Buccaneer Crew

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Jack's POV

I told Will about how he's father was a pirate and he doesn't want to believe it. I said nothing when he about why I care about Becky. Still not believing I had seen my daughter and had not recognized her. Sure I felt a connection to her and had I realized sooner I would have said something. We reach Tortuga safely and pull into the dock. Before we go in search of Gibbs.

"It is a sad life that has never breathed deep the sweet, profilerous bouquet that is Tortuga" I tell Will. "What do you think?" I ask him.

"It'll linger" he states.

"I'll tell you mate, if every town was like this one. No man would feel unwanted" I tell him. Suddenly I spot a woman with dark red hair heading towards us and exclaim"Scarlett!" going to meet her half. When she reached me though she slapped me before storming away. "Not sure I deserve that" I mumble and turn back around. "Giselle" I say with a smile.

"Who was she?" she asks gesturing to Scarlett.

"What?" I ask and she slaps me harder then Scarlett did. "I may have deserved that" I mumble. "We should escape this wretched pit as quick as possible" I tell Will as we carry on our way. 

"But the crew?" Will reminds me as we reach a bar.

"Ah yes, fortunately you know the man who knows the man who knows the best sailors in Tortuga" I tell him. We enter the bar and I go up to the bar tender asking for Gibbs. He told me he was out back sleeping in the pig pen. So I grab two buckets of water handing one to Will. When we find Gibbs I chuck my bucket of water on him.

"Curse you for breathin' ya slack-jawed idiot. Mother's love. Jack. You should know better than to wake a man when he's sleepin'. Its bad luck" Gibbs tells me.

"Ah fortunately, I know how to counter it; the man who did the waking buys the man who was sleeping a drink; the man who was sleeping drinks it while listening to a proposition from the man who did the waking" I tell him.

"Aye, that'll about do it" he says and I help him up. Once I let go of his arm Will chucks his bucket of water on Gibbs. "Blast! I'm already awake!" Gibbs exclaims.

"That was for the smell" Will tells him and Gibbs nods his head. We reenter the pub and I buy drinks for Gibbs & I. Telling  Will to keep a sharp eye and tell Gibbs he'd only get one drink.

"I'm going after the Black Pearl and my daughter...I know they're going to be, and I'm gonna take them" I tell Gibbs.

"Jack, it's a fool's errand. You know better than me the tales of the Black Pearl" he reminds me.

"That's why I know what Barbossa is up to, all I need is a crew" I tel him.

"From what I hear tell of Captain Barbossa, he's not a man to suffer fools, nor strike a bargain with one" he states.

"Well, then I'd say it's a very good thing I'm not a fool, then, eh?" I tell him.

"Prove me wrong, want makes you think he'll hand Becky and the Pearl to you" he tells me.

"Let's just say it's a matter of leverage" I tell him nodding towards Will.

"The kid?" he asks.

"That is the son of Bootstrap Bill Turner, his only child" I state.

"Is he now? Leverage says you, I think there's a change in the winds says I. I'll find us a crew, there's bound to people as rock crazy as you" he tells me.

"One can only hope" I tell him smiling. "Take what you can" I say raising my mug.

"Give nothing back" he states and we cling our mugs together. Before drowning the rum inside each of them and slamming them onto the table. This cause Will to jump and he flips a table drawing his sword. "The kid's a bit of a stick, isn't he?" Gibbs asks.

"You have no idea" I tell him as Will sheathes his sword. "See you and the crew tomorrow on the docks" I state. Will and I leave the pub returning to the ship to sleep.

The next day we set off with a crew of buccaneer sailors including a mute one with a parrot. Anamaria was with them and she slapped me twice. Before Will and I promised her the Interceptor at the end of this adventure. Now we sailing to Ilsa De Muerta to save Miss Swann, to get my daughter Becky and ship The Black Pearl back.


Picture above of Jack and Gibbs toast. Picture on the external link of Giselle and Scarlet.

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