Plan to Save a Sparrow

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Becky's POV

Uncle Hector and Jack are upstairs we waited for the others to arrive. I'm so excited to see dad and Will again. Unless Will has already returned to Port Royal to save Elizabeth. But was I surprised when Elizabeth herself enters the shack. "Lizzie!" I cheer as I hug her tightly.

"Wow Becky, you've grown" she states as we pull away. I then hug Will and Mr Gibbs. Before looking around and frown. I see Mr Cotton with his parrot, Ragetti, Pintel and Marty. But no dad.

"Um where's my dad?" I ask looking at them. They all look at each other before Will steps forward. I look up at him confused saying "Will?"

"Becky, I'm sorry. But your dad didn't make it along with pearl" he tells me gently.

"No, your lying" I snap trying to hold back my tears. "My dad is Captain Jack Sparrow and he always finds a way out. He can't be gone" I choke as Elizabeth pulls me into her arms. Tia hands out drinks saying it'd help with the sorrow. She told Will not to lose hope at saving his father and I look up confused.

"It doesn't matter anymore. The Pearl is gone...along with its captain" he states throwing a knife into the table.

"Aye...and already the world seems to be a bit less bright. He fooled us all to the very end. But I guess that honest streak finally won out" Gibbs states. "To Jack Sparrow" he says raising his mug.

"Never another like Captain Jack" Ragetti states.

"He was a gentleman of fortune, he was" Pintel says.

"He was a good man" Elizabeth states.

"And an amazing father" I add as we all toast to my father.

"If there was anything could be done to bring him back Becky... Elizabeth" Will tries to say.

"Would you do it? Hmmm? What... would you? Hmmm? What would any of you be willing to do? Hmmm? Would you sail to the end or the earth, and beyond, to fetch back witty Jack and 'im precious Pearl?" Tia Dalma asks us.

"I'd go anywhere and do anything to have my father back" I tell her confidently. I maybe thirteen, but I still need my dad. I look at the others in the room hopefully.

"Aye" Gibbs says nodding his head.

"Aye" Pintel says standing up.

"Aye" Ragetti says.

Mister Cotton holds up his mug while his parrot squawks aye twice. "Yes" Elizabeth says nodding her head. We all look to Will who says 'aye'.

"Good. But if you're goin' brave de weird and haunted shores at World's End, den... you will need a captain who knows dose waters" Tia tells us. Just then footsteps were heard on the stair case. We all look towards it as I smile broadly.

Everyone is so surprised when Uncle Hector appears as Jack jumps onto his shoulder. "So tell me, what's become of my ship" he tells the others. Before taking a bite out of the green apple he was holding. He then starts to laugh.

"Uncle Hector, dad went down with the ship. We need to save them" I tell him.

"For that, we'd have to go to Davy Jones Locker. Luckily I know where to find the charts needed to get there" he states. "Now lets plan" he tells the others as he sits down. So we start to plan on a way to save my dad. But first we needed a ship and to steal the navigational charts from Captain Soa Feng's uncle's temple.

Will volunteered to steal the charts while Uncle Hector and Elizabeth would see about getting us a ship. While I lead the others down below Soa Feng's HQ encase he and Elizabeth need help. As no doubt they'll be stripped of weapons before seeing Soa Feng. Tia Dalma would also come and look after Jack & Cotton's parrot. They'd provide a distraction if we need a quick escape.

We planned to execute the plan as soon as possible. As the song has been sung. The brethren court is being called. Which makes it even more important that we save my father as soon as possible. As he failed to pass on his piece of eight before he died. Anyway we all go to our assigned rooms for the night. Elizabeth, Tia and I sharing Tia Dalma's room. I share a bed with Elizabeth and fall asleep beside her like old times.


Video above of Barbossa's grand entrance and picture on the external link of Tia Dalma handing out refreshments.

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