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Kenma frowned and he rocked on his heels a little bit. “I-I know- but..” he hated asking for help like this but they couldn’t stay the entire night at Mr Felters house. “Please.. I’ll send my location..?” He said hopefully. Kenmas eyes glanced down to Haruto and he placed a gentle hand on his head. “Go change into anything.” He mouthed. Yaku massaged a hand over his eyes, sighing softly and getting off his bed. "Okay but‐ give me a moment." He said, holding his phone between his ear and shoulder as he slipped on a warm sweater. Haruto leaned into kenmas hand, giving a nod before going off to find something. He wasn't sure who was on the phone and and hoped it was something they both could trust. Kenma sighed and he held on to his phone “thank you..” he said softly while listening to the rustling on the other end of the phone. He pulled his hand off of Haruto’s head after a moment so he could go and change into something clean. Yaku very slowly left his room, going into the bathroom to splash some water on his face. Once more awake he headed to the front door and slipped his shoes on, locking the front door and heading out to his car. He really felt kenma should learn how to drive soon, he was old enough to. Haruto changed into the warmest of the clothes he packed, slipping on a shirt then a sweater over the top followed by sweat pants. He sat on the ground while slipping on some socks too, shivering as he began to warm up. Haruto shook his head vigorously to dry his hair some more, standing up afterwards and moving from the room. Haruto quietly went to find the laundry, turning on every single light he walked by. He bent down into the machine and was relieved to see his comfort items were okay, walking back to the room and shoving them in his bag. He wasn't too pleased with the smell of them, they had the same scent as the horrible teacher now. Haruto put on his backpack and waited for kenma.  Kenma sniffled as he listened to yaku. He didn’t know if he should hang up yet, biting at the inside of his cheek. “Be careful.. he’s outside.” He mumbled softly as he looked out the window. He sighed and wiped around his eyes with his arm. Yaku kept the phone to his ear, freezing as he was about to start the car. "Who??" He asked, feeling more confused than before. Haruto went to the front door and grabbed his shoes, going back to the lounge room. He flopped onto his stomach on the couch, holding his shoes up but not putting them on. He was more than capable but just really didn't feel like doing much more for himself at this time of night. Kenma sighed and he rubbed the side of his face. “Mr. Felter..” he mumbled. “It’s a long story and I- I promise I’ll explain but not now.” He insisted before glancing out the windows again. He began to walk to the door so he could get ready for Yaku, his bags and such at his side. Yaku sighed, shaking his head a bit. "Okay‐ I have to hang up now. I'll be over in a moment, be waiting." Yaku said, putting his phone down so kenma could hand up. Haruto got sick of holding his shoes up for kenma to take, groaning into the pillow and letting them drop to the floor. He still wasn't sure who was picking them up as kenma hadn't told him much. Kenma sighed. “Thank you..” he mumbled again before hanging up. He put his phone in his pocket and walked over to Haruto, raising a brow. “Yaku is coming to get us.. please be ready.” He said while sitting the boy up and handing him his shoes. Haruto lifted his head at kenmas words, shrugging his shoulders as kenma made him sit up. Haruto put the shoes on the ground with a frown, nudging them around with his feet. He wasn't too sure about Yaku picking them up, he hadn't been too happy with them at the pool. Yaku drove slowly, grabbing his phone to set up the map. He quickly put the phone down and focused on the road, glad the drive wasn't too far this late at night. Kenma sat next to Haruto and he leaned his head on his shoulder. “We’ll be good okay..?” He said with a sniffle. His leg started to bounce up and down as he scratched over the spots where mr Felter had been touching and groping as he slept. “Do you have everything?”
Haruto slowly kicked his shoes further away from himself, nudging them towards kenmas feet. Haruto shrugged again, nodding after thinking about it. He'd grabbed everything while waiting for kenma on the phone. Haruto yawned to himself a bit, leaning back into kenma. Yaku wasn't exactly sure what had happened, lost on why kenma would stay at a teacher's house. He slowed down as he saw Mr felter somewhere in the dark, yaku didn't stop for him but drove a lot slower as he looked for the house. Kenma watched as Haruto moved his shoes back. He furrowed his brows and lifted his head, slowly sliding down on his knees and pulling the shoes back. He gave a soft sigh and lifted one of Haruto’s feet, putting it on himself and doing the same with the other foot. Haruto sat up properly and looked down as kenma put his shoes on for him, muttering a thank you before leaning his head back into the couch. Yaku finally found the house, pulling up outside and beeping the horn. He checked the time, looking back to the house. Hed told them to be waiting so he hoped they wouldn't take too long to get out to the car. Mr felter saw a car pull up outside his house, quickly jogging up to his driveway so he could get back in his house and sort things out. Kenma sighed and he heard the beep. He stood up and offered a hand to Haruto, helping him up too before collecting all of his things. He walked to the door and was slow to unlock it before pushing it open. He stepped out of the house carefully and quietly as he began to lead Haruto to the car. Haruto sat up again as he heard the car, taking kenmas hand and walking with him. He sighed quietly as kenma opened the door, following behind slowly and dragging his feet. Yaku watched them come out the house, both boys looked miserable. Mr felter began to storm up the driveway, coming towards Kenma and Haruto. "Hey! How dare you lock me out my own fucking house!" He shouted at them, pushing kenma backwards. Haruto gave a weak gasp as kenma stumbled back into him, trying not to fall over. Kenma sighed end he walked towards the car, stopping as he heard Mr Felter’s voice. The boy slowly put a hand up in defense, trying to speak but he just gasped as he stumbled back. He turned his body to the side so he wouldn’t push Haruto over, instead falling back on his ass with a grunt. Mr felter dropped onto his knees over kenma, pushing kenma down by the shoulders and shaking him. "You little shit!" He shouted at kenma. Haruto stumbled to the side whining with worry as he watched Mr felter get on top of kenma. Yaku gasped, taking off his seatbelt and getting out the car. "Hey! Stop it!" He shouted, coming over to push Mr felter off of kenma. Kenmas eyes widened and he held his hands over his face as Mr Felter hovered over him. He let out a frightened sob as he started to shake him, hitting towards his face to try and get him off. “Get off of me!” He said, replays of what happened in bed flashing in his mind. Mr felter hit his fist into kenmas chest a couple of times, stopping as he was attacked by both kenma and yaku. Mr felter stumbled his way up, pointing to kenma and Haruto. "Don't ever come back!" He shouted, backing up towards the house. "Quick. In the car." Yaku quietly told the boys, moving over to offer kenma a hand up. Haruto did as he was told, quickly going over to the car and getting in the back. Mr felter watched as they began to leave, scoffing and slamming the front door of his house once inside. Kenma cried out in pain, giving a sob followed by a wheeze as he felt winded from the punches. The boy clutched his chest as mr Felter backed off, scrambling up and backing away himself. His eyes were filled with tears and he took no hesitations getting into the car. Yaku helped by opening the door for kenma, closing it behind them. He went around and got in his side, locking the doors. "What was that about??" Yaku asked, breathing quickly in and out trying to catch his breath. Haruto watched as they got in the car, taking off his backpack and sitting down properly. Kenma held a hand over his chest as he finally caught his breath, pushing out a sob and wiping his eyes. “I-I don’t want to talk about it!” He said, his emotions were sensitive at the moment. Thinking about Mr Felter touching him made him think about the other times in the passed her had been used solely for someone’s pleasure. Yaku held a hand over his eyes for a moment, he wasn't happy to be dragged out of bed with no explanation. "Fine. But later you will." He told kenma, hoping the boy didnt do anything wrong to make Mr felter so mad. Mr felter being locked outside wasn't a good look to begin with. Yaku left the driveway and started to drive home, shaking his head a bit. Haruto gently hugged his arms around himself, keeping his eyes down since Yaku didn't sound happy with them. Kenma pulled his head into his hands and continued to sob, he felt guilty now for making Yaku come get them. He began to feel like no matter what he did it was the wrong choice. The boy looked down at his feet while pulling at his hair, his hands trembling as his thoughts started to take over inside his mind. Yaku looked over, shaking his head towards kenma. "No.. stop that." He told kenma, putting a hand over the top of kenmas while trying to loosen his grip. Haruto tried to ignore what was happening in the front, knowing kenma was very upset and angry made him sad as well. Kenma flinched himself away from Yaku as he reached out, only holding in tighter and shaking his head a little. “Please don’t-“ he said quickly as his body slouched in the chair. He moved his hands down to cover his mouth as his sobs began to get louder the more exhausted and upset he got. Yaku moved his hands away with kenmas wishes, focusing back on the road so they could go to his place and sleep. Haruto slowly brought his hands up to brush through his hair, pouting his lip as kenmas sobs were getting louder. Yaku pulled up to the house and unlocked the car doors, turning it off and slowly getting out. Haruto got out the car and went to kenmas door, waiting for him to open it before putting his arms out to offer a hug in order to try and cheer kenma up a bit. Kenma took in big shaky breaths, wiping his face and trying to calm down as they got close to Yaku’s house. Once they arrived, he was hesitant to unbuckle and get out. Though he finally did, he was quick to accept Haruto’s hug and pull him close with a softer sob now. Haruto slowly rested his head against kenma, staying in the hug for a little while longer. Yaku went around to them, sighing quietly. "Can we go in? It's late." He reminded them. Haruto frowned and pulled away from kenma, shrugging his shoulders before finally following behind Yaku. Kenma sniffled a bit and he held Haruto gently. His body sat up straighter as Yaku spoke, and he agreed since the boy had been so nice helping them out. He wiped his eyes and followed inside, his eyes glancing over towards the kitchen. Yaku went in and closed the door behind them, turning around to look at the boys. He needed to sort out where they both were sleeping. Haruto put his hand on the wall while he used his foot to slip off one shoe followed by the other. "Where do you want to sleep kenma? And are you still wetting the bed Haruto?" Yaku said, asking them both a question each. Haruto slowly stepped out of his other shoe. "no.." he mumbled quietly, not looking up from his shoes on the floor. "Kenma?" Yaku asked, waiting to see where kenma wanted to sleep. He noticed kenma glancing at the kitchen but didn't think much of it. Kenma looked at Yaku, shrugging up one shoulder as he sniffled. He listened to Haruto lie but he didn’t have the energy to tell Yaku. He took in a shaky breath before pointing to the couch, not really caring where he slept. His thoughts started to remind him that the couch was close to the kitchen as well, where Yaku would have knives. Yaku nodded, the couch as suitable enough for kenma to sleep. "Alright‐ come on Haruto." Yaku said, assuming the boy would want to sleep with him. Haruto looked towards kenmas way with caution, nodding to yakus words before following him. Haruto mumbled a good night to kenma while going by kenma. Kenma watched as the two left. He laid himself down on the couch and he grabbed the blanket off the back of it. He pulled it to cover his body before resting his head on the pillows behind. He stared at the ceiling and listened to see if he could tell where the two were. Haruto followed Yaku to the room, waiting in the doorway as Yaku made sure there was room on the bed and blanket and pillow for both of them. Yaku gestured for Haruto to come into the room, waiting for the boy to get into bed first. Haruto put his backpack down, slowly taking out his blanky and stuffed dragon. Yaku was glad Haruto had taken care of it after buying it for the boy at the amusement Park. Haruto carefully got on the bed and laid down, facing towards the wall. He was a little worried he'd lied to Yaku now. Yaku got into bed with an exhausted sigh, muttering out a goodnight to Haruto and closing his eyes. Kenma waited a while till it went quiet before he slipped off of the couch. He stood with a sniffle, trying to keep himself silent as he moved for the kitchen and towards the drawers. He began to look through them all until he found the knives. The blonde shuddered a little and ran his hand along them until he found one sharp enough. Kenma backed away from the drawer with the knife and walked hurriedly towards the bathroom, locking himself in and leaning on the door. He pulled up his sleeve with a shaky breath, though pushed it down and instead lifted the T-shirt and placed the blade against his thigh. Yaku was almost asleep when Haruto grew restless, feeling the boy toss and turn beside him. "What are you doing??" Yaku asked, getting a little bit annoyed. Haruto stopped as yaku scolded him, sitting up and crawling across the bed. "I have to pee." He quickly said, going over the top of yaku to get off the bed. Yaku groaned and rolled over, closing his eyes again. Haruto didn't need to go badly, he had wanted to go so he would have less chance of actually wetting Yakus bed. Haruto come to the bathroom door and twisted the knob, leaning against it to push it open. He stopped as the door didn't budge, crossing his arms over and waiting patiently. Kenma let out another shaky breath before slashing it across his thigh. He squeezed his eyes shut and grimaced in pain, biting at the inside of his cheek as he cut again all over his thighs. They were quick to sting, soft sobs leaving his lips as blood dripped down his pale legs. He put the blade up to his wrist after a second and was about to slash before the handle juggled. The boy dropped the knife on accident, it clattering to the ground with a loud noise. Haruto waited before twisting at the handle again, hearing something drop. Haruto held his ear to the door, catching kenmas quiet sobs. The boy frowned and pulled back, he didn't think kenma would still be upset. "kenma..?" Haruto asked, giving a gentle knock to the door. Kenmas eyes were wide as he made sure the door was locked. “Haruto- go away” he said panicked while sucking in a breath and letting out a bit of a sob. He looked down at his legs and grimaced at all of the cuts starting to sting. “Ow ow..” he said softly. Haruto hadn't expected kenma to tell him to go away, they had both been pretty close and nice to each other tonight. The words were upsetting, walking off to go tell Yaku. Haruto went into the room with teary eyes, nudging at Yaku. "What now??" Yaku questioned, rolling over and looking at him. Haruto crossed his arms over his chest. "Kenma said go away.." he explained. "Okay..?" Yaku answered back, not sure why that was such a big deal. "But he's in the bathroom" Haruto whined out a bit. Yaku finally sat up, feeling something wasn't right. "Stay here." He told haruto, getting up and walking out to the bathroom. Yaku gave a firm knock to the door, twisting at the handle. "Kenma? You okay?" He asked, trying not to let concern lace his words. Kenma listened to him leave, he quickly picked up the knife and put it on the counter. The boy whimpered and took a towel to his thigh, the white cloth covering with red streaks and his thighs continued to bleed. He found it hopeless and started to cry harder from the burning pains. Kenmas sobs came to a quick halt as he heard Yaku, he was quick to lean on the door. “I’m- im fine!” He insisted. Yaku could hear the cries from kenma, something definitely wasn't right. "If you're fine then open the door." Yaku demanded, twisting vigorously at the handle. Yaku felt stupid for letting his guard down, knowing being in the lounge room near the kitchen was far too tempting for kenma. Haruto moved to sit on the edge of the bed, rubbing his eyes again. It was past midnight, it being an extremely long night for him. He wanted to go out and make sure kenma was okay but he knew he had to listen to Yakus instructions. Kenma began to feel more panicked, leaning harder on the door and shaking his head. “I said I’m fine-!” He wailed through a sob, throwing the towel down in anger as it didn’t stop the blood. He felt his thighs trembling a bit and his chest started to heave with his heavy sobs. Yaku was starting to stress as kenmas crying continued, hearing the lie straight through kenmas voice. "You're not in trouble‐ please. Open the door." Yaku insisted again, taking a step back to give kenma a chance. Yaku slowly pulled his phone out his pocket, scrolling to find Kuroos contact number. He knew the best person to deal with this was Kuroo himself. Haruto slowly got back into bed and laid down, staring blankly at the door as he waited for yaku to come back. Kenma glanced around and shoved the towel in the cabinet while hiding the knife in one of the drawers. He made sure his shirt covered over his cuts before turning to the door was cracking it open. “See- I’m fine!” He said before shutting it fast as he felt the blood dripping down to his knee. Yaku was about to step in as he saw the door open, dropping his phone as the door closed quickly in his face. "Kenma, you're trembling." He pointed out, bending back down and picking up the phone. He scrolled and found kuroos contact, texting kuroo to come over and get kenma. Kuroo had just finished his night shift, confused from the text. He desperately wanted to see kenma, agreeing to the text and starting his drive over. Kenma locked the door again, quickly pressing his hands between his thighs to stop them from shaking so badly. He took in a big shaky breath, brows furrowing together as he stared down at his legs. “I’m.. fine..” his words sounded less confident each time he spoke. Kenma broke into another fit of sobs before grabbing for a new towel. Yaku leaned his head on the door, giving a small knock. "You're not kenma.. please come out and we can talk." Yaku spoke calmly, hoping kenma would listen to his words. Kuroo drove in a rush, having not heard from kenma in ages. Haruto slowly closed his eyes, too tired to keep them open anymore. Kenma dabbed the towel against his thighs and tried to get the bleeding to stop, but he’d made so many cuts that it wasn’t working. The boy pushed this soiled towel into the cabinet as well before facing the door and giving soft sobs. He clutched the bottom of his T-shirt and kept it covering before slowly opening the door. Yaku lifted his head up as the door opened, quickly putting his hand in the way so kenma wouldn't close it again. He looked kenma up a down, stepping into the bathroom. "What have you done.." yaku asked, gently taking hold of kenmas hand to move it out the way since he'd looked so suspicious. He tried not to eye around the bathrooms, not wanting to know if there was actually blood on the floor. Kuroo pulled in the driveway and came to the door, checking under the doormat for the spare key. He grabbed it and unlocked the door, pushing it open and going in without a word. Kenma sniffled a bit as he looked at Yaku. He couldn’t make eye contact though, averting his gaze to the floor and sniffling. “I-I didn’t do anything..” he said. His hands clutched tighter at the bottom of the T-shirt as he felt the blood dripping again.
Yakus eyes darted down to kenmas legs as he caught sight of the red blood, giving a gasp and pulling kenma back into the bathroom. Kuroo quickly made his way over, freezing as he saw the state kenma was in. "What happened??" He asked, following Yaku into the bathroom. Yaku was quick to pull kenma over to the toilet, pushing the seat down and making him sit. Kuroo bent down in front of kenma, putting his hands on the boys knees. "Kenma.." kuroo spoke softly. Kenmas sobs came out harder as he realized Yaku had seen. He backed up as Yaku came in, sitting on the toilet seat and continuing to push down the shirt. As if things couldn’t get any worse, he saw kuroo and began to wail through his sobs. He was worried he would disappoint Kuroo with what had happened, and felt trapped surrounded by the two. “Nothing happened!” He cried while shooting off the toilet seat and trying to get around them. Kuroo quickly stood, putting his hands on kenmas shoulders and pushing him to sit down again. "Kenma‐ we need to clean you up.." yaku said, gesturing towards kenmas legs. Kuroo didn't get mad with kenma, he hadn't known what had happened. Yaku opened a cupboard, the blood soiled towel falling onto the floor causing yaku to gasp. He leaned in the cupboard and grabbed a cloth, coming over to the bath and running it under the water. "What did you use?" Kuroo asked, wanting to get the harmful item as fr away as possible. Kenma sat back down, shrugging his shoulders out of kuroo’s grasp. He didn’t know why he was here and he was feeling betrayed by Yaku in a way. He used the back of his hands to wipe away the dripping blood, the bottom of his shirt had some soaked through splotches by now. The blonde took in a shaky breath as Kuroo asked, taking a second before pointing to the drawer where the knife was. Kuroo glanced towards the drawer, nodding before turning back to face kenma. "Its okay.." kuroo spoke calmly, holding his hand out as Yaku offered the cloth. "I'm going to clean you up now.." kuroo spoke softly, lifting the shirt up and having a look at the caked on blood. "Can‐ can you find something for kenma to wear..?" Kuroo asked, a paleness coming to his face. Yaku nodded, quickly going off to his room to find kenma some clothes. Kuroo frowned, gently taking the bottom of the shirt and lifting it up over kenmas head to take it off. He used the blood stained shirt to press against the cuts, trying to stop any bleeding before he washed over them. Kenma began to find it hard to breathe as he cried. His shoulders trembled wifi each breath he took and he winced as he saw the cuts. He knew some of them would scar since it wasn’t difficult to cut his skin. The blonde watched Yaku leave, his attention quickly back on Kuroo as he lifted off the shirt. Kenma crossed his arms over his body, eyes wide and frame shaking as now all the bruises were visible to Kuroo. Kuroo was too focused on getting kenmas legs cleaned up to notice all the extra bruising on the boys body. After pressing the shirt to kenmas legs for a moment, he took it off and replaced it with the warm cloth, ever so gently washing over the cuts. "I know.. its going to burn.." kuroo told kenma, doing his best not to press down too hard on then to removed the blood from around the area. Yaku slipped into his room, stopping to look around for a moment. He gave a relieved sigh to see Haruto was curled up asleep on the bed, it was for the best in this situation. Yaku went into his cupboard and grabbed out a loose long sleeved shirt and some sweat pants, bringing them back to the bathroom. He knocked before coming in, going over and placing them beside kuroo before walking out to offer them some privacy. Kenma squirmed around in place while keeping his arms crossed over his body. He grimaced as the cuts stung when the water came in contact with them. His eyes closed tight and he continued sobbing as Kuroo cleaned up around the cuts to get rid of the blood. The second Yaku came in with a shirt, he snatched it up and began to pull it on so he could cover himself. Kuroo continued to wash over the wounds, drying them with the clean side of the shirt. "You want them covered? I think we should.." kuroo said, standing up and going over to the cabinet. Kuroo grabbed out the first aid, kneeling back down in front of kenma. Kuroo found two patches, placing one over each area before carefully wrapping medical tape around kenmas thin thighs to hold the patches in place. "That better..?" He questioned, picking the sweat pants up and beginning to help kenma slip them on. He didnt want to ask too many questions, it being far too early in the morning and needing to get his boy back home to rest. Kenma sniffled and nodded his head s couple of times. His legs were sore at the tops now and he didn’t want to be reminded every time he looked down. He watched carefully as Kuroo patched his cuts, helping eagerly to get the pants on and pushing kuroo’s hands away once he got up close to his waist. He finished dressing and hung his head low while sobbing softly. Kuroo didn't know what to do but frown, gutted as kenma pushed his hands away when trying to assist. "Wanna go back home..? To bed?" Kuroo asked, not sure how much sleep kenma had gotten over the long night. Yaku knocked on the bathroom door, not coming in. "You can stay the rest of the night? Up to you.." he offered, knowing kuroo hadn't slept due to work. "Kenma?" Kuroo asked, wanting to leave it up to him.
Kenma sniffled and he rested his hands over his knees as his legs bounced nervously. He looked at Kuroo for a second before looking away from him. He didn’t know what to pick, feeling betrayed by Yaku but also mad at Kuroo for the whole thing in the first place. He sniffled before shrugging up one shoulder. “I-I don’t know..”
Kuroo looked over to Yaku, standing up finally. "Thank you but I think I really want to take kenma home.." kuroo said, beginning to clean up the bathroom. "Oh don't worry, I'll clean up tomorrow. You go home." Yaku said, taking the first aid kit off of kuroo. Kuroo gave a soft thank you, turning back to kenma. "You ready to go?" He asked, holding out a hand to offer kenma.

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