Pranks & Pageants

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Special thanks to aislingkiley  for helping me with this.  And there were also some people on FamFic who helped me as well. Something to remember while reading this, is that this takes place roughly a year after The Past Comes Back. Hope you enjoy

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Modern AU 

"What kind of sicko sets the alarm clocks to go off at three freakin' a.m.!" Race yelled as he walked out of the bedroom and into the hallway. He walked over to the light switch and flipped it on just as everyone else walked out of their rooms. Except Romeo, who walked out of the bathroom.

"What kind of sicko yells bloody murder three in the mornin'?!" Jack yelled in a British accent over the noise of the alarm clocks as he threw his hands in the air while Crutchie rested his shoulder on the doorframe looking half asleep and half awake.

"Who let Jack watch Harry Potter again," Finch asked deadpanned as he rubbed his eyes so they could adjust to the bright lights. Since it was three a.m. the boys, and Feister all had a rude awakening with the alarm clocks going off. Which meant not only were they all half tired, but also in their pj's. Or in a few boys' cases, just pj pants and messy bed head. Feister was used to seeing the boys shirtless, so it didn't phase her in the slightest. Plus if it even did she was too tired to notice.

"Actually he was watchin' Britain's got Talent," Henry replied before yawning. With it being so early in the morning it took for a few moments for everyone to process what Henry had just said.

"How did this conversation go from waking' up at three am on a Saturday from Jack and his weird obsession with British accents?" Albert asked very loudly. It was shocking that Kloppman hadn't woken up from all the noise that was going on at the moment. Usually he would've come up by now and tell everyone to go to bed.

"The real question is why are we all talkin' instead of sleepin'!" Feister yelled as she glared at the boys. Just then the sound of quiet and low pitched chucking went into the air. They all looked to where it was coming from, and what they saw was Tommy boy was leaning on the door frame to one of the bedrooms.

A smile was spread across his face as he said, "I dunno why you're all sayin', but your faces are priceless." the boys, and Feister all had looks that could literally kill as Tommy continued to laugh. The reason he couldn't hear what the others were saying was because of the earplugs he was wearing. "Well, night suckers, and April Fools!" with that being said Tommy went back to his bed for a good night's rest. This caused the newsies to complain while the alarm clocks still buzzed.

It was that time of the year again. April Fools, a day for pranks, jokes, and other good natured fun. While the 1st of April is usually just another day for most people, to the Newsies of Lower Manhattan it is taken very seriously. In fact, Kloppman calls it Death Day because there's always at least one trip to the doctors.

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The following morning was fairly calm. Tommy boy was still laughing about the whole alarm clock thing, which only put everyone else in a worse mood than they already were. When newsies don't get enough sleep it would just be one long day.

Anyways, as I said before, the morning was fairly calm. That is until someone yelled, "Who put dye in the toothpaste and mouthwash?!" this caused everyone to stop what they were doing to see a very angry looking Jojo storm out of the bathroom with a dark blue color staining his teeth, and lips. This caused everyone to quietly snicker at the sight while Jojo continued to glare them down. "April Fools sucker!" Race yelled very loudly. In a matter of seconds Jojo went after Race, who sprinted down the stairs.

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