Navigation Charts and Soa Feng

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Becky's outfit (imagine black or brown breeches/pants):

Becky's POV

"Stay close Becky" Gibbs tells me and I nod my head. We enter the water with Pintel, Marty, Cotton and Ragetti. Wearing helmets and using weeds to breath. We move slowly following Elizabeth's singing.

"The bell has been raised from its watery grave; hear its sepulchral tone? A call to all, pay heed the squall, and turn your sails toward home" she sings. Pauses when she reaches the dock and gets out of her boat tying it to the dock as she continues to sing. We stay out of sight, but in hearing range.

We listened to her and Uncle Hector's conversation with the Singaporean pirates. Once they finished talking we follow them slowly at a safe distance. We soon reached the drain grate under Soa Feng's bathhouse and raise.

When we heard music playing above Gibbs gave the alright to cut the grate off. Using the music as cover. "We're through! Make ready" I instruct when the grate falls away. We go into the tunnel and get to the basement of Soa Feng's bathhouse. Where the steam is created for it.

We hide behind a wall and watch workers. Suddenly wooden planks spin making a sound. One of the men pull a rope making steam. We see a tall fat guy putting coal into the fireplace. Ragetti goes to run and Gibbs grabs him. "None of that" I tell him firmly glaring.

"Aye, if things don't go the way we want them we're the only chance they've got" Gibb tells him. Ragetti gets back into position. We attack stealthily taking out the men quietly. Marty dealing with the tall fat guy.

We all then wait quietly for the signal while listening to the conversation above. Soa Feng was telling Uncle Hector how someone broke into his uncle's temple. Damn it Will, you weren't suppose to be caught. Elizabeth gasped when Soa Feng went to kill him and I sigh.

"They'll need help, get into your positions" I tell them quietly. Just then the wooden planks spin again and we freeze. Not doing anything, letting the other three know we're here.

"More steam!" Soa Feng shouts and the planks go again. Cotton pulls the rope giving them more steam. "There's a price on all our heads, it is true. Since it seems that the only way a pirate can turn a profit anymore is by betraying other pirates" Soa Feng says in a calmer tone.

"Wait for the signal" Gibbs tells the others. I draw my sword ready to fight. As the explosives where put into place. Soa Feng asked what anyone could do to stop Beckett.

"You can fight!" Elizabeth exclaims. "Get off me" she snarls. "You are Sao Feng, the pirate lord of Singapore! Would you have that era come to an end on your watch? The most notorious pirates from around the world are uniting against our enemy, and yet you sit here, cowering in your bath water!" she demands.

Why to go Elizabeth. Soa Feng then asked what they were looking for in Davy Jones locker. Will let slip dad's name saying how he was one of the pirate lords. "The only reason I would want Jack Sparrow returned from the land of the dead... is so I can send him back myself!" Soa Feng exclaims.

"Jack Sparrow holds one of the nine pieces of eight. He failed to pass it along to his successor before he died. So we must go and get him back" Uncle Hector tells him.

"So, you admit, you have deceived me. Weapons!" Soa Feng orders.

"Weapons" Gibbs and I tell the others. Who all draw the swords.

"Soa Feng I assure you, our intentions are strictly honorable" Uncle Hector tells him. We toss the swords through the floorboards. Soa Feng told them to drop their weapons or he'd kill a man. "Kill him, he's not our man" Uncle Hector tells him and I frown.

"If he's not with you, and he's not with us...who's he with?" Will asks. Suddenly we heard someone burst into the bathhouse and a fight start. We lit the explosives and they blow a hole in the floor. I see EITC soldiers as we join the fight.

"I think you've out stayed your welcome uncle" I state as I join him and Elizabeth with Gibbs.

"Aye" he says and we leave. We're so stopped by a squad of soldiers pointing their guns at us. Just as the Lieutenant says fire, the cart behind them blow up. Knocking them into the water. Uncle Hector grabs my hand and we run for the docks. Only to run into more soldiers and we begin to sword fight.

Suddenly a firework appears and blows up the shack behind the soldiers. "Thank you Jack" I say smiling at the monkey. He jumped onto my shoulder and we continue on our way. We find Will with the navigational charts and Singaporean pirates.

"You got the charts?" Uncle asks him shocked.

"And better yet, a ship and a crew" Will states handing me the charts.

"Where's Soa Feng?" Elizabeth asks him.

"He'll cover our escape and meet us at Shipwreck Cove" Will answers. A Singaporean pirate tells us to follow him and leads us to the ship. We all board it and set sail. Elizabeth and I walk over to Tia Dalma.

"There's no place left for Soa Feng to cower" Elizabeth states.

"Do you believe he'll honor the call?" I ask Tia Dalma.

"I cannot say. There is an evil on these seas that even the most staunch and bloodthirsty pirates have come to fear" she tells us. I frown and look out at the sea. Hold on dad, we're coming I think to myself.


Picture above of Soa Feng and picture on the external link of the Navigational charts.

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