Highway Heart

111 4 116

Modern Au

The comb gently ran through her softly curled hair while she continued to not only debate between lip stick and lip gloss, but also on which perfume to go with. The only good part was she had settled on an outfit days ago...with some help of course. She had chosen simple skinny jeans that had a few tatters, a white shirt with thick black strips and a simple bomber jacket.

"Can't believe I'm about to say these words," Feister began as she rested her forearm on Brooklyn's shoulder. "But go with the pink gloss. And the perfume you usually wear should be fine." once that was said she went to gently combing the curls to give it that softer effect. At least, that's what Brooklyn told her to do. In all honesty she had absolutely zero clue when it came to hairstyles that weren't braids and ponytails.

"I just...want to look perfect, ya know?" the freckled girl replied as she opened up the little bottle of gloss and began to apply to her lips, making sure not to add too much or too little. Her makeup was a simple natural look. And I really do mean that. Most of the work had gone on her eyelids, though she did lightly brush on some bronzer and highlighter just to tie the look together. The finer details of this date were kept locked up, and any information she got was along the lines of "casual". "With it being a first official date and all..." her cheeks flushed the same color of the lip gloss bottle. "Any other one I've been on before meeting Al doesn't count. At all. I was sort of the back up girl now that I think about it."

"Well, hey. It's the bummer's loss, Albert's win." Feister smiled.

"Any clue what he's got planned?" she asked hopefully.

"Sides takin' you out to eat I've got no clue. This is Albert we're talkin' bout here."

Brooklyn heavily sighed seeing as that plan had failed. Though, it shouldn't be that much of a surprise seeing as she bugged Race for details, but the blonde boy had kept his lips shut. Mostly because Albert refused to tell him, and anyone else about what he's planning in case someone slips up. Then word would get to her and everything would be ruined. "Is my outfit at least-"

"Let's just say you're lucky Katherine's outta town, otherwise she would've shoved ya in a skirt," Feister cut off with a hint of bitterness in her voice. Yes, she was still mad about that, but her feelings on the item that forced her to sit properly wasn't important at the moment. Right now was playing the older sister role for the freckled girl. Hypothetically of course since Brooklyn is older than her, but apparently her knowing the boys like the back of her hand qualified her enough to play the part.

"I dunno bout that," a new voice said. "You looked pretty cute on our first date. And even though you're cute all the time, you're the cutest when wearin' my clothes."

"Knock much?" Feister asked Mush.

"Just here to tell Brooky that it ain't too late to back-"

"Oh look at that, he's made it past the denial stage. Why couldn't have that happened oh..I dunno...tomorrow?"

Brooklyn rolled her eyes at her brother and Feister's banter. It wasn't the first time she's witnessed it, and it certainly wouldn't be the last either. Yet, somehow despite all the bickering and yelling they made their relationship work out for the better. How that was possible, she had no idea. All she really knew was that it was true love....she wanted that too. Minus the constant bickering of course. Did she have that? Was the real question. Everything sort of spiraled out of control over the past few weeks. There was nothing serious going on, but it was pretty close...to...it....Brooklyn had to pause for a moment. The things she started to think were all too familiar as her stomach turned into a knot. Maybe this was a bad idea after all...it was too soon. Too fast. What was she even thinking in the first place. That's just it, wasn't it? She wasn't thinking at all and instead jumped in head first into strange territory. There was definitely a pattern for her choice in romance. The fast pace kind that would suddenly stop without any warning whatsoever. But...Albert wasn't like that. It would be too much out of character for him to do something like that. And Feister's reassured her that he's loyal as can be. And to be patient since this whole thing is new territory for him too. Which was very reassuring. Not.

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