EITC and Accord

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Becky's POV

Suddenly dad, Gibbs, Will, Elizabeth, and  Uncle Hector all pull guns on each other. While Jack (the monkey) points a gun at Cotton's parrot. "We need our pistols, get untied, hurry!" Pintel tells Ragetti. They all laugh and lower their pistols. They then put them up again.

"All right, then. The Brethren Court's a-gatherin' at Shipwreck Cove. And Jack, you and I are a-goin', and there'll be no arguin' that point" Uncle Hector tells dad.

"I is arguin' the point. If there's pirates a-gatherin', I'm pointing my daughter and ship the other way" Dad tells him.

"The pirates are gathering to fight Beckett, and you both are pirates" Elizabeth says pointing both her pistols at dad. Who points both his pistols at her. Until Will puts both of his at him, then dad was pointing one each at Will and Elizabeth.

"Fight or not, you're not running with Becky, Jack" Will tells him.

"If we don't stand together, they'll hunt us down one by one, till there be none left, but you and Becky" Uncle Hector adds.

"I quiet like that" I state smiling. "Becky and Jack Sparrow, the last living pirates" I say.

"Well said" Dad praises me

"Aye, and you'll be fightin' Jones alone with your daughter. And how does that figure into your plan?" Uncle Hector asks dad.

"I'm still working on that. But I'll not be going back to the locker, mate, count on that" dad tells him. He points a pistol at Uncle Hector and pulls the trigger. But it only makes a clicking sound. They all fire, but guns don't work.

"Wet powder" Gibbs announces. So we all go to look at the charts to plan our next move while I stay close to dad. Will points to a small island not far from our location.

"There's a freshwater spring on this island. We can resupply there, and get back to shooting each other later" he tells us.

"You can lead the shore party. Becky and I'll stay with our ship" dad tells Uncle Hector.

"I'm not leaving my ship in your command" Uncle Hector tells him.

"Why don't you both go assure?" I assure.

"Yes and leave the ship in my command" Will adds and we all look at him. "Temporally" he adds. So it was agreed Uncle Hector and Dad would lead the shore party. While Will and I mind the ship. Dad told me to stay with Gibbs or Elizabeth. I decide to hang with Elizabeth.

"So what will you do once this is over?" I ask her.

"Return to Port Royal with Will and get married, what about you?" she asks me.

"Hopefully dad will smooth things over with Uncle Hector and we'll sail the seas on the pearl together" I tell her. "But as long as I have dad, I'll be happy" I add. "I'm sorry about your father, but at least he is at peace with your mum now" I tell her.

"True" she says with a small smile. "I'm sure he is telling my mum and yours tons of stories about us" she states. I nod my head smiling. Suddenly I'm grabbed from behind and shout out. Someone grabs Elizabeth and we are both chained along with Gibbs. I notice it's Tai Haung's men and there is no sign of Will.

Just then the Empress appears and anchors beside us. Then the shore party returns, dad and the others in custody of the Singaporean pirates. Uncle Hector approaches Captain Sao Feng as dad tries to hide behind him. "Sao Feng, you showing up here, 'tis truly a remarkable coincidence" he says.

"Jack Sparrow, you paid me great insult once" Sao Feng says ignoring Uncle Hector.

"That doesn't sound like me" dad states. Sao Feng punches him in the nose.

"You bastard, leave him alone!" I snap glaring at him. Sao Feng makes a hand motion and I'm brought forward.

"Shall we call is score then?" dad asks Sao Feng trying to distract him from me. Just then Will appears unharmed and unchained. He tells Sao Feng to release Elizabeth and I. Saying we aren't apart of the bargain.

"What bargain be that?" Uncle Hector asks him.

"You heard Captain Turner, release the girls" Sao Feng orders. We're released and I run over to dad hugging him. He wraps an arm around my shoulder. Will then explains how he needed to Pearl to free his own father and it was the only reason he came on this voyage. Then the EITC turns up and Dad is whisked away to see Beckett. After he told me to stay close to Uncle Hector.

Will is taken into custody. But the Mr Mercer told Sao Feng the Pearl would not be his. So Uncle Hector steps forward to address Sao Feng once he left. "It's a shame they're not bound to honor the Code of the Brethren, ain't it? Because honor's a hard thing to come by nowadays" he says.

"There's no honor in remaining with the losing side. Leaving it for the winning side, that's just good business" Sao Feng tells him.

"The losing side, you say?" I ask smirking.

"They have the Dutchman and now the Pearl!" he tells me. "What do we have little girl?" he demands.

"Why don't you tell him uncle?" I suggest.

"We have Calypso" Uncle Hector tells him and Sao Feng looks at Elizabeth.

"Hmph, Calypso! An old legend" Sao Feng says not convinced.

"No, the goddess herself, bound in human form. I intend to release her, but for that I need the Court, all the Court" Uncle Hector says gesturing to Sao Feng's necklace.

"What you be proposing captain?" Sao Feng asks him.

"What you be accepting captain?" Uncle asks him.

"The woman" he answers looking at Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth is not apart of any bargain" Will states.

"You have no say in this Turner, zip it" I tell him. "What say you Elizabeth?" I ask her.

"Done" she says.

"What? Not done" Will says and I punch him in the gut.

"You talk again, you're going in the brig" I tell him.

"You got us into this mess! If this is what frees us, then done!" Elizabeth declares.

"So we have an accord?" Uncle Hector asks. Sao Feng agrees and we attack the EITC soldiers together. Sao Feng then left with Elizabeth assuring us he'd meet us at Shipwreck Cove. Dad returns and order for Will to be taken to the brig. We then set sail for Shipwreck Cove.


Picture above of the standoff and on the external link of Sao Feng, Barbossa & Jack.

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