Ilsa De Muerta

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Becky's POV

"So it's just her hand?" I ask my uncle.

"Yes Becky and yours too" he assures me.

"What's my father's name?" I ask him.

"Why do you want to know? He abandoned you remember" he tells me.

"In Port Royal they always called me Miss Swann as the Governor practically adopted me. But I want to know my real last name" I explain.

"It's Sparrow" he states and I smile broadly at him. Just then the monkey enters the cabin with Elizabeth's medallion. "Thank you Jack, come along Becky" Uncle Hector says. I smile as Jack jumps onto my shoulder and I follow my uncle to Elizabeth's cabin. Her hands were tied as Uncle Hector puts her necklace around her neck.

We all then got into the long boats before heading to the cave. When we enter it Barbossa takes Elizabeth and I up a hill of treasure. Elizabeth and I stand either side of him as the crew gather below us. "Gentlemen, the time has come! Our salvation is nigh!Our torment is near an end!" he shouts to the crew and they cheer.

"For ten years we've been tested and tried, and each man jack of you here has proved his mettle a hundred times over, and a hundred times again!" he declares.

"Suffered I have" Ragetti agrees.

"Punished, we were, the lot of us. Disproportionate to our crime! Here it is! The himself. Every last piece that went astray, we have returned. Save for these" Uncle Hector states pointing to mine and Elizabeth's medallions. "Who among us has paid the blood sacrifice owed to the Heathen gods?" he asks the crew.

"Us!" the crew shout.

"And whose blood must yet be paid?" Uncle asks them.

"Theirs" the crew shouts and Uncle Hector picks up a knife. I take my medallion off placing it in my hand holding it out to him. He smiles apologetically at me and makes the cut closing my bleeding hand around the medallion.

"That's it?" Elizabeth asks.

"Waste not" Uncle Hector tells her and drops the medallion into the chest covered in my blood. Uncle Hector wipes my blood from the blade turning to Elizabeth. "You know the first thing I'm going to do after the curse is lifted? Eat a whole bushel of apples. Begun by blood, by blood undone" he states cutting her palm. Drops her medallion into the chest covered in her blood and I walk over to her holding her uninjured hand.

The crew start saying they don't feel no different and asking how can they tell if the cure was lifted. Uncle Hector draws his pistol and shoots Pintel in the chest.  "Becky go to the water" Elizabeth whispers to me and I do so seeing the look she gave me. Soon she rolled down beside me and I shake her when I feel someone behind me.

I go to scream put a hand covers my mouth and I turn to see Will. Elizabeth grabs her medallion and we follow will out of the cave through the small stream. We reach the boats and Will collects all the oars placing them into one boat. We all got in and he starts rowing us back to a navy ship while Elizabeth drops the oars into water.

Once we reached the HMS Interceptor Elizabeth went aboard first and I followed her. "Not more pirates" I hear Elizabeth mumble as I reach the deck.

"Welcome aboard Miss Elizabeth and you must be Becky" an old man says smiling as he steps forward.

"Mister Gibbs" Elizabeth and I say while I smile at him.

"Boy where be Jack?" Gibbs asks Will when he appears beside Elizabeth and I.

"Jack, Jack Sparrow?" Elizabeth asks and I smile at the mention of my father.

"He fell behind" Will says before leading Elizabeth away down below deck.

"Keep to the code" Gibbs tells the crew.

"Weigh anchor, hoist the sails set sail for Port Royal" a woman orders. Gibbs gives me a small smile and takes me to one side bandaging my hand. I look back at Ilsa De Muerta as we sail away from it and my father. I pray that he is alive and well.

"Mister Gibbs, can you tell me stories about daddy?" I ask him. Gibbs nods his head and starts to tell me how he meet my father after he was marooned by my uncle. I guess my uncle lied about my father abandoning me. But I still love him as an uncle and I don't blame dad for wanting him dead. I hope they can put the past behind them though.


Picture above of Ilsa De Muerta and picture on the external link of Captain Barbossa addressing the crew.

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