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Kenma frowned and crossed his arms. He shrugged and let out a long sigh before talking. "He just.. he's unpredictable right now.. and he's getting so clingy.." he mumbled. While Kenma didn't really mind that part, he knew if he did anything Haruto didn't like that the younger would take it personally. Kuroo gave a small nod, getting an understanding on what was happening. "Look, what I think is going on is he knows he has done some things very wrong, he's being clingy because he's scared he's going to lose you. Kenma, you're his only friend really.. by you pushing him away you're making his suspensions true, he's not going to stop if you keep pushing him away slowly. I know you put up with a lot, just let me talk to him about it." Kuroo said, hoping he would be able to talk haruto into line again. Kuroo gave a weak sigh, hearing the shower turn on. Kuroo knew it'd be tough to tell haruto about everything and be stern but it needed to be done, knowing it was all for the best. Kenma started to feel guilty as he listened to Kuroo. He nodded slowly a couple of times and let out a sigh. "Okay.. I'll try." He said. He knew Haruto was going through a lot as well. The blonde felt selfish for all the anger he let out on Haruto, knowing he needed to apologize to the younger before they grew too distant. Kuroo was glad he got part of it sorted, now needing to focus on kenma. "Did you look after yourself today?" Kuroo asked, wanting to know if kenma did what was asked of him to do today. Haruto closed his eyes in the shower, he knew this was the only place he felt the most safest and he didn't want to abuse that. Haruto was just really upset with kenma, he felt kenma wasn't understanding everything like he wanted him too. Kenma sighed and he shrugged. He hadn't used the bathroom still, but the urge had gone away. He was getting a stomach ache though, worried when he did go that he would have tons of trouble. The blonde sniffled and sighed. "I'm gonna go play with crayon.." he said before getting up. Kuroo knew that wasn't a good sign, kenma completely avoiding the question. He let kenma go off to play with the cat, knowing it would make him feel better. Kuroo went to the kitchen, starting to make dinner for the boys. Haruto finished in the shower, getting out and groaning in pain as his stomach and thighs ached. Haruto got dressed, crossing his arms over nervously afraid to go out. Haruto slowly opened the door, heading out and going to the kitchen. Kuroo looked up as haruto came out, knowing it was time to talk with him. Kuroo left the pasta to boil on low, gesturing for haruto to come with him to his room. Haruto did what was asked, a nervous gut feeling filling his stomach. Kenma sighed and he went to find crayon. He felt like he always got in a better mood around the cat. He found her and she instantly climbed in his lap, making him smile and pet her head. He gave a soft sigh and rubbed his temples a bit. He still felt angry, hoping he could bottle those feelings before kuroo left him and Haruto alone. Kuroo got haruto to come in and sit on the bed, knowing it was going to be a touchy conversation. Haruto sat and listened, the more Kuroo went on the more he got upset. Kuroo first starting off with maybe being less clingy on kenma, knowing kenma would like some space for himself. Then moving on to his hygiene, noticing that it was every single day that haruto would come over in wet clothes. Haruto hated talking about it all, just silently letting the tears fall as kuroo spoke. He ended off with the hamster, telling haruto how bad that really was and that it did make kenma extremely worried as well as him. Haruto felt sick, mad that kenma had told on him to kuroo. He had to tell haurto to be extremely careful with animals, even if it was an accident since he shouldn't of had it in the first place. Once finished Kuroo opened the door again. Haruto came out, sniffling and rubbing his eyes before going and sitting at the table. "Kenma dinner." Kuroo said, plating up meatballs and pasta. Kenma sat on the ground and cuddled with crayon the entire time, he couldn't hear anything they were talking about. He hummed and gave her chin scratches, looking up as Kuroo came out. He sighed and nodded hungry cause he skipped lunch. The blonde gently got Crayon up and walked into the kitchen. He glanced at Haruto before sitting down and looking at the noodles. The blonde frowned and gently tapped Kuroo. "Can you cut them.. please?". Haruto didn't raise his head as he sat at the table, feeling too sick on nerves to eat. Kuroo gave kenma a nod, coming over and cutting up the pasta noodles for kenma. Kuroo sat down across from them, making sure they were going to be okay. He noticed haruto wasn't eating, he wasn't going to push it. "Will you two be alright tonight?" Kuroo asked, hoping they were going to be on better terms tonight. Haruto stayed blank staring the table, still letting a few stray tears fall down his face. Kenma thanked Kuroo and looked at his noodles. He took a bite and chewed, looking up as he swallowed. He nodded his head once though he wasn't sure. The boy knew if Haruto made him mad, he'd snap back at the younger. He gave a soft sigh and continued to eat quietly and promptly. Kenma was tired after his bad day and wanted to get to sleep. Haruto didn't bother to even try to eat, wanting to go to bed and forget everything that happened. Kuroo stood up, almost ready to leave. "Haruto, you know what you need tonight." Kuroo said, grabbing his keys. Haruto clenched his jaw, not reacting in a noticeable way. "Kenma, can you make sure he does?" He asked, probably knowing kenma wasn't sure what he was on about but didn't bother explaining. Haruto threw his fork back onto his plate, once again becoming frustrated and upset. Kuroo came up to kenma, giving him a kiss on the top of the head. Going to do the same to haruto but the boy tugged away, not wanting kuroo to touch him or give him a kiss goodbye like he'd be doing so haruto didn't feel left out. Kuroo gave a sigh "I'll see you tonight, be good." Kuroo said before leaving the kitchen and going out the front door. Haruto sat silently at the table, rubbing at his eyes not wanting to look at or speak to kenma.Kenma sighed and he finished all he wanted of his noodles. He looked over at har huff and sighed. "Haruto, you have to eat." He said blankly. He didn't want to be too harsh with the boy, but he too found it annoying and hard to deal with when he didn't eat. Kenma sighed and stood up from the table. "Now." He added sternly. Haruto gave an angry look towards the food, shaking his head lots and looking away from kenma. "Going to bed." He told kenma, standing up and pushing the food back. He wasn't going to be listening to kenma, without kuroo around he had feeling kenma would cave and give in like every other time. Kuroo went out to the car, hoping everything was alright between the two since he spoke to both. He knew kenma would do what was asked of him, hoping haruto would follow in his steps or at least listen to everything kenma told him to do. Haruto pushed the chair in completely, taking a minute to fidget with the back of the chair. Haruto looked around a little, not sure where he was actually going to be sleeping tonight. Kenma glared and he grabbed on to Haruto's arm. He didn't stop to think about how he was forcing the boy, and just continued. "I said now Haruto, I'm not playing." He said trying to be stern. The blonde pointed to the chair and crossed his arms. "5 bites, give me at least that." Haruto whined as kenma grabbed his arm "You're hurting me!" He shouted at kenma, overreacting hoping to make kenma listen. He tugged his hand away, getting a burst of anger and pushing the plate off the table so he wouldn't have to eat it. Watching it crash to the floor and smash, glancing up to kenma and then back down to the broken plate and food. He said nothing more, hoping kenma got the hint that he wanted to be left alone right now. Haruto sheepishly crossed his arms over in front of him "mh want to go bed.." haruto barely mumbled under his breath, letting out a held exhale. Kenma quickly let go as Haruto spoke, brows furrowing. He hadn't been holding on that tight but he didn't have time to really process anything before the bowl shattered on the ground. Kenma jumped and looked at Haruto with wide eyes. "Haruto! You can't go destroying everything because something doesn't go your way! First you kill a hamster, now you break our bowl, what's next?!" He yelled. Haruto didn't expect to for kenma to get angry at home, even though he knew what he did was wrong. Haruto felt angry as kenma brought up the hamster once again, clenching his fist tightly before he felt his breath and heart pick up. Haruto just wanted kenma to leave him alone "shut up!" Haruto yelled, catching kenmas arm move. He grabbed kenmas arm and latched on quite harshly, letting his teeth sink in without hesitation before pulling away. "Leave me alone!" Haruto shouted loudly, taking a couple steps back knowing yet again he'd done something bad. He couldn't settle, his breath getting quicker as he backed up. He looked at kenmas arm, no emotion felt as he looked at the instant bruise and bad indents he left on the blondes pale skin. Kenma glared at Haruto, trying to keep his own anger under control. He tried to jerk his arm away, but Haruto had already bit down. The blonde cried out in pain and gave Haruto a shove backwards. The blonde put a hand over his arm and looked at the younger with an angry glint in his eye. "Go to bed, now!" He yelled while thrusting a finger in the direction of the rooms. "If you piss on the bed you're never staying again!" He yelled out of anger and frustration. Haruto was feeling a lot of emotions, angry tears finding their way up as kenma yelled at him. He froze as kenma mentioned wetting the bed, an overwhelming mix or humiliation and fustration. "I hate you!" He yelled, turning around to go back to the rooms. Coming to a sudden halt, looking both ways since he didn't know which way to go. He went into kenmas room, knowing that kuroo and kenma would sleep together. He went in and slammed the door, as angry and tired as he was he knew he couldn't sleep because of kenmas words. He hadn't noticed the cat in the room with him until he went to sit on the bed, looking down and kicking the cat in the head and running out. "Get it out!" He yelled at kenma, not wanting animals around him.
Kenma sat at the table for a second to collect himself, head shooting up as he heard crayon cry and hiss in pain. She came running out and scurried under the couch, howling from the pain. The blonde threw himself out of the chair and ran over to the rooms. "What the hell did you do?!" He yelled at the younger. Kenma couldn't believe he had the nerve to hurt his cat. The boy couldn't hold back anymore, he pulled his fist back and punched Haruto right in the nose. "Maybe if you were right in the head, you would do shit like this!" Haruto watched as kenma came storming towards him, unable to shield himself as kenma punched him in the face. The blood dripped out of harutos nose, leaning forward as he watched it collect on the floor. His hand shaky as he felt over it, he knew kenma was going to be in be trouble. "Calling kuroo!" He shouted at kenma, looking up with teary eyes and spitting the blood that fell into his mouth. Haruto felt for sure kenma was in the wrong for all this, none of this would of happened if he had left him alone. He stormed off and shut kenmas door, pulling his phone out ready to tell on kenma for everything. Haruto had to close his eyes, anger boiling up inside himself. He couldn't get angry, there was no way kuroo would side with him if he was angry. Kenma's body was trembling a bit from how angry he was. He panted a bit and backed away as he saw the blood on Haruto's face. His eyes widened a little, but he was still too angry to care. "Fine! Tattle all you want!" He yelled before storming off. He grabbed his own phone and a hoodie, pulling it on and leaving the apartment. The hoodie covered well below the shorts, to his mid thigh. He slammed the door shut behind himself and began to walk down the street with a huff. Haruto didn't like that kenma called him out for going to tattle on him, Haruto threw the phone on the bed. Running out to the kitchen and feeling his heart beat in his chest quicker. He pulled the bottom drawer open, eyes shifting over the knives. He stood up going to stop himself, kicking it shut leaving him empty handed. Haruto didn't know what to do with the built up anger, the cat meowing in fear and pain. Haruto walked over to the table, crawling under and grabbing the cat by the neck and squeezing it tightly "I hate you I hate you I hate you!" He said repetitively in a yell. Haruto ignored its cries and how it's nails dug into his arms to try and stop him. Kenma stopped on at the end of the driveway, sniffling and wiping the tears that had formed in his eyes. He was about to continue walking when he heard shouts and cries from inside. The blonde wasn't sure what exactly it was, but he quickly put two and two together and realized it was Haruto and Crayon. Kenma gasped and ran back to the house, hands slipping on the doorknob as he tried to get it open. He threw the door open and didn't bother closing it as he ran to find the two. Kenma wasn't sure what he was doing but he just followed his mind and practically tackled Haruto while biting on to his arms as hard as he could. He felt Haruto's skin break, but he only bit harder before letting go. "Don't touch my fucking cat!" He yelled. Haruto had let go as he heard Kenma come into the room, blood up his arms from the scratches. Haruto went to get up before kenma tackled him, gasping out as kenma bit him harshly. Haruto chocked on his breath, crying out in pain as kenma let go. He laid on the floor holding his arm, unable to catch his breath. Asahi heard lots going on next door, finally coming over to see the door left open. "What's going on in here?!" He shouted, noticing Haruto with blood on him and unable to catch his breath. Asahi looked to kenma, giving him a stare like he was a monster. Kenma watched as crayon limp ran off to safety, he knew he'd have to check on her once everything was okay. He sat up, straddling Haruto's waist to keep him down. The blonde was breathing hard and looking at Haruto with a seething glare. His head whipped to the side as Asahi came in, though the look on his face never left. "He's trying to kill another fucking animal!" He yelled with a distressed voice. Asahi didn't know what kenma was on about, coming over and shoving kenma off of haruto. "Get off the fucking boy!" He shouted at kenma. Helping Haruto sit up and catch his breath. Haruto knew this time he had gone too far, whimpering and lowering his head down. Asahi pulled out the phone, keeping a hand to harutos back as he called kuroo. Kuroo had just got to work, confused at the call from asahi. He picked up, before he could even speak asahi was at him. "You need to come home now! Sort out these two boys before they murder each other!" Asahi shouted, hanging up the phone and putting it away. Haruto kept his head low, mad he did stuff he promised he would never do again. "Into beds! The both of you!" Asahi yelled, helping haruto up and to kenmas bed. Haruto didn't resist, too weak to fight back anymore. Kuroo had to leave work quick, getting in his car and driving back to the house as fast as he could. Kenma's expression started to falter as Asahi yelled at him. He reluctantly got off of Haduto and whimpered a bit. He knew he hurt the younger, but he felt it was deserved. Kenma began to pace about the room as Asahi brought Haruto to bed. He was stressed and overwhelmed, looking at the knife on the ground. Impulse told him to grab it, so he did. The blonde held it in both hands and held it out in the direction of his room, pointed directly at Asahi when he came out. Asahi took the sobbing shocked boy to bed, finding no hesitation when he pulled the blanket back for haruto to lay down. Haruto closed his eyes and sobbed, not caring if he was covered with smeared blood of not. Once the blanket was back over him, he settled and closed his eyes. Asahi stayed with him, making sure haruto was okay and going to go to sleep. Haruto knew he had done bad things, now just wanting to hug kenma and be told everything was okay. Once haruto was asleep asahi left, putting his hands up in defense as kenma held the knife. "Hey.. kenma. Put it down." He said nervously, knowing kenma wasn't in a good mind set. Kenma stared at Asahi with the same angry glint he had with Haruto. He looked between the knife and the elder, slowly stepping forward. He didnt want to, but his mind was screaming at him to fo forward. The blonde let out a shaky sigh and kept the pointy end outstretched facing Asahi. He slowly moved it up facing Asahi's chest, stopping about five feet away from him. Asahi backed up against the door, hands still up in defence not sure what to do. "Kenma. Put it down." He told him again, knowing this could go bad fast. Kuroo quickly pulled into the driveway, turning the car off and cussing as the door was left open. He ran inside, seeing some blood, broken bowl and then kenma with a knife to asahi. "Kenma!" Kuroo yelled at the blonde, not wanting him to do something he would regret. Kuroo was lost for words, not sure what had happened in the house while he was gone for the short amount of time. Kenma was trembling a bit as he stood in front of asahi. He breathed heavy through his mouth and raised the knife a bit. He paused and whipped around as he heard kuroo's voice. The blonde felt cornered and scared, pointing the knife at Kuroo and then back to Asahi. He didn't know what to do and the whole situation was startling to overwhelm him. Kenma let out a sob and he gripped the knife tighter. At a loss for words, the boy turned the knife on himself and held it over his throat. Kuroos eyes widened, coming forward quickly. Asahi grabbed the knife from kenmas hand, dropping it to the floor and kicking it away before restraining kenma. "What happened?? Where's haruto??" Kuroo asked, in complete disbelief. Asahi kept his arms around kenma "asleep." Asahi said, glad they only had to deal with kenma at the moment. Kuroo came over and grabbed the knife off the floor, taking it back to the kitchen glad to see it was clean of any blood. Kuroo went back to them, stepping forward with his hands up. "No one's in trouble, let's settle this down." Kuroo said, knowing this was something he needed to be really gentle about. Kenma was about to thrust it down when the two stopped him. He let out a sob and squirmed around in Asahi's grasp for a moment. He snapped back into his head and only sobbed harder, he was upset he let his emotions get the best of him. The blonde basically collapsed in Asahi's arms and pulled them both down as he slid on to his knees and hunched forward. Kenma pushed his thighs together and let out a shaky sob as he felt his crotch going warm. He did his best to conceal it, but with his sobs and the angle Asahi was holding him it was difficult. The boy hung his head low and tried hard to catch his breath so he could calm down. Kuroo watched as kenma snapped out of it, brows furrowing while he watched kenma sob uncontrollably and wet himself. Asahi said nothing, keeping a hold on kenma. "Its okay.. no one's hurt badly and no one's in trouble.." kuroo spoke calmly, seeing as this wasn't like kenma at all. Kuroo didn't know the story, things just looked to of got out of hand with him not around. "Let's clean you up.." kuroo spoke softly, bending down in front of kenma hoping he'd accept the help. Harutos brows furrowed in his sleep, his head splitting from sobbing so much. Asahi let go of kenma slowly, really not wanting to be involved with whatever happened. Kenma inhaled sharply and let out shaky exhales each breath. His eyes were a bit wide and he remained staring at the ground. He couldn't deal with the guilt and the sadness and the anger he felt. Kenma let himself fall forward against kuroo's shoulder and he sat there and cried into it. He needed a good cry before he would be okay to do anything. Kenma didn't know why his emotions had spiked that much, the thought was scaring him. Kuroo let kenma fall into him, rubbing his back as kenma cried. Kuroo hushed him softly, whispering that everything was going to be alright. Asahi got up, going over to go start cleaning things up so kuroo could focus on kenma and haruto. Kuroo slowly pulled kenma to stand up "you need a bath.." kuroo whispered, noticing kenma had a bite mark on his arm and some blood along with having of wet himself. Kuroo helped kenma to the bathroom, sitting him on the side of the tub as he ran the water. Kuroo really hoped they could talk about what happened, he really couldn't assume anything from all of this. Kenma was limp in his arms, head shoved against his shoulder to hide as he sobbed. He didn't fight it as Kuroo picked him up, his legs dangling as he felt he had no strength to hold himself up. The blonde felt flushed as he felt his pants shifting around on the damp spots. Kenma hated the feeling and he was starting to have burning thighs. Kuroo let the water run, standing in front of kenma starting to undress him. He needed to know how all this happened, he couldn't force it out. "Did things get a bit out of hand?" Kuroo asked, hoping that was the case and that the boys both weren't actually out to murder each other like asahi said on the phone. Asahi finished cleaning up, going in and checking on Haruto to see he was still asleep. Asahi decided to hang around, not wanting to leave everything on kuroos shoulders. Kenma sniffled and tried to keep himself up while Kuroo undressed him. His sobs had settled a bit the more exhausted he got, though he was still emotional and weak. "H-He.." the blonde stuttered, giving a frustrated sob that he couldn't get it out. "Crayon.." he spoke in word fragments in hopes of getting his point across. Kuroo gave a small nod, knowing that couldn't of been the whole story on its own. Kuroo slipped off kenmas shirt, followed by pants and boxers. Kuroo turned the tap off, picking kenma up and lowering him into the water. Kuroo stayed sitting on the side of the bathtub, making sure kenma was okay to wash himself. Haruto jolted awake, noticing he felt the warmth under him along with pain all up his arms and in his face. Harutos heart was racing, remembering what kenma said to him if he was to wet the bed again. Haruto couldnt stay in it, all hurting too much. He got out of bed and went out, stopping as he saw asahi. Asahi looked over, knowing haruto wanted something. "Kuroos in the bathroom." He told Haruto. The boy slowly walked over, wanting to see kuroo the most. Knocking on the door before sheepishly pulling it open with teary eyes. Kuroo looked over as he heard the door, shocked at the state the younger was in. Haruto let out a weak sob "i-i wet the bed.." he admitted. Kenma's nose was dripping, but he felt too limp to do anything about it. He sniffled and settled in the tub, leaning his weight against the back. He let out a shaky sigh and closed his eyes. The blonde opened them as Haruto came in, immediately feeling tears fall. He didn't want to deal with the younger when they were both upset. Kenma had forgotten all about what he said about Haruto wetting the bed. He was feeling guilty as he he saw the boy's state. Haruto was too scared to look at kenma, wanting kuroo to help him clean it up so he wouldn't be kicked out of the apartment. Kuroo kept his eyes on haruto, the younger never admitted to wetting the bed so it was strange he was being honest out of all times. Kuroo nodded and got up, knowing it was best to help haruto out while kenma was having a bath. Kuroo took harutos hand, noticing how shaky he was before closing the door so kenma could have some privacy. "I-im sorry.. didn't mean to.." haruto sobbed out quietly to kuroo as he was lead back to the room. Kuroo just gave a small nod, knowing haruto would need to bath as well from blood and urine. Asahi stayed in the kitchen, giving a huff as kuroo went off with haruto. Kenma stayed in the tub, staring at the wall ahead of him. He felt so limp it was almost frightening, as if all his neurons and such shut down. He tried to move his fingers but couldn't find the connection to even close them shut. Kenma felt his back slide down the tub, eyes widening a bit. He tried to push himself back up, but his body wouldn't move. He slid some more just enough so that his head was right above the water. The boy whimpered quietly and tried harder to get up. His fingers twitched and he attempted to grab the side of the tub, but his arm immediately went limp again as if he were paralyzed and couldn't hold on. Kenma gave a short cry before his head submurged under the water. Kuroo went into the room, letting go of harutos hand and pulling back the blankets. He started to stripped the sheet, it would of had to of been anyway with the blood on it. Haruto stood nervously watching kuroo clean it up, feeling his heart sinking. "Did you hurt crayon?" Kuroo asked as he put the sheet and anything else that got wet with blood or urine into a pile. Haruto lowered his head and gave a small nod, knowing he shouldn't be lying right now. "Did something happen before that?" Kuroo asked, again receiving a nod from the timid boy. "Thank you for telling me but we talked about all this just before I left.." kuroo said slightly disappointed. Asahi heard kenma cry out, getting up and going into the bathroom. He stood near the tub, just watching kenma struggle under the water. Kenma twitched and jerked a bit, the adrenaline giving him enough energy to try and grab for the side. He kicked his leg a little bit and tried to push himself up, seeing a wavy Silhouette on the water surface. He couldn't tell who it was with his blurry and fading vision. The blonde was gagging and choking on the bath water, lungs burning as they filled up. He felt his body weaken again and he began to pass out. Kuroo took the sheets and headed to the washing machine with haruto, glancing down at the boy before putting the washing on. "Haruto, you know this wouldn't of happened if you listened to me before I left." Kuroo said, remembering he had told Haruto what to do before bed. Haruto gave the slightest nod, keeping his head down and following kuroo to get more sheets. Asahi sighed as he watched, knowing he better save kenma. Asahi bent down and pulled kenmas upper half out the water to sit him up, shaking his head a little as kenma almost drowned himself accidentally. He gave a couple sharp blows to the back of kenmas back, helping to bring up anything he took in. Kenma gurgled as he was brought above the water. He was continued as to why Asahi had waited so long to save him. The harsh pats knocked the thoughts from his head though and he winced while heaving a bit. Kenma coughed up a lot of the water he had taken in and leaned his head to the side while sputtering. Asahi kept hold of kenma, pulling the plug before lifting kenma out and wrapping a towel around him. Asahi sat on the side of the tub with kenma, holding him so he wouldn't fall. Haruto watched kuroo remake the bed, giving a small whimper. "What is it haruto?" Kuroo asked, tucking the fitted sheet in. Haruto got teary eyed again "kenma said never can come back if I did it again.." he sobbed out a little. Kuroo stopped making the bed, coming over and bending down in front of haruto. "Hey, that's not going to happen. Kenma shouldn't of said that, it's not something you can control." Kuroo said with a serious tone. Haruto sniffled and gave a weak nod, still scared kenma was mad at him. "You come have a bath, then you can go back to bed." Kuroo said, taking the boys hand and leading him to the bathroom. Kuroo stopped in the doorway, seeing kenma already out with a towel around him not sure what happened. Kenma was coughing still, hands trembling in his lap. He hadn't had a chance to get cleaned off, still feeling a little gross. The boy looked at Asahi and tried to move away from him, a little upset still that he almost let him drown. Kenma let out a soft sob and his head hung low as Kuroo and Haruto came in. "I-I wanna go to bed.." he whined with a cough. The water he didn't get out was still itching inside his lungs.

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