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Kuroo sniffled and carried kenma to the bathroom, trying not to let anymore tears out. He closed and locked the bathroom door, not wanting haruto to walk in on kenma like this. Haruto was still asleep, he hadn't woken to any of it. Kuroo put kenma down on the side of the bath tub, running the water. He frowned to himself, kenma looked different with the short hair and he was looking worse when it came to his eating. Kuroo stood up straight and watched the bath run, glancing over to kenma to check on him. "I'm sorry bub.." kuroo whispered, not wanting to think about what kenma had been through in the last couple of days that went by. Kenma felt himself starting to shut down, becoming quite exhausted and emotional. He let out a louder sob, pulling his head into his hands and gripping anxiously at the ends of his shortened hair. The boy tensed as pains shot through his body. "M-Medicine.." he asked through a shaky sob, wiping both eyes and looking at Kuroo with a tear stained face. Kenma put a hand over his forehead and it was starting to feel hot, he wouldn't be surprised if he caught a cold from the nasty mattress in Logan's basement. Kuroo nodded, pulling kenma to sit on the bath mat so he didn't fall backwards into the bath. "Okay.." he whispered, slowly pulling away and going out to get kenma some medication. Kuroo felt stupid, that should of been the first thing he did. He grabbed out the bottle and shook it, reading the label on the dosage. Kuroo frowned, he had to give kenma a lower dose since kenma barely fit the weight bracket for his age. Kuroo came back with the syringe, bending down in front of kenma to give it to him. He wanted it to work quick which is why he went for a liquid pain relief rather than a tablet. Kenma whimpered as Kuroo moved him, squeezing his eyes shut and feeling throbbing, searing pains all over his body. It hurt to breathe, each sob making him increasingly more uncomfortable. The boy continued to cry once Kuroo left the bathroom, feeling light headed. He held his head tight in both hands to keep it up, breathing heavy and going fuzzy on the sides of his vision. Kenma opened his mouth a bit and took in the medicine, shuddering and coughing a little bit. A nauseating wave of light headed feeling rushed over and he swayed before falling down on his side. Kenma gripped the bath mat tight in his fists and breathed hard before squeezing his eyes shut and blinking rapidly. The blonde felt on the edge of passing out, vision blurred and ears ringing a bit. Kuroo made sure kenma had all the medication before pulling the syringe away. Kuroo quickly held kenmas shoulder to let him fall slower, staying bent down beside him. "Kenma.. you can rest soon, you need to be cleaned up.." kuroo told him softly, he really didn't want to see kenma like this or let haruto see it because it would hurt both boys evenly. "Please kenma.." kuroo whispered, rubbing kenmas shoulder. He didn't want to force kenma to move, he understood he was in a lot of pain and a warm bath would help a little. Kenma's exhaustion added to the tears, his face wet and blotchy from the hours of crying he had done. The boy knew that he needed to clean off so none of the wounds got infected, but he could barely bring himself to sit up. "H-Help.." he whispered to ask Kuroo to assist him in sitting up. Kenma let go of the mat and grabbed tightly to one of kuroo's hands. Kuroo tried not to frown as he helped kenma sit up. He was scared to take the shirt off of kenma, it had to be done though. Slowly kuroo grabbed the bottom of the shirt and lifted it up and over kenmas head ad gently as he could. Kuroo glanced over kenmas body before looking away, he felt horrible that was the state kenma was left in. Kuroo didn't say nothing about it, not wanting to upset kenma. "In the bath.. it might sting at first.." kuroo said, moving himself to picked kenma up with caution. He knew the boys rash and cuts would sting but they needed to be cleaned. Slowly, kuroo lowered kenma into the bathtub. "I'm sorry.." he whispered faintly to kenmas ear. Kenma continued to cry softly as Kuroo helped him, not looking down at himself. He could feel each scratch, bruise, and gash all over his body and knew it would only make himself more upset if he looked at them. The boy winced as Kuroo picked him up, wiping his eyes and trying to keep himself still. He braced for the water, giving a cry as the warmth washed over the worse cuts. Kenma gripped on to Kuroo's arm and tried to pull himself out because some of them were hurting too bad. "O-Ow ow..!" he sobbed, watching as the water went pink. Kuroo hated ignoring kenmas cries of pain, he had to do what was best for kenma. "Im sorry kenma.." kuroo whispered again, feeling horrible he was inflicting more pain on the injured boy. He lowered kenma into the bath completely, even though kenma had been trying to pull himself up and out. Kuroo wanted kenma comfort, he worried though if he let the boy clean himself that he wouldn't do it correctly and the wounds would get infection. Kuroo stayed on his knees beside the tub, putting the wash cloth in the water and pulling it out. Kuroo leaned over and kissed kenmas cheek to say sorry before letting himself wash over kenmas shoulder, he could see kenma was attacked by something but didn't want to send kenma into panic by bringing it up again. Kenma continued to hold on as Kuroo lowered him into the water, gritting his teeth and sobbing at the pain. Slowly it lessened though as the cuts got used to the temperature of the water. The boy took a deep shaky breath in and wiped his tears with both hands. He did his best not to cry, but it was too hard not to with all the pain he felt. Kenma bit on the inside of his cheek and squeezed his eyes shut as Kuroo started to wash the bite on his shoulder. He inhaled sharply before pushing out a sob and jerking himself away from the washcloth. Kuroo frowned and pulled the wash cloth away, now able to see a clear set of teeth marks left on kenmas shoulder. He gave kenma a look of sympathy, washing the cloth of the blood. "Where were you?.." kuroo asked quietly, really shocked at the injuries kenma had collected all together while away. Haruto furrowed his eyebrows in his sleep, opening them for a moment before closing them again. Haruto had barely left kuroos bed, kuroo didn't really expect him to as well. Haruto put himself back to sleep, not hearing anything from kuroo as usual since kuroo had been staying in the dining room on his computer and phone most the day and night. Kenma wiped his eyes, lip quivering a bit as Kuroo asked him. He gave a shrug with one shoulder, wiping both eyes and sniffling. "I-I don't know.." He answered honestly, since he truly had no idea half the time he was gone. He inhaled again and exhaled with a sob. The boy looked at his shoulder and grimaced at the bite marks, eyes traveling down to the ones on his arm and the scratches on his chest. Kenma turned his head away and tried to let his hair fall in front of his face, stomach tightening a bit when he remembered he couldn't. Kuroo gave a slight nod, knowing kenmas memory would be hazy to cover up anything traumatic that happened. "Okay.. you're safe now.." kuroo answered back, not even mentioning about the haircut. Kuroo found kenmas haircut the most shocking of it all, he would of never expected to see it in such a state. Kuroo continued to carefully wash over kenmas body, making sure kenma was going to be free of any left germs or blood on kenmas body. Haruto opened his eyes and felt his heart sink into his stomach, getting out of bed and slowly walking out the room. He saw no kuroo, frowning and making his way to the bathroom. He heard the bath water as kuroo washed kenma. Haruto knocked gently, standing back and waiting. Kuroo looked back at the door "Haruto.. it's okay. Go get changed in kenmas room." Kuroo told him, soon listening to the boys steps trail off. Kuroo went back to washing over kenmas body, glad he had longer to do so. Kenma put his head in his hands, starting to feel a bit better as the medicine kicked in. He still had a headache and burning pains over his body, but they were getting more tolerable. The boy tensed and cried every so often as Kuroo cleaned his cuts, though he did his best to stay calm and quiet. He took a breath in and jerked his head towards the door as he heard the knock. He covered his ears, keeping them like that until Kuroo looked back at him. Kenma lowered his hands and frowned, the situation reminding him of when Owen had tried to help clean him off. "Sorry.." he whispered while gently playing with the ends of his own hair. He paused before opening his mouth. "C-Can you fix it..?" Kuroo looked at kenmas hair, still frowning a little. "I could try.." he told kenma, it would be tricky but if it made kenma feel better he would try. "Let's get you out.." kuroo whispered, standing up and grabbing a towel for kenma. Haruto went into kenmas room and changed, sighing softly to himself before going back out and getting into kuroos bed again to sleep. He didn't think much of kuroo not letting him into the bathroom, he thought that kuroo was just having a bath and didn't want to be disturbed. Kuroo leaned down and helped kenma out the bath "where do you wanna go?.." he asked, not sure what kenma wanted to wear or do. Kenma sniffled and stayed still as Kuroo got a towel. He looked a lot better after the shower, all the dried blood had washed away. He stood with trembling legs, holding on to Kuroo for support. He stepped out and leaned on the elder while sniffling and fighting the urge to break into sobs from his hair and the lingering pain. He pointed to the door and wiped his eyes. "Your room.." He told kuroo, wanting to stay as close to kuroo as he could now that he was home and safe. Kuroo gave a small nod and kept the towel around kenma as he carried him. Kuroo was sure haruto would be back in his bed since the younger didn't actually know kenma was back, he didn't know how to tell him properly though. Kuroo came into the room and saw haruto had already himself to sleep again, it was easier that way while kenma was getting settled. Kuroo put kenma down on the end of the bed, going to the closet and grabbing out the things kenma would need. He came back over and pulled the towel off of kenma before he started to help slip on some boxers and sweat pants. Kuroo tried to ignore the rash kenma had on his inner things "does it still hurt?" He asked quietly. He pulled kenma to stand up pulling the boxers and pants up all the way. Kenma held on to Kuroo, letting himself finally relax after the long days he had. He sat on the bed as the elder set him down, looking up at kuroo and sniffling. He winced as he moved, deciding it was just better to stay still in his situation. He helped to the best of his ability to get his pants and such up. Kenma nodded once, holding on to Kuroo as he pulled him up. He whined a little from the pain and pushed his head in Kuroo's chest while letting out a sob. Kuroo held onto kenma and hushed him gently, he didn't want kenma sobbing and waking up haruto. "Shh give me a second.." kuroo whispered to kenma, setting him to sit on the bed again. He went over and carefully pulled the blanket off of haruto and picked him up, haruto stirred a bit but rested calmly as kuroo stopped moving him. Kuroo slowly walked out the room with haruto in his arm, taking him to kenmas room and laying him in bed before pulling the blanket back over him. Kuroo gave a soft sigh, glad he managed to do it without waking the boy. Kuroo came back to kenma in the room "you okay?" He asked softly, coming over and standing back in front of kenma wanting to take him to get some rest. Kenma took a shaky breath in while holding tightly to Kuroo, trying to keep himself from crying so he wouldn't wake Haruto. He squeezed his eyes shut and let go as Kuroo set him down, crying quietly as he watched Kuroo walk off to move Haruto. He furrowed his brows from the pain in his head which was getting worse again as he cried. The boy looked up as Kuroo came back and hugged into him instantly, giving his head a small shake no. "Hurts.." he sobbed out. Kenma didn't know what to do with all of the stress and pain, not sure if he'd be able to rest. Kuroo hugged his arms around kenma firmly, looking down at the boy. "I know.. come lay with me." Kuroo said, slowly pulling kenma over and onto the bed. Kuroo pulled the blanket back and followed kenma onto the bed, giving a soft sigh. It was nice to get into bed and not have to worry if haruto wet the bed or not. Kuroo pulled kenma once more so he could lay his head on his chest, he liked when kenma would do that since it was a comforting and warm feeling to have on his chest. "You're okay, rest a little and then I'll make dinner. Whatever you want tonight." Kuroo whispered, hoping that it could bring any small amount of joy to kenma. Kenma nodded his head once and rubbed his eyes. He stayed holding on to the elder and laid down with him on the mattress. He put an arm around kuroo's waist and let his own head rest against his chest. He took a shaky breath in and exhaled slowly. Kenma closed his eyes, gripping kuroo's shirt so he didn't leave him. The blonde sniffled and breathed through his mouth since his sinuses felt blocked up with his tears. Kuroo kept a hushing sound escaping his mouth, looking down at kenma and gently running his hand through kenmas hair. Kuroo closed his eyes, they felt heavy and that he could finally rest with kenma in his arms. Kuroo leaned down and kissed kenmas head, getting comfortable and slowly falling asleep. Kuroo hoped kenma didn't want anymore nightmares, it hurt when the boy woke up scared or him when all he would do is try and protect him from all the bad and would always help him if something did go bad. Kenma let himself relax once he was in Kuroo's arms, closing his eyes tight. He tried his hardest to deal with the pain, the medicine helping a lot. The blonde hugged into him and let out soft breaths. He finally fell asleep, drooling a little on to the mattress as his mouth hung open. After a couple of hours kuroo groaned, slitting his eyes open and looking down at kenma. He gave a soft sigh of relief, glad to see it was true kenma was back safe with him. Kuroo got out of bed, going to get haruto up since he had slept most the day. Kuroo nudged the boy awake and left him to change and go to the bathroom. Haruto wasn't very happy to be woken up, getting up and doing what he was told but going right back to kenmas room after just to lay down because he didn't see a need to be awake. Kuroo came back into his own room, coming over to kenma and running his hand through the boys hair a couple of times to wake him up gently. "Come pick dinner kenma." Kuroo whispered softly. Kenma stayed asleep peacefully for the entirety of his nap, really needing the rest. He opened his eyes once Kuroo came over and woke him up, rubbing his eyes with a fist and curled up on to his side. He still had headache and pain in his body. He slowly tried to sit up but just couldn't bring himself up. "Help.." he whispered softly, too much in pain to try and deal with his pain himself. Kenma thought about what he would want for dinner, though food was the last thing on his mind. Kuroo watched kenma struggle before picking him up, taking him out to the table and pulling a chair before sitting him down. "Better?" Kuroo asked, he expected kenma to feel weak and sore. Kuroo stood in front of kenma, looking behind as haruto finally came out to have something to eat. The boy rubbed his eyes and finally looked up, catching glimpse of kenma. The thought of kenma being back was rather overwhelming since he missed him so much. Haruto navigated himself to walk and stay behind kuroo, he thought kenma looked rather intimidating with the short hair and it wasn't something he was expecting to see. Kuroo frowned as Haruto avoided kenma for the most part, he'd warm up again eventually. Kuroo looked back to kenma, wanting a response for dinner. Kenma nodded once and lowered his head on to the table. His shoulder was aching and his chest burned, but he stayed quiet not wanting to annoy anyone with complaints. The boy glanced to the side at Haruto, not saying a word. He was a little upset that Haruto was still staying the night, he got jealous when he didn't have all of kuroo's attention. Kenma sniffled and wiped the tears from his cheeks before glancing back at Kuroo and shrugging with one shoulder to tell him he didn't know what he wanted.
Kuroo moved and guided haruto to sit down, pulling the chair out near kenma. Haruto sat and put his head straight on the table, using his arms to shield around him. Haruto was confused on why kenma would cut his hair, he liked kenmas hair and now he felt that his was too long. Kuroo sighed, he'd been letting haruto stay over because he knew his father would make him go to school. Kuroo didn't want Haruto alone at school, the house was also a little less lonely while haruto stayed and kenma was gone. "Dinner kenma, youve gotta pick and eat something." Kuroo told kenma, knowing it was important the boy ate something and was comfortable doing so. Kenma began to bite at the chapped skin on his lips, hissing as he broke the skin. The boy licked the blood off and shrugged once again. "Dunno.." he whispered. He sniffled and glanced over at Haruto, a little hurt the younger hadn't said a word to him. Kenma sighed and rested his cheek against the table, it felt nice against his warm face. "Nuggets..?" He asked softly, knowing that he needed something more filling like that. Kuroo nodded "alright" he thought that was fine for dinner. Haruto screwed his face up as he began to cry, still shielding his face as it laid on the table. Kuroo looked at him confused. Haruto lifted his head "hate them.." he sobbed out, he didn't like the brand kuroo had of chicken nuggets. Haruto sniffled and put his head back down. Kuroo gave a sigh and put the nuggets on anyway, it was what kenma wanted. Kuroo also put chips on, hoping that would make up for it. Haruto continued to sniffle and cry, too many emotions getting the better of him. Kuroo ignored it, taking his attention to kenma. "Do you need anything else?" He asked as he came over to stand across the table from kenma. Kenma glanced at Haruto as he started to cry, screwing his face up in displeasure. He hated when Haruto would have a meltdown over the littlest things, rubbing his ears a bit and trying to block it out. The blonde winced and lowered his hands, it hurt too much to really move his arms around. He sniffled and blinked the tears from his eyes while looking at Kuroo. "Mm.. mhm." He said softly and pointed his head. "Hurts.." he said. He was implying he wanted more medicine, after his rest it had worn off. Kuroo managed to block out harutos sobs, knowing it was just another one of his emotional meltdowns since they had been brought on by kenma suddenly coming back. Kuroo frowned as kenma said his head hurt, he didn't think he should give kenma anymore medication just yet. He looked over to haruto who was still coughing up sobs, he was sure that wasn't helping kenmas head. "Haruto, you're fine. You don't have to eat them. Have you even said hi to kenma? You told me you missed him." Kuroo said folding his arms over. Haruto tilted his shoulder and body away from kenma and sobbed louder. Haruto was glad kenma was back but the haircut was a rather shocking change and he was finding sudden change hard to deal with. Kuroo sighed as it had only made haruto sob louder and turn himself away from kenma. kuroo walked to check if the food was ready. Kenma felt his head bathrobe with every sob Haruto let out. He kept his eyes squeezed closed, wrinkling his face up a bit at the pain. "Shh.." he said, both Kuroo and Haruto were being too loud for him. He glanced at Haruto as Kuroo spoke, hurt that Haruto wouldn't even say hello to him. He felt tears of his own starting to form and he quickly blinked them out of his eyes, not wanting to cry and make his headache worse. Kuroo sighed and started to plate up the food, not saying another word since he didn't want kenma angry with him. Haruto tried to choke back on his tears, not wanting kenma angry at him for being too loud. Kuroo came over and placed the two plates in front of them, coming back with also two cups of water since he was sure both hadn't really been staying hydrated. Haruto lifted his head, his eyes burning from the tears. Haruto looked at the plate as his sniffles and cries subsided, seeing only fries on his plate as he sat up properly. Kuroo sat down from across them, making sure they were going to eat something. Kenma took a breath in before letting out a small sob. He couldn't help it with the pains he had topping off his stress level. The blonde forced himself to bring his head up so he could at least try and eat something. He spoke a soft thank you before picking up a nugget with a trembling hand. His hands hadn't stopped shaking since he had gotten home, his body reacting to all of the stressful situations he had been under in the last couple of days. Kenma brought the nugget to his mouth and bit off a small piece before chewing and swallowing. Kuroo watched them eat, his mind wandering to other things such as school and kenmas hair. Haruto rubbed his eyes and slowly began to eat, glancing over to kenma to stare at his hair. Haruto had liked kenmas hair, he felt kenma looked more intimidating with it short. Haruto took his eyes back to his plate, frowning to himself before tearing up again. Haruto noticed that the way he had acted was very rude, he knew he should of said hi or spoke to kenma when he first saw him back. Kuroo looked over "haruto, no more tears." Kuroo told him, not really sure how to tell him to stop in any other way. Haruto sobbed louder and pushed his chair out, keeping his eyes down as he stood beside kenmas chair and gently rested his head on kenmas uninjured shoulder. He subsided to a sniffle and wiped his eyes again, wrapping his arms around kenmas arm. Kenma sniffled as he ate, he found it hard to do with his shaking hands. He pushed through though, taking another bite and swallowing it. The boy looked over as Haruto began to get teary eyed again, bracing himself for the sobs. He squeezed his eyes shut at the noise from the chair, keeping them closed and jumping a bit as Haruto hugged on to his arm. Kenma slowly opened his eyes and looked at Haruto's arms, slowly reaching over with his free hand and hugging haratos arm. Haruto didn't let himself cry, he knew it would hurt kenmas head. He sniffled and pulled away after a moment, looking over to kuroo with tired eyes. "Bed?" Kuroo asked, haruto nodded and pushed his chair in. "Okay come here." Kuroo said. Haruto came over and let kuroo whisper in his ear before nodding and walking off to kenmas room. Kuroo took his attention back to kenma, looking to see how much kenma had eaten. Kenma sniffled and let go of Haruto's arm, watching as he walked off with Kuroo. It did make him feel better knowing Haruto was slowly accepting he was back. The boy sighed and finished his nugget before moving to the next. He started slow as he had before, slowly finishing this one too. Kenma stopped after a moment once he had three, not wanting to upset his stomach. He yawned and looked over at Kuroo with a tired expression. "Me too.." he said quietly while pointing towards the rooms.
Kuroo looked at kenmas plate again, it wasn't much he ate but kuroo didn't want to push it. "Okay, let's go." Kuroo said standing up and taking the plates to the kitchen, once finished he came back over to kenma. Kuroo lifted kenma up and started to carry kenma to the room, stopping outside his room door. "Need anything else?" Kuroo asked, giving kenma a chance to mention anything he might want before going to bed for the night. Haruto finally got into kenmas bed, snuggling up under the blankets. Haruto was glad kenma was back, he had been scared what it would be like if kenma never came back. Kenma sighed softly, knee bouncing a bit as he waited for Kuroo to help him. He was embarrassed that he couldn't walk on his own, though he didn't want to even try knowing he would just make all the injuries worse. The blonde leaned against Kuroo as the elder pulled him up, shaking his head no and sniffling. "Mmn" he hummed softly before putting his head on Kuroo's shoulder. He was already falling asleep in the elder's arms. Kenma yawned and shuddered a little from the pain. Kuroo took kenma back to bed, laying him on the bed before getting in beside kenma and covering them both up with the blanket. Kuroo laid facing kenma, looking at his boy in pain. "If you need anything tonight, you're to wake me so I can help." Kuroo told kenma, not wanting to wake up to kenma struggling to get out of bed or hurting himself by trying to do it all by himself. Kuroo closed his eyes for a moment, needing to catch up on sleep. Kuroo moved himself carefully close to kenma, making sure he didn't hurt kenma as he did so. Kenma let out a soft sigh and he let himself get comfortable as he could on the bed. His pain never really went away, but he didn't want to bug Kuroo with more drugs than he already gave him to help. The boy sniffled and nodded once to let Kuroo know he understood. He hoped he could sleep through the night, since he too needed the rest. Kenma took a second to drape his arm over Kuroo before he closed his eyes and began drifting to sleep. Kuroo fell asleep not much longer after kenma, kuroo rested well with kenma back beside him. Haruro woke up around the middle of the night, kicking the blanket off and stretching. He had overslept which made him feel more tired and fussy, he knew he shouldn't of been sleeping so much but that was all he wanted to do. Haruto got up and walked to kuroos room, opening the door and looking in. Haruto fiddled with the door and looked at them, finally deciding to come in. Haruto got up on the bed, going to the other side of kuroo so kuroo was in the middle of them. Haruto pulled the blanket over him and laid facing towards kuroos back, closing his eyes and falling asleep once again. Kuroo hadn't woke to haruto coming in and laying on the bed, too tired to even shift in his sleep.

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