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Kuroo grabbed hold of kenmas shoulders, trying to stop him in his panic. "Kenma, it was just a dream I promise you're safe." Kuroo tried to speak over the top of kenmas cries. He pulled kenma to sit up, wanting the boy to properly wake up in order to calm down. It was hard to sleep at first but Haruto managed to fall asleep, curled up on the edge of the bed facing away from Lev. Kenma raised his fist and hit at Kuroo's hands like he was trying to knock something out of his fists. "stop it!" he shouted at the elder as his own hands gripped at his hair and curled himself up into a trembling ball off to the side of the bed. He refused to stay sitting up, feeling it left himself vulnerable for attacks. Kuroo furrowed his eyebrows and let go. The worst parts of kenmas dreams being when kenma didn't feel safe to be comforted by him. "I'm sorry.. are you okay?" Kuroo asked softly, watching kenma move away from him. He stayed sitting up, waiting for a response. Once Haruto was asleep, Lev rolled over to look at him. He knew he was a deep sleeper, carefully pulling Haruto into him. He wrapped his arms around the boy, closing his eyes again to finally get some sleep. Kenma took a few shaky breaths as he came back to reality. He turned to Kuroo with a terrified gaze, though he quickly threw himself against him and sobbed into his chest. “Y-You.. they were attacking me..! A-And tearing me apart..” he tried to describe his dream. Kuroo was relieved as kenma finally came to him, wrapping his arms around kenma to comfort him. He listened closely as kenma tried to explain what happened, nodding softly. "I'm sorry that happened.. you know I wouldn't do that kenma.." he said, leaning his head on top of kenmas. "You're safe now, I won't let anything else happen to you" he added, knowing right now it was his job to protect kenma as much as he could. Kenma nodded once he was buried against Kuroo. He felt safer in his arms, letting himself take in kuroo’s scent as a way to calm down. “It hurt so bad..” he said, voice muffled as he pressed his head into kuroo’s chest. Kuroo frowned with sympathy, kenma had been in enough pain before this had happened. "I'm sorry it hurt.." he calmly spoke. He was worried kenma might not fall asleep again, scared he'd have another bad dream. "You want to lay down with me?" He suggested with a soft voice, wanting kenma to know it would be okay to do so. Kenma nodded slowly. He was exhausted and his arm was killing him, he hoped some sleep would fix all of that. The boy kept himself pressed against Kuroo as they laid down. He didn’t want to pull back for even a second, worried he’d loose his safety blanket if he did. Kuroo gave a silent breath of relief, allowing himself to lay back down with kenma in his arms. He had to wait for kenma to fall asleep again, softly stroking his hand through kenmas hair to help the boy relax. He pulled the blanket back over them, giving a hushed noise as he did. He hoped that kenma would wake in a better mood, stressing the boy would want another day off of school. Kenma nuzzled up to Kuroo as he laid back, keeping himself on top of Kuroo. He hoped being this close would keep him safe from any more bad dreams. His eyes fluttered closed and his breathing slowed as he let himself start to fall asleep. Once kuroo noticed kenma was falling asleep, he slowly stopped stroking through kenmas hair and closed his own eyes. The weight of kenma on his chest helped him relax, physically being able to feel if kenma was to move off of him. Kuroo eventually fell asleep, hands resting on kenmas back as more reassurance. Kenma breathed softly against kuroo’s chest as he laid against him. He had a mostly peaceful sleep for the rest of the night, however he occasionally shifted around to get more comfortable. As morning came, Kuroo woke up with a headache and a slightly flushed face, skin warm to the touch. By morning, kuroo was starting to get hot under kenmas body. He opened his eyes and put his hand to kenmas head, feeling the boy was flushed. He sighed and rubbed kenmas back to begin to wake him up, wanting to know exactly how he was feeling. Lev woke up first, letting go of Haruto and getting up. It had been nice to just spend a night with him, not having the boy fight him on anything. Kenma gave a quiet sniffle as he lifted his head a little. He squinted his eyes open, looking at Kuroo and letting his lip tremble a bit. “Kuroo..” his voice sounded strained from all his crying, and he winced as he shifted on top of the elder. Momentarily he had forgotten about his wrist, but was quickly reminded as he lifted his arm. Kuroo kept his eyes down on kenma, pushing the boys hair out the way to look into his eyes. "Mhm? What's wrong?" He asked quietly, leaving kenma to lay on top of him even though it was getting warmer between them. Lev got ready for school before going to try and wake Haruto, crawling across the bed and shaking his shoulder. Haruto didn't want to go to school, he was comfortable just resting. Kenma slowly rolled off of kuroo, fanning himself with one hand as a light sweat glistened on his forehead. He lifted his shirt a bit with one hand while leaving the hurt one resting against the bed. “I don’t feel good..” he mumbled. He had a bad headache, a hot body, and a looming sense of sadness in his stomach. Kuroo started to sit up as kenma got off of him, looking down at how miserable kenma was. "I know.." he mumbled, already feeling a battle coming on that he wasn't going to win with kenma. "You can't stay in bed all day though. Have some breakfast and we will see how you go." Kuroo suggested, getting out of bed. Lev didn't stop prodding at Haruto, wanting the boy up. Haruto complained, getting up once Lev started to poke into him more. Kenma nodded slowly and started to sit up. His arm was hurtjng so bad it burned, but he couldn’t do much to fix it right now. The cuts were itchy under the wrap, and he worried what it would look like if he were to lift the bandage. Kenma left it alone for now and forced himself out of bed. He looked miserable with puffy eyes and a red face, his hair was also messy. Kuroo got up and grabbed kenmas hand, leading him out the bedroom and to the kitchen. "What do you want to eat?" He asked, pulling the seat out for kenma. Kuroo pulled his phone out his pocket, texting Haruto to see how he was and to warn him that kenma wasn't going to be at school. Haruto grabbed his phone and instantly laid back down, eyes tearing up. He didn't want to go to school alone. He decided to lie, telling Kuroo he was feeling very sick. Kenma shrugged as he slid into the chair. He slouched over the table, sniffling and wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. “Something cold..” he said, hoping to get rid of the yucky sweating feeling he had. Kuroo nodded, going into the kitchen and grabbing out the frozen fruit to make kenma a smoothie. He checked his phone as he did so, cussing under his breath. He assumed that kenma and Haruto were probably feeling sick with the same thing. Kuroo messaged him to ask if he was able to go to school, getting an instant no back. Kuroo blended the smoothie, pouring it into a glass for kenma. He brought it over and put it in front of kenma. Haruto stayed in bed, only getting up when Lev physically made him. Haruto sobbed, grabbing his backpack and going to the bathroom to change while Lev dealt with the sheets. "We have to go out for a little while." Kuroo mentioned. Kenma gave a soft sniffle while watching Kuroo move around. He looked down as crayon jumped up, the slightest smile tugging at his lips as he pet her. He rested his head back down and tugged at his shirt to get some air flow underneath. He gave a displeased grumble as Kuroo mentioned going out. Kuroo ignored kenmas displeasing mumble, sitting down at the table. He texted haruto that they would come get him soon, putting his phone back down and waiting for kenma to finish his breakfast. Haruto checked the message as he got dressed, he was relieved that he didn't have to go to school. He stood in front of the sink and ran some hot water, washing his face to make his cheeks look flustered. Kenma ate slowly, not wanting to upset his stomach. He wasn’t sure what exactly he was sick from, but it was likely the stress and lack of sleep he’d been getting. Kenmas eyes trailed down to his wrist, he grew curious as to how bad the cuts were. They sure stung, but he didn’t want to complain. Kuroo watched kenma examine his wrist, taking a deep breath. "You're to keep them covered, understood?" Kuroo asked of kenma. He didn't need Haruto exposed to it, self harm being an easy trigger for Haruto. Kuroo didn't want to rush kenma but he was still concerned over Haruto spending the night at levs by himself. It was going to be hard to hide what kenma had done to himself, the fact that kuroo would have to follow kenma closely everywhere almost being a dead give away. Kenma nodded and pulled his sleeve back down to cover the marks. He still felt warm and the long sleeves didn’t help but it would be obvious on his wrist if he wore short sleeves. He continued to have his smoothie, seeing how rushed Kuroo looked and quickly pushing it away. “We can go now..” Kuroo leaned across the table and grabbed the class, taking it and putting it on the kitchen sink. He then came back over, walking by kenma and grabbing his hand. "Okay lets go." He said, allowing kenma to trail behind him to the front door and then the car. Lev was going to leave for school, deciding to wait as Haruto apparently felt unwell now. Kuroo held the car door open for kenma, waiting for him to get in. Kenma held on to his hand while giving a soft cough. He cleared his throat and walked behind Kuroo while letting the elder lead him. His eyes stayed on the ground, his hurt wrist limp at his side. Once they got to the car, Kenma climbed in and curled up in his seat a little. Kuroo shut the car door behind kenma, going around and getting in his side. "We won't be out for long." Kuroo made sure to tell him. He started the car before driving out the driveway. "You feel okay?" Kuroo asked, leaning over and pressing a hand to kenmas forehead. He still felt warm to the touch. Haruto laid on the lounge room floor waiting for kuroo to pick him up, feeling better he knew where he was staying tonight. Kenma buckled himself and leaned his head against kuroo’s hand, shaking his head no. “Don’t feel good at all..” he said while shuddering lightly. Between the pain in his arm and the stomach ache he had, he was ready to go back to bed. Kuroo pulled his hand away, nodding his head. "I know, you don't look well." He said, setting his eyes on the road. "Harutos not well too. You've probably got the same thing." He mentioned, looking out the window for levs house. He pulled up, getting his phone out and texting Haruto he was here. Kenma looked over at the house, frowning a little knowing Haruto was going to be joining them. He turned his head away from Kuroo and hugged his knees up with one hand. His eyes fluttered closed and he began to drift into a light sleep while they waited for Haruto. Haruto sat up and grabbed his backpack, leaving the house without a goodbye to Lev. He walked slowly, not wanting to show he was well in anyway. Opening the back door, he got in the car and laid down. Kuroo looked back, sighing and pulling away from the curb. "You two can lay in my bed, I really don't want it spreading.." kuroo told them, he didn't want to get sick himself as he needed to work. Kenma opened his eyes as he heard the door open. He glanced at Haruto without saying anything, sliding down in his chair snd nodding to Kuroo. “Okay..” he said softly. He rubbed his eyes before closing them again, fanning at his face with one hand to cool off. Haruto eyed kenma in the front, copying the motion of fanning himself too. Kuroo could see both looked to be unwell, not wanting them to be pushed out of bed. Once home kuroo got out the car, opening Harutos door and taking his bag. Haruto got out slowly, leaning on the car while kuroo went and opened kenmas door too. Kenma unbuckled himself once they pulled into the driveway. He wiped his face with his sleeve to clear the sweat, crawling out of the car and clutching his stomach as he walked. He walked slowly to the door and inside once it was open, heading right for his room. Kuroo followed behind with Haruto, letting the boys go into the room. Haruto copied most pained movements kenma was displaying, standing beside kuroo and leaning on him. Kuroo opened the pocket on Harutos backpack, seeing there was wet clothes. "What's this?" Kuroo asked. Haruto pouted and shrugged. "Okay, but go to the bathroom." Kuroo said, handing haruto back his backpack. Haruto kept his pout taking the backpack and walking out the room. Kuroo came over to the bed and pulled the blanket back for kenma. "You'll be alright?" He asked. Kenma crawled into the bed and laid with his shirt coming up slightly, fanning his face before looking at Kuroo and nodding. “Mhm..” he said before resting his head against the pillow. Crayon was close behind, jumping on the bed and curling up at his side. Kuroo watched as the cat made its way onto the bed. "You know Crayon and Haruto don't get along well.." he told kenma, not wanting a fight to happen with the cat on the bed with them. Haruto got dressed, going back to the room. Kuroo pulled haruto closer to whisper to him. Haruto gave a nod, handing over his backpack to kuroo before coming over to the bed. "You two rest and be good." Kuroo said, leaving the door open a bit. Haruto nodded again, turning to look towards kenma and crayon on the bed. Kenma furrowed his brows a bit. "Its fine.." he said. It was his cat and his apartment, so he felt he had the right to having Crayon there. He watched as Haruto came in, making sure there was room for both of them. He let his eyes fall shut moments later, hand resting over his forehead. Haruto carefully got on the bed, laying on his side facing kenma. He stared for a moment, sitting up and pulling the blanket over himself and kenma. He was willing to play sick if he got to spend more time with kenma. He moved in closer, keeping his eyes open. Kenma scrunched up his face a bit as Haruto pulled the blanket up, his body was a bit soaked in sweat and it hadn't started to dry yet. He shimmied around to move the blanket off, opening one eye and looking at Haruto. "Rest your eyes.." he muttered since he still thought Haruto was actually sick. Haruto closed his eyes quickly, waiting a moment before opening them again. He continued to watch kenma, getting bored quickly. Haruto rolled onto his stomach with a  huff, moving his arms to rest under himself. He moved his head to press his face into the side of kenmas pillow. Kenma closed his eyes after a moment and rested one of his hands on top of Crayon. His head tilted to face her and he didn't reallt notice Haruto getting closer. The blonde took in a deep, slow breath and let it out as he started drifting almost right away. Haruto was growing bored, he at least thought kenma would talk to him. He pulled his hand out from under himself, carefully putting his hand near kenmas face. Haruto gently poked kenmas cheek, eyes set looking to see if he was going to get a reaction or if kenma was asleep. Kenma jolted lightly, his eyes quickly opening. He looked at Haruto, giving a soft grumble followed by a cough. His cheeks were still pink and he looked like he needed a good rest. "Not now.." he grumbled before turning away. Haruto frowned, pulling his hand away. He was bored and kenma didn't seem to be that entertaining. He rolled over and tried to rest, closing his eyes tightly as if to force himself to fall asleep. Haruto moved his legs around, shifting them to rest against kenmas legs. Kenma fell asleep rather quick, his body laying and starting to shiver as his sweat dried. He shifted onto his side and was now facing haruto in his sleep, their legs tangling together. Haruto saw kenma was now asleep, going to roll over himself. He felt a little trapped, deciding to curl up on his side instead. As he did, he managed to knee kenma in the crotch. Haruto shuffled back a bit, just to make sure he wouldn't accidentally do it again. He just hoped it didn't hurt kenma too much. Kenma's face scrunched up in his sleep. He curled in on himself some, giving a quiet groan as he shifted around. He was quick to settle back in and his hands roamed over into Haruto's space. Haruto opened his eyes again, shifting closely and grabbed onto kenmas hand that was in his space. He held it to his face, running it over his cheek a couple of times. Finally he left it to rest on his face, closing his eyes to get some sleep. Kenma slept for a while longer, shifting closer to Haruto as he was asleep. He woke up nearly on top of the boy, his head feeling groggy and stomach feeling worse. Kenma turned his body away and clutched his head in both of his hands with a whimper. Haruto managed to fall asleep, having someone close always helped him sleep. He himself woke with a splitting headache, groaning and pushing his forehead into kenmas back. He gave a bit of an annoyed sob,  pulling the blanket back over himself completely. Kuroo came in to check the boys, seeing some movement. He stood in the doorway, not saying a word to see if the boys were getting comfortable or were still in pain. Kenma flinched as Haruto's head pressed close, but he didn't move away. He buried his head in the pillow and clutched on to the blanket as well to see if he could keep himself warm since shivering made his head hurt worse. The blonde hadn't noticed Kuroo, his eyes shut tightly and lip quivering from the chills and pains he felt. Kuroo slowly walked in as he heard them groan, leaning over and placing a hand to kenmas head. He took it upon himself to take the blanket off kenma, feeling he was still hot. Haruto rolled over and looked at Kuroo, frowning to him. Kuroo leaned down and whispered to Haruto softly. The boy shook his head and rolled over to face away from him, clutching onto kenmas shirt. "Are you hungry kenma?" Kuroo asked. Kenma whined a little as the blanket was lifted. He reached for it to hold it on while opening one eye to look at Kuroo. His face was still flushed as ever, eyes watering as he looked at the elder. "No.. I-I don't feel good." he said before pushing his head back into the pillow and taking in a shaky sigh. Kuroo crossed his arms over for a moment, looking between the boys. He grabbed harutos arm, pulling him up. Haruto groaned, not fighting it. Kuroo felt Harutos forehead, he wasn't too warm. He yet again whispered to Haruto, sending him off to the bathroom. Haruto crossed his arms over and left the room, going into the bathroom like he'd been asked. Kuroo brought his knee up on the bed to get closer to kenma. "You hide under that blanket and you'll overheat." Kuroo warned, not wanting kenmas fever to get worse. "Not even a drink?" He asked, trying his best to keep up kenmas hydration while he was sick and not really eating. Kenma looked towards the wall as Haruto left, his attention slowly looking back to Kuroo. He held the blanket anyway while shifting himself to be closer to the elder. "But.. im cold." he mumbled before shuddering softly. He contemplated a drink for a moment before nodding. "Just water." he said. Kuroo smiled and leaned down, leaving a kiss on kenmas cheek. "Okay, thank you." He spoke softly, pushing himself back off the bed to go get kenma a water bottle. Haruto came back out the bathroom with his arms still crossed, going back to the bed. He got up and this time moved himself closer into kenma, closing his eyes with a sigh. He moved his head to rest on kenmas arm, feeling something through kenmas sleeve. He didn't say anything, assuming that kenma was hot because he had an extra layer under his hoodie. Kenma nodded once to Kuroo and let his eyes flutter shut as he waited. His body was exhausted and wanted more rest. He hummed softly as Haruto got back in bed, flinching and jerking his arm up as his head laid down. He let out a whimper and clutched his wrist, waiting for the pain to pass. The bigger cut was stinging to no end and the pressure on it made it worse. "Ow ow.." Haruto quickly jolted, sitting back up causing his headache to send shooting pains. He could see kenma was in pain, becoming teary eyed as he watched. "Sorry.." he spoke quietly, not meaning to hurt kenma on purpose. He sniffled and wiped his nose on his sleeve. Kuroo came back in with a water bottle for kenma, stopping when both looked upset. "What's wrong??" He asked, putting the water bottle on the bedside table. Kenma clutched his wrist tighter, eyes shut as a few tears dripped down his cheeks. He grumbled a few words to Haruto, knowing he hadn't meant it. He opened his eyes as Kuroo came in, lip quivering."M-My wrist.." he stuttered out while gritting his teeth. Kuroo looked between kenma and haruto, not sure what to say at first. "Well.. be more careful next time.. you keep spraining it." Kuroo told kenma, gently pulling kenmas hand away to stop holding it. Haruto sniffled and continued to wipe his face, laying down carefully so he didn't hurt kenma again. "Are you alright?" Kuroo asked to make sure it wasn't hurting kenma too bad. Kenma slowly nodded his head and let go, laying down with Kuroo's help. He held his arms close to his body and glanced at Haruto, feeling a bit bad for his sudden reaction. "Mm.." he used his good hand to pull Haruto closer so he didn't feel like he did something wrong. Kenma looked up at Kuroo and nodded once. "m'okay.." Haruto slowly moved closer into kenma, now understanding that he needed to be careful. Kuroo gave a soft sigh, picking up the water bottle and handing it to kenma. Haruto looked at kuroo, sitting up to whisper at him. Kuroo shook his head. Haruto frowned and laid back down, a grumpy pout left on his face. "Call me if you need anything." Kuroo said, leaving them alone in the room again. Haruto wiped any remaining tears that had been left on his face, looking directly at kenma. Kenma thanked Kuroo quietly and held the bottle of water. He sat up a bit and took a sip so he could wet his throat and hydrate himself. He set the bottle down after a second and looked over to meet Haruto's gaze with his head tilted. Haruto didn't break his stare with kenma, his eyes narrowing into a glare. Finally he rolled over to face away, mumbling to himself about kenma. He didn't like when Kuroo would have double standards when it came to some things. He kept his eyes open, arms moving to cross in front of himself as he laid on his side. Kenma was a bit taken back by the action, tilting his head and looking at Haruto. "What's wrong..?" he whispered while laying himself down on his stomach so he could press his head into the pillow.  Haruto rolled his eyes slightly, shaking his head as kenma asked. "Nothing." he muttered, closing his eyes so he could try and rest away his headache. The headache and kuroos words putting him in an awful mood, he didn't have to explain any of it as it wasn't kenmas business. Kuroo went into the lounge room, making it dark in the area so he could watch a movie by himself while both boys continued to rest. Kenma frowned and shrugged it off. He got comfortable on his stomach, feeling Crayon lay on top of his back up top near his shoulder blades. The boy pushed out a sigh as he closed his eyes and began to drift to sleep once more. Haruto got annoyed quickly, turning over to see the cat resting on top of kenma. Haruto waited a moment, making trying to make sure kenma was asleep. He leaned over and grabbed the water bottle, sitting up and twisting the cap off. He pushed it under the covers and carefully began to pour it out onto the back of kenmas legs. It being his way of making a point to kuroo. He swiftly pulled the water bottle back out from under the covers and began to twist the lid back on. Kenma breathed softly against the pillow, shifting a bit as the coolness of the water spread under his legs. He didn’t wake up though and stayed pretty still for the rest of his nap. It was a few hours later again and he opened his eyes slowly and glanced at the wall. His body ached from being still for so long, his headache not much better. Haruto had put the water bottle under the bed carefully, laying back down away from kenma. He wasn't able to sleep, eyes tiredly watching both the cat and kenma. After a bit he did pull out his phone, playing on it until it hurt his headache too much. As kenma began to wake, he put his phone down and closed his eyes tightly. Kenma shifted around and started to sit up. Crayon sat up and climbed off, laying next to his head instead. The boy froze as he felt wetness at his crotch, cheeks flushing red. He hadn’t had to go before falling asleep so it was a bit puzzling. The boy gazed over to Haruto and thought he was asleep. Haruto felt kenma shift around beside him, finally allowing himself to open his eyes to have a look. "What's wrong?.." he asked in the same tone kenma had done to him before when he was angry. He didn't sit up, fingers fidgeting with the corner of the blanket that was over them. Kenma frowned and looked over at him again before shrugging. “Nothing..” he said. He didn’t want to say anything since it was humiliating to do it like this. The blonde pushed his legs together and grit his teeth a little. Haruto obviously knew kenma was lying, raising an eyebrow but keeping his mouth shut. He rolled over and closed his eyes again, trying to not look suspicious. Kuroo had finished his movie, getting up to check the boys once again. Haruto kept his eyes shut as kuroo came in. He hoped it would both prove a point and get kenma in some sort of trouble. Kuroo came over to the bed, shaking Haruto by the shoulder as kenma looked to be already awake. "Come on, you two need dinner at least." Kuroo mentioned. Haruto slowly opened his eyes and sat up, nodding his head as kuroos request. Kenma frowned as Kuroo came in, glancing at the elder. He waited for him to move closer before gently gripping his arm. “Kuroo..” he whispered, leaning up to get closer to his ear. “I think I accidentally.. wet the bed..” he said, sounding ashamed. Kuroo leaned in as kenma whispered to him, giving a soft sigh. Haruto looked between them, still keeping his mouth shut. "Go wait in the kitchen haruto." Kuroo asked. "Why?" Haruto asked back as he got off the bed. "Because I asked you to." Kuroo said back, not expecting haruto to answer back so sharply. Haruto crossed his arms, looking back at kenma before leaving the room. He only stood just outside the door that was half open. Kuroo felt kenmas head again, making sure he wasn't getting sicker. "Did you drink a lot?" Kuroo asked, removing his hand from kenmas head.

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