15 0 0

Kuroo stayed watching over kenma, soon becoming too tired and closing his own eyes. He had to drive them home tomorrow, he tried not to stress too much about it though. Kuroo managed to fall asleep with all on his mind, mostly thanks to being able to lay with kenma to ease his thoughts. Kuroo groaned as morning came, opening his eyes and looking around a bit. He was slightly stiff from laying on his side to give kenma plenty of room. Sitting up he stretched, sighing softly and beginning to move off the bed to get them up and ready to go. Kenma hadn’t woken up through out the entire night, only waking as Kuroo started to get up. He furrowed his brows and rubbed his eyes, giving a big yawn before looking over to Kuroo. He smiled softly at the elder, glad that he slept good with him there. “Thank you..” Kuroo hadn't expected kenma to wake up, quickly turning around to his words. "Ah its alright. Did you want to get up, I bought some clothes for you to change into.. I hope they fit okay" kuroo said, turning back and going in the bag. Kenma had no choice but to be up and moving around, kuroo was going to help as much as he could though. He came over and put the clothes gently on the side of the bed, he was unsure if he should just help or give kenma a chance to do it himself. He wanted to help but not be pushy about it, still finding that balance hard. Kuroo glanced over to haruto who was still asleep, he'd help him up last before they left. Kenma looked at the clothing, shrugging his shoulders. He didn’t realize how hard it was to buy for him with his awkward size. The boy decided he could try on his own, sitting up with a wince and very carefully holding his legs off the side of the bed. He was still hurting but it was getting easier to cope with. He took the shirt and looked at Kuroo. “Can you.. lift the shirt for me?” He asked. Kuroo nodded and quickly came to kenmas side, grabbing the shirt ready to help. First removing the hospital gown and keeping the blanket over kenma. "Okay, arms up" kuroo told him, helping slipp the shirt over kenmas head. Kuroo knew kenma should be moving around but couldn't imagine the pain he would be in. Kuroo assisted kenma with guiding his arms through, taking a step back once the shirt was pulled down. "Need any more help..?" Kuroo asked, glancing into kenmas eyes. Kenma nodded and he lifted his arms the best he could before it started to hurt. He whined a bit, closing his eyes and putting his arms down right away as Kuroo was done. He sighed and looked down towards his legs. “Yes please.” He said, holding them out a bit so Kuroo could help him with the pants as well. Kuroo was glad kenma was taking his assistance, picking up the pants ready to help slip on. "Glad to be going home?" Kuroo asked, assisting kenma by pulling his pants up. Kuroo was both both excited and nervous to be going home, kenma had been so out of it lately he hoped kenma didn't get overwhelmed with being back home. Once done kuroo took a step back, giving kenma the space he needed if he wanted to sit up or try to walk soon with crutches. Kenma shrugged one of his shoulders, shifting to help. He looked at the cast and gave a low sigh. “Scared..” he admitted. He didn’t remember anything about home or school, which was a frightening thing to think about. “I hope it’s okay..” he said and rested his hands in his lap. The pants were slipping down his hips a bit since they were a little too big. Kuroo bit at the inside of his cheek, he hoped the pants weren't going to be too much trouble on kenma while using crutches. "Mhm, I'm sure you'll be fine." Kuroo spoke softly, he really hoped this would give kenma a fresh start. "I'll be back" kuroo added, walking out the room. He came back in with a struggle, putting one pair of crutches near harutos bed and then coming over and giving kenma the second pair. "Wanna try them while I get haruto up?" Kuroo asked, grabbing the bag and going over to start to get the other boy awake and dressed so they could go. Kenma pushed out a sigh and watched kuroo as he moved around. He gave a shrug and watched as he left, gazing over to Haruto. He stared at the boy and gave a frustrated sigh at him. As far as he could tell what Lev had said about him was true. The blonde looked up as Kuroo came over with the crutches. He held on to the two for him and nodded his head. “Okay..” he said. He leaned them on the bed and held on to the rail that was there to get himself up. Kuroo flicked back a small smile at kenma, he felt he was capable of getting himself out of bed finally. Kuroo came over to Haruto, sighing softly and nudging at his shoulder. He didn't want to wake him since Haruto would get feral if woken up at times. Haruto groaned at the nudge, slowly opening his eyes and closing them again. "Come on, we can go now." Kuroo told him, pulling the blankets back. Haruto fussed a bit but sat up slowly, eyes glancing away. Kuroo could smell the urine now, not saying anything as he went and pulled the curtain so he could help haruto get dressed. Haruto let kuroo help him mostly, it was difficult with the cast stopping a lot of his lower movement. Kuroo finally handed over the crutches, moving back out the way. Haruto pushed himself off the bed, leaning down on his crutches. He felt miserable, smelling of urine as well as being sore and tired. Kenma pushed himself up and kept the pressure off of his casted leg. He whimpered before grabbing the crutches and putting them under his arms. His chest gave a throb and he stood still before trying to move with little success. It was difficult, and everything seemed to bee searing in pain as he stood. “Ow ow..” Haruto looked up as kenma expressed his pain, rolling his eyes to the side. He still blamed kenma they were in this mess to begin with. He didn't understand why kenma felt the need to whine about it, he wasn't the one with the full leg cast. Kuroo pulled the curtain open and looked at kenma "You alright?" He asked, coming forward to kenma. Haruto was ready to leave, slowly making his way on the crutches and out the door of the room. Kenma sniffled and glanced over as Kuroo poked his head out. He gave a quick nod before taking a larger stride with the crutches. “I’ll be fine..” he mumbled. The boy hissed in pain at the stretch his arms caused through his chest. He found it less painful once he relaxed himself, moving a little easier now. Kuroo went out the room just behind kenma, it didn't take long for him to overtake kenma though. Haruto found it difficult to keep looking up, he normally walked with his head down but it was a lot harder to stop looking down while on the crutches. Coming to a stumbling stop as he almost bumped into people coming around a corner. He backtracked, turning and waiting for kuroo and kenma to walk in front of him. Once they did he followed along, still keeping his head down and not bothering to glance up. He noticed how he caught up to kenma with ease, biting at his cheek. In the spare of the moment without thinking, he took one of his crutches and pushed it to the inner side of kenmas crutch trying to  just give kenma a scare. Kenma continued carefully, falling behind Kuroo rather quickly since he was moving so cautiously. He pushed out a sigh and carefully gazed around as he moved just to be sure he wouldn’t trip or get stuck on anything. The boy was relaxing now that he got into a rhythm, but the second Haruto’s crutch hit his own he lost his balance and stumbled into the wall with a Yelp. Both of his crutches slipped and clattered on the ground, leaving him leaning on the wall with nothing to help keep himself up. He looked at Haruto with a heavy glare, confused why he had done it. Haruto came to a standstill as kenma stumbled into the wall, he had only meant to make kenma trip over his own feet and that was it. He looked away from kenma, feeling the glare piercing through him. Kuroo quickly looked behind him, gasping a bit and bending down to grab the crutches. "Be careful kenma" kuroo insisted, holding them back out to kenma. Haruto wanted to go ahead but knew he'd just bump into more people. Kuroo thought kenma would of been better on the crutches, considering it wasn't his first time using them. Kenma kept his glare, pointing an accusing finger. “He tripped me!” He said with a bit of a whine. He didn’t know what Haruto had against him but it seemed that he was upset about something. The boy snatched the crutches back and huffed out a sigh, putting them under his arms. He was all tensed up now and pain stung through his chest. Kuroos eyes shot to Haruto, the last thing he needed was to be spending more time in the hospital. "Can we please at least make it to the car before hurting each other??" Kuroo asked, moving himself between them. Haruto didn't look at them, he knew it was foolish to look for a reaction out of kenma. Kuroo gestured for them to keep going, keeping himself in the middle to keep them separated. Haruto gave a huff and continued on, giving a look of discomfort as the cast rubbed his inner thigh to groin area. Kuroo shifted his eyes left to right at the boys. "You two don't need anything before we leave?" He asked, kuroo just wanted to make it home without having to stop for anything. Haruto shook his head, though hungry he wasn't going to complain. Kenma went quiet at kuroos request, giving a small nod. He sighed and continued moving along, glancing at Haruto every now and then. He sighed and turned back forward to make sure he didn’t bump into anything. Kwnma shook his head no to kuroos question and continued on towards the exit. He wanted to get out and hopefully regain some memories. Kuroo continued on and out to the car, making sure both boys didn't lag too far behind him. Unlocking the car he opened the back door for Haruto, taking the crutches to help. Haruto managed, laying his leg on the seat and pulling the seatbelt on. Kuroo chucked the crutches to the floor in the back of the car, holding his hands out to take kenmas too when he was ready to get in the car. He hoped both haruto and kenma would rest, not wanting arguing between the two. Kenma waited for kuroos help to get in, slowly lowering down and giving a soft whimper of pain. He buckled himself up and handed the crutches over to Kuroo. The car seemed familiar to him, though he couldn’t really place specific memories in his mind. He sighed and closed his eyes while leaning his head back. Kuroo took the crutches and put them in the back with harutos, closing the door and coming around to get in the car. As soon as kuroo got in the car he leaned over, making sure kenma had his seatbelt on. He tried not to over think it, pushing away any anxiety he had about driving with people in the car again. Starting the car kuroo buckled himself, looking back to make sure everything was okay with Haruto too. Haruto had his arms crossed in front of him, his casted leg still across the back-seat while his other leg was bent up to his chest as it was more comfortable to curl up as much as he could. Kuroo left the car park, his mind focusing on the road only. Kenma glanced at Kuroo, watching him as he checked his seat belt. He didn’t say anything though. The boy leaned his head back and left his hands resting on his thighs as he felt over his leg. He was a little shocked to see his fingers almost went over his entire thigh, he looked over at Kuroo to see if this was normal. Kuroo was too focused on the road to really notice kenmas concern at first, finally feeling eyes on him and glancing briefly. "Mhm it's okay" kuroo told him, it would of been hard for kenma to maintain his weight while he was away. Kuroo had to help kenma gain some weight back, worried about kenmas health. "You rest okay?" He told kenma, his eyes choosing not to leave the road longer than a split second while driving. Haruto yawned and tried to get comfortable, closing his eyes while trying his best to get some rest in after being woken up when he hadn't wanted too. Kenma lowered his hand and gave a small nod. He stayed quiet about it, letting his eyes fall closed. He decided it would make him feel better if he had a rest. He kept his eyes shut before beginning to drift to sleep, head falling to the side a bit as he finally fell into a rest. Kuroo glanced around to make sure everything was okay multiple times, seeing both were resting put him more at ease with his driving. Once finally home, kuroo got out the car and went to kenmas door. Opening it he bent down and nudged gently at kenmas shoulder, not wanting to startle kenma awake now back home. "Kenma, we're home" He spoke quietly, opening the back door and leaning in to grab a pair of crutches. Kenma opened his eyes with a groan, rubbing his eyes and giving a quiet sigh. He winced as he woke, but the pain settled after he stretched a little. “Mm.. help?” He asked quietly and waited for Kuroo to come back with the crutches. Kuroo nodded "mhm yeah I can help." He told kenma, going to grab the crutches. Haruto woke and shifted, groaning slightly and slipping his hand down to unclip the seatbelt. Kuroo  pulled the set of crutches out, coming to kenmas door to assist him. Haruto quickly sat up with panic, he started to try and help himself out the car. "Bathroom" He blurted out. Kuroo cussed and came back to Harutos door, offering out the crutches. "I'll help you in a second kenma." He told him, walking off in a hurry with Haruto to unlock the front door. Asahi had come out when he heard the car pull up to the house. Going over to the car when kuroo went inside with Haruto. "What have you done to yourself this time?" Asahi asked kenma, leaning on the opened car door. Kenma was about to take the crutches, frowning as Kuroo took them away to give to Haruto. It made sense now with what Lev said, Haruto was annoying and always taking his things. The boy clenched his fists against his thighs, glaring down at his lap before jolting at the sudden voice. He gave a wince and furrowed his brows at yet another familiar face. “This time..?” He asked quietly, gazing down again “sorry do.. I know you?” Asahi raised a confused eyebrow, was kenma playing dumb with him? "Don't be silly Kenma." He said bending down and bringing his face closer to kenma in the car. "Do you need help getting inside or not?" He asked, eyes shifting at the noticeable weight loss kenma had experienced since away. Asahi hadn't known what to expect after he got questioned over Kenmas storyline on how he disappeared, he didn't know what to believe since kenma could be violent at times. Kuroo let Haruto in the house, coming in and waiting at the bathroom for him in case he needed help. He was glad to be back, it didn't feel the same though knowing police had been through their things. Kenma was getting stressed and uncomfortable with all these people who supposedly knew him when he couldn’t put a name to a face. He leaned his head back and grit his teeth, shaking his head no. “I’ll wait..” he said quietly. He didn’t know if he could trust whoever this was. Asahi stood back up, looking down on him with disappointment. "You're going to make Kuroo come all the way back out to the car?" He asked, finding that rather selfish of kenma to do. "I'll take you in" He told kenma, leaning back into the car and grabbing onto kenma. He assumed kenma would be walking but then again it would take more time. Asahi started to pull kenma into his body to pick him up, he'd helped kenma so many times so he was used to it. Haruto came out of the bathroom, yawning and looking up to kuroo. Haruto went around him, not wanting to stick around and deal with kenma. Kuroo told him to stick to the lounge room, unsure if kenma wanted to be in his own room now back home. Kuroo started to head back out to the car to help kenma like promised. Kenma began to freak out as Asahi put his hands on him, he was uncomfortable and instantly his eyes filled with tears. “Ow- stop.. stop it!” He yelled at Asahi. “Let go of me!” He said as well, his chest straining with the awkward position Asahi was holding him in while getting him out of the car. Asahi didn't stop, he thought kenma was being over dramatic. Kuroo heard kenma and quickly came out, jogging over to asahi to stop him. "Hey no no, it's fine. We've got it." He told asahi pulling on his shoulder and out of the car leaving kenma back in the seat. Asahi was confused "I was helping." He insisted, kenma had created a scene for no reason. "I know. Thanks.. we just want to go inside and rest." He explained, going in the back of the car to get the other crutches for kenma. Asahi rolled his eyes when Kuroo looked away. "Fine okay. I'll be next door if you need anything." He told them, the glare shifting to kenma before walking away. Kenma felt the tears starting to roll down his cheeks. He hissed in pain, breath catching in his chest as one of the fractured ribs had an odd tug at it. “Ow!” He said through a sob. Once he was back in the seat he held on to whatever he could tightly so Asahi couldn’t try again. He sniffled and muttered a thank you to Kuroo as he got the crutches. He didn’t understand why Asahi gave him a glare, brows furrowing since he hadn’t done anything wrong. Kuroo looked back as Asahi left, kuroo had wanted to do it himself because he knew exactly where kenma was hurting if he did need to be carried. "You okay? We can go inside and rest" He told kenma, helping by holding the crutches in place for kenma to get out the car. "You can sleep in my room or yours.. it's up to you" kuroo mentioned though hoped kenma wanted to stay close. Haruto slowly laid down as they were taking forever to come in, his stomach churned whenever he thought about going home since it had been a long. Kenma nodded and took a second to stand, hissing in pain as he did. He quickly grabbed the crutches and pulled them under his arms, he felt too unbalanced without them. The boy started to move through the driveway towards the door, shrugging. “I’ll go.. in my room..” he said, hoping maybe it could jog his memory. Kuroo gave a subtle pout, closing the car door and following behind kenma. He really wanted kenma close but knew it was best for kenma to settle back into his own room. He closed the front door and went in the house, leading the way for kenma. He could help but glance back, hoping something would click in kenmas memory. Haruto heard them come in, rolling onto his side and closing his eyes while giving a faint sniffle. Kuroo opened kenmas door, going in first to help kenma settle. Kenma looked around the apartment, he felt like he definitely recognized it but couldn’t remember specific memories about it. “Where’s .. my room?” He asked softly. He followed kuroo around towards the room, looking in as he got there. He gasped when he saw a little kitty on his bed, tilting his head at her.Kuroo smiled at the cat, coming in and gently pulling the blanket back on the bed without disturbing her. "Crayon missed you" kuroo informed kenma, she hadn't stopped meowing and trying to get into kenmas room. "If you don't need anything come lay down" kuroo told kenma, at least he could get some rest and hopefully start making some reconnection. Haruto could hear their voices through the wall, closing his eyes and trying to get comfortable to have a sleep on the couch. Kenma tilted his head at the cat, moving over to the bed. “Crayon..?” He spoke, muttering the name a few more times before hesitantly holding his hand out to her. To his surprise, she stood and rubbed his hand affectionately before starting to purr and move around the bed. Kenma smiled softly and let himself sit on the edge of the bed before letting Kuroo take the crutches. “Can you help me lay down?” He asked. He watched crayon walk over and rub his side.  Kuroo smiled as he watched from a small distance, they always said pets were good to be around as they can hold lots of memories for a person. Kuroo came over and slowly picked kenma up, doing his best to make sure he held areas that  weren't tender around kenmas chest, ribs and back. Kuroo transferred him onto the bed, being extra careful that he didn't scare off crayon. Once he got kenma to lay down, he grabbed a pillow and positioned it under kenmas cast. Pulling the blanket over kenma, giving a soft smile. kuroo looked to the side, leaning over he grabbed the bear he had got for kenma and placed it on the bed in view for kenma since he wanted to help bring memories back where he could. "Okay.. you rest kenma.. call out if you need anything." Kuroo insisted. Kenma held his breath as he laid down, grunting a bit but relaxing once he was down all the way. He muttered a soft thank you and relaxed once he was all tucked in safely. Crayon came over and stepped on top of him, curling up on his stomach. Kenma gave a quiet breath before nodding to Kuroo and closing his eyes. He held the bear with one hand, massaging over its fluff to try and jog some kind of memory as he laid there. Kuroo slowly walked out, leaving the door open slightly like he'd done many times to kenmas liking. Kuroo walked out to the loungeroom, coming over as haruto opened his eyes. "I'm going to bed, call out if you need anything." Kuroo said. Haruto didn't want to be alone, getting his crutches and trying to get up to follow. "No, you stay on the couch please. I need to rest" He told Haruto firmly, taking the crutches so haruto couldn't follow. He frowned and nodded, watching kuroo walk off with his crutches. He stared blankly for a moment, tears welling up. Slowly he pushed himself off the couch, forcing himself to walk on his cast. He stumbled a bit to kenmas room, peeking in and holding onto the door for support with a sad look. Kenma looked comfortable, he wanted to join instead of being alone. Kenma gave a quiet sigh and listened to crayon as she purred on top of him. It felt nice to have such a friendly pet, he felt more at ease with her there. He shifted in the slightest motion before turning his head to one side and starting to drift off to sleep, relaxed and breathing peacefully. Kuroo went into the bedroom and placed Harutos crutches at the door, he really didn't want haruto wondering around by himself after things he had done in the past. Kuroo laid down and closed his eyes, though kenma wasn't by his side he felt okay with it as it was the best thing for kenma. Haruto slowly pushed the door open, staggering in slowly and coming to the bed. He wiped his dripping tears, looking away from the cat. Haruto slowly tried to push into the bed, gently pushing kenma closer to the wall. He sniffled as he did so, hoping kenma would let them lay together. Kenma was only in a light sleep so he didn’t react the first couple of seconds as Haruto started to get in the bed. His eyes opened as he felt a pain in his chest, giving a quiet whine. Crayon hissed as Haruto got close. She quickly jumped off the bed and ran out of the room. Kenma furrowed his brows and looked at Haruto, confused. “What are you doing?” Haruto ignored crayon, too busy focusing on actually getting into kenmas bed. He got more teary when kenma asked what he was doing, he didn't want to have to explain. He couldn't apologise for being a pest and what he'd done recently to kenma, he really wanted all that to go away since he remembered how much better it was to not be butting heads with kenma. "I wanna lay down.." he mumbled, rubbing at his tears before again shoving kenma over best he could without being too rough. Kenma gave a whine as Haruto pushed him over. He smacked at the boy before shaking his head. “Ow, stop doing that!” He hissed with anger in his voice. He still couldn’t remember anything about Haruto so as far as he knew the boy was just trying to annoy him. “Get out.” He said. Haruto jumped as kenma smacked at him, shaking his head and becoming frustrated. "No!" He told kenma, smacking back at him. It was starting to hurt standing up so long. "Please!" He asked, this wasn't meant to be an argument. He leaned into the bed more, it was extremely difficult to help himself up with the cast. "I wanna lay downnn" He whined at kenma, trying one last time. Kenma flinched at the smack, gripping the sheets tightly in his hands and shaking his head. “I said no! I want to be alone!” He said to Haruto while slowly moving his good leg out to push Haruto off the bed. He could tell Haruto was upset and wanted to lay, but he didn’t trust him enough. Haruto was both angry and upset with kenma, yelping as kenma kicked into him. Haruto grabbed onto the crutches as he fell, bringing them down with him. He let out a frustrated cry, standing up on the crutches and standing next to the bed. "I hope you choke!" He shouted at kenma, leaning over and snatching up the bear off of kenma. He quickly crutched his way out the room, slamming the door and going back to the couch to sob. He didn't find it fair, it wasn't the only one who had done bad things and felt kenma was just as much to blame. Giving up on using anymore effort, he flopped onto the couch and screamed into the pillow so it wouldn't be heard from afar. Kenma closed his eyes and flinched at the noise Haruto made as he fell sigh the crutches. His brows furrowed together and he whined at the comment, reaching out a hand for the bear. “Give it back!” He cried while watching Haruto leave and slam the door. He was left in silence, tearing up now that he had no cat, stuffed animal, or light. Haruto pulled his arms under him, hiding the bear between the couch and his stomach while his face pressed into the pillow. He didn't hear anything back from kenma, it wasn't like he was going to come after him unless he was going to walk on his cast now haruto had taken the crutches. He felt the slightest bit of guilt, he went in with good intentions but it had ended up making them both upset. Kuroo ended up falling asleep, tired from the drive and horrible sleep he had been getting at the hospital. Kenma sniffled and wiped his eyes, turning his head to the side. He closed his eyes to try and fall asleep and hopefully have a better morning. The boy didn’t let himself cry, he knew it would only make himself feel worse if he did. Kenma kept his eyes closed and felt himself drifting to sleep.

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