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Kenma looked down at his paper as the teacher started the lesson. He gave a bit of a sniffle before looking up at the teacher. “Oh.. yeah..” he said and looked between the board and his paper. He started to work it out on his page, hoping it was Right. The teacher watches closely, no expressions to let kenma know how he was doing with the question. He looked around the classroom for a moment, making sure everyone was doing the work. "We have testing next week across all classrooms. You better not let the class down." He told kenma, taking his eyes back to the work. Lev was busy for awhile with all the questions the teacher had given, anything that wasn't done expected to be homework. Kenma glanced around again, looking from the teacher to his work. He didn’t know if he was doing it right since he got no feedback. He sighed and continued to work. His body tensed up with the comment and he nodded his head up and down once before going back to work. The teacher grabbed his red pen out of his pocket, clicking it before putting it to kenmas paper. He put crosses over each question kenma had done, shaking his head. "Are you looking closely at the board??" He asked, kenma missing a step or two out of the working out process. He took his red pen and wrote the formula on the side of kenmas page, pushing the back of kenmas head down towards the page. "See???" He snapped, not removing his hand until kenma would answer him. Kenma looked up as he began to cross out his work. His shoulders slouched and his eyes started to water as he got discouraged from his work. He looked away and nodded his head once. “I know-“ his voice cut off as his head pushed down closer. He grit his teeth, pushing at the teacher’s hand before trying to lift his head again. "Do you understand??" He snapped again, wanting a proper answer from the boy. Students were quick to look up and have a look at kenma getting scolded, no one saying anything to stop it. Lev glared his eyes towards them, worried kenma would be worn out before they even got to his place. Kenma nodded his head with a small sob. “Yes.” He mumbled while wiping his eyes. He started to redo the questions so he could get the teacher to leave him alone. His hand shook as he wrote, but he pushed through. He finally pulled away, sitting back in his chair to watch kenma do the work again. "Good." He said, feeling kenma was on the right path now. The teacher pulled out his phone, scrolling as kenma finished some more work. He stopped as he came across some pages that were dedicated to levs videos and photos hed posted, scoffing and going into the accounts. Kenma sighed and he relaxed a little bit as the teacher walked away. He continued to write down his work and go through the problems, trying to get them all done since he probably wouldn’t want to do work at Lev’s house. The teacher brought the phone to kenmas face, scrolling to a video and pressing play. "When was this?" He asked, seeing kenma was in a tent with someone mocking and bullying him. Students again lifted their heads at the sounds coming out the phone, hearing kenma in pain and distraught. Lev slowly lowered his head back to his work, hearing his own voice in the video. Kenma didn’t pay much attention to the sound at first, but his brows furrowed with the question. He looked at the teacher and his jaw dropped a bit when he realized he was playing it. His pencil slammed down and he got out of his seat to try and turn off the phone. “Stop playing that..” he said with a worried tone. The teacher held it up away from kenmas reach, not allowing him to take it. "I asked you a question." He said sternly, looking up to continue to watch the video as he waited for his answer. Lev slowly got worried as the video went on, hoping no one would point out he was behind the recording. "It was at camp. Ages ago." He said. The teacher looked over, finally turning the sound off the video. "You won't be going on anymore camps with grades like this, back to your seat." He demanded. Kenma looked like he was about to cry as the video went on, his hand still reaching out. He looked over as Lev spoke up, a bit relieved. He looked at the teacher and lowered his head as he sat himself back down to finish his work. His stomach churned and twisted, he could hardly focus on the problems he had written down on his page. The teacher sat back down, continuing to watch the videos on low volume. Lev could see kenma was struggling to focus, very carefully ripping a bit of his paper off and writing on it. He wrote that he'd just do the work for kenma tonight, not wanting kenma to be stressed out. He scrunched the note up, throwing it to the back of kenmas head. Kenma jolted a bit as the paper hit his head. He bent over and picked it up, laying it flat on his desk and reading over the words. His head turned to look at Lev and he nodded once before going back to at least try so the teacher wouldn’t get on to him about not doing anything. Lev sighed and slowly closed his book, done with his work. It was easy just to have it copied onto kenmas paper if they got time tonight. The teacher came back over to see how kenma was going, putting his hand on kenmas back and leaning over the boy to see the work. His hand began to suggestively move across kenma back, giving a small hum. Something about the videos we're rather interesting, wishing he could make that much fear in kenmas eyes. He was sure the boy would listen to him if he was that scared. Kenma rubbed his eyes a bit and looked over at the clock. His body tensed up as the teacher touched his back, his head turned to look at him with furrowed brows. The boy was about to ask him to move away but his words wouldn’t come out as the teacher continued feeling over his back. Kenma got extremely uncomfortable, arching his back in a bit to try and send a hint to the teacher without getting anyone’s attention. The teacher traced kenmas spine a bit, nodding over what work kenma had managed out. "That's much better" He whispered to kenma, standing up properly and resting his hand on kenmas shoulder. Lev screwed his face up, not liking how the teacher was on an emotional roller-coaster with kenma today. Kenma bit at the inside of his cheek, pushing a hand behind his back and swatting it at the teacher’s hand. “Please don’t..” he said, furrowing his brows as he looked at the teacher. His other hand set his pencil down and he leaned back against his chair so the teacher had nowhere to touch. The teachers expression was quick to change, pulled from his lustful state as kenma reminded him he didn't want his touch. He snapped, coming forward and pushing kenmas desk over. "Go, stand at the front!" He shouted, pointing to the front of the class. He grabbed the back of kenmas chair, flipping it forward to get the boy out the chair. Lev and the other students were shocked, hearing the desk crash to the floor followed by the chair. Kenma was about to start his work again, gasping as the desk crashed to the ground. He looked up at the teacher with his brows furrowed and he gave a shirt yip as he fell out of the chair. He was quick to scramble up, standing in the front and backing away from the teacher. He didn’t know what he did wrong, but he was already beginning to fear what the teacher would do. The teacher left the chair and table on the ground, coming up to kenma. "I'm getting sick of you. Don't turn away my help!" He snapped, slamming a hand against the board behind kenmas head. "Don't fucking move." He gritted to kenma, going over to take a seat at his desk for the rest of the class. Lev looked at kenma who was left on display as punishment, everytime a student looking up to complete work their eyes shifting to the boy. Kenma backed himself against the board as the teacher came over. His lip quivered and he balled his fists up. “But-“ he tried to retaliate but just gave a startled cry as the teacher’s fist hit next to his head. His body began to tremble and he covered his face with his hands while standing at the front of the room. Lev rested his head in his hand, waiting for the class to end. He tried to ignore any cry kenma gave, hating that the boy was even upset before they got out the classroom. Lev was relieved to hear the bell, packing up his stuff before going over and fixing the fallen desk over. He picked up kenmas stuff, heading over to the boy at the front. "Quick, let's go." He told kenma, grabbing him by the hand and pulling him out the classroom. Haruto gave a small sob as the bell went, leaving the bathroom and going to find Lev and kenma so he could at least walk with them to his house. Kenma tried not to cry too much, but he hated being right up front for everyone to see. He sucked in a deep breath, letting out a quiet sob and rubbing his eyes. The bell rang and he gave a relieved sigh before looking over at Lev. He held on to his hand and quickly walked out with him, not a second glance given back to the teacher. Lev looked back at kenma as he dragged him along. "You okay? You shouldn't let him get to you" He said, walking straight to the gym. He rolled his eyes as he saw Haruto coming over to them, pushing the changing room door open and going in. Haruto followed with a frown. "What??" Lev snapped. Haruto rubbed his eyes and shrugged. "I wanna walk with you.." he mumbled. Lev sighed, taking his shirt off. "Well you'll have to wait. Go sit /quietly/ other there." He said, pointing over to a bench in the locker room. Haruto nodded, going over and sitting down like he was asked. Kenma sniffled a couple of times as he walked with Lev. “I didn’t even do anything wrong..” he said sadly as they walked. He saw Haruto as well, not saying much to him as they got to the locker room. He gave a bit of a groan while remembering they couldn’t just go home. “I’ll wait with Haruto..” he said, still under the impression he wasn’t going to have to play. Lev put on his volleyball shirt and shook his head, putting his bag in his locker. "No, come watch." Lev said, grabbing kenma by the hand and pulling him along so they wouldn't be late to practice. Haruto watched them leave, going to stand up but stopping himself as Lev had asked him to wait in the locker room. He sighed quietly, folding his arms over while waiting for Lev to do volleyball. He didn't mind too much, anything to delay going home. Lev pulled kenma into the gym, going over to the other boys. "Kenmas decided to join us today." Lev said, pushing kenma to sit down on the ground to join in warm ups. "That's great!" Yaku said, even if he was still not impressed about what happened at the pool it was still good to see kenma willing to join in again. The other team members said nothing, refusing to look at the boy. Kenma frowned and he walked along with Lev. “But..” he stopped himself from talking as they walked into the gym. He felt out of place being there since he didn’t want to play. He looked at Lev and shook his head with furrowed brows. “Lev I don’t wanna..” he whispered to him before sitting on the ground and trying to get back up. Lev ignored kenmas wishes not to play, sitting down next to him. "It'll be good for you." He finally whispered, looking to Yaku to see what they were doing. "We've got even numbers today, we can pair up to warm up." Yaku suggested. People went off in their groups, spreading out across the gym so they had room to warm up. "I'll help you." Lev said, standing ready to warm up. "You're probably really stiff from not playing for ages." Lev pointed out, excited kenma was finally going to join in now. Kenma frowned as he seemed to have to participate in the game. He didn’t want to, but he didn’t have much of a say. He looked up at Lev and shook his head a bit more, though he stopped when yaku started to talk. He looked at Lev once more and gave a quiet sigh. “But.. I’m in my school clothes.” He said. Lev shrugged it off, not seeing it was a big deal. "So? I'll watch your uniform tonight." Lev offered, looking down at kenma. He was quick to move on from that though. "Straddle, I wanna see how much flexibility you've lost." Lev said, putting his hands on kenmas shoulders. Kenma looked at Lev with a bit of a whine, shaking his head no. He couldn’t do anything though since he didn’t want to cause a scene. “But.. I don’t want to play.” He complained while moving himself to do a straddle. It wasn’t terrible, but not as far as he used to get it. Lev rolled his eyes with a smirk. "You say that but then you'll enjoy yourself." Lev said, slowly pressing down on kenmas back to help him stretch. "How wow yeah, you need to stretch lots." Lev said, putting his knee on kenmas back to add more pressure down on him against the straddle. "Lucky you didn't wait longer." Lev said, tilting his head to try and see the side of kenmas face. Kenma winced as Lev started to press down. He squirmed a bit as his body leaned forward, gritting his teeth as Lev added more pressure to his back. “Lev get off it’s hurting-“ he said while trying to sit back up. His hands clenched up into fists as he turned his head to look at Lev. Lev chuckled a bit shaking his head. "Its supposed to silly, that's why we do it so you don't hurt it worse later." He said, turning around to sit on kenmas back to put all his weight on him. "Come on, you're so close." Lev said, almost able to get kenmas chest to the floor. "You'll thank me later." He hummed. He tried not to actually think how much strain it'd be causing it kenmas groin and legs. Kenma had his torso propped up on his elbows, his brows furrowed still. He gave a bit of a grunt as Lev continued to lean on him, he felt too weak to get up. “Lev stop-“ he gave a groan as the top of his thighs where they met his hips strained a great amount. “Ow- ow get off!” He said, giving a bit of a cough as his chest touched the ground. Lev moved further up kenmas back, forcing kenmas shoulder to the floor too. "Wow see? You can do it. He said petting the top of kenmas head a couple of times. "Okay okay.." he said, getting up off of kenma. He offered a hand out to him. "Feeling warmed up yet?" He asked with a small smile. Kenma gave a wheeze as his chest pressed up against the ground. He squirmed his legs around to try and get up, his hands hitting against the ground. He was about to call Yaku for help, but Lev got up. He coughed a couple of times before sitting up and slapping Lev’s hand away. He put his legs together, shaking his head no. Lev smirked and pulled his hand away. "Up you get then." Lev said, kenma obviously wasn't stretched out enough. "Gotta do your arms too." He told kenma, coming up behind him and lifting him up under the arms to stand. He stays behind kenma, grabbing both the boys arms and starting to pull them back. "Lean forward" He hummed. Kenma looked at him with a big frown, he didn’t trust Lev’s stretches at all. They hurt more than anything. He stood up as Lev pulled him up, turning his head to look at Lev. “It’s gonna hurt..” he said while keeping himself straight up. He didn’t trust that Lev wouldn’t drop him either. Lev rolled his eyes, pulling back on kenmas arms. "Come on, last stretch and then we can join in." He said, seeing everyone else starting to gather to practice on the net. He pulled kenmas arms backwards and up further, glancing around to make sure no one was watching him over stretch kenma. Kenma winced a bit as Lev kept pulling on his arms. He bit the inside of his cheek, still resistant to leaning forward. Though he wanted it over with, so slowly he moved himself to lean forward and stretch out his arms. Mostly it just tugged at his sockets, making him hiss in pain. Lev quickly let go as kenma put effort into helping with the stretch. "Okay, lets go." He said, walking off towards the net where everyone else was. Yaku was explaining they were working on blocking today, getting them in groups of three on one side and a couple other on the opposite side of the net to send some balls over. Lev was pretty good at blocking so he decided to go across to send the balls over the net to be blocked. Kenma shook out his arms once Lev let go, his face a bit pained. He also felt like he couldn’t play well in his school pants and shirt, but thought he would just try. He watched Lev go to the other side of his net, furrowing his brows as he was stuck with all his other teammates who wanted nothing to do with him. Lev grabbed a ball and waited for them to get lined up, bouncing it on the ground a couple times. Yaku pushed kenma closer to the net, wanting kenma to at least try to do some blocking as it was going to push him away from his comfort zone of setting. Lev didn't even give warning, stepping back and sending the ball over the net. Yamamoto jumped to it, sending it back over the net. "Just give me space." He also told kenma, not wanting him to get in the way of his blocking. Kenma looked back at Yaku, his eyes pleading no as he moved closer. He liked his spot as setter, not wanting to mess up things like blocking for the team. He took a timid step backwards before quickly getting out of the way for Yamamoto. “Right- sorry..” he whispered. Yaku raised an eyebrow, grabbing kenmas shoulders and moving him to the middle instead of yamamoto. "What gives??" He asked, mad he'd been taken from the middle. Yaku stepped back again. "Well stop hogging the ball." Yaku told him firmly. "Go again." Yaku told Lev, stepping back to play as libero still. Lev didn't hesitate, coming closer to the net to send it over to kenma with much more force. Kenma pulled back on his wrist as Yaku dragged him. “Yaku he can stay-“ he tried to insist without much luck. He backed away from the net some and watched at the ball came hurling over towards him with a lot of force. He wanted to shield from the ball, but thought he could at least give it a try. He jumped up with his hands managing to block it. Yamamoto rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, moving away from the net. "Whatever, I'm done for today." He snapped, grabbing his bag and walking off. Yaku shook his head but let him go, moving up into his position. "Does anyone else want to be petty??" He asked with no answers. "Again." Yaku said annoyed, he hated how everyone was acting. No matter how many times they went out as a team, it didn't seem to be bringing them closer together. Lev sighed and sent the ball over with a good amount of force again, stepping even closer to the net. Kenma watched as Yamamoto got up to leave. He felt bad, thinking it was all his fault for the tension in the room. The boy was about to leave from his position when Yaku said again. He watched Lev, the ball coming out of nowhere and hitting him in the side of the head. He hissed in pain and stumbled back a step, glaring at Lev from across the net. Lev quickly looked away as the ball hit kenma in the side of the head. "Be careful." Yaku told them, kenma needing to be on high alert and Lev needing to be more considerate when sending the ball over. Yamamoto came back to grab his water bottle. "I'm not returning until he goes." He snapped, walking back out the gym. Yaku quickly went after him, needing to talk some sense into Yamamoto. Lev grabbed another ball, hitting it over while they were distracted. Kenma held his head in his hands, taking a second to let the pain leave. He gave a quiet sigh and looked over as Yamamoto came back. His words hurt, his shoulders slouched as well as he looked sad. The blonde felt his eyes beginning to water, and he hardly had time to react to the ball before it hit him in the face again. Kenma stumbled back a step and held his hands over his nose and watched as some blood dripped to the floor. Lev was shocked, dropping another ball he picked up. "Oh shit! Sorry!" He called out, not meaning to hit kenma in the face again. No one helped kenma, just watching without saying anything. "Brush it off.." Lev said, not sure how bad he'd hit kenma. Kenma whimpered softly as he held his nose in his hands. His brows furrowed and he glanced around before looking at Lev across the net. He lowered his hands and his nose was steadily dripping with blood on to the ground, quickly followed by tears. He knew it was a bad idea to play today and this just proved his point.  "Hurry up and send it over!" Another team member called out, not sure why it was holding up practice. Lev sighed and sent it over, having some decency to as least send the ball away from kenma. The team member went for it, knocking it but on their side of the net. Another went to get the rebound, pushing kenma out the way but slipping in the blood. "Get off! You're dirtying the court!" He snapped, getting up and looking at the blood that was now on his shoes. Kenma cupped his hand over his nose again and he took a small step back. He watched the ball come over, glad it was sent away from him. He didn’t know what to do since he was so out of practice. He gasped from the shove he got, falling on his side and letting his tears drip. He sucked in a breath before pushing himself off of the court and to the side while trying to catch his blood. Yaku walked in, stopping at the mess on the court. "What is going on??" He asked, the blood being spread across the gym from being on people's shoes. He come over to kenma and leaned down. "Kenma.. go home and clean yourself up.." he spoke calmly, putting his hand on kenmas shoulder. "That's enough today.." yaku called out, needing to clean up the gym since it was unsanitary to play around blood. Lev slowly put the balls back, watching everyone else start to leave the gym with annoyance. Lev came over to kenma and Yaku, waiting to take kenmas to his now. Kenma looked at Yaku, a little disappointed in himself. He nodded to Yaku’s words, he would much rather go home than continue playing so miserably. He watched as Lev came over, standing up and waiting for him before walking back to the locker rooms. Lev stood in front of kenma as they walked, pushing the locker room door open. "I really didn't mean to hit you in the face.." he told kenma, freezing as he walked in. He didn't hear Haruto, sighing to see he was asleep and curled up. Lev went in his locker and grabbed is bag out, opening it up and digging through. He pulled out his jacket and dumped it over haruto. He grabbed out his uniform, taking off his shirt to swap it out now volleyball was over. "Did you at least enjoy any of it??" Lev asked kenma. Kenma glanced up at Lev as he apologized, not sure if he was being serious or not. The blood had started to stop but it was still on his shirt and face and hands. He followed Lev around the locker room before stopping to look at Haruto while shrugging. “I don’t know.. no one likes me.” He said sadly while finally putting his bloodied hands to his sides. Lev rolled his eyes, putting his shirt on and putting his other one away. "Every heard of jealously?" Lev asked, going over to haruto and pulling him to sit up. Haruto yawned and let Lev pull him up, slipping his arms through the jacket while Lev held it up for him. "They need you and they know it." Lev added, zipping the jacket up. Haruto rubbed his eyes before looking over to kenma, frowning and standing up. "You're bleeding.." he told kenma. Lev grabbed Harutos school bag, making him put it on. "Lets go" Lev told them, leading the way. Kenma looked at Lev with his head tilted. “But.. they can’t stand me..” he said while shaking his head a bit. He watched as Haruto began to wake up, his attention not really on much though. “Mm.. ball to face.” He said to Haruto before looking back at Lev. He moved himself off the wall and towards the door, ready to go. Haruto kept his frown, kind of glad he hadn't been around to witness it. He went to hold kenmas hand but stopped because of the blood. Lev grabbed harutos hand, pulling him along quicker since he wanted him to get home. "You can shower at my place." Lev offered, considering it was his fault kenma was covered in blood. Lev pushed the door open and headed outside, seeing the sun was almost down already. Haruto dragged his feet a bit, trying to at least slow Lev down a little. "Haruto, you need to go home." Lev snapped, feeling the tug against his hand. Haruto looked to kenma for a different response, still hoping he could continue to avoid it like he'd been doing for the last couple weeks. Lev didn't want Haruto over today, finding it hard to spend time with just kenma. Kenma sighed and walked out of the locker rooms, glancing back at the two. He nodded to Lev’s offer, continuing to walk on a bit ahead of the two. He slowed down when he saw how dark it was outside. He looked at the ground for a moment before shrugging to Haruto. “You’ll be fine ..” he said as they continued to walk. Haruto let go of levs hand and shook his head, knowing that couldn't be promised. "No!" He snapped at kenma, hating how it was brushed to the side so easily. Lev wasn't up for a battle tonight. "Kenma said that he will stay with you tomorrow if you go home tonight." He bribed. Haruto crossed his arms over, his expression softening now. "Fine.." he mumbled, finally walking forward again. "You're welcome." Lev said to kenma, continuing to walk in the dark. Haruto had to go home before kenma came over anyway, at least try and clean up his room. Kenma grit his teeth as Haruto started to throw a tantrum. He didn’t say anything, shooting a glare towards Lev. “But-“ he cut himself off as Haruto calmed down with the words. He wasn’t excited about that in the least, shoving Lev as they walked. He crossed his arms and looked bitterly towards the ground. Lev ignored the shove, just doing his best to keep the peace. Haruto stopped walking as they got close to his house. Lev nudged him along. "Here, go home. We will see you tomorrow." Lev said. Haruto pouted and went over to kenma, hugging him now the blood had dried. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying not to cry. He pulled away and carefully crossed the road, he grabbed the house key out of his backpacks front pocket and quietly unlocked the door before shutting it again. Lev grabbed kenmas hand and pulled him along. Kenma gave a bit of a wave, pausing in his step from the hug. He hugged back and pat Haruto on the head before watching him leave. He grumbled to himself as Lev tugged him along again stumbling a little as they walked. As they got to his house, he looked at Lev firmly. “Dont you dare try anything tonight..” he warned.

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