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Kenma stared at his food for a good second before taking a larger bite. He stayed still and quiet while chewing, watching as Kuroo walked away. He slumped his shoulders and swallowed his bite, leaning back in his chair and waiting for Kuroo to get back. The boy looked over as he was called, brows furrowing as Kuroo asked if he could come move crayon. He thought it was a good chance to try walking, so he agreed. Kenma pulled himself up slowly, wobbling a bit but managing to stay up. He took a few small steps before stopping to keep himself upright. Kuroo watched as kenma stood up, he hoped he was okay to be walking around since he had carried kenma around just because he liked to do it. "You okay?" Kuroo asked, watching kenma take a moment to stop walking. Haruto let out a soft cry, he wasn't sure if they were going to move the cat or not. He was exhausted and just wanted to be left alone in kenmas room, the cat making his mood a lot worse since the cat would constantly hiss or glare at him. Kenma nodded his head once, walking on after his small break. He made it to the door, looking at Kuroo to see if he was proud that he made it. He looked away after a second and went into the room to see crayon on the bed. She instantly sat down, giving a sweet meow and reaching a paw out. Kenma tilted his head a bit, not sure what they meat but saying she was trying to get aggressive. He limped to the bed and picked her up, she instantly began to purr in his arms. Kuroo smiled a little as kenma made it to the door, it fell quick since Haruto was still crying and hiding behind the door. Kuroo couldn't believe how kenma could change the cats mood so quickly, giving a soft sigh as a relief as the cat settled in kenmas arms. "Thank you" kuroo said, moving back to the door with kenma so he could close the door for Haruto. "You're okay now, get some rest." Kuroo told haruto, gently closing the door. Haruto frowned, the door closing leaving him in the room alone. He went over and grabbed his stuffed dragon off the ground and went over to the bed, sitting down and resting his back against the wall. Kuroo looked down at kenma "bed?" Kuroo asked, he was sure kenma was finished eating. Kenma held crayon in his arms, walking out of the room and waiting outside for Kuroo. He held her close as she purred, he always got happy that she was so happy around him. He looked up as Kuroo came out, nodding his head a couple times. He kept crayon with him, walking carefully to the room. He went in and to the bed, setting crayon down and sitting next to her. He took in a shaky breath and rubbed his eyes tiredly. Kuroo followed just behind, making sure kenma kept his balance. He was proud of kenma for pushing himself to keep walking, he wouldn't have to worry about the crutches at school if he kept it up. Kuroo followed kenma into the bedroom, bringing himself to lay down with a soft sigh. "You tell your teachers you'll be away for a couple of days? Just so they are aware." He told kenma, feeling it was best so they didn't call them to ask about kenmas attendance. Kuroo looked over to kenma, hoping he wasn't in too much pain still. Haruto hugged his legs again while sitting on the bed, the room light was still on so he wasn't too concerned by himself. Kenma pulled all his limbs on the bed, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He laid down and pulled the blanket up, crayon instantly laying over his side once he was all settled in. The boy yawned and nodded a couple of times. “Mhm.. I will.” He said. He was a bit nervous to tell his last period teacher, deciding he’d do it at the very end of class. Kenma sighed and let his eyes fall closed while snuggling up to Kuroo. “Mm, love you..” he whispered. Kuroo smiled and draped his arm over kenmas body, pulling the boy close into him. "I love you too." Kuroo said softly before kissing the top of kenmas head and closing his eyes to get some sleep. He felt kenma would be okay tonight, hoping he'd sleep off any access pain he had. Haruto was tired but refused to sleep, he didn't want to have to do what kuroo would make him do before bed and he certainly didn't want to have a bad dream or get attack by the cat while trying to sleep. It was just safer to stay awake, he could keep an eye on his surroundings that way. Kenma felt safe and comfortable in kuroo’s arms, as he did most nights. He let himself relax and tried to clear his head so he could have a peaceful rest, since he badly needed to catch up on sleep. He closed his eyes and gave a big yawn before starting to drift. It didn’t take long for him to fall asleep, his body limp in kuroo’s embrace and his chest fell and rose at a steady pace. Kuroo didn't fall asleep long after closing his eyes, feeling so exhausted all the time since he was always stressing over something. Haruto stayed awake the whole night, he did almost fall asleep a couple times. It had been boring with no tv and just his thoughts, He stopped himself each time by picking his outer thigh. He was relieved to see the sun coming up, it was like the sign that he could leave the room soon. Kuroo groaned at the alarm, cussing under his breath as he sat up and turned it off. "Kenma, up for school." Kuroo told him, wanting to hurry to get them out the door so he had more time to pack. The bus seemed like a good idea, he would need the car to pack anyway. Getting up he opened the curtains "I'll make breakfast" He said, finally leaving the room. Kenma slept through the night without any disturbance. He shifted and opened one eye at the sound of the alarm, though quickly closed it and groaned. He didn’t want to get up for school, and he couldn’t use his pain as an excuse since he was feeling better since he’d gotten home. He shook his head once and shielded his eyes from the light. Kenma pushed his bangs from his face and slowly peeled his eyes open, looking at Kuroo with a frown. “Don’t wanna go..” Kuroo stopped in his footsteps, turning back to kenma. "You need to go, Haruto needs to go to school so he can go home tonight. If you don't, he'll have to come with." Kuroo explained, that was a lie because he would of drove haruto home himself. He knew kenma cared dearly for Haruto but also knew he was craving alone time, going away with haruto tagging alone wouldn't exactly allow that to happen. "Please up, one more day." Kuroo added, leaving the room once again so he could quickly throw together a breakfast for them. Haruto didn't want to go out on his own terms, waiting patiently for someone to come get him. Kenma signed quietly and sat himself up. He was upset he had to go, but figured he could just go one more day before being able to catch a break. He rubbed his eyes and began to get up. He was able to stand with some difficulty, but got himself up and steady. Kenma walked in baby steps towards his cupboard and grabbed out a uniform he had. He sat back on the bed and changed his shirt pulling his pants down next. Kuroo started making breakfast, deciding to go with toast since he had no lactose milk for haruto to have cereal with kenma. Kuroo cooked them a piece each since both didn't eat a lot most the time, putting the plates on the table for both of them to have. Kuroo went to kenmas door where Haruto was, knocking it and opening it slowly. "Oh you're already awake, get dressed and come have breakfast okay?" Kuroo instructed the boy. Haruto didn't respond, watching kuroo leave the room again. Haruto finally got off the bed and went to his bag, pulling out his uniform and getting dressed very slowly. Kenma rubbed his eyes after his head poked through his shirt. He ran a hand through his hair and pulled his pants on, tucking the shirt in before standing. Each time he dressed, he started to feel Like his clothes were getting bigger and bigger. Kenma sniffled and forced himself to stand up. He slid his shoes on before walking out to the kitchen and sitting down at his seat. He wasn’t thrilled about the toast, but didn’t want to make the morning difficult. Kuroo sat down at the table, getting his phone out to check the time. "Catch the bus please?" Kuroo asked, he hadn't known about the bad things that would happen on the bus. Haruto finally got dressed and packed his bag up, picking it up and taking it out with him. It felt odd to finally leave the room again, he put his bag down and awkwardly moved himself over to the table before sitting down. Haruto didn't look at kenma or kuroo, he hated how the atmosphere felt after last night. Haruto looked at the toast, giving a soft sigh that turned into a yawn before picking it up and biting the corner. Kenma picked up his toast and bit out of the corner. He chewed it for a second before swallowing, looking up with wide eyes as Kuroo mentioned the bus. He hung his head low, furrowing his brows but nodding once. He couldn’t ask Kuroo to take him, since there must be a good reason as to why Kuroo couldn’t take them. He poked at his bread and didn’t feel like finishing it. Kenma stood up and moved to the door, grabbing his bag and waiting with his arms crossed. Haruto rubbed his eyes, looking over to see kenma move to the door. He looked back at kuroo, figuring he wasn't driving them. Haruto frowned and got up, picking his bag up and putting it on. Haruto walked over to kenma, looking at him ready to go. Dark under his eyelids from not sleeping at all, he felt a bit light on his feet too. He looked away from kenma, it was still on odd atmosphere and he couldnt do anything to change that without having to put himself in the spotlight and that wasn't what he was looking for. He squinted slightly, his eyes burning still. "Be good, take care of yourselves." Kuroo told them, packing up from breakfast. Kenma rocked a bit while holding on to the straps on his bag. He looked at Haruto, giving a weak smile hoping he would forgive him. The boy looked away as Haruto did, sighing and crossing his arms. He didn’t say anything to Kuroo and opened the door, walking out and down the driveway. He didn’t wait for Haruto as it seemed he didn’t want to be near him. Kenma continued to walk until he reached the bus stop, waiting for it to arrive. As it pulled up he felt his stomach start to twist with nerves. The blonde took a deep breath before stepping up on the bus and staring down the isle. Haruto tried to keep up with kenma, it made him dizzy walking too quickly. The boy yawned and rubbed at his eyes, wishing he got a tiny bit of sleep. Haruto stood with his eyes closed, waiting for the bus, once it came up to the stop haruto got on behind kenma. He hated the bus just as much, last time he got on he ended up humiliated and throwing his shoe in the middle of the road. Haruto noticed the bus was packed again, wanting to whine and grab onto kenma but he didn't. Everyone looked as they stood on the bus, already mocking and making rude remarks by pointing the finger or covering the seat beside them. Kenma swallowed back the nervous feeling he had. He didn’t want to be humiliated, but he knew he couldn’t sit in the isle. He slowly walked down, glancing side to side to see if someone would be nice enough to let him share. He continued walking back, stopping next to a chair with one person. “Can I..?” He asked softly, nervously playing with the straps of his bag as he waited. The person looked up at kenma, shaking their head before putting their legs across the seat. Leaning their back against the bus wall, it left no place for kenma to sit with them. Haruto stood directly behind kenma, internally freaking out but on the outside he looked more dazed. He just wanted to sit down and take the weight of his tired legs, he knew it was going to be a long day at this point. Haruto closed his eyes and let his head droop for a moment making him sway where he stood, his jolted forward into kenma as the bus started moving. Kenma frowned as the person completely blocked him off. He felt humiliated, even though no one had really done anything. It was embarrassing that not one person would let him sit there with them. He was about to continue back, but lost his balance as the bus started to move. He tried to catch himself, but as Haruto bumped in he lost balance and fell face first against the floor with a small Yelp. Haruto let out a gasp as he fell, kenma had been his only support to keep him up. People laughed as they toppled over each other, finding it rather assuming they couldn't keep themselves up.  Landing on top of kenmas back he let out a sobbed noise, getting up and quickly going to the front of the bus. He couldn't stop himself from having a meltdown, waiting for the bus to stop and let him off. It took a moment but the bus did stop, Haruto quickly got off the bus and walked while trying to calm himself down. Someone stood up when the bus stopped, putting their foot on kenmas bag to keep him down. Kenma grunted out as Haruto fell on top of him, clenching his fists and squeezing his eyes shut. He gave a cough from the impact, squirming forward a bit once Haruto was up. His cheeks were flushed pink and he took a second to catch his breath again. With his petite frame, the wind was knocked from his lungs much easier than for others. His body slid on the isle a bit as the bus stopped, but he was stopped as well as the person put their foot on top of his bag. He tried to stand but couldn’t, brows furrowing. Kenma squirmed a bit to try and get the person’s foot off, he wanted to walk if he couldn’t sit in a seat. Haruto sniffled and walked towards the school, he was used to walking anyway and it gave him time to clear his head in silence. He hated catching the bus, it wasn't fair at all. Haruto was exhausted and emotional, he couldn't find a moment to actually calm himself while walking. The person kept their foot down on kenmas back, a smirk staying on their face as kenma couldn't get up. The bus was getting close to the school so they were going to make kenma stay down the whole time. Kenma felt his eyes fill with tears. He clenched his fists and tried harder to get up, but with his bag and the persons foot he couldn’t. The boy put both hands against the ground and started to get on all fours, hoping if he could, then he could just stand himself up. He gave a bit of an elbow to the persons ankle to try and nudge it off. The person took their foot of kenmas back and gave him a kick in the side, putting their foot back on right after with no words exchanged. People were watching and some taking photos, the daily reassurances never got old with kenma. Haruto stopped for a moment, coughing out a sob while looking around. He knew the direction of the school but he really didn't want to go, he told himself not to skip though knowing he could get in big trouble. Wiping his eyes he continued to walk, he knew the school was just two streets away now and he might make it in time for the bell if he hurried. The bus pulled into the school, opening the doors as the teens at the front of the bus started to get off.Kenma gave a yelp, one of his hands shooting up at his side and holding over where he was kicked. He coughed out a breath and blinked the tears out of his eyes. They fell on to the bus ground, a small puddle forming next to his face. The boy could tell everyone was watching, his face went red and he didn’t like all the attention. Kenma winced as the bus came to a stop. He wanted to get up, but had to wait for the person holding him down to get up first. The person Finally put his foot off of kenma, running off the bus to go into school. Ambrose frowned, he wanted to help kenma up but didn't want to get bullied too. "Move." He said, standing waiting to get off the bus as people behind him were starting to get annoyed. Haruto stopped once again, he wanted to stop crying and clear his face up before he made it to school so people wouldn't look at him weirdly or ask stupid questions. Kenma groaned as the person finally let him get up. His back was aching already, and the foot didn’t help. He gave a bit of a sigh and glanced up as Ambrose spoke. He was shocked that the other was speaking to him like that, while he was mad with him he always thought he was the nice one. Kenma pulled himself up and held his bag, walking down the isle and exiting the bus. He wiped his eyes as he walked slowly into the building, on high alert for Lev. Lev was already in school, he had hopes kenma would be in today since he was away yesterday. He was waiting by the locker, his bag hiding the new corset he got. This corset was made for extra small people, he hoped it'd pull kenmas waist in more than the other corsets he had used. The bell went and Lev cussed, looking around to see if kenma was running late. Haruto heard the school bell from a street away, his heart racing before he started to run so he wasn't too late for the class since coming in to class late was embarrassing. Kenma walked slowly, the bell rang as he went inside. He was worried that his teacher would be upset he was late, though he couldn’t really help it. The boy gave a sniffle and turned down the hallway to his locker, looking down and tensing as he saw Lev. He paused and whimpered quietly. Kenma walked on and looked at the ground as he slowly passed by Lev to get to class. Lev raised an eyebrow and grabbed kenmas wrist tightly, he wanted to get this out the way to enjoy it for the whole day. "Bathroom break before class, we are already late." Lev told kenma, starting to drag him to the bathroom. Haruto jogged to school, entering the school grounds and running to his class so he didn't get caught in the hallways. Haruto went to sneak into the classroom but got caught, being asked while he was late made him very teary eyed. Haruto couldn't say anything, giving an unsure shrug. He was lucky the teacher told him to hurry to his desk, doing as he was told and putting his head down straight away. Kenma whined as Lev grabbed his arm. He tried to pull away, but Lev was too strong. He stumbled along behind Lev while wincing at each movement. “Ow ow!” He whined. “Lemme go..” he said. The boy couldn’t do much to get away, trying to walk faster to catch up. As they entered the bathroom, a chill ran down his back. Kenma knew good things never happened when they were in the bathroom alone. Lev smirked and grabbed onto kenmas wrist tighter, pushing him against the wall while he took his own bag off to grab the corset out. "Hold still!" Lev said raising his voice, grabbing it out and lifting kenmas shirt at the front by reaching around past his waist. It was hard to hold the shirt up, kenma against the wall and the corset making him cuss under his breath. He stopped in his track's, looking up as August walked in. Both boys stared blankly at each other for a moment, Lev was unsure how August would react. His worried disappeared when he saw a smirk appear on his face. Kenma whimpered from the tight hold, his bones were weak and it felt as if his wrist would snap under the pressure. He grunted while his body hit the wall, his hands immediately gripping for his shirt as Lev pulled at it. He didn't know what he was doing, though paled at the sight of the corset. "Lev, please don't..!" He begged. It hurt his ribs badly each time Lev forced him into one, and he could see that this one seemed to be smaller than the one before. Kenma flinched a bit as he heard someone else walk in, face going red in embarrassment. He didn't look to see who it was. August crossed his arms over "what's happening here?" He asked, looking them up and down. "He won't put it on." Lev said a little frustrated, hoping august didn't find it weird. August nodded "let me help" He said, coming over and holding kenma in place while Lev smirked again and started to put the corset on him. "Aren't these like dangerous for your organs?" August asked while watching. "For kenma? Nah, it has made him piss himself before so be careful while you tighten it." Lev said, holding it in place ready for August to tug it. August felt the honour in being able to be the one to tighten it. Letting go of kenma and grabbing onto the string, he gave a tough tug upwards. Lev watched completely mesmerised by the scene in front of him. August gave a few tight tugs before letting Lev finish it off, watching the taller tie a couple of knots in the corset. "don't ask Haruto to help you take it off, I'll check at the end of the day." Lev told kenma before he grabbed kenma from behind to feel kenmas hips and how much they had been taken in.
Kenma felt his stomach tense up as he heard August’s voice. He recognized it immediately, giving a bit of a sob knowing there was no saving himself now. He squeezed his fists together and felt his cheeks go red as Lev mentioned him wetting himself from the corset. He was opening his mouth to protest, but all that came out was a strained cry as August tightened the strings. He groaned a bit and felt his breath leaving his lungs as the corset shaped to his body and drew his sides in. Each time he tried to take a breath, it was cut off as his body pressed against the corset. Kenma grunted and nearly stumbled over from how hard they were pulling. As Lev tied it off, he couldn’t help but let out a sob at the pain he felt. He grit his teeth as lev held him by the hips. He tried to squirm away but his body felt stiff as he moved. Kenma looked down, his stomach looked sickeningly flat with the corset pulling his body in. "The longer you wear it, the more it's going to make you that shape permanently." Lev said still managing to caress kenmas body some more. August stayed standing back a bit, just watching everything else unfold. "You do this often??" He asked, it was weird but he kind of liked the way it left kenma breathless and whining. Lev shrugged "when I can" saying it as he pulled away from kenmas hips. August took over "Oh wow, do you even have any organs?" August asked, feeling the side to the front of the corset. "Better get to class." Lev said, considering they were all in the same class but at least this teacher was mostly understanding. Haruto couldn't keep his head down anymore, when he did he thought he would fall asleep and he didn't need that reputation In the class knowing what happens when he does fall asleep.Kenma felt humiliated standing in front of the two while gasping for a breath. He wasn’t able to get a deep one in, his chest and stomach ached as he tried. He despised the feeling of Lev’s hands running over his body, it made him feel more self conscious about how small he was compared to them. Kenma started to claw at the knots while lev was talking to august, they were tied too tight for him to get undone without holding the strings properly. The boy stiffened up and stared at the ground as August felt over his sides. He pushed the other back, crossing his hands over his stomach and wincing in pain. Each time he moved it dug into his sides and made his breath hitch. Lev rolled his eyes and pulled kenma along, he really didn't have an excuse for being late but he knew he could make one up. August followed just behind, keeping his eyes on kenmas waist as best as he could. Lev finally let go of kenmas arm once pushing him into the classroom. "Sorry, bathroom lines were long." Lev said, coming in and taking a seat. August nodded in agreement, also coming in and sitting behind Lev and kenmas usual seats. Lucky the teacher was gullible and fell for it, giving a nod and continuing the lesson. Kenma whimpered quietly, stumbling behind Lev. He tried to keep up, but with his sore body and now the corset, he could barely keep his balance. He didn’t think he would be able to sit down, and he definitely wouldn’t be able to slouch down. The boy blinked his tears away and breathed through his mouth, giving small pants. He put a hand over his stomach and frowned, letting his hand drop after a second. Kenma stayed behind Lev as they walked in, keeping his head low as he walked to his chair. He took a second before lowering into the chair, body stiffening and breath hitching again. Lev and august watched kenma struggle to sit, Lev leaning over to kenmas ear. "If you keep that look on your face people will think you've got something up your ass.. relax a little." Lev whispered before pulling away. He was just happy he was able to have the boy in the corset all day, he didn't even know kenma would be going away yet. August gave a hum, keeping his eyes on the back of kenmas head. Kenma furrowed his brows as Lev leaned in. His face went pink, and he went to slouch back and hide but the corset dug into his sides, making him jerk up straight and wince. He put a hand over his stomach and held his head down while fighting tears. He listened as the teacher continued the lesson, but each word went in one ear and right out the other. Kenma couldn’t focus with the pressure building as the corset tugged at his waist. He pushed a hand behind himself end tried to get one of the knots out. Lev had kept his eyes on the teacher until hearing kenma beside him, quickly smacking kenmas hand away from the back of the corset. "Stop it. I'll make it tighter" he warned, knowing well he could do that with August's help. August had been watching kenma try to untie it, even he wouldn't of been able to do it himself without scissors so he doubted kenma could. The teacher continued to lesson, letting chatter happen amongst the classroom to discuss the notes on the board. Lev gestured for august to come over. August nodded and picked his chair up, bringing it over and putting it down beside kenmas chair so the blonde was trapped in the middle of them. Kenma flinched as Lev smacked his hand away. He let it fall to his side, giving a shake no to Lev’s words. He didn’t think he would be able to breathe if they made it any tighter, he could feel his entire middle squishing together. He looked up as August came over, furrowing his brows again and keeping his eyes down at the desk. He had no where to escape, and felt more vulnerable than usual with both of them there.August couldn't believe how upset kenma looked, he thought it wasn't a bug deal the corset. "Can I sit with you at lunch?" August asked, he wanted to connect with Lev more. Lev nodded in agreement, it was good to have someone help him. "Hope you've got lunch today kenma" Lev said, fiddling around with his pencil. The teacher walked past making Lev give a fake smile which she fell for, giving one back. August nodded his head slightly at the teacher, looking back to kenma after.

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