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Kuroo frowned, going over and opening the curtains so they could see. Kuroo could see kenma was in a great deal of pain, coming over and starting to rub kenmas back. "Hey, it's okay kenma." Kuroo told him, hoping the boy would understand it was okay to vomit if he needed to. "Can you walk?" Kuroo asked, wanting to know where kenma was at with his recovery. Haruto was devastated to see no text from kenma, sniffling and rubbing at his eyes before laying back down since he didn't want to risk going to school. Kenma found one of his hands subconsciously gripping tightly to the bedsheets, his knuckles white from the grip. He looked unusually pale, a sickly glow to his face as he lay heaving over the bowl. He had a break between the heaves, long enough to shake his head no to Kuroo's question. Though he hadn't tried, he could feel his legs were still weak and his thighs still burned since they hadn't been properly cleaned, how Kuroo would do had he been home. Kenma coughed again and kept his head over the bowl. Heat flashes ran over his body and he began to sweat an unnecessary amount. Hair stuck to his forehead and his head went dizzy. The blonde gave one hard gag before finally throwing up what hadn't yet digested of his spaghetti, along with some stomach acid. Kuroo gave a soft sigh of relief as kenma brought something up, he didn't want kenma feeling sick because he couldn't vomit. "No school today, hey?" Kuroo suggested, he was scared kenma would collapse if he tried to move too much or use the crutches. Kuroo knew kenma needed a day of rest, just to get back to more of his usual self before heading back to school. He still hadn't talked to kenma about what happened at school, hoping that kenma had just left it too late and collapsed on the bathroom floor rather than something happening because of someone else. Kenma's stomach began to feel better once he was done vomiting, but the pounding pressure in his head remained. He moved away from the bowl and laid himself on his back, weakly kicking and pushing the covers down. His shirt was drenched in sweat, parts sticking to his thin waist, drawing attention to his shape. He didn't realize this however, and just nodded to Kuroo. "Mm.." was all he said. Kenma had the taste of vomit left in his mouth, it made his face scrunch up. He didn't want to ask for anything though, worried it might upset his stomach. He wasn't sure of all the side effects he may get from highly overdosing on the pain killer. "Kuroo.." He whined out, letting his head fall back as desperate sobs pushed from his lips. Kuroo sat on the bed beside kenma, trying not to look at kenmas figure. It hurt after so long of trying, he could never get kenma to keep the weight on. "Mhm yes Kitten?" Kuroo asked as kenma said his name, he leaned beside kemma, resting on his arm. Kuroo was hoping kenma would keep talking to him, it was hard to know what was going through kenmas mind when he wouldn't say anything to him. "You want something?" He asked, he didn't want kenma struggling with asking for help anymore. Kenma knew he needed to tell Kuroo about what had happened, and he feared if he didn't now, he would forget or be too conservative later on to tell him. The boy kept his eyes on Kuroo and it took him a second to collect his words. "Medicine..-" He kept it short, wincing towards the end of his sentence. He hoped if Kuroo thought he wanted medicine, he'd get the container and see how much was missing. "Too much.." he added. Kenma felt stupid talking in such a broken way, but he didn't fully have his strength back and needed to save as much as he could and use it towards recovering. Kuroo raised an eyebrow "medicine? Are you in too much pain?" Kuroo asked, sitting up to go get something to help with the pain. He went into the cupboard and saw the bottle had moved. Picking it up the medicine bottle felt a lot lighter. "Medicine.. too much..oh." kuroo said, putting it back and going to kenma. "Did you have too much last night?" Kuroo asked, he was sure the amount kenma took would do nothing too bad apart from get a stomach ache. "Probably why you slept so well last night." Kuroo added, feeling kenmas head for a temperature.Kenma waited in bed for Kuroo to come back, his brows furrowed as he saw Kuroo didn't seem as concerned as he was. He wasn't sure what else could be causing his discomfort, and was positive it was prompting his vomiting. The boy had read before that overdosing could lead to hallucination, loss of consciousness, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, severe stomach pain, and loss of balance. He was only so worried because more than half of those symptoms were happening to him. "Way too much.." He whispered. Kenma looked at the wall passed Kuroo's head, zoning out for a second before snapping back as his stomach seized and released. Kuroo gave a soft sigh and moved his hand away, he felt that if kenma was going to have a reaction it would of been last night. "I'll keep an eye on you, okay?" Kuroo told kenma, moving his way to the door before going out to try and make food for kenma to keep down. After haruto didn't get the messages from kenma he was sure something was wrong, getting up and packing his bag to go check for himself. He'd promised to help kenma, if that meant staying with them that's what he'd do. Kenma's lower lip began to quiver as Kuroo walked away, he didn't want to be left alone in such a state. He gave a little bit of a protesting whine, hoping the elder would turn around and come back. He was feeling hot and sick, his head pounding along with his heartbeat, just not as severe as the night before. He took a sizable breath in, letting it out through his nose which had cleared some since he had been up. Kuroo was In the kitchen for a bit, hearing a knock on the door confused him. He went and opened the door, shocked to see haruto had come over on a school day. Haruto came in without a word, going in to look for kenma. He came to kuroos room and knocked, going in slowly with a frown on his face before dropping his bag and coming over. Kenma sobbed softly to himself as Kuroo didn't turn back. He stayed laying in the bed, eyes screwed shut as he felt yet another pain. This one passed quicker, and he looked up hopefully as he heard footsteps. He was shocked to see Haruto, feeling instant guilt when he realized he forgot to text. "s...orry" he trailed his word out, sounding a bit disconnected. Kenma gave his head a light shake and sniffled, wiping his eyes off. His tears had now mixed with his sweat, blotches of drenched fabric appearing all over from how hot he was. "Fan..?" He questioned, hoping to get a bit more comfortable. Haruro kept a frown on his face, he wished that kenma had told him just how sick he was. Nodding he switched the fan on, walking slowly back over to kenma after. He stood infront of the bed and looked into the bucket "yucky.." he mumbled, scrunching his nose up a bit before looking to Kenma. He could see kenma was sweating and looked really uncomfortable. He put his hand to kenmas forehead, pouting as it was warm. Haruto was glad he came, knowing he could help out while kuroo did other stuff like Cook. Kenma allowed himself to relax more now that Haruto was there. He knew the two would take good care of him, and only wanted for him to feel better. He couldn't help but feel bad that Haruto was missing school because of him though. The boy began to dread the following day, knowing some of his teachers got too personal and he would have to explain why he missed yet another day of class. Kenma tried not to stress, letting his eyes fall closed at the fan began cooling his body off. Haruto's hand felt wonderful, cool against his sweaty forehead. He tried to lean his head up into it to tell Haruto to keep his hand there, but he couldnt lift his head much. Haruto moved his hand away, going over to his bag and opening it up. He grabbed out his stuffed animal and went over to the bed. Getting up on it and putting the stuffed animal right next to kenmas head to comfort him. Haruto stayed sitting up on the bed, keeping his eyes on kenma. "Need anything?" He whispered quietly, leaning his back against the headboard of the bed. Kuroo couldn't really argue with haruto, he wasn't going to waste his time and take him to school because he didn't want to leave kenma or force him up. Kenma pouted a bit as Haruto pulled his hand away, but he said nothing. He opened his eyes and laid still as the fan circulated cool air through the room, he was still hot and sweaty but beginning to cool off. The blonde forced a weak smile at Haruto's gesture, it made him happy to have a second person who cares about him since he was so used to Kuroo. He gave a soft shake no, the company was enough to make him comfortable enough to close his eyes and try to get a small nap before Kuroo came back in. Kenma slowly held on to the stuffed animal for comfort, shifting his body a bit and hearing all his stiff joints beginning to crack and loosen up. Haruto nodded back, watching kenma get comfortable. Haruto sat on the bed, crawling across and grabbing his book. He sat back beside kenma, reading to himself to pass the time and stay beside kenma. Haruto felt like it was his responsibility to stay with kenma, if kenma needed anything haruto wanted to show he could help. Kuroo stayed in the kitchen, trying to find something kenma would eat and keep down. It was difficult to find something that kenma wouldn't whine about or hurt the boys stomach. Kenma got himself comfortable, keeping his eyes shut as he laid there. He trusted Haruto wouldn't do anything, and let himself begin to fall asleep again. The turn of the pages was quite calming to him, and soon enough he was able to fall into a light rest. Kenma's body relaxed completely and he looked at peace, his brows no longer furrowed together in pain and worry. His fists remained unclenched, though there were puncture marks on his palms from how hard he had been gripping his hands. The blonde shifted a minimal amount in his sleep, and didnt wake to the book pages turning. Haruto would glance over every so often, every time he flipped the page just to make sure kenma was still comfortable and asleep. Kuroo came in a little while later, haruto sat up and put the book down. Haruto held his hand out for the plate, wanting to give it to kenma himself. Kuroo sighed, he wasn't going to say no so he handed it over. Haruto mumbled a thank you and took the plate, seeing it was scrambled eggs. Haruto moved himself to sit up in front of kenma, waiting a moment before trying to wake him. "Kenma.." haruto spoke softly, putting some egg on the fork. Kuroo waited in the doorway, making sure they were okay. Kenma was deep in his sleep, he didn’t shift once as Kuroo and Haruto were there. It took him a second to open his eyes, but with Haruto calling his name he began to wake. The boy glanced at the two, brows furrowed as he saw the food. He didn’t know it he felt well enough to eat. Kenma squeezed his eyes shut for a second before looking back at Haruto. “Mm..” he groaned. Haruto looked at kuroo, tilting his head telling him to leave them alone. Haruto knew kenma didn't like a lot of people around when eating, he wanted that to be respected still. "Open?" Haruto questioned, putting the fork to kenmas mouth gently. Haruto was feeling extra dedicated today, wanting to prove to kenma that he was able to help just as much as anyone else. Kuroo watched a moment longer "call out if you need anything." Kuroo told them, leaving the room to clean up the stuff from making breakfast. Haruto knew that needing kuroo wouldn't be necessary today, ignoring him as he left them alone in the room again. Kenma was feeling better from when he woke up, but he definitely wasn’t at 100%. He was still far too worn out to sit himself up, propping his head with the pillow to the best of his ability. He knew he could trust Haruto with feeding him, slowly parting his lips to try and take a bite. Since eggs were something he could handle most of the time, he felt it didn’t hurt to give it a try. He took the bite from the fork and chewed slowly before swallowing. Haruto was pleased with himself, knowing kuroo would struggle to feed kenma sometimes so he felt he was really helping. "More?" Haruto asked, pulling the fork away and picking up more egg for kenma. Haruto was still searching for ways he could help kenma, just feeding him didn't seem enough. Haruto put the fork back to kenmas mouth, kuroo hadn't put much egg on the plate so haruto was sure he could get kenma to eat it all. Kuroo finished cleaning up, deciding to go about his regular day just like when the boys were at school. Kenma sniffled and looked at Haruto, nodding slightly before taking in the next bite. His stomach didn’t seem too upset anymore so he chanced it and continued to eat. “Mm.. thank you..” he whispered after swallowing. The boy gave a soft sigh, closing his eyes back and relaxing. He didn’t want to rush and eat in case his stomach was still upset. Haruto nodded at kenmas thanks, glad kenma appreciated it. "But one more?" Haruto asked with a frown, seeing kenma had closed his eyes. He picked up more and put it on the fork, holding it to kenmas mouth. "Ahh" haruto encouraged, just wanting kenma to finish one more bite of the egg. Two bites didn't seem enough but three seemed manageable, he was sure he could feed kenma again later. Kenma opened his eyes again, nodding to agree. He parted his lips and took the third bite, swallowing after he chewed. He wanted to at least try for Haruto since the younger was taking his time to come and help. The boy gave a tired sigh, the only good thing about his injuries was that he needed a lot of sleep to help heal, and it gave him a chance to catch up on missed sleep. Haruto was happy kenma had one more bite of food, putting the plate and fork on the bedside table. Haruto positioned himself to lean against the bed frame, looking down at kenma before petting his lap to tell kenma he could rest his head in his lap. Haruto wanted to do it again, like on the bathroom floor because he knew he could comfort kenma while he tried to rest. Haruto remembered how kenma had wanted him to keep his hand on his head, if he could make kenma feel safe while sleeping that's what he wanted to do. Kenma began to lay himself back down, glancing over as Haruto offered his lap for him to rest his head on. He took the offer, putting his head on Haruto’s legs and closed his eyes. He gave a big yawn before letting himself relax and begin to drift to sleep. He fell asleep with ease, breaths steady. (Kenma woke up laying in a hospital bed in a dimly lit room. He glanced to the side and saw no one else was there yet. The boy furrowed his brows, seeing restraints attached to the bed. He wasn’t being held down by them, but the sight was offsetting.) Haruto gave off a hum as kenma laid his head in his lap, waiting for kenma to get comfortable before he started to stroke his fingers through kenmas hair. It felt good that kenma felt safe to rest on him, he would do anything to help kenma get comfortable. (Alarms started going off, so loud you couldn't actually tell where it was coming from. Jay and some other nurses came rushing in, one of the bad monitors grabbing kenma and pushing him back onto the bed while others worked on restraining kenma to the bed. Jay was setting up things beside the bed, different size knives and blades to cut through anything. Once kenma was restrained there was no attempt to put a mask on his to put him to sleep, no needle to inject him as well.) Kenma shifted a bit in his sleep to get comfortable, his lips slightly parted as he breathed through his mouth. He curled up under the blanket and remained asleep. (Kenma jumped as the alarm began to blare, his hands shooting up and covering his ears. He didn’t know what it was for, looking around with a concerned face as the nurses all rushed in. He gasped as he was pushed against the bed, beginning to struggle as the restraints were put on. Kenma gave a startled whine, struggling and squirming around to try and break free. He was scared as the alarm continued to blare through the halls and in the room. The blonde looked at Jay with wide eyes, tears beginning to form.) Nurses stayed around, holding kenma down even though he had restraints on. Most were masked up and had gloves on. There was no communication between the nurses or Jay, just all watching him. Jay held his hand flat open, another nurse handing him a scalpel. Jay took it and stood in front of kenma. Another nurse had scissors, cutting kenmas shirt and removing it so he was left with his upper body  exposed.) Haruto looked down at kenma, seeing that he was resting okay he picked up his book and started to read it. (Kenma whipped his head to the side, looking between all of the nurses. His eyes landed on Jay again end his tears beginning to fall. As soon as he saw the scalpel in Jay’s hands, he began to panic and struggle against the restraints. His torso jerked around, and he arched his back off the bed trying to get himself free. “Wait, please!” He cried as he nurses removed his shirt. Kenma didn’t stop his struggling, his breathing started to pick up in speed. ) (Jay didn't listen, treating kenma like he was a patient under Anastasia. The nurses put their hands all over kenmas body to hold him it place, also not reacting to kenmas voice. The scalpel in jays hand came to kenmas stomach, he put the blade vertical just under kenmas ribs in the middle. A small amount of pressure was applied to make the blade enter the skin.) Haruto looked down at kenma, shifting to get comfortable as his legs felt a little numb. He petted kenmas head and went back to reading. (Kenma’s eyes were wide and teary, and he began gasping for air the more he panicked. He wasn’t as strong as all the nurses holding him down, so he was forced to stay still. The blonde could see everything jae was doing, he had a clear view of the blade. Kenma choked on his tears as he saw the blade go against his skin. He barely had a second to brace himself before Jay began to slide the blade in. Kenma squeezed his eyes shut and gave a yell of pain, his fists squeezing together tightly as he kicked his feet to the best of his ability) (Jay made his incision, keeping his gentle press while moving the scalpel down kenmas stomach in a vertical line. The blood followed, nurses not packing the area to stop the bleeding like they're supposed to. The blood streaming and dripping off the bed kenma laid on, the sound of blood somehow dripping loudly over the sound of the alarm. The heart monitor was picking up on kenmas raised beating, it giving small alerts to warn nurses his heart rate was picking up and close to a dangerous amount of beats per minute. Jay watched the blood, eyes set on waiting for it to slow down so he could continue the operation.) (Kenma felt faint at the sight of the blood, he didn’t do well with large amounts. His eyes rolled back for a moment before they shot open wide with the pain that came. He gave a scream followed by a choked sob as Jay trailed the blade down the middle of his body. His hands began to shake as the blood dripped over them and on to the ground. He could feel it was getting sticky as it dried, his face went pale and he began to feel sickly.) Kenma started to shift uncomfortably in his sleep, one hand clutching over his stomach and tightly holding the fabric of his shirt. (Jay waited until the blood cleared enough for him to see kenmas stomach, the area looked lumpy and full. Jay took the blade again, holding it to kenmas inner stomach. It was easy to cut through it, like a tight rubberband exposed to a flame. The blade gliding down to open kenmas stomach up to reveal what was inside of it. Nurses all stared at jays work, completely mesmerised. Two nurses, one each side held it open to reveal more than just digesting food and stomach acid. Inside kenmas stomach was pins and needles, them being covered with the stomach bile that was tinged yellow and slimey. The pins and needles were varied, some rusted and used while others looking like they were fresh out the packet.) Haruto looked down, feeling kenma shift uncomfortably. Haruto leaned down and kissed kenmas forehead, offering some comfort since he didn't know what was wrong exactly. He went back to reading, his hand mindlessly running through kenmas hair. (Kenma’s breath continuously hitched and held, he didn’t know what to do or how to get it to stop. The pain continuously exploded through his abdomen as Jay continued his ‘surgery’. Kenma felt his eyes roll back again and he was so scared if he breathed too hard, his guts would all come spilling out. The boy squeezed his eyes closed and his head tilted yo the side, the smell that was beginning to full the room made him feel more sick than he already did.) Kenma groaned in his sleep and his breaths hitched every few or so. He was too deep asleep to wake up just yet, even though the disturbing dream he was having would be enough to scare anyone awake. (Jay started to unpack the mess of kenmas inner stomach, going in for a handful and pulling it out. The pins and needles dripped of the bile, holding it up in the air until it stopped streaming with the liquid. Jay put it in a tray, almost filling it with just that handful. Jay went in for more, digging around the stomach to get another good handful. Once again he held it up above kenmas stomach, some pins and needles dropping back in. The tray now overflowing with the needles and pins, still Jay attempted to stack more on top.) Haruto kept his eyes on the book, he assumed kenma might of been slightly uncomfortable from eating some food. (Kenma’s eyes opened back wide and his pale complexion began to go red from the cries and screams he began letting out. The blood continued to drip out as well as the stomach bile now, his arms drenched. The blonde could barely handle the gut wrenching pain he was feeling. His hands were palm down against the bed and clawing vigorously at the sheets.) Kenma turned his head and he slumped off of Haruto’s legs, his brows furrowed and fists clenched tighter than before. (Jay decided to check over the stomach, making sure all the pins and needles were gone. He did this by starting to pull out kenmas organs, starting with the stomach which pulled out the intestines with it. He gave a tug of the stomach lining, it coming out roughly and straining with a pull before it came out. Jay let it drop to the ground, going I for kenmas liver.) Haruto lifted the book to look down, he could now tell something more was happening. "Kenma..?" Haruto asked, thinking with that sort of movement kenma must of had to of been awake. (Kenma curled his toes, his body filling with even more pain each time he took a breath. He felt his eyes beginning to close, though the shooting pain and screams he let out were keeping him from passing out. The harder he screamed, the worse the pain got. The boy needed to vomit, but his body no longer knew how. His hearing started to blur out, all the noise sounding like one continuous sound.) Kenma curled up into a ball, letting out a cry before shooting awake. He grimaced from the pain he was actually feeling, gasping for breath to calm himself down. Haruto was caught off guard, his body jolting with a gasp as kenma shot awake. Haruto put his hand over his heart, catching his shakey breath. "B-bad dream?" Haruto asked, sitting up properly so he could try and comfort kenma before kuroo heard and stepped in. Haruto rubbed kenmas shoulder, hushing him quietly with a frown. "Its okay.." haruto whispered, he understood how scary it could be to have a bad dream and wake up crying or terrified. Kenma held his head in his hands, sobbing quietly as he laid next to Haruto. He felt sick to his stomach again, even with the little food he had. He gave a small groan and pulled himself to the side of the bed, holding his head over and panting a bit. Kenma tried his best to keep his vomit in, he didn’t want to throw up anymore. It was becoming second nature for his body to throw up whatever food he had when he got upset, and it wasn’t helping him gain any weight.
Haruto was quick to react to kenma leaning over the bed, sitting up on his hands and knees beside kenma on the bed. Haruto brought one hand to pat kenmas back, rubbing over kenmas back after  a couple of pats. He continued this pattern, his eyes down on the bucket waiting for something to happen. Haruto didn't like the fact kenma was going to vomit but he couldnt just sit and watch without comforting kenma. "Its okay.." haruto whispered, moving his hand to hold kenmas hair back out the way just in case. Haruto looked away as he heard the splatter of kenmas vomit hitting the bottom of the bucket, he slowly looked back as kenma flopped to the side. Haruto gave a soft sigh, moving himself to sit back against the headrest of the bed. He leaned forward and pulled kenma to lay his upper body and head back in his lap, he wanted to rub kenmas back and make him feel better. "Better?" Haruto asked, moving his hand to run up and down kenmas back. Haruto was taking it to his advantage that kenma was so weak, he rarely got to be the one helping and he wasn't going to waste his opportunity. Kenma stayed limp as Haruto moved him, letting the younger set him propped against his lap. It was a comforting position, the gentle rubs made him feel safe. The boy closed his eyes and sniffled, taking a deep breath and letting it out. He nodded his head once and gently played with the fabric on Haruto’s pants with one hand. Kenma let himself stay relaxed in Haruto’s lap, since he trusted the boy and knew he was trying to help him feel better. Haruto gave a soft nod back, keeping his hand running over kenmas back while his free hand picked his book back up to read and pass the time. Haruto was comfortable for the most part, time going on changed that though. Haruto started to bite at the inside of his mouth, trying to focus on the book. Haruto started to shift, he tried to minimise it so he didn't annoy kenma. It was getting hard to ignore, his bladder giving a throb not long after making him shift around again. Haruto didn't want to get up, kenma was content in his lap and it was his job to look after kenmas needs before his own. Haruto rubbed over kenmas back more, trying his best to suppress the full feeling that rested close to where kenma laid. Kenma fell into a light sleep while on Haruto’s lap, breathing softly through his mouth. His nose had stuffed up again, but began to clear as he wasn’t crying while asleep. The blonde groaned as Haruto shifted, pushing himself back against Haruto to stay close. His head pushed back against Haruto’s stomach, his hands still clutching the fabric on his pants.

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