Night of Frights

135 2 42

Morden AU

Central Park's Halloween Night of Frights was back once again. The newsies were all set to go with their costumes and endless energy for the night. Jack and Katherine were well...Jack and Rose from the Titanic. It was completely stupid to the newsies, and they asked why Jack would agree on doing that in the first place, only to realize that it was actually Jack's idea to begin with. Davey was Einstein. Not only was that no surprise in anyway possible, Davey was regretting his costume because of all the questions Albert was asking about how he shares the same name as a world genius. To which Davey pointed out that the redhead barely passes he class. In which Albert responded with, "But I'm also smarter than a first grader." Davey gave up at that point.

Crutchie was a dashing undercover spy, and Les had decided to dress up as Pikachu. Race and Albert were Mario and Luigi. And yes, they looked stupid with their mustaches. But of course, they duo didn't care at all. The only down side of that was, the two of them went around picking up loose change and running around throwing mushrooms at everyone for no apparent reason. Jojo wasn't much better off since he decided to be Donkey Kong. Henry had decided to be Spider-Man. There was nothing out of the ordinary with that since Henry is really into super heroes. Elmer - who also loves superheroes - was none other than Green Goblin. Kid Blink was a Pirate. Eye patch and all. Finch, Specs, and Tommy boy were Alvin, Simon, and Theodore. Although, it did take a little convincing for Tommy to get in on the idea because, in his words, "Do I look like an adorable ball of fluff?!"

Buttons was a penguin, he even had a little bow tie to really jazz it up. Romeo was a knight in shining armor. The reason for this was so he could impress the ladies. Sniper was Robin Hood. Mostly because he gets to carry around a bow and arrow on his back. No one dared to question how that made any sense. Mike and Ike were the most typical thing twins could dress up as. Thing One and Thing Two. Mush and Feister had dressed up as a firefighter and a Dalmatian. Well, technically Feister had already planned on being a Dalmatian, Mush just jumped in on this idea as an excuse to do a couples costume. Brooklyn had dressed up as a snow fairy. She even managed to make her freckles look like tiny snowflakes with a little sparkle here and there.

Soon enough the large group of boys and three girls had made it to Central Park, where things were in full swing. And, in a matter of seconds, everyone ran off in different directions, while yelling out random things. The only thing Brooklyn managed to catch was Feister yelling something about caramel, and her brother saying how that was ages ago. Brooklyn shook it off, thinking it was better unanswered. "So Fun Sized," Albert said as he rested his elbow on the shorter girl. "Since it's your first time here at Night of Frights, and seein' as a lovely lady like yourself shouldn't be walkin' alone on such a scary night, I here by announce myself your official tour guide," he said in a proud tone. It was a little over the top, but it made Brooklyn's cheeks flush a light pink.

"Ok then," Brooklyn replied. "So, what's first on the list?" she asked. Albert smiled as he grabbed Brooklyn's wrist and dragged her to some place called "The Witch Cafe", and brought her right up to the counter. "Two surprise me gools with extra jelly beans." Albert said remembering the blue eyed girl's favorite candy. "You're gonna love this."

"I sure hope so," Brooklyn replied with a smile on her face. In a matter of moments the gool came. Brooklyn looked over the oozing, bubbling contents inside the mini cauldron. It was a little unsettling if she was being honest with herself. "This looks like it's five hundred percent sugar, and it'll likely give me a stomach ache in the middle of the night," Brooklyn said as she continued to stare at the gool. It was definitely something she wasn't going to try, in fear it'll give her a month of stomach trouble.

"It's perfectly fine to eat," Albert replied. "Besides, you'll toss it up in the haunted house."

"And..I'm out," Brooklyn said as she put her gool down on the counter and walked out of the tent. Albert quickly went to catch up with Brooklyn, and before he could say anything, they both heard, "We have to go to the ghost yard!" a familiar voice yelled.

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