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(Lev pulled his fingers out of kenmas mouth, wiping the remains in the blondes hair. Kuroo let kenma drop to the ground, watching before he sat on kenmas back forcefully. Lev joined in, coming over and sitting on the back of kenmas neck. He pushed kenmas head straight into the ground, both of their complete weight laying on kenmas body. Kuroo shifted his hips around, pushing kenmas back down more and stomach flat against the floor with kenmas chest and head.)
(Kenma gasped for air as Lev's fingers pulled from his throat. He started to sob, burning pains going throughout his throat from Lev's nails ripping it up and then the stomach acid getting in the cuts. He fell to the ground with a grunt, letting out a sob and trying to push himself up. The boy's hips shoved back down against the floor as Kuroo's weight pushed down on him. He gave a struggling cry, coughing as his stomach laid flat on the hard floor. Kenma tried to pull himself out from under Kuroo, but it was hopeless as Lev sat his weight down against him. He gave a strangled noise while hitting the ground with a fist shut tightly. The blonde was wheezing and struggling to breathe with all of the weight pushing him into the floor. His joints had all popped from the pressure they were under. Kenma's face began to go red as he wasn't getting enough air in) (Both of them stayed on top of kenma, pushing him down onto the hard ground. After kenma was almost about to pass out, both got off of him. Kuroo pushed kenma over onto his back, this time forcfully sitting down on kenmas stomach between the chest and bladder. Lev sat up just above kenmas chest, letting all his weight compress kenmas breathing. Both boys didn't hesitate to move around and keep themselves weighted on top of kenma.) (Kenma was grunting softly as he tried to get free, though he wasn't strong enough to get them both off. His head was throbbing and he felt his ears starting to ring. The boy got closer to passing out, lungs instantly feeling with air as they got up. He let out a sob as Kuroo pulled him on to his back, coughing and still gasping for air to fill his lungs with. He huffed out the air he had left in his lungs as the two sat down again. Kenma squeezed his eyes closed and his mouth hung open as he struggled to breathe. His head sat between both of Lev's thighs, which made him feel more restricted than he already was. Kenma cried out with what little air he had left as all of his insides were compressed and squashed together under their weight.) (Kuroo pushed his hands down on kenmas stomach as he sat on top of the boys bladder, soon his hands beating down on it in fist. Lev pressed his thighs together, restricting any movement kenma made. Levs hands starting to pull at kenmas hair, tugging chunks of it out. Both of them stayed on kenma, not caring if the boy was uncomfortable and couldn't breathe. Both their smirks staying plastered on.) (Kenma yelped out a breath as Kuroo sat back against his bladder. Almost instantly he began to struggle to hold in the urge that suddenly came. He squeezed his eyes closed and struggled even more to breathe as Kuroo's hands thrust down against him. Tears rolled down his cheeks and his mouth fell open, saliva dripping down his lips. His tiny pants came in staggered, pain filled yelps at each painful thing he felt. Kenma's eyes started to bug out slightly at all of the weight keeping him from breathing. The boy began to pass out again, legs kicking out a little. He felt his pants starting to go warm and his head was throbbing and burning from each chunk of hair lev took) (Lev and kuroo continued to torture over kenmas body, pinching and punching the blonde where they could. Nails scratching down kenmas stomach from kuroo, ripping skin under the shirt. They watched the life drain out of kenma, their smiles getting bigger by the second.) Owen looked around to kenma again, he didn't know why the boy was making noise or moving in his sleep. Owen decided to leave it, as long as kenma was sleeping nothing should be a problem to Owen. (Kenma couldn't get enough air in to even cry anymore, the tears falling silently down his face. His cheeks were alarmingly red and he looked dazed and miserable as the life was practically crushed out of him. Each scratch, punch, or or tug his body received made his limbs twitch. Every few seconds he gave a weak struggle. Kenma's eyes finally fluttered closed, breathing nearly coming to a stop.) Kenma was crying and squirming around in his sleep, fists clenched together and hitting against the floor as they had been in his nightmare. (Kuroo and Lev waited until stopped moving, making sure all life was drained out of kenma before they got off of him. They left his body pale and beaten up, blood surrounding kenmas stomach.) Owen shot his head back as he heard banging on the floor of the kennel, getting up and bending down at the entrance of it. "Kenma, you need to wake up. I think you're having a dream." Owen said, coming closer and shaking kenmas shoulder. He felt awful the young boy was having such a hard time sleeping, it was expected in such a hard and cold kennel. Kenma jerked his head to the side and rolled over, clutching his stomach. He finally woke up, sobbing and pulling his head into his hands. The boy was trembling badly and gripping tightly at the roots of his hair. He took shaky, gasping breaths in, head too fuzzy to calm himself down. Watching kenma like this made Owen frown, coming closer again and putting a hand to kenmas hands to stop him from pulling at his hair. "Stop kenma.. that's hurting you." Owen spoke softly, feeling terrible that kenma was woken to such a state. Owen looked around, bringing himself to lean more into the kennel. "Come out please.." Owen said, finding this punishment beyond ridiculous now. He could tell kenma was cold, stressed and in need of some actual care. Owen knew he needed to speak to Kyle about it, kenma was a lot more weaker than any other person he had got in the past. Kenma sobbed and he slowly let his hands fall down. The bottoms of his hair stuck to his face as the tears fell, he was too upset to bother pushing it out of the way. "D-Don't hurt me!" He wailed, hugging himself and backing farther into the kennel. He was worried Owen was trying to pull him out so he had more space to harm him, still stuck in the mindset of his nightmares. Owen gave a soft sigh "kenma.. I'm not going to hurt you. I think you need to come out the kennel." Owen told him, he just wanted to take kenma inside to warm up. Owen reached back into the kennel again, holding a hand out to kenma hoping he'd take it. If he just let him inside for a couple hours and let him back out before Kyle woke up, Kyle wouldn't have to know about it. Kenma took a deep breath in and held his hands over his face. He could pick out the gentle tone in Owen's voice, hesitantly looking from behind his hands and sniffling. The boy's sobs calmed some and were now only soft ones every couple seconds. He crawled out of the kennel and stayed on his hands and knees next to Owen, wiping his eyes with his hands. Kenma began to shiver from the cold, looking down with wide eyes and seeing his shorts had gotten completely soaked as he had wet himself from the fear. Owen looked down at kenmas leather pants, he noticed the blanket and floor of the kennel was wet. He looked up to see kenmas wide eyes "oh.. it's okay.." Owen said, not expecting kenma to of wet himself. "Its okay, you just got cold." Owen tried to reassure, trying his best to make kenma not feel embarrassed by it. "I'll take you inside, would you like a bath?" Owen suggested, not caring at this point if Kyle found out or not since he was doing his best to keep kenma from getting sick. Kenma burst out into another sobbing fit, embarrassed that he had wet himself even after Kyle had yelled at him for it. He shook his head as Owen tried his best to comfort him, it was too much to deal with along with the stress and exhaustion he was facing. He gave his head a small nod as Owen offered a bath, he really wanted to get himself cleaned off so he wasn't getting a worse rash and so he didn't smell. Owen gave a small nod, feeling bad he had made kenma cry again but he needed him cleaned up. "Okay." He said softly, grabbing kenmas wrist off the ground and pulling him up to stand. He didn't see a need for kenma to walk on all fours around him, he knew how much it would hurt at the wrist. "You just need to be quiet, I know you will be." Owen said, knowing kenma was actually a really lovely boy and wouldn't do anything on purpose like wet himself or hurt Kyle. Kenma stood up, wiping his arms and sniffling a couple times. He appreciated how kind Owen was being to him after the harsh punishment he received from Kyle for lying. The boy nodded once and sniffled, taking a deep breath and slowly calming down to where he was only sniffling. He looked at Owen, nodding his head once to tell him he was ready. Owen grabbed his key out and unlocked the door very carefully, pulling kenma inside with him. "Shh.." he said hushing kenma, not wanting his sniffles or sobs to wake Kyle. He lead kenma straight through to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind them. He gave a sigh of relief once he knew they were in the clear. He looked kenma up and down a little, the boy really needed a bath. "Do you.. need to go?" He asked, gesturing to the toilet. He wanted to give kenma the chance to go if he needed to. "I'll turn around." Owen told him. Walking off and going over to the bathtub and turning it on to fill it up for him. Kenma wiped his eyes and held his breath as they went inside. He sniffled once they were behind a closed door, shaking his head no. Since he had already wet himself, his bladder felt empty. "I-I don't have to.." he whispered. The blonde glanced over at the bath, gesturing with one hand. "Please..?" He asked, desperate to bathe. Owen nodded as kenma said he didn't need to go, he looked to why kenmas was saying please. "Ah yeah, I'll just get it ready." He said as he added some soap. He turned the tap off and came over to kenma, looking at him with empty. "Here.. let me help.." he said, looking at kenmas clothes. "Arms up.." he said softly. He felt really guilty kenma went through so much, he didn't deserve to stay in wet clothes or not have dinner. Owen knew he'd be in trouble for helping kenma, he couldn't let kenma go without though as he was still just a teen. Kenma sniffled and he waited patiently off to the side as Owen filled the tub. He was thankful for the bubbles, feeling like he could hide under them. The boy glanced at Owen as he offered to help, hesitantly agreeing and lifting his arms. He sniffled and kept them up long enough for Owen to take his shirt off. Kenma was quick to cover his torso out of habit, his bruised, bony chest one of his most self conscious points on his body. Owen took the tight shirt off kenma, throwing it to the ground. Owen could see kenma didn't want to be looked at, turning away quickly. "Sorry.." he spoke softly, staying looking away so kenma could take him pants off. The outfit was rather ridiculous with the tight leather short, it was no wonder to Owen why kenma had wet himself during the day. Owen gave a soft breath and listened out, making sure Kyle hadn't woken up. His eyes shot wide as he heard someone walking down the hall, turning back to kenma and covering his mouth so he wouldn't say anything or cry out in fear. Kenma was thankful Owen seemed to understand his privacy. He began to slide out of the shorts, struggling to get them down enough to let them drop. He had them about half off when Owen pushed his hand over his mouth, jerking his head up but staying quiet. He listened out to hear the footsteps as well, his own heard thumping in his chest. Kenma glanced at Owen for a second before swallowing the lump in his throat. Owen looked down at kenma, now half undressed with his shorts. Owen didn't want kenma to get raped or anything bad like that, he was still a teen and he hated he was brought into the industry. He quickly pulled his hands away from kenmas mouth, going down and tugging the pants up frantically as quiet as possible. "Shh.." he said quietly, feeling awful that they were going to get caught. Owen stopped pulling kenmas pants up and pulled him close to his chest in a hug, hearing the door handle and keys rattle. Kenma was breathing shaky breaths, but doing his absolute best to keep them soft and under control. His heart pounded against his rib cage, so hard he was worried Owen would be able to hear it. The boy squeezed his eyes closed and helped Owen pull the pants back up to his hips. He hugged into Owen tightly as the door started to jingle against the door lock. Owen kept his back to the door, keeping kenma protected and hidden in his arms. One hand around kenmas back and the other on the back of kenmas head, keeping the boy pressed closed to his chest. The door shot open, banging against the wall as the doorknob left a hole in the plaster wall. "What do you two think you're doing??" Kyle asked, angry to see them both inside. Owen let go of kenma and turned to face Kyle, keeping a hand behind him for kenma to hold onto. "Sir- he was cold and.. had an accident." Owen tried to explain. Kyle shook his head, extremely annoyed "he was outside, no excuse!" Kyle told them. Owen didn't want to mention that kenma had been petrified by what looked to be a bad dream. "Get over here, now!" Kyle told kenma, pointing to in front of his own feet. Kenma jumped as the door shoved open, whimpering quietly as Kyle stormed in. He kept his head pressed against Owen’s back once he turned around and used one hand to cover his own ear, the other gripping tightly to Owen’s hand. His cheeks flushed pink as Owen mentioned the accident, but he did his best to stay calm so he didn’t go in to a panic. Kenma stiffened as kyle ordered him to come, but he shook his head no quickly. Kyle held his keys tight in his hand, extremely mad kenma had told him no. "Stupid dog!" Kyle yelled, coming forward and shoving Owen out the way. Owen cried out a little, still wanting to protect kenma but also not wanting to make Kyle extremely furious with him. He stood to the side with his head down, trying not to let the tears up. Kyle grabbed a fistful of kenmas hair, leading him over to the bath. "You want a bath?? Have one!" Kyle shouted, tugging kenma to kneel in front of the bathtub. Kyle pushed kenmas face down into the water, making the boys head go under. "Sir.." Owen spoke a little broken, hurt to know this was his fault. Kenma whimpered and he took a step back, looking up at Kyle with fear in his eyes. He gave a sob and shook his head no. “I-I’m sorry!” He wailed, tears streaming down his cheeks. The boy yipped and stumbled behind Kyle, shaking his head and trying to get away before taking a deep breath in right before his head submerged. Kenma held his hands against the side of the tub, hitting it with a tight fist and trying to push himself up. Kyle didn't react to kenma trying to show discomfort, he shook his head and pushed kenmas head under further. Owen closed his eyes tightly and looked away, his hands gripping tightly at his sides. Owen whispered sorry over and over again, knowing he should of just left it for tonight and helped kenma when Kyle was ready to allow it. "You want to piss all over my stuff and yourself, fifthly boy!" Kyle shouted, bringing kenmas head back up for a breath. Kyle couldn't stand the smell of urine on kenma, he was disgusted by kenmas incapability to hold it in. Kyle spat into the side of kenmas face, glaring the boy and waiting for a response. Kenma’s body began to squirm around as he struggled for air. He was starting to take some in, sputtering and coughing as his head was pulled. He spat out the water from his mouth and sat there with a trembling figure. Kenma hadn’t heard Kyle with his head under, giving a sob as he locked eyes with Kyle’s furious ones. Kyle pulled the plug out and grabbed kenmas wrist "bed!" He yelled at both of them, too tired to deal with it all right now. Owen shot his head up as he heard the bath drain "but Sir- kenmas pants.." Owen pointed out, seeing as that was the whole reason he had brought kenma back inside. "He can stay in them!" Kyle yelled. Tugging kenma up and out the bathroom by the wrist "bad boy!" Kyle yelled, furiously pulling kenma into his room. He opened the dog cage and shoved kenma in, locking the door behind. "Not a sound for the rest of the night." Kyle told kenma sternly, storming over and getting into bed. Kenma whined as he was pulled up. He was sobbing hard and trying his best to keep up with Kyle so he didn’t hurt his wrist. The boy dragged his feet a little and tried to yank back, but Kyle was far stronger. He fell into the cage and winced as he hit down hard, curling up and sobbing. Kenma couldn’t stop crying as he was locked into the cage. Kyle got into bed, closing his eyes. It was hard to drown out kenmas crying, that's all kenma did. Owen sobbed silently to himself, feeling extremely bad for everything. Owen knew he would be in trouble too, he should of just left it but his heart was aching for kenma. Owen stopped his sobs and looked at his phone, a unknown contact calling. He sniffled and picked up, a bit hesitantly at first until he heard it was jax. Jax had sold Owen on to Kyle. Kenma stayed sobbing in the crate, holding his head in his hands. He was worried if he fell asleep he would have another horrible nightmare, but his eyes were aching and he desperately needed the rest. Kenma wiped his eyes and took a deep breath in, sobs following shortly after. The boy was exhausting himself and eventually he fell asleep crying. Owen was relieved by the call, accepting what was said and hanging up. Owen wiped his eyes and went out the bathroom, grabbing kenmas shirt off the floor along the way. Owen moved himself to the lounge room, waiting for Jax. The money still hadn't gone through, there was no money in the card he had given them. There was a knock at the door, Owen let jax in and handed him kenmas shirt. Jax grabbed it and stormed in the house. Going to the bedroom and slamming the door open, his eyes felt teary as he looked at kenma sleeping in the cage. Kyle shot up "oh take the fucking dog" He said, laying back down. Jax came over and bent down at the cage "kenma.." he whispered, waiting for Owen to come unlock the cage. Kenma awoke with a jolt since he wasn’t in such a deep sleep. He thought at first he was dreaming, shoving himself into the back corner of the crate and letting out a sob. His chest was beginning to ache, sore and a little bruised up from being pressed against the floor with Kyle’s weight on his back. The boy was trembling an awful lot, breathing in shallow breaths. He put his head in between his ears and shook it back and forth, trying to wake himself up as he still thought he was in a dream. Jax was upset with kenmas state, seeing he was terrified and smelt strongly of urine along with the fact he had no shirt on. "Kenma.. it's okay, it's just me.. I'm taking you back." He told kenma, stepping back as Owen unlocked the cage. "Let's get your shirt back on" He said quietly, handing the shirt over to Owen. Owen took the shirt and waited for kenma to come out so he could put it on him. “No!” He sobbed, pulling his head down into his knees. He was worried that it was a trap and that he’d be attacked the second he was out. With all three of them in the room with him, he was feeling vulnerable and weak. Kenma pushed farther against the back of the cage letting the wires press into his shoulder blades. Owen frowned, feeling to blame for kenmas reaction. Jax gave a weak sigh "kenma.. please. We need to get out of here." He said concerned, with the way kenma was acting he didn't want to know what kenma went through. Kyle blocked it all out, not caring since it would be one problem off his hands. Owen leaned in, pulling kenma out but in a hug. "Shh.. it's okay.. please." He whispered softly, rubbing a hand over kenmas back. He didn't care if kenma was scared or smelt of urine, the boy needed to get out of here before something bad happened. Kenma squirmed a little in Owen’s arms as he was pulled out, shaking his head and keeping it down. It took him a second to be able to relax in the slightest, putting his arms around Owen and holding on to him as he trembled. Kenma was shivering on top of everything as his pants were still soaked and he had no shirt or blanket to cover his bare torso. Owen kept kenma in a hug, hushing him gently. He pulled away and wiped kenmas tears, gently pulling the shirt over kenma afterwards. Jax stayed back, not wanting to upset kenma further. Jax checked the time, the bidding would almost be over. They had just over an hour to be back, the sun was still down and that was the main thing. "We need to go kenma.. I'm sorry.." jax said, looking down as Owen pulled kenma back into his arms after putting a shirt back on him. Kenma’s thighs were burning and he shook his head, keeping himself pressed against Owen. “I-I wanna go home!” He sobbed out. The boy was starting to feel homesick being this far from Kuroo, he realized how much he really needed the elder. Even though the nightmares he had made him fear both Kuroo and Lev a bit more, he knew he couldn’t get over it without Kuroo. Whether he liked it or not, Kenma had to rely on Kuroo to keep himself stable. The boy was falling apart without him. He buried his head in Owen’s neck and gave his head a shake no to tell him he didn’t want to go where ever Jax was bringing him. Jax frowned again "I know.." he said softly back. Owen looked up at Jax, seeing he needed help to get him to the car. "Shh kenma" Owen said, rubbing kenmas back. "Let's go.. come on.." he spoke calmly, slowly pulling kenma up in the cuddle. Owen understood he needed to go back, there was no way kenma would be set free since there was no profit on someone they gave hospitality to when it came to clothes, shower wash, makeup, gas money for the drive and being fed. Jax gestured to Owen that he would head out to the car first to wait. Owen nod and watched Jax leave, keeping kenma in his arms to protect him. Kenma rubbed his eyes tiredly, sobbing into Owen’s shoulder. He was starting to feel far more upset than before, squirming in Owen’s arms. He knew that he was going to be taken outside with Jax, and he could figure out that he wasn’t going to be going home once they left. All he wanted was to be safe with Kuroo away from all of this. Kenma curled himself up in Owen’s arms, tears soaking both their shirts. Owen didn't want this to go on any longer, it was hard to watch when he knew the outcome would end up happening. Owen scooped kenma up, picking him up to take out to the car. He knew he had to ignore everything kenma said and done, he had to do the right thing even if it wasn't what kenma wanted. Jax started the car and waited for kenma and Owen, it was sad to watch kenma struggle so much. He hoped the kuroo person kenma was talking about wasn't out to find them, he could see the boy missed him very much. Kenma kept his eyes closed tightly, his sobs softening as he got increasingly more exhausted from all the tears. His nose was dripping and his eyes were all puffy, face splotched in red bits and tear stains. “I-I don’t wanna..!” He sobbed while holding on tighter to Owen. He knew he would have to go no matter what. The boy tried to think of Kuroo to make himself feel better but it only made him feel worse knowing he wasn’t with him. Kenma wasn’t even sure if Kuroo was looking for him or not. Owen took kenma through the house and back to the front door, carrying him right out to the car. The man was sitting in the back and jax was back in the front waiting. Owen waited and watched as the man got out, pulling the front door open for Owen. Owen carefully put kenma in the front seat of the car, pulling away from the hug to buckle up kenmas seatbelt. "Its okay, you're okay kenma." Owen insisted, slowly pulling himself away so he could let the man close the door. Kenma was choking a bit on his tears, coughing and gripping tighter to Owen. He was confused about the whole situation, which only added to his stress. The boy tried to get out as Owen sat him down, but the seatbelt kept him in. “No!” He sobbed, pushing his trembling hands down to try and unbuckle. Kenma gave up quickly and threw his head into his hands, tugging at the ends of his hair. He was wailing by now and showed no signs of quieting. Owen frowned and looked away, he felt horrible to leave kenma like this but it wasn't his place to do anything more for him. Owen stepped back and looked at the ground, hearing the car door slam shut. Owen walked off slowly, not looking back at kenma knowing it would break his heart. Jax looked at kenma as he sobbed and tugged at his hair, he shook his head little "not good.." he whispered to himself. They had made no profit off kenma, he couldn't take him back home now to clean kenma up. He felt bad the child would be sold off in wet clothes, messy hair and a red blotchy face because he wouldn't stop crying. Jax turned the ac up to dry kenmas tears, leaving the car cold. He started to drive, trying not to think about the profit they'd make off kenma a second time. The man in the back stayed close behind kenmas chair, knife in hand just in case. Kenma dragged his hands down his face, wiping his tears off with his hands only to have them replaced by fresh ones. He felt over exhausted and miserable being stuck in a situation like this. The boy began to shiver shortly after the ac came on, with his wet clothes and soaked face. He pushed his hand down against the buckle and it popped off. Kenma gripped the handle of the car door, not caring that the vehicle was moving before he began to push it open. Jax watched kenma out the corner of his eye, sighing and looking away. He quickly looked back when he heard the click of the seatbelt and the door, slamming on his brakes as he leaned over and grabbed kenma "stop it! Are you fucking crazy?? That could of killed you!" Jax shouted at kenma with his strict tone he hadn't had to use on kenma really. The man I the back quickly got out, pulling the door open and tugging kenma out the car. He took him to the back of the car and opened it, shoving kenma in the back compartment of the car and closing it. He did it because he knew kenma wouldn't be able to open it from the inside, it also got rid of the smell of urine in the car along with blocking out kenmas cries. Jax sighed again, rubbing a hand over his face as he waited for the man to get back in. He whimpered a sorry and continued to drive, even though he understood kenma didn't like the dark.

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