Captain Jack Sparrow

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Becky's POV

I stand by Elizabeth as the promotion ceremony started. Lieutenant Gillette gave orders to the soldiers who formed two rows extended their fire arms forming an arch. Captain Norrington walked up between them in his new commodore uniform. Once he reached the end the governor gave him his new sword that Will had made. Norrington did the posses needed with the sword and became a commodore.

Elizabeth and I stand to one side as the party started. I was about to ask her if I could go to the docks when the new commodore walked over. "Congratulations Commodore" I say with a smile and he smiles back.

"Thank you Miss Becky, may I borrow Elizabeth for a moment?" he asks.

"Can I go down to the docks?" I ask him innocently.

"You aren't trying to commandeer a ship are you?" he asks jokingly.

"I'm not, I promise" I tell him and Elizabeth smiles at me.

"Just tell Murtogg and Mullory I gave you permission" he states. I smile and give him a quick hug before running off yelling goodbye to Elizabeth. When I got to docks Murtogg and Mullory weren't guarding the Interceptor. I then see them talking to a weirdly dressed man on the helm of the Interceptor. I went to go on when I heard a splash and turn to the water rippling under the fort wall as I hear the Commodore shout Elizabeth's name.

Just than the man on the ship talking to the navy guards jumped into the water to save Elizabeth. Meanwhile Murtogg and Mullory ran back onto the dock over to me. "What's happening?" I ask them.

"We don't know Miss Swann" Mullory tells me. Since no one knows my last name and the governor practically adopted me as a second daughter. Everyone says Swann when they call me by my last name. I can't even remember my real last name as Uncle Hector and his crew always called me Becky. But I believe it began with an 'S' and I know we named a monkey after my father. However, I also can't remember the monkey's name.

The man surfaces with Elizabeth in her under-dress and corset. Mullory and Murtogg pull Elizabeth onto the dock as the man lifts himself up. "She's not breathing!" I cry and the man shoves Murtogg out of the way taking out a knife. He uses it to cut off Elizabeth's corset and she gasp coughing up some water.

"Elizabeth don't either scare me like that again" I tell her as I hug her close before pulling away. I didn't hear what Murtogg and the strange man told each other. Something about the man seems familiar.

"Where did you get that?" he asks gesturing to the pirate medallion around Elizabeth's neck. Suddenly a sword appeared at his throat and Commodore tells him to stand up. The governor comes over and wraps his coat around Elizabeth asking if she is ok.

"Yes, I'm fine" she states and I cuddle into her side glad she was ok. "Commodore do you really intend to kill my rescuer?" she asks him. Commodore Norrington sheathes his new sword and holds his hand out to the man who is standing now.

"I believe thanks is in order" he states and the man grasps his hand. But instead of shaking it the commodore raised his sleeve to reveal a 'P'. "Had a run in with East India Trading Company did we pirate?" he asks.

"Hang him" the governor orders.

"Keep you guns on him men, Gillette fetch some irons" the commodore orders. "Well, well Jack Sparrow isn't it?" he asks after revealing a sparrow tattoo on the man's arm.

"Captain Jack Sparrow" the man and states. Something flashes through my mind and I hold my head. When I tuned back in the Commodore was walking Sparrow over to Gillette who had returned with the irons.

"Commodore I really must protest" Elizabeth states leaving my side. "pirate or not, this man saved my life" she reminds him.

"One good deed does not redeem a man of a life time of wickedness" Norrington tells her.

"Though it seems enough to condemn him" I add and the pirate looks at me shocked.

"Indeed" Commodore agrees once recovering from his shock. Suddenly the pirate puts the chain connecting his cuffs around Elizabeth's neck. I go the to try and help her but Norrington holds me back. Commodore Norrington gave Elizabeth the pirate's affects and she puts them on him.

"Gentlemen, miladies this is the day you'll always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow" he states and pushes Elizabeth over to us. Her father catches her while the pirates grabs a rope and kicks a latch.

"Now will you shoot him?" the governor asks.

"Becky cover your ears" Elizabeth tells me as Norrington gave the order to open fire. I do so just in time as they start to shoot at the pirate. They chase after him while the governor gets Elizabeth and I back into our carriage. We return to the mansion safely.


Gif above of Jack taking Elizabeth hostage.

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