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Kenma looked down at the phone and held it with shaking hands. He was hesitant but dialed kuroo’s number, letting out a sob as he put it on speaker. He was disappointed in himself, and he knew they needed kuroo’s help after all. Haruto leaned himself on kenma best his could, closing his eyes and sniffling. Kuroo ran over and grabbed the phone, picking it up quickly. "Hello??" He said, waiting to see what kenma or Haruto had to say. Kuroo had a bad feeling, Haruto only called when something was wrong and that was the last thing he wanted to hear while the boys were in the city. Kenma bit the inside of his cheek, taking in a sharp breath before letting out a sob. “Kuroo..” he said, wiping his eyes and going quiet after. He was too disappointed in himself for letting this happen and didn’t want Kuroo upset. “Get us..”
Kuroo took a soft sigh, grabbing his car keys. "Okay, I'm on my way. You still near the cat cafe?" He asked, knowing which street that was so he could pick the boys up. Kuroo thought maybe kenma and Haruto didn't want to catch the train back home or accidentally managed to spend all the money and left none to get home. Haruto looked up at kenma, gently wrapping his arms around him to give a soft cuddle. Kenma leaned against Haruto, he appreciated the gentle gesture from the boy. “Mhm..” he answered to Kuroo. He was dreading having to explain what had happened, hoping Kuroo wouldn’t ask. He also knew how much a phone costed and he didn’t want Kuroo to have to buy him yet another. The blonde leaned against Haruto a little bit more, putting his head against him as he held the phone. Kuroo got in the car and started it. "Okay, go sit down. I'll be over as soon as possible." Kuroo said, hanging up the phone to drive. Haruto looked back up at kenma, feeling uncomfortable in his damp pants. He sighed quietly, having mostly calmed down now kuroo was on the way to pick them up. Haruto knew deep down it wasn't his or kenmas fault and that kuroo wouldn't be mad and upset with them. Kenma gave Haruto the phone back, putting an arm around him afterwards. He sniffled and tried to hold his sobs back, squeezing his eyes shut. “He’s.. he’s gonna be so mad..” he was certain. He wiped his eyes and sobbed against Haruto’s shoulder for a moment before trying to calm down. The blonde felt like he had to be strong so Haruto wouldn’t get upset. Haruto kept his arms around kenma after putting his phone in his pocket. "N‐no.." Haruto said, not seeing why kuroo would be mad at them for something they didn't want to happen. If anything kuroo should feel relieved the boys were hurt badly. Haruto started to walk backwards, sitting down on an available bench seat within the street. Kenma moved with him as he walked back, sitting on the bench next to him. He kept his head against Haruto’s shoulder and felt his knees starting to bounce up and down out of nervousness for Kuroo to come and get them. He didn’t stop his knees, taking in another shaky breath as he sniffled. Haruto didn't move, keeping a frown as he watched for kuroo. He chewed on his sweater sleeve while waiting, knowing kuroo was going to be awhile. After 20 minutes kuroo pulled up near where they were sitting, looking to the boys. He noticed they looked both upset and tired, thinking a full day out might of been too much for them to handle. Haruto nudged kenma to let him know they could leave now. Kenma lifted his head with the nudge, seeing Kuroo’s car. He gave a nervous whimper before standing up and waiting for Haruto. Once he was up too, Kenma led him to the car. He got in the front and pulled the door closed behind himself. He buckled up and turned to the window, too nervous to face Kuroo. Kuroo was trying to work out what was wrong, watching kenma get in the car and then Haruto. He noticed the urine scent once Haruto was in the car, thinking now he knew exactly why they needed to be picked up. "Bad boy Haruto" kuroo said, having Warned Haruto about holding it and now it ruined their time out. Haruto felt a sinking feeling in his stomach, not sure why he was being told he was bad when Kuroo didn't know the full story. Kuroo looked to kenma "Do you want to stay longer out?" He asked, not wanting Haruto to ruin kenmas time in the city. Haruto felt immediate guilt over the situation, maybe he did ruin kenmas day. Kenma glanced over at Kuroo with his words towards Haruto. He hadn’t even noticed the urine, too distracted with being nervous. He stared at the elder before quickly shaking his head no. “Mm.. no, home.” He said immediately. He didn’t want to be out for any longer than he had to, thinking that he’d had enough stress for one day. Haruto felt even worse when kenma didn't stick up for him, he didn't deserve to have Kuroo mad with him when it wasn't his fault. Haruto went to kick the back of kenmas chair but instead his bottom lip quivered, rubbing at his teary eyes and trying not to cry loudly. Kuroo ignored Haruto, it looked like he was wanting pity. "Why didn't you call me on your phone or text?" Kuroo asked kenma, that was the confusing thing since he thought kenmas phone would of been fully charged. He started to drive them back to his place, focusing his attention to kenma in the front. Kenma tensed up from kuroo’s words, furrowing his brows together. He took in a shaky breath before coming clean. “I-I took Haruto to the bathroom.. but..” he fell silent for a minute. “There were scary men and they took my phone- and the money..” he said before breaking into a sob. Haruto sniffled and let out a cry now that kenma had told the truth, now kuroo wasn't going to be mad with him hopefully. "Oh my god- I'm so sorry. Kenma why didn't you tell me straight away??" Kuroo asked, obviously it was a big deal and shouldn't of been hidden. "Sorry Haruto. You're not bad‐ I can see it wasn't your fault." Kuroo said, knowing he should of just asked rather than assume what had happened. "I'm not mad at all, promise. I'm glad you two are safe." Kuroo said, it was scary to think the boys could of been hurt badly by the men. Kenma furrowed his brows, glancing at Kuroo. He still looked nervous, blinking some tears from his eyes. “But- I thought.. you’d be mad about the phone..” he said before sobbing again. It was a relief to know Kuroo wasn’t mad, but he felt a little embarrassed for thinking so. “I’m sorry..”
Kuroo shook his head, it was upsetting kenma was so worried about being in trouble over a phone. "I can replace a phone but I can never replace you two." Kuroo told him, putting a hand on kenmas knee. "I love you so much and no amount of lost or broken phones will change that. I'm going to take you two back to my place and we can all cuddle up in my bed or on the couch.. whatever you want" kuroo said, just relieved both were safe and he could take them home unhurt. Haruto felt much better, a small nod was given to say yes to kuroos offers. Kenma pulled his knee away out of instinct, but slowly moved it back since he knew Kuroo wouldn’t do anything to hurt him. He nodded as well, sniffling and drying his tears. Kenma wanted to relax when they got home, so Kuroo’s offer made him less upset. Kuroo gave a soft sigh, driving the rest of the way home. Once back he got out the car and opened the doors for both boys. "Haruto, shower and pyjamas please." Kuroo said straight up, at least that gave him and kenma alone time for a couple minutes. Haruto nodded, getting out the car and going to the front door. He hadn't spoke but one word today but he was feeling safe knowing kuroo cared for both him and kenma. Kuroo waited for kenma before locking the car and then unlocking the front door to his place to let them in. Kenma was silent for the rest of the ride besides some sniffles. He looked out the window, watching the trees as they went by. Once home, he got out of the car and walked to the front and then inside. He looked at Kuroo for a moment before quickly throwing himself into his arms. Kuroo wrapped his arms Around kenma, taking a deep breath. "I love you so so much" kuroo told kenma, not wanting kenma to forget that. He didn't like when kenma saw him as the bossy person who was always mad and setting rules. He looked down at kenma in his arms, it was a nice and safe feeling to know kenma was okay after what could of happened today. Haruto went to kuroos room to grab his clothes backpack, looking around to make sure no one was watching. He got out his pyjamas before reaching in to the bottom of his backpack and grabbing out a drynite. Haruto really didn't want to wake up to cold and wet sheets in the morning tomorrow, folding it up in his pyjamas before going to the bathroom to shower like kuroo had asked of him. Kuroo slowly picked kenma up to carry him to the lounge room, knowing the boy needed some much needed affection this afternoon and tonight. Kenma relaxed into kuroo’s arms as he heard his words. He nodded in response, nuzzling close. “I love you too..” he grumbled. He held on tighter as Kuroo picked him up, wrapping his arms around him and holding him close. “Mm.. pajamas.” He said. He didn’t want to stay in these clothes and wanted to get comfortable. Kuroo nodded, that was a good idea so kenma could be comfortable too. "You go pick something" kuroo said, that way kenma was picking something he knee was comfortable for himself. Haruto took a long time in the shower, after wetting the bed this morning and wetting himself today he had a rash coming back which he dreaded. He was a little relieved he wouldn't have to worry about getting a thigh rash tonight though. Once out the shower, Haruto got dressed into his pyjamas. He felt a little awkward but hoping that feeling would pass. Haruto came out the bathroom, going to the couch to be with kenma and kuroo like it had been promised. Kenma nodded and he pulled away from Kuroo. He sighed and walked for the bedroom, going over to his closet and getting some sweatpants. He grabbed a big shirt as well and stripped of his outfit before putting on the sleep clothes. Kenma walked out afterwards and back over to the couch, a little bit after Haruto. Haruto had sat down, leaving room for kenma in the middle since he liked sitting next to him but so did kuroo. Haruto stood back up as kenma come out, leaning and whispering to kuroos ear just to tell him. Kuroo nodded "mhm good boy" he said, having felt bad for saying Haruto was bad in the car. Haruto nodded and glanced at kenma before sitting on the couch beside him. "Did you want dinner? Movie?" Kuroo asked, considering they went back to school tomorrow he wanted to make the most of tonight. Haruto nodded to dinner, he was hungry after he skipped lunch with kenma. Kuroo glanced to kenma, hoping it would be a yes. Kenma walked over and waited for Haruto to sit back down before he sat. He leaned more against Kuroo, but held out his hand for Haruto so the boy had some kind of comfort. He let out a quiet sigh and looked up at Kuroo as he asked them questions. “Dinner..” he responded. Kenma knew it was the right thing to do after having no lunch. Besides, he could see a bit of improvement with his body again and gaining a little weight. Kuroo leaned over and kissed kenmas forehead, proud of the boy for wanting to eat. "Okay, I'll order in." He decided since he didn't want to leave the boys to go cook. Kuroo flicked through a couple places, looking back to kenma. "Burger or nuggets?" he asked, wanting kenma to pick. Haruto just wanted some chicken strip's and some fries, carefully leaning over kenma to point to the food he'd wanted. Kuroo nodded, knowing that was what Haruto had wanted. He focused his attention back on kenma, waiting for an answer. Kenma nodded his head and leaned against Kuroo. He didn’t really like the sound of either of his options, but nuggets sounded easier to eat. “Nuggets.” He said before going quiet again. The boy closed his eyes and tried to relax now that he was safe with Kuroo. Kuroo nodded and put the order through, lowering the phone and wrapping his arm around kenma while they waited. It felt good just to sit and have them close after their day away from him. Kuroo gently started to take out the butterfly clips from kenmas hair to release some tension they were putting on kenmas head. Haruto furrowed his eyebrows, watching kenma and kuroo cuddle. He wanted to be cuddled too but at the same time he was hesitant to be too close to kenma. Kenma sighed and he closed his eyes as Kuroo took them out. He muttered a quiet thank you before falling quiet again. He was ready for a nap as well, his day tiring. The blonde slowly opened his eyes to glance at Haruto, noticing he was laying a bit away. He opened his arm for the boy to offer a hug. Kuroo put the clips to the side, massaging a hand to kenmas scalp to make it feel better now they were out. Haruto glanced to kenma, shrugging his shoulders and looking away. He thought a small hug wouldn't hurt, moving in a little closer and resting his head on kenmas arm while they waited for the food. Kenma let out a content sigh as Kuroo started to rub his fingers around. It felt really nice, his head turning more against kuroo’s hand to get a better feeling. He then put his arm around Haruto and rubbed the boys arm up and down slowly. Haruto got nervous at kenmas touch, reminding himself to relax. He put his hand on top of kenmas so he knew where kenma was going to put his hand at any given moment. Kuroo got up as the food arrived, going to the front door to go get it. Haruto watched kuroo leave the room, looking back to kenma slowly. Kenma sighed and he frowned as Kuroo got up. He watched the elder leave, staying put where he was. He looked at Haruto as well, tilting his head. "I'm.. i'm sorry about today."  he said. He felt like he had ruined their good day at the end because of his desperation at the store. Haruto kept his eyes on kenma, staring blankly for a few moments. Haruto wanted to say sorry too but he just wasn't talking very much at all today, just whispers to kuroo and a single no to kenma today. He shook his head, they wouldnt of been in those bathrooms if he hadn't needed to go so badly. Kuroo came in with the food, coming to the lounge room and giving the boys what they had ordered. Haruto put his straight down on the couch, coming to kuroo and making him bend down so he could whisper in his ear again. Kuroo sighed and nodded, watching haruto quickly go to the kitchen.  Kuroo opened kenmas food, handing him the box of nuggets and chips. "Here" he spoke softly, waiting for kenma to take it. Kenma looked a bit defeated as Haruto still hadn't said anything. He moved out of the hug, looking at kuroo instead as he came back in. He looked down at his nuggets, taking them off of Kuroo without a word. He watched as Haruto seemed to be fine talking to Kuroo and not him, it made him upset since he'd done a lot for Haruto that day. He glared a bit down at his food and bit off a bite of one of the nuggets. Kuroo sat down on the couch next to kenma, raising an eyebrow as the boy didn't look pleased. "Something wrong with your food?" Kuroo asked, taking his own food and having a bite of it. He didn't like kenma upset when eating, it normally meant he was going to eat less. Haruto went to the kitchen and grabbed himself a plastic water bottle, trying to twist the cap off while still in the kitchen. Kenma looked at him and gave a shrug, moving away a little bit as he swallowed his bite. He took another and chewed it slowly so he didn’t feel like there was a hurry. The boy looked down at the ground as he chewed and wondered why Haruto hadn’t said a word to him today. He didn’t do anything wrong that he knew of, so it was a little off putting. Kuroo thought kenma was just anxious about eating, not bothering the boy trying to focus. Haruto couldn't untwist the Cap on the water bottle, walking to the lounge room and sitting back down. He held the water bottle out to kenma so he could open it for him instead, grabbing a chicken strip and eating it while he waited for kenmas help. Kenma continued to chew silently on his food, eyes glancing at Kuroo. He shifted his gaze as Haruto came in and was about to act bitter, but he saw the boy was in need of help. He set his nuggets down and turned to Haruto, raising a brow. “Words please.” He grumbled. Haruto stopped chewing on his food as kenma asked for words, kenma had never really asked him to speak up. Haruto chewed what was in his mouth and didn't swallow, he didn't want to talk today and he'd made that clear pretty much all day. He put the water bottle in kenmas lap, gesturing for him to open it. Kuroo raised an eyebrow, not sure why kenma was trying to force words out of harutos mouth. Kenma frowned and he left the water there without opening it. He took a bite of another one of his nuggets, swallowing before looking at Haruto again. “Words.” He insisted.  Haruto just shook his head at kenma, it wasn't fair of him to make him talk when he didn't want to. "Its fine kenma" kuroo said, not seeing what the big deal was to kenma. Haruto leaned over kenma, trying to snatch the water bottle back. If kenma wouldn't open it, kuroo would. Kenma glared a bit and he let Haruto take the water. He stood himself up and walked away from the living room into the kitchen to finish. Kenma sat himself down in his chair and crossed one arm over his chest as he picked up another nugget. He wanted to finish in peace and not be upset. Kuroo sighed as kenma left, still not understanding what had angered kenma so much. Kuroo opened the water bottle for Haruto and then took another bite of his meal before going to check on kenma. "Whats bothering you? I can tell something is wrong" kuroo mentioned, sitting down in the chair next to kenma. Kenma rolled his eyes a bit and watched as Kuroo came in. He was feeling upset and petty, not quite sure why. If Haruto could get away with not talking, than he would too. He pointed to the doorway to tell Kuroo to leave, looking back down at his food and chewing it in silence. Kuroo sighed, he knew exactly what kenma was doing. "Fine, but I'll be in the lounge room." Kuroo said, standing up from the chair and going to the door. He was going to keep a close eye in case kenma did try anything with his food. Kenma frowned and didn’t say anything back. He picked up his last nugget and took a bite from it, cheering with swallowing before eating the last bite. He left his trash on the table as he stood up, walking out of the kitchen and into kuroo’s room so he could lay down. Kuroo finished his food along with Haruto, telling the boy he had to go to bed because it was a school night. Haruto sighed but nodded, following kuroo to his room since he said they could all sleep together tonight. Haruto didn't think kenma was upset with him much, it was a silly thing to argue about to begin with so he thought kenma would be over it. Kenma furrowed his brows as he saw Haruto coming in. He looked at the boy and then at Kuroo, shaking his head a bit. Kenma didn’t know Haruto had some protection on, and he didn’t want to wake up in a wet bed. Kenma rolled his eyes a bit before moving off to the side of the bed completely to isolate himself from them. Haruto frowned as kenma moved away, he had kind of wanted to sleep close with kenma tonight after what had happened today. He was used to kenma sleeping in the middle anyway. "Kenma, what are you doing?" Kuroo asked, they had talked about all sharing the bed tonight so they could be close and now kenma was isolating away from them. Haruto went to the side of the bed kenma was on, pushing kenmas shoulder to tell him to move to the middle of the bed. Kenma frowned a little bit and didn’t answer Kuroo. He was going to stay where he was, but the more he thought about it he knew he’d get cold. The boy gave a bit of a scoff before moving closer to the middle of the bed and pulling up his knees. He turned his back to Haruto and didn’t look at Kuroo. Haruto couldn't see kenma was upset with his back to him, getting into the bed and pressing his head to kenmas back to get comfortable. Kuroo sighed and got into bed, he didn't like that kenma was being quiet on purpose when Haruto never really had done it on purpose and tended to have moments of being mute. "Good night" he called out anyway, waiting to see if anyone would respond to him. Haruto gave a soft hum back, closing his eyes. Kenma didn’t push Haruto away, he felt a little bad actually since Haruto still seemed to be giving him some affection. He pushed out a quiet sigh and didn’t answer to Kuroo, turning himself to lay on his stomach with his head face down in the pillow. He didn’t want to look at either of them, a little embarrassed by how he had acted. Kuroo had expected no response, closing his eyes and trying to sleep. It didn't take long for Haruto to fall asleep near kenma, he always slept better with kenma. Kuroo did wake up in the middle of the night, checking the boys before laying down and falling back asleep. Kenma turned his head to face Kuroo, closing his eyes and starting to feel sleepy. He took in a deep breath and let out a slow sigh, feeling himself drift off not too soon after. His body was relaxed and his breaths were peaceful as he slept without a nightmare that night. Kuroo woke the next morning, looking back to the boys before getting up to make breakfast. Haruto woke to the movement on the bed, sighing sadly and cuddling into kenma. He knew school meant he went back home. He opened his eyes and kept his frown, looking at the back of kenmas head. Kenma was still asleep as Kuroo got up, breathing softly. He had turned on his side and his hands were clasped in front of himself. His eyes opened slowly as Haruto leaned into him, he gave a quiet grumble followed by a big yawn as he brought up a hand to rub his eyes. Haruto wanted to try and get some more affection from kenma, moving in closer and pushing his head right against kenmas. This was the only time left he had to get kenmas affection since kenma got weird about doing it at school sometimes or was too busy. He gave a soft hum to get even more of kenmas attention, trying to make it known that was what he wanted. Kuroo was almost finished making breakfast, deciding to leave the boys rest until it was on the table ready to eat. Kenma glanced tiredly at Haruto, letting him stay close. He nuzzled his elf a bit closer and put an arm around Haruto to give him a hug. He let his eyes fall shut again and he started to feel sleepy. Kenma didn’t want to go to school, it seemed like nothing went right no matter what he did when he went. Haruto relaxed as kenma hugged him, wrapping his arms around him too. He put his leg over the top of kenmas before freezing, pulling away from kenma and sitting up tiredly with a frown. Haruto fidgeted with the pillow kenma had his head on, giving yet another quiet sigh. Kuroo plated the food, deciding now was the time to actually make the boys get up and get ready. Kenma nuzzled into the touch, not minding too much. He held Haruto close and gave another big yawn, his eyes still shut. He realized he really liked the cuddles even from Haruto. He pushed out a sigh of his own before nudging his head against Haruto’s. Haruto was about to lay back down as kuroo came in, knocking on the door. "Up boys, Haruto bathroom" kuroo said. Haruto laid back down with a heavy frown, shaking his head since he didn't want to actually get up. "Both please up." Kuroo said, coming over to the bed and pulling haruto to sit up. Haruto looked to kenma, hoping kenma could get kuroo could change his mind about school. Kenma groaned a little bit as Kuroo came in. He held on to Haruto a bit tighter before Kuroo sat him up. He looked up at the elder, tilting his head a little. “Don’t wanna go..” he tried. He was still tired and wanted to sleep in, knowing the school day would drain him even more. Haruto cuddled back into kenma, nodding to agree with kenma. "Its Monday.. you two need to go to school" kuroo said, crossing his arms over. "Up please, haruto bathroom and kenma table" he spoke firmly, days off school were only meant to be for when you were sick and they both looked fine. Haruto furrowed his eyebrows, knowing they'd have to listen to kuroo in the end. Kuroo gestured for haruto to come over to him. Haruto did as kuroo wanted, going over and listening to kuroo whisper to him. Haruto frowned and nodded, walking out the room and going to the bathroom like asked. Kuroo took his attention to kenma, putting his head to kenmas head. "You're not sick, you need to go to school" kuroo insisted. Kenma sighed as Kuroo didn’t seem to change his mind. He watched Haruto get up, frowning and turning his attention to Kuroo. “But..” he didn’t have much of a reason to follow up with, he just really didn’t want to go. The blonde sat himself up and started to get out of bed. He gave Kuroo a bit of a pout before going out and towards the kitchen. Kuroo moved out the way, letting kenma get up. "Thank you kenma" kuroo said, following kenma out to the kitchen. Kuroo had done cereal, it was hard to have time to make nice things with little time in the morning. Haruto finished up in the bathroom, coming out to the kitchen ready to eat. He sat down next to kenma, checking his bowl and then kenmas to see kenma got milk and he didn't. He sighed, he wanted the milk from the cat cafe to have in his cereal. He picked up a handful of the dry lucky charms and put them in his mouth. Kenma sighed and he sat himself down in his chair. He looked at the cereal with a little pout, but he didn’t complain. He picked up his spoon and started to eat the cereal with a tired gaze. The boy rubbed his eyes a few times and chewed carefully so he wouldn’t choke. Kuroo sat down near them, looking to the boys. "We going to have a good day today?" Kuroo asked, raising an eyebrow. Haruto started to tremble before tearing up, putting more cereal in his mouth. He forgot all about Friday night sleepover and how he'd wet the bed and then left early the next morning. He was really worried, hoping nothing would be said about it. Kuroo looked as haruto started tearing up, giving a soft sigh. "Its going to be fine, both you just need to focus on your school work." Kuroo suggested. Kenma looked over at Kuroo and slowly shook his head no. He wasn’t ready to go to school, hoping to maybe guilt trip Kuroo. He also didn’t have a phone, so he didn’t have any way of letting Kuroo know if things went wrong. Kenma sighed and continued to eat, letting the milk dribble out of his mouth.

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