And, not being able to stop herself, Feister started to sing as she mindlessly walked around the kitchen as she waited for the popcorn to finish.

"But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts, she's cheer captain, and I'm on the bleachers, dreamin' bout the day, when you wake up and find that what you're, lookin' for has been here the whole time!" Feister sang full heartedly. Back when she was younger, Feister enjoyed the upbeat tempo and catchy lyrics. But, now that she's older. She understands the meaning of the song to the fullest. And sadly, Feister knows she probably won't get the happy ending like the music video has.

Soon enough Feister started to sing and dance around the kitchen without a care in the world. She knew Kloppman was busy with paperwork in his office, and the boys were out in the city having fun, so it wasn't like anyone would see this side of her. The popcorn bag soon finished, but Feister was too lost in her own little world as she sang and danced about her biggest life problem. And that's saying something for fourteen (almost fifteen) year old

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"Never again am I lettin' ya drag me on a double date!" Mush said as he and Kid Blink walked into the Lodge. Mush kicked off his shoes, pulled off his hoodie and hung it on one of the hangers by the door.

"Quit griping it wasn't that bad," Kid Blink replied as he shook off his shoes and sweater.

"Not that bad!" Mush exclaimed. "Her friend kept hitting on me! And you know I like-" before Mush could finish, he heard music and singing?

"You say you're fine I know you better than that. Hey, whatcha doin' with a girl like that!"

"Who's singing?" Specs asked as he and some of the other boys walked into the Lodge.

"I can guarantee you that ain't me," Race said. Soon enough the rest of the boys had piled into the Lodge, all asking and wondering the same question. Who was singing? In a matter of moments they all headed to the kitchen, and sure enough, there was Feister, singing and dancing her heart out. The boys were in complete shock because never in her life has Feister danced. Much less sang. But boy, can that girl sing, and her dancing was cute. For once she was actually acting like a normal teenage girl. Singing and dancing around like nobody was watching.

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