Victory and Parting of Ways

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Becky's POV

So dad said I had to stay on grandpa's ship during the fight. I was not happy about it. So sneaked onto the Pearl. But Uncle Hector found me and agreed with dad. So shipped me back off to my grandfather. Who didn't let me out of his sight. Not with the navy fleet appeared, not when dad, Elizabeth and Uncle Hector spoke to Will, Jones and Beckett. Or when Uncle Hector freed Calypso and it started raining. Or when the Flying Dutchman and Black Pearl fought.

We watched the Dutchman disappear into a whirlpool. While the Pearl escaped it. When the Dutchman appeared Will was at the helm as the captain with a massive scar on his chest. Together the Black Pearl and Flying Dutchman destroyed the HMS Endeavor. The other navy ship fled.

Everyone cheered. Hugging each other, throwing their hats, firing their pistols into the air. Grandfather allowed me to throw his hat. I notice dad allow Gibbs to trow his hat. "So what now my granddaughter?" grandfather asks me.

"I just got my dad and uncle back, but I've just been reunited with you also" I tell him. "I've been thinking of sailing with you for awhile. But I don't think it's wise to leave dad with Uncle Hector alone. Less he leads another mutiny on my dad" I state.

"I think this experience has changed them both" he tells me. "I don't think Hector will maroon your father again" he states.

"I have to see them first, then I'll decide" I tell him. He nods his head and sails us over to the Pearl. I swing onto the ship and run to my dad giving him a big hug. "You did it!" I cheer.

"Did you doubt me?" he asks me.

"Never" I say shaking my head. "Uncle Hector" I say and hug him. "Where's Elizabeth?" I ask him.

"With her husband enjoying their one day" he tells me. I frown in confusion. "During the battle in the middle of the storm. They had me marry them. Elizabeth and Will are now married" he explains.

"That's wonderful" I say smiling.

"Ready to set sail?" dad asks me.

"I'm not sure" I tell him while looking at the Troubadour (Edward Teague's ship). "I've just been reunited with you both and my grandfather. But out of the three of you, I've spent the less amount of time with him" I tell them.

"So you'll be leaving with your grandfather?" Uncle Hector asks me.

"I don't know, you two are always fighting. I don't want my dad maroon on an island alone again. So I want you to promise me something Uncle Hector" I say as I turn to face him. "You won't maroon my dad on an island alone again, give me your word" I tell him. He strokes his beard and sighs.

"For you anything, I give you my word I won't maroon Jack Sparrow alone on an island alone again" he tells me. Looking me in the eyes.

"Thank you Uncle" I say with a smile and give him a hug.

"Dad, I want you to promise not to maroon Uncle Hector, Pintel or Ragetti" I tell him.

"But..." he tries to protest and I give him a pointed look. "Fine I won't maroon any of them, how long will you be gone?" he asks me.

"I don't know, maybe a year. But I'll write" I assure them. I hug him. "I love you both, please congratulate Elizabeth and Will for me" I tell them.

"We love you Becky" they say. I pull away and look at the crew.

"I expect you all to take good care of my dad and uncle. If I hear that something has happened to either of them. I'll be coming for all of your heads" I threaten.

"Yes ma'am" they say.

"Well farewell for now, until we meet again" I say and go grab my things. Then swing back to my grandfather's ship. "So where to grandfather?" I ask curious.

"First to Shipwreck Cove, there'll be a huge celebration" he tells me. "I doubt your father and the Dutchman will stay for it. But the other pirate lords will" he explains.

"Sounds like fun" I tell him. We sail back to Shipwreck cove. I change outfits and joined the party. Sticking close to my grandfather.

(Three weeks later) Third Persons POV

Jack was left in Tortuga with Gibbs. While Barbossa took the Pearl for himself. He didn't break his promise. He didn't maroon Jack on an island alone. Though Becky still won't be happy when she finds out. He goes to show the crew the charted course to the Fountain of Youth. Only to discover Jack Sparrow had cut it out. So they went to being normal pirates. Raiding villages, stealing from rich ships, fighting the navy and sailing the seven seas.


Picture above of the Pearl and Dutchman destroying the Endeavor. Picture on the external link of Edward Teague.

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