Elizabeth and Becky's New Dresses

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Link to Elizabeth's new dress: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/c0/68/65/c06865e39416e310f83538c85f4d730a--elizabeth-swann-pirate-adventure.jpg

Becky's hair style: http://trendymods.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/top-10-Most-Charming-Princess-Hairstyles-9.jpg

Becky's POV

"Elizabeth wake up" I say as I run into her room trying to escape my nanny. "Why are you wearing necklace?" I ask her when I see her wearing her pirate medallion. I have mine on under my night dress. I never take it off ever, unless I go swimming.

"Where's your robe Missie?" she asks scolding me gently.

"In here" I say pointing to it and she laughs quietly. "You didn't answer my question" I state pouting. I was giving her my puppy dog eyes.

I had a dream last night about the day I meet Will" she states.

"I had a dream of the day you found me" I tell her excitedly and she smiles giving me a hug. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Elizabeth's father calling her name asking if she was decent. I run over to our robes and pass her hers putting on my own as she hides the necklace she is wearing.

"Yes!" Elizabeth calls to him and he enters the room with her two maids along with my nanny. I notice Estelle and my maid holding dress boxes.

"Still in bed at this hour?" Governor Swann asks her. "It's a beautiful day" he states. "Morning Becky" he smiles at me.

"Morning Governor Swann" I say with a curtsy.

"I have a gift for you both" he states and my nanny hands me mine. Elizabeth and I open the boxes taking out beautiful dresses.

"Oh it's beautiful" Elizabeth states looking at hers.

"Thank you" I tell Governor Swann smiling.

"May I inquire as to the occasion?" Elizabeth asks him as we go behind the changing screen. My nanny Fran starts helping me into my new dress.

"As I need an occasion to dote upon my favourite girls" the governor tells her. "Though I had hope you'd wear them to the ceremony today" he adds.

"Ceremony?" Elizabeth and I ask him.

"Captain Norrington's promotion ceremony" the governor clarifies.

"I knew it" Elizabeth states.

"Commodore Norrington he's about to become" the governor states. "Fine man don't you think, he fancies you" he tells her. Fran finishes putting on my dress and guides me out from behind the screen. "You look lovely Becky, Elizabeth how's it coming?" he asks.

"It's difficult to say" Elizabeth states and I look at her screen confused.

"I'm told it's the latest fashion in London" the governor tells her.

"Well women in London must have learnt not to breath" Elizabeth states before gasping. I realize she is having a corset put on. I'm glad I don't have to wear one until I turn thirteen and I only ten going on eleven. Corsets look mighty uncomfortable if you ask me.

"Come Becky, I must do your hair" Fran tells me. Nodding my head I follow her out of the room as a butler tells the governor a visitor has arrived. Fran has me sit in front of the vanity as she brushes my hair and does it. Placing a few flowers in it before saying she was done and giving me my shoes.

When I reach the stairs Elizabeth is not there yet but I see the governor at the bottom in the foyer talking to Will. I smile running down the stairs and hugging Will. "I missed you Will, I had a dream last night about the day we meet. Do you remember it?" I ask him.

"How can I forget Miss Becky" he tells me with a fond smile. He's like my bog brother while Elizabeth is my big sister. I wish they'd marry and have kids already. Just then Elizabeth appears looking absolutely stunning.

"Will so good to see you, I had a dream about you last night" Elizabeth states as she walks over to us. "About the day we meet do you remember?" she asks him. I have a feeling of deja vu and I think the men did too.

"How can I forget Miss Swann?" Will asks her.

"Will, how many times must I ask you to call me Elizabeth?" she asks him.

"At least once more Miss Swann" he tells her.

"There you see he has a sense of propriety" the governor states. "Now we really must be going" he adds picking up a long thin box.

"Good day Will" I say and grab the governor's hand following him out the door to the carriage. Leaving Will and Elizabeth alone temporarily before she joined her father & I in the carriage. "Elizabeth you're my very best friend" I tell her smiling as I lean into her side.

"And you are mine to Becky" she says with a smile. "Thank you for the dress father" she tells him with a smile. He returns it and the rest of the journey to the fort was done in silence. Honestly why can't we walk there? It is just down the road from the manor gates.


Picture above of Becky (aka Rebecka) and picture on the external link of her new dress.

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