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Kenma grimaced a little bit. They were anything but pals. He was feeling trapped with the teacher so close and pushed him away while sliding the drink back too. “No, you aren’t my pal.” He said. He found it rather unprofessional of the teacher. Kenma turned his head to the bar to see if Kuroo was out yet. The teacher scoffed. "You're just as wound up like in school." He muttered. "Don't you know how to have a good time?" He went on to ask. Haruto had no idea just how bad the teacher really was, he'd only seen a few things that concerned him at times. He sipped the drink through the straw, looking between the two beginning to bicker as time went on. The drink left a slight burning feeling in his stomach, he thought it was because he just hadn't eaten all day and now was having something citrusy. Kenma swallowed back the lump in his throat and took his drink, having a sip. He didn’t want to make the teacher angry especially after the nightmare he had. “I do but- this is weird..” he pointed out before having another sip of it. The teacher gave a small frown "No, don't say that.." he whined a bit, he didn't want kenma to feel like that. "I'm off work, it's no different than seeing any other adult." He told kenma, running a hand through the back of kenmas hair. Haruto noticed that something wasn't feeling right, resting his head in his hand. Was it okay to see a teacher out of school he had to ask himself. Kenma swirled his drunk around a bit before setting it down. He could taste the bitterness and knew something was up with it. He tensed up instantly as the teacher touched his hair, smacking his hand away. “You need to leave.” The teacher took his hand away, chuckling as kenma had smacked his hand. "What? Do you own the place?" He asked, still a bit giggly. Haruto rubbed a hand to his forehead, he felt he was warm and his cheeks slightly flushed. The boy thought he was just unwell, he'd been crying all day and tired along with the constant sniffling. His stomach wasn't feeling right, rubbing his over hand over it while hunching forward trying to make it feel better. The teacher finished his drink and gave kenma another smile, the boy was his entertainment during school and kept him busy. He didn't overly hate kenma, he just knew kenma had always been an easy target. Kenma frowned and looked away. His eyes fell on Haruto, and he noticed the look on his face. “Haruto.. do you need some water?” He asked softly before leaning his shoulder against the wall to put space between himself and the teacher. Haruto looked up and gave a slight nod to kenma, thinking it would dilute the burning feeling. The teacher raised an eyebrow at kenma "you have something against me?" He asked, kenma didn't seem to take anything light heartedly. "I do a lot for you, you're lucky I haven't failed you yet." The teacher told him, sitting up straighter. Haruto furrowed his eyebrows, a teacher couldn't fail a student for no reason. He still had the impression kenma didn't struggle with his school work, at least kenma had never said anything about having difficulty focusing in classes or on the work. Kenma felt for his phone in his pocket, cursing when he realized he still hadn’t gotten it from school. “All you do is humiliate me..” he hissed under his breath. Just because it was his teacher didn’t mean he couldn’t be rude. “Now move.” He told him while waiting not so patiently for him to get up. Haruto kept a frown, taking another sip of the drink thinking it might soothe the burning since it was cold. The teacher scoffed, staying where he sat. "No, I have the right to be here. You're the ones that should leave." He said, pointing his index finger right into kenmas forehead rather harshly as his perspective was off. Haruto assumed he wouldn't be getting water any time soon, continuously sipping the drink. He lowered his shoulders as the teacher got kenma in the forehead with his hand. Kenma jerked his head away and pouted a bit, rubbing his forehead. “I can’t.” He said. He didn’t know how to explain that Kuroo worked there and that he couldn’t leave them alone. Kenma took a sip of his drink before offering it to haruto since  the boy looked like he needed it. The teacher raised an eyebrow "what are you doing here?" He asked, now poking his finger into kenmas cheek. Haruto mumbled a quick thanks to kenma, taking kenmas drink and having a couple of sips. He stopped when he felt like it was making it worse again, it was strange since he didn't feel sick but still something didn't feel right. Haruto again held his head, it felt like his brain was swaying around making him close his eyes to see if it would stop the sensation. He noticed an urge now sitting in his lower abdomen, gently rocking where he sat to soothe it. The teacher poked at kenmas cheek a couple more times, a smirk coming to his face. Kenma scrunched up his face a bit as the teacher poked him, pushing his hand down and clearing his throat. “My.. boyfriend.. works here.” He said. He thought the teacher might leave him alone if he realized he was technically here with someone. Kenma squished himself against the wall some more to keep the teacher away. “Stop touching me..” he muttered. The teacher stopped, he found it angered him. "A boyfriend? So what are you doing wearing skimpy shit at school?" He asked, looking kenma up and down. "That's really loyal of you.." He muttered, playing with some of kenmas hair that was covering the boys face. Haruto opened his eyes as the teacher swore, it wasn't helping the swaying feeling anyway. Instead he rocked with the swaying motion in his head, becoming more uncomfortable as time went on. Kuroo had finished the glasses, getting ready to go out and check the boys. He stopped as the work phone rang, groaning and picking it up before putting on his fake friendly retail voice. Kenma bit the inside of his cheek, not liking how the teacher was talking to him. He didn’t understand why, and didn’t think he would even if he did try to explain. “I said stop!” He snapped a bit as the teacher continued to play with his hair. It was getting long again, constantly covering his eyes. The teacher whacked his hand into the back of kenmas head. "Don't you dare use that fucking tone with me." He scolded, feeling he still deserved to be respected outside the classroom. Haruto was getting anxious, the way the two was snapping at each other was concerning and he didn't want kenma to lash out impulsively. Haruto rocked more, beginning to eye around for a bathroom. He couldn't see it, looking up at the clock to see kuroo still had at least another hour of work. "k‐kenma.." he said no louder then a whisper, trying to quietly catch kenmas attention. Kuroo was stuck on the phone, a customer complaint becoming aggressive over the phone. The teacher held his hand up, threatening to hit kenma in the back of the head again. Kenma let out a yelp and held his head in his hands, lip quivering as he fought back tears. He blinked his eyes rapidly to clear the tears and looked at Haruto with a frown. He could see the desperation in his eyes but didn’t know how to help him since he couldn’t get up with the teacher right next to him. Kenma flinched and squeezed his eyes shut as the teacher threatened again, turning his face away and curling in on himself a bit. The blonde looked back to Haruto and bit the inside of his cheek. “Call kuroo..” Haruto gave the slightest nod, pulling his phone out and hiding it under the table waiting for kuroo to pick up. He couldn't believe that kuroo didn't pick up, frowning and shaking his head at kenma to say he couldn't get him right now. Haruto let out a shaky breath, putting his phone back in his pocket and letting his hands rest between his thighs that started to press together as he continued to rock. He didn't understand how the urge came so quickly, he had never felt an urge quite like this one. The teacher finally hit his hand into the back of kenmas head again. "You got a problem with me?" He asked with a rude tone of voice. "You need to watch yourself" he threatened, he had a lot of power when it came to kenmas final grades. Kenma gave another cry of pain, holding his hands over his head and letting the tears fall this time. “Please don’t hit me!” He said with his words trembling. He didn’t know how to make it stop and the situation left him vulnerable since Haruto couldn’t help, Kuroo wasn’t answering, and everyone else around was drunk or passed out. Kenma started to feel a panic rising in his chest as he stood himself up without the crutches, wincing and trying to climb over the teacher. Haruto saw kenma making a move, he knew there had to be a bathroom in this place with people drinking. He stopped as the teacher grabbed onto kenmas waist, pulling him into his lap. "Ohh you're a teaser" he whispered into kenmas next. Haruto slowly sat back down keeping his hands pressed into his thighs, his brain felt a little foggy and tried not to pay attention to what the teacher was doing with kenma. He did however find himself needing to go to the bathroom more desperately, scared to verbalise it in front of the teacher. Kuroo was panicking, trying to hurry the phone call along. The teacher slipped his hands up kenmas sweater, smirking and smelling kenmas hair. Kenma felt disgusted as he was forced to sit in the teacher’s lap. His body was stiff and he kicked his legs around to try and tip himself off. “Let go-“ he choked on his words with a panicked whimper as he felt the teacher’s hands. He knew this wasn’t okay under any circumstances, but through his fear his words got caught in his throat. Haruto could see kenma couldn't find his words or fight back, he had to do something about it. He frowned and leaned across the table a little "I need to go.." he whispered, hoping the man would let go of kenma so they could go together. The teacher rested his chin on kenmas shoulder "Its near the bar" he told Haruto, trying to get him out the way. Haruto shook his head, he knew he wasn't supposed to stray away from kenma and it didn't help the situation the blonde was in. He wasn't sure how much longer he could wait, certainly not until kuroo finished work. The teacher rolled his eyes, kissing gently into kenmas neck and caressing the boys shoulder. Kenma’s lip continued to quiver, his hands gripping the edge of the table tightly as he sat there in shock. He looked at Haruto with furrowed brows and gave a quick sniffle. “I’m sorry-“ he cut off his words once again as the teacher got more touchy with him. Kenma let out a cry and jerked his palm against his face, pushing him back from his neck.  Haruto huffed out in a bit of a fuss, there wasn't much he could do. The teacher gripped kenmas wrist firmly, trying to stop him. One of the bar workers came up behind kenma and the teacher. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave sir" she told him, knowing the boys were minors. The teacher let go of kenmas wrist. "What? No, we were joking around." He spoke with a frown. "And I'm not" she warned, pointing to the exit. He scoffed and pushed kenma off his lap, standing up and glaring kenma. He had a lot to say during the meeting with the principal anyway. He went off without another word, class was going to be an interesting topic next lesson. The lady looked at the boys before walking off, she was just about ready to kick them out too. Haruto rocked and looked at kenma, he had a bad feeling about how easily the teacher left and knew it'd come back to haunt them at school. Kenma gave a bit of a wince as he sat back in the seat, relieved the teacher was leaving. He rubbed his wrist and looked down at the table, bouncing one of his legs while watching the lady leave. Once she was gone he looked to Haruto. “Okay bud, let’s go..” he said and started to stand himself up so he could take Haruto to the bathroom. Haruto gave a small nod, standing up slowly so he didn't leak out. "heads spinning" he mumbled, shifting where he stood. His body felt jittery and feet didn't feel very grounded. He leaned his weight closer to the table as he waited for kenma to lead the way once ready, discreetly trying to clutch his hand to his crotch. He exhaled a shaky breath, keeping his eyes locked on the table and drink he had.  Kuroo felt horrible that he hadn't checked on the boys, getting irritated by the person on the phone now. Kenma held himself up with his crutches, looking at Haruto. “Okay, careful steps,” he said and held out a hand to help Haruto with. He figured he could just use one crutch for now. The boy held Haruto and began to move towards the bathroom, they had to push through the crowd. Haruto felt his head spin again as he began to walk with kenma, eyes rolling back for a moment trying to follow the spinning. He blinked harshly, eyes finally focusing again. He found he could barely walk in a straight line without feeling like he was going to trip. He managed to walk to the bathroom with kenma, stopping while pushing the door open. "kenma.. its gross in here" he frowned, turning slightly to lean on kenmas crutch for a moment. Kenma led him through and stopped outside. He glanced in, catching his balance with the wall as Haruto leaned. “Yeah but.. you’ll be fine.” He said and waited for Haruto to go. He didn’t want to follow in since that seemed weird to him. He let out a sigh and scrunched up his nose from the smell. Haruto frowned and leaned closer to kenma "but come with" he said with a prolonged whine, shifting where he stood. He didn't want to go in to the bathroom alone, it was gross and he didn't want to interact with other people by himself. He found a small giggle escape his throat, crossing his legs over and holding onto kenma. He didn't know why he had the urge to laugh, everything just felt strange. Kenma frowned and shook his head. “Haruto, you gotta go alone.” He said while giving him a gentle nudge. “Off you go.” He said while pointing to the bathroom. There were people starting to come in who had to go as well and he worried if Haruto didn’t go now, he’d lose his chance. Haruto stumbled on his feet a bit as kenma nudged him, grabbing onto kenma again. "Whyy" he whined to kenma, unsure why he just wouldn't come with him. Haruto smiled at kenma, moving his hand up to play with the end of kenmas hair. He admired it now that it was growing back, the first time it was cut was a shock to him. Kuroo finally got off the phone, quickly checking his phone to see a missed call from Haruto. He cussed and quickly dialed back, putting the phone to his ear while out the back. Haruto looked down for a moment "I'm vibrating" he giggled to kenma, feeling his phone going off in his back pocket. Kenma frowned and leaned on the wall to keep them up. “You’re a big boy, go on..” he tried to convince Haruto while not getting angry at him. He looked down as he heard the buzzing and was quick to grab the phone, answering right away when it was Kuroo. “Hello?” He said while pushing Haruto gently to the stalls. Haruto gave a confused glare to kenma "yeah‐ I am.." he told the blonde, letting kenma push him in the right direction. Kuroo gave a relieved breath as he heard kenmas voice "I missed a call, I'm sorry." He apologized, checking the time to see he didn't have much longer of his shift. Haruto went into the stall, fiddling with the lock for a moment. "Its still gross and smells!" he called out to kenma, not really caring who was around to hear what he had to say about the place. He sighed to himself and pulled his pants down enough to go, his legs feeling wobbly as he used the stall wall to lean against. Kenma held the phone and gave a big sigh as he listened to Kuroo. “I wanna leave.” He said bluntly, not going into much of any detail. He was upset about his teacher and the loud music and drunk people weren’t helping his headache. Kuroo frowned "I know 10 more minutes, I'm hurrying." He spoke calmly back. Haruto managed to keep himself up to go, sighing softly to himself. "I'm peeing" he felt the need to tell kenma since he hadn't come in with him. Kuroo heard haruto call out in the background of the phone call, he wasn't sure what the boy said but it was out of character to be so vocal. "Was that Haruto?? Where are you two?" He asked, hoping they werent in trouble. Haruto pulled his pants back up, leaning down and trying to scratch at his cast due to an itch on the inside. He groaned and stood back up properly, flushing the toilet and walking back out over to the sink to wash his hands. He looked at the soap pump before pressing it over and over again, watching it accumulate an unnecessary amount in his hand. Kenma moved out of the way as more people started coming in. He facepalmed a bit with Haruto’s words, sniffling. “We’re in the bathroom.” He said before shifting his crutch around. The boy looked over at Haruto and frowned. “Haruto- that’s enough.” He tskd before putting the phone back to his ear. “Just hurry please..” Kuroo could just tell that something wasn't okay, he raised an eyebrow as he heard kenma pull away the phone to scold Haruto. "Okay.. give me 5 more." He told kenma, hanging up to finish his shift. Haruto rolled his eyes, finally turning the tap on and washing all the soap off his hands. "Well its gross here" he said to justify his actions. He felt someone's eyes on him, looking to the side at a man glaring him. "What??" Haruto asked, taking a step closer to the man to hear what he had to say to him. Kenma sighed and put the phone in his pocket while watching. He looked around the bathroom and held his head in his hand as the gross facility reminded him of the time he saw a roach in there. He cleared his throat and looked over at Haruto, quickly moving himself forward and grabbing his arm. “Haruto.. we’re leaving.” He said. Haruto was about to walk away with kenma when he saw the man glare him. Flicking his wet hands at the man and poking his tongue out. The man scoffed, looking to kenma and glaring him too. He didn't see a need for the man to be so up tight, he hadn't been doing anything wrong exactly. Kuroo managed to get away with finishing a tiny bit earlier, clocking off and heading out from behind the bar to go find where the boys were at. Kenma shivered from the glare and he tugged  Haruto along. “Haruto, /enough/.” He hissed while trying to get him out before they made anyone angry. He had a hard time with only one crutch and Haruto’s wobbly body, but walking was getting easier as he went along. Haruto let kenma drag him along, not sure why kenma was getting angry with him. "What?? He was being mean!" He stressed to tell kenma, widening his eyes. He thought kenma had missed the glare all together, he had only tried standing his ground. Kuroo heard harutos voice as they came out of the bathroom, as suspected something was very off. Coming over he looked between the boys. "What's going on??" He asked. Haruto looked at kuroo with confusion. "I peed- duh?" He told kuroo, gesturing back towards the bathroom door like it hadn't been obvious to kuroo. "What did you two do?" Kuroo asked kenma firmly. Haruto rolled his eyes, he'd just said what he did. Kenma frowned and continued to tug him along. He didn't want to get into any trouble with the drunk strangers there, especially with Haruto seeming so off. He gave a sigh of relief once he saw Kuroo. "Mmn.. Kuroo, let's go." he said and insisted on pushing towards the door. Kuroo stopped him, grabbing kenma by the arm to face him. "No, did you two drink?" Kuroo asked sternly, kenma had seemed extra set on leaving and avoiding the topic. Haruto nodded at kuroo "spicy lemonade" he mumbled, rubbing a hand over his face and then pointing over to the bench where four glasses sat, the three lemon lime bitters and the glass the man had previous to getting the boys food and drinks. Kuroo froze, quickly looking back to kenma. "Kenma." He snapped, not even knowing how they got their hands on drinks when both had no money. Kenma looked up at Kuroo as he stopped him, frowning deeply. "Kuroo we didn't mean to.." he said, he didn't know how to explain the situation. "Can we please just go?" he asked. The boy jumped a bit as Kuroo snapped his name out. He didn't like making the elder mad, and he anxiously bit on the inside of his cheek. Kuroo didn't like that kenma wasn't being honest with him, letting go of kenmas hand to grab onto haruto who was about to walk away from them. "You're both in big trouble. I'm not happy. Kenma, you should know better." He scolded while pulling haruto along to the exit so kenma could follow. He trusted kenma to be responsible, he was the older one and Haruto would of never managed to get drinks if he'd been by himself. Haruto found himself rolling his eyes once more, dragging behind kuroos pull. "I need to pee again" he told Kuroo, trying to pull his hand away. "You just went, hold it." He scolded, not pleased with Haruto too. Kuroo held the door open for kenma, keeping a tight grip on Harutos hand. He kept his disappointed gaze to kenma while holding the door open.
Kenma felt his lip quiver, he had felt emotional the whole night and Kuroo's disappointment wasn't making it any better. "We didn't know!" he said while walking next to Kuroo. He tried to keep up so he didn't make Kuroo any more upset than he already was. "The teacher- I didn't drink mine but-" his words were coming out in fractions with his flustered state. Kuroo stopped walking "so you took drinks from another adult?? And you let Haruto drink it, what if it was spiked??" He scolded outside the bar. "It was rounded." Haruto butted in, thinking they were referring to the glass shape. Kuroo sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. "You didn't learn the first time, obviously!" Kuroo told kenma. Haruto chuckled a bit as kuroo got up kenma, to him it was all silly bickering. "Haruto. Not funny." Kuroo snapped at him. Haruto instantly stopped the giggles, shifting around where they had stopped. Kenma shook his head and looked down. "I thought it was just lemonade.. I-I'm sorry Kuroo.." he mumbled while trying to make him realize he really meant no harm by it. When Kuroo mentioned the first time, he wrinkled his nose up and tried to remember when it had happened before. His shoulders slouched in defeat and he began to feel angry. "Well.. you're the one who took us here!" he rose his voice. Kuroo began to tug Haruto along again, wanting to get the boys home before more people saw. "I had no choice! I didn't want you fighting at home!" He shouted back, coming over to the car and unlocking it. He opened the back door, helping haruto in and clipping his seatbelt up. Haruto squirmed and pulled kuroos hair to get him to stop leaning over him. "Ouch! Enough!" Kuroo shouted at Haruto, slamming the car door. He wasnt going to pity or baby the behaviour. Kuroo went around and opened the other back door. "In." Kuroo spoke firmly, not wanting to bicker with him in the front all the way home. Kenma continued to follow to the car, frowning as he yelled. "Why do you even work at such a stupid place?!" he yelled, watching Haruto give Kuroo some trouble about getting in. He was about to say more but went quiet as Kuroo yelled at Haruto. He frowned and shoved by Kuroo to get in the back, setting his crutches down and yanking his door shut. Kuroo didn't want to be angry with them, he had told both that he was going to bring the something to eat and drink. Haruto sat quietly for a moment, twisting himself around to look out the back window of the car to follow kuroo and kenmas movements. He smiled when kenma got in the back, shifting over as much as he could and leaning over to grab kenmas hand to hold. Kuroo got in the front, taking a deep breath and starting the car. He ignored kenmas question on why he worked at the place, it hurt to say that's all he was able to get when looking for a job after losing his first one. "I don't want to hear anymore." Kuroo told them, pulling out the area he parked. Kenma frowned and he didn't buckle himself. He had a bit of a glare on his face as Kuroo dismissed his question. "Whatever.." he mumbled while looking to Haruto. He didn't like the lack of space Haruto left him with and he gave the boy a gentle push away. "Haruto, personal space." he said a little bitterly. Kuroo looked back, shaking his head and then focusing on the road. Haruto sat up straight, looking down and unclipping the seatbelt so he could move closer to kenma. "But I wanna share" he told kenma, moving completely over and next to kenma getting in his personal space. He held onto kenmas hand tightly, trying to show some affection to the boy. He leaned into kenma, pressing his face into kenma cheek.  Kuroo didn't look in the back, every time he did it made him frustrated with both himself and the boys. Kenma looked at Haruto and gave up, he knew now that Haruto didn’t listen even more when he was drunk. He let the boy hold his hand and he gently turned his head to look out the window instead of at Haruto. “Fine..” he told the boy. Haruto was pretty pleased, moving his head to rest on kenmas shoulder and nodding. His head shot up as kuroo stopped at a red light, leaning over kenma to try and open the door. Kuroo looked back, quickly locking the door from the front. He leaned over kenmas lap, pulling on the handle a couple of times with no luck. "Out" he muttered in a strained voice towards kenma. Kenma looked down at Haruto, shaking his head. “Hey, sit still.” He said with a big frown. He didn’t want Haruto to hurt himself trying to get out on to the busy road. He also knew Haruto’s actions would probably annoy Kuroo if he kept them up. Kenma held the boy’s hands and laid him down so his head was on his lap. Haruto frowned as kenma started to restrain him, not fighting back though. He left his head to lay in kenmas lap and gently fidgeted with his hands that kenma held. "I'm not tired" he told kenma, staring blankly at the seat in front of them that kuroo wouldn't let them sit in. Kuroo finally rolled into the driveway, unlocking the cars doors. Haruto tilted his head to look up at kenma. Kuroo looked back at them, nodding to say they could get out. Kenma sighed and looked at Haruto. “Well.. rest your head anyway.” He said and looked back back out the window. He tapped his fingers a bit before looking over at Kuroo when they stopped. He pushed Haruto up gently and opened his door. “Alright, out.” He said while grabbing his own crutches. Haruto was glad to finally get out the car, managing to get over kenma with a lot of effort. He looked to the house but then started walking back down the driveway. Kuroo quickly got out the car and went after him, pulling him up the driveway again. Haruto still thought it was funny, trying to pull his hand from kuroos. "I didn't say let him run off." Kuroo snapped at kenma, coming to the door and closing it behind kenma. Kuroo needed the full story still, both being in major trouble. Kenma wrinkled his nose at kuroo’s comment, he didn’t think the elder was being fair with the situation. “I didn’t mean to!” He snapped back before moving himself to the door and walking in. He purposely hit Kuroo’s foot with his crutches before moving towards his bedroom without another word.

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