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Modern AU 

It was the annual Newsies Year Eve party. Most of the other kids from the High School had came over to the Lodge, and things were well...the same as they are every year. Romeo was hitting on high school girls (mostly the seniors) and they all thought he was the cutest little thing imaginable. Much to the other Newsies' surprise.

The tv was playing the countdown special that was happening over in Time Square, while everyone talked and or snacked. Kloppman of course was supervising, making sure no one went up stairs, or did anything illegal. "I thought you said you'd stay near me so Lacey wouldn't bug me," Mush whispered yelled as he walked up to Feister. To keep Lacey away he had asked Feister to stay near him and pretend they were a couple.

"Elmer dragged me into takin' polaroids with the others," the fourteen year old girl exclaimed. "When we were done I couldn't find ya, so I decided to stay here an' let you, find me."

"Well I've been hidin' under tables, in the pantry, and the coat closet!" Mush whispered yelled while pointing his thumb over his shoulder. "That girl is like a elephant!"

"I think you mean hound," Feister corrected while holding back a smile.

"But an elephant has a big nose!" he replied while throwing his arms in the air. Feister just laughed and shook her head. "Anyways, you excited for the new year?" he asked changing the subject.

Feister shrugged as she said, "It's just another year, what's there to be excited about." if she's being honest with herself the new year isn't something to look forward too. It'll just be the same thing over and over again. The boys will tease and yell at each other. She'd tease and yell back at them. Pranks would be played, jokes would be told, and the running around would be endless.

11:58 pm

"But it's a whole new year of opportunities!" Mush exclaimed over the noise of the other people in the room. "Who knows, maybe I'll learn another language."

"Or hurt your head in the process," Feister replied while shoving his head to the side with a smirk across her face. "Why would you of all people want to learn another language for?" the dark haired girl questioned. Mush only smiled innocently and shrugged. In all truths he was going to try to learn a certain language that a small and feisty girl can speak flawlessly.

Just then Mush caught sight of Lacey, from the other side of the room. So thinking quickly he slung an arm around Feister's shoulders as if it was nothing. "How much longer are ya gonna keep this up?" Feister asked while crossing her arms.

"Till she leaves," Mush replied. Now that he really thinks about it, he didn't know why he went out with Lacey way back when. All Lacey ever did was cause a riff with his friendship with Feister. After the day Lacey called it off

"Maybe you should wish that she disappears off the face of the earth at midnight," Feister said with a small laugh. Now, Mush has never been one for wish making. But, if he had one wish, he'd wish for a chance with Feister.

Feister on the other hand didn't know how she felt about the whole acting like a couple thing. Sure, they're close and all, but this time was different. Throughout the night, not once did she fake a smile, or laugh at his dumb jokes. It was actually like they were a real couple.

But, Feister knew that it wasn't real. She knew that Mush probably didn't mean any of the little compliments, it was just to keep Lacey away from him, she was just giving a little helping hand. Little did Feister know that Mush did mean all those little compliments. It was pretty obvious to everyone in the room that a dark haired girl and a blue eyed boy liked each other. It was obvious to everyone, except to them.


"Hey everyone!" Jack yelled at the top of his lungs while standing up on the couch. "It's a minute to midnight!" within seconds everyone gathered into the living room and awaited the count down.

"So, you really have no plans for new years?" Mush asked while looking at Feister with the smallest smile.

"I'd rather wait in see what the new year will bring," Feister replied with a small smile. "Sides, who doesn't like surprises?"

"You're a mystery to me Claire Johnson," Mush said while shaking his head. Which earned himself a elbow to the gut. "Why do you have such sharp elbows?" he asked while holding his side.

"Why are you so dumb all the time?" Feister asked with a smirk as she crossed her arms. Mush just shook his head and rolled his eyes. "No, seriously. Why are you so dumb all the time?" before he could answer she said, "It's cause you've got mush for brains!"

"Put a sock in it," Mush said while shoving Feister's head to the side, making the smaller girl laugh with shining eyes.

10 seconds to midnight.

"Hey stranger," a sweet, but very annoying voice said.

"Lacey," Mush said with a sigh as said girl put her hand on his shoulder.

9 seconds to midnight.

"Can you come help me with something?" the blonde girl asked.

"Actually I'm kinda busy with this little gem," Mush replied while brushing Lacey's hand off his shoulder before slinging an arm around Feister to pull her closer.

8 seconds to midnight

Feister played along as she laid her head on Mush's shoulder with a smile on her face. "Aw, you're sweet," she added for good measure. On one hand, she was very happy that Mush didn't want anything to do with Lacey, but on the other hand she knew as soon as the clock struck midnight the whole charade would be over.

7 seconds to midnight.

"You sure you don't want to change your mind?" Lacey asked.

"Nah, I'm good here," Mush replied with a love sick smile as he looked at Feister through the corner of his eyes.

"Whatever, see if I care," Lacey huffed while crossing her arms before turning on her heels and walked away. And by away I mean she grabbed her coat and walked right out the door.

6 seconds to midnight.

As soon as the door slammed shut Mush and Feister turned to face each other before laughing like crazy. "Did you see her face?" Mush asked through his laughter.

5 seconds to midnight.

"I sure did," Feister replied as she calmed herself down. After a few deep breaths she said, "Looks like you're off the hook."

4 seconds to midnight.

"Looks like I am," Mush said with a sigh. He was a little saddened that the whole acting like a couple was over. But, the deal was that they'd act like a couple until Lacey left.

3 seconds to midnight.

"So, now that we're both off the hook, we can finally do whatever we want," Feister said, trying to put some happiness in her voice. But on the inside she was a little sad that the whole charade was over a lot sooner than she thought it would be.

2 seconds to midnight.

"Looks like it," Mush replied while stuffing his hands in his pockets.

1 second to midnight.


12:00 am.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" the whole Lodge then exploded with cheers and yells of happiness. Mush and Feister just looked at each other and smiled. Time seemed to slow down, and the sounds of everyone else disappeared.

Well, the new year was here, new memories were going to be made, new opportunities were coming, and maybe even some new friends would come across the group of boys, and their girl.

You know how they say that whoever you're with at midnight is the one you're destined to be with? Well, let's just say that a dark haired girl and a blue eyed boy knew about it. But weren't sure how much they believed in it.

"Maybe this will be the year I finally come clean," they both thought.

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