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Becky's POV

I'm afraid after what happened today and what to see Elizabeth. So I pretended to sleep and my nanny Fran left to go back to her house. Once she was gone I snuck down to Elizabeth's room and see her reading while her maid Estelle prepared her bed warmer. I run over and hope on Elizabeth's bed getting under the covers beside her.

She smiles at me and wraps an arm around me as she reads to me quietly. "Here you go miss, tiring day for you I'm sure" Estelle states. "Hello miss Becky are you sleeping here tonight?" she asks gently with a smile. I nod my head and snuggle into Elizabeth's side.

"Yes I didn't expect the Commodore to propose" Elizabeth states and I look at her in surprise. I hope she said no. She belongs with Will not Commodore Norrington in my personal opinion.

"I meant you being threatened by that pirate, it must have been terrifying" Estelle states. I whimper hiding my face in Elizabeth's neck. "But the commodore proposed, I must say that's a smart match. If it isn't to bold to say" Estelle says changing the subject.

"Yes he's a fine man, one any woman would dream of marrying" Elizabeth says with a sigh.

"What about Will?" I ask lifting my head to look at her.

"Will Turner?" Estelle asks me and I nod my head. "He's a fine man too" she states and we smile at each other.

"That is to bold" Elizabeth states and I giggle. Estelle apologized saying it wasn't her place before leaving the room. "Let's go to bed shall we" Elizabeth tells me as she puts her book on the night stand.

"Can you sing pirate song?" I ask her and she nods her head. I lay down on the spare pillow and Elizabeth starts to sing lightly. I smile gently as I fall asleep as the candle goes out.

(Two hours later)

I woke to a sound of loud booms and see Elizabeth on her balcony looking at the harbor in horror. "What's happening?" I ask her scared.

"Stay here a second Becky, I'll be back" she assures me as she puts on her robe. But I follow her quietly when she leaves the room. "Don't!" I hear Elizabeth shout and look around to corner just as the butler was shoot dead and I scream. "Becky" Elizabeth says in horror and grabs my hand running us back to her chamber.

"Miss Swann, they've come to kidnap you" Estelle states pulling us to one side. "You're the governor's daughter" she clarifies.

"They haven't seen you yet" I tell her.

"Hide and the first chance you get run to the fort" Elizabeth tells her. Elizabeth then leads me to her bedroom by the hand. "Hide behind me, don't leave my side" she tells me and I nod my head. She grabs her bed warmer and whacks one of the intruders in the face with it. When she goes the hit the other he grabs the bed warmer.

"Coal" I tell Elizabeth and she smirks pulling the trigger releasing the coal on the man. She grabs my hand and we run for it. But when we reach the foyer one of the intruders blocks our way. We managed to escape him when he along with the other intruder got distracted by the falling chandelier. Elizabeth shut the door behind us and I gave her a candle holder that she jammed between the handles.

She then grabbed my hand and we hid in the cupboard together. I was playing with my medallion praying when I hear the doors bang open. Elizabeth shhs me as she holds me close. "We know you're here, poppets" a familiar voice states.

"Poppets" the other one calls.

"Come out... and we promise we won't hurt you" the first voice says. "We will find you, Poppets" he states. "You've got something of ours, and it calls to us" he explains. Elizabeth and I look at our pirate medallions. That's when I realize these men are pirates and those boom sounds must have been from cannons.

"Ello, Poppets" he states and opens the door.

"Parlay, we invoke the right of parley" I tell them quickly.

"According to the Code of the brethren, set down by the pirates Morgan and Bartholomew , you have to take us to your Captain" Elizabeth states getting my idea.

"I know the code" the pirate pointing a pistol at Elizabeth states.

"If an adversary demands parlay you can do them no harm until the parlay is complete" Elizabeth reminds them as she holds me close.

"To blazes with the code" the one holding the torch states and points his pistol at me. I whimper hide my face in Elizabeth's side.

"They wants to be taken to the Captain, and they'll go without a fuss" the other one snaps at him. He lowers his pistol and they look back at us. "We must honor the Code" the other one states. "You woman don't let that child go" he tells Elizabeth as he grabs her arm. She holds my hand and the pirates lead us out of the manor then through the streets.


Picture above of Becky's night gown and picture on the external link of the two pirates.

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