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Kuroo gave a soft sigh, gently grabbing back onto the blanket to pull it back. "You're okay, there's no need to be sorry" kuroo told kenma, peeling the blanket back. At first kuroo did think it was urine, there really wasn't a lot of it. "Do you still need to go?" Kuroo asked before noticing something was different. There was no smell and the sticky look it had coming through kenmas pants. "I- uh- oh.." kuroo said, letting go of the blanket and staying beside the bed. "What did you dream about bud?" Kuroo asked, it couldn't of been a nightmare. Kenma looked down at his pants with confusion, there wasn’t a puddle like there usually would be. “No i don’t..” he sounded a little confused while looking. His face went red at the question and he fell silent while giving a shrug. Kuroo became a little blushed in the face, it was now obvious kenma had a different wet problem right now. "Hmm.. I think you had a wet dream" kuroo pointed out, raising an eyebrow and falling into a bit of a smile. "I thought you said you were over them at 16?" Kuroo told him, trying to be light hearted about it. "You sure you don't remember your dream bud?" Kuroo questioned, coming close and running his hand through kenmas hair to offer comfort. He didn't want kenma to feel bad about it, these things happened and were something that couldn't be controlled very much. Kenma slowly pulled the blanket back up, eyes falling on Kuroo as he spoke. Of course, he didn’t remember saying anything about wet dreams like this. The boy remained silent and the rosy color returned to his cheeks as Kuroo pet his head. “Yeah but.. don’t wanna tell.” He said and covered his face. Kuroo could see kenma was blushing and trying to hide. "Oh? Okay then." Kuroo said with a smile, he had a feeling he knew who it might of been about. "You don't have to tell me" kuroo told kenma, taking his hand away from the boys head. "Let me help you though." Kuroo insisted, slowly leaning down and again removing the blanket. "After you can come- sit in the lounge room.." kuroo told him, taking the blanket off the bed and walking over to get kenma some clothes to change into. Part of Kenma wished Kuroo would leave him alone to deal with it, but the other part liked the help from him. He pushed his hands down to cover once Kuroo moved the blanket, his face red. “Okay..” he spoke softly. Kenma didn’t make eye contact because he was embarrassed about the situation. Kuroo came back over with boxers and pants for kenma, glancing down at where kenma covered himself. "Its okay." He told kenma, he put himself in kenmas position. Kenma was feeling lost, and confused and now on top of it all he was embarrassed and didn't know what was going on with himself. "You want to pull them down?" Kuroo asked, not wanting to overstep. Haruto sighed and looked towards the bedroom, he noticed that kuroo was taking a long time with kenma. Kenma gave a quiet puff of air before nodding. He was careful with moving, and gripped his waistband before starting to pull the pants down so he could get some clean ones on. It was humiliating to wake up like this especially when he didn't know if his dreams were accurate or not. Kuroo stayed back, giving kenma the room he needed to change. Kuroo watched kenma struggle slightly, feeling a need to step in. "Here" he said, pulling them down the rest of the way carefully over the cast. Once off he chucked them off to the side on the ground, he wanted to strip the sheets too anyway. "You okay?" Kuroo asked, gesturing for kenma to come to the edge of the bed to help slip up the boxers and pants. He began to help, not wanting kenma to put too much stress on his body. Despite his embarrassed state, Kenma let Kuroo step in to help so he wouldn't make any of his injuries worse. He kept his head to the side and let Kuroo take the pants off the rest of the way before moving to the edge of the bed for kuroo "Mhm.. thank you." he said with a pout on his cheeks. Kuroo gave a soft smile, helping slip up the boxers and pants. "Its okay, I help you all the time." Kuroo informed kenma, he was used to it even if kenma wasn't. "Let's get you out your room." Kuroo told him, scooping the boy up and off the bed. He felt like kenma needed to get some fresh air and not hide away in his room. Haruto heard them coming, glancing up slightly and clipping the lid back on the marker. He did make room for kenma, puffing his cheeks at him with a small pout. To be fair he forgot why they had been fighting so much in the first place. Kenma stayed quiet as Kuroo helped him out, his body relaxed a bit as Kuroo made it known he would help in any situation. "mhm.. thank you." He said again while holding on to Kurooa s he pulled him up. While he was comfortable in the beds, the doctors had said they wanted both him and Haruto moving as much as they could. Kenma gazed over to Haruto with a bitter expression before looking away. Kuroo sighed and put kenma down on the couch carefully, he could already feel a friction between them looming. "Okay, please. Get along." Kuroo told them, going off to remake kenmas bed and do the washing. Haruto glanced his eyes to kenma, picking up another marker to finally finish his cast. He had covered it with loads of followers and a mandala that connected throughout the whole of the cast. He eyed kenmas cast off for a moment, he wondered if kenma would let him add something to it. Trying to settle some peace between them, he held out the remote to kenma. Kenma frowned as Kuroo's request, but he knew he should try since Kuroo was doing so much to help them both. He huffed out a breath and looked away, only glancing back up as Haruto held the remote out. He was hesitant to take it, but snatched it from the boy as he began to look through things to watch. Haruto quickly took his hand away when kenma snatched it, frowning and looking down at his own cast. He knew he had been acting up a lot lately, kenma had the right to be up in arms about him. Haruto picked up a blue marker, holding it up to show kenma and then pointing to kenmas blank cast. He kept his big eyes on kenma, waiting for permission to draw something nice for kenma. Kenma stopped it on a cartoon, putting the remote down and getting comfortable. He saw Haruto out of the corner of his eye and looked at the boy, tilting his head a bit as he looked at the boy. His expression softened a bit when he realized what Haruto was asking, perhaps that was him offering a peace treaty. Kenma nibbled on the inside of his cheek before carefully moving his leg closer to Haruto so he could draw. Haruto tried not to smile when kenma agreed, moving around to get comfortable. He brought himself to lay on his stomach to take pressure of his casted leg, opening the marker and starting on kenmas cast quietly. It reminded him of when they were on camp and kenma let him do his cast while they were hiding out in the tents, covering up the horrible words Lev had written on the cast while on the bus. He started with some Petunias flowers. Kenma kept his eyes on the screen, mindlessly watching the scenes go by on the screen. The boy Pushed out a breath and gazed towards the cast with a soft expression. Haruto was actually good at drawing, and he found himself watching that instead of the tv. Haruto didn't notice kenma watching him, keeping his head down to work on the flower. He pushed to prop himself up on his elbows. Once the flower was finished, he slowly put the lid on the marker and looked at it.  "Petunias flowers.. represent Anger and resentment.. its often given to someone you have recently had an argument with.." haruto mumbled quietly, not looking up from the flower he drew. He wasn't very good a saying sorry and actually meaning it, trying his best to show kenma that he did care even when they had been in a disagreement. Kenma gave a quiet hum as he watched, tilting his head a bit as he started to speak. He felt guilt starting to nip at his stomach, he really hadn't given Haruto a chance to apologize, and took this as such. He felt bad since both of them were hurt and Haruto was probably just trying to communicate with him. Kenma sighed and looked at the boy. "I'm sorry.."

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