Bookish Afternoon

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Modern AU

Settled in her bed with a cup of steaming raspberry tea with honey on the nightstand, Brooklyn leaned back against the mountain of pillows, knees pulled up and book in lap. Despite reading said book millions of times already, she often went back to it. If someone were to ask her what her comfort book is. This would be it. Same goes for the ship. Underrated. That's how she would explain the second story of the series. Completely underrated and not the most liked among the little fandom that's hard to come across online. Nonetheless, she enjoyed a good reread, especially knowing it'll have a happy ending. One that makes her go all soft on the inside and wish she had that relationship as well. Actually, that last part can be erased now...she does have a happy relationship. But her fictional crush has had her heart way before Albert ever walked into her life. No, it wasn't weir - ok so maybe it is a little weird she's still gushing over a nonexistent character when she has the most amazing boyfriend in the world. Which is something Brooklyn would never get used to saying. Albert Dasilva is her boyfriend. She's his girlfriend. They're exclusively seeing each other and no one else. He's her person and she's his. The whole thing, while weird to think about made her smile on the inside. But still....the fictional world of a hockey romance awaits her.

Opening the page with ease, and tilting the book to the side so the spine wouldn't crack, she was just about to get started when none other than her boyfriend comes into the little bedroom she shares with Feister. Looking up she was surprised to see him, or rather the state he seemed to be in. His hair was damp, probably from the shower he had taken. He was wearing a loose black t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants. His shoulders were slumped and eyes were hazed with tiredness. It didn't take even a second for her to figure out practice had gone badly. The Warriors seemed to have hit a dry streak recently. Their last win? Against the Bobcats....the same game when they officially made it official. Smiling warmly at the redhead, Brooklyn moved to the other side of the small bed and opened up the covers, inviting him in. This action surprised her seeing as they never really cuddled before...head against his shoulder or his arm lazily wrapped around her was as far as physical touch went with the two of them. Ok sure there was some hugging involved, but that was when she had been an unstable mess. He was comforting her. Doesn't count.

"Ya sure?" he asked as he approached the bed.

The simple question squeezed her heart in the best way possible. That's one thing she lo - likes about him. How he always makes sure she's ok with something before doing it. "Well, you didn't come in here just to stand there, did you?" she asked, her voice having a bit of a teasing tone in it. Only proving how much time she truly spends with this boy.

"No," Albert replied before climbing into the bed. He pulled the blanket over himself and let one arm rest on top of the millions of pillows that were behind them. "Whatcha readin' now?" he asked, nodding towards the book.

"How was practice?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Stunk worse than the Delancey brothers," Albert replied bluntly. "Or your scum bag of a not ex." he thought. To Albert, she shouldn't even consider that little rat her ex seeing as they never officially went out as an actual couple. But he didn't voice that knowing there was more to the story than what she's already told him. Yet, in the same breath, he wanted to know what was going on in that guy's mind to play her like that. It made him physically angry every time he stepped out on the field and had to watch the bummer during a game. Hell, he wanted to punch his lights out last time they came face to face. Instead, he managed to hold all that down and proclaim his lo - feelings for her in front of the whole school.

Feister giving that guy a chewing out would have to due in the mean time.

The memory brought a smile to Albert's face. Maybe Feister being so....outspoken with absolutely zero filter is a good thing after all.

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