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Kenma let Kuroo carry him off to the kitchen. Though he was still sensitive about food, but he was willing to try for Kuroo. He slouched down a bit in his chair since sitting upright made the stitches tug and hurt. The boy sniffled a few times as he thought about ignoring Lev, it would be hard to do since the boy was everywhere. Kuroo went over and got a bowl of the mac and cheese, bringing it over and sitting down next to kenma. He put the spoon in the bowl, picking up some of it and putting it to kenmas mouth. He wasn't sure how well kenma would do with it, he'd only made it for the boy as it was quick and easy. Kenma put a hand over his eyes as he opened his mouth slowly. He took the bite from the fork, trying his two methods combined of not being able to see and also having Kuroo feed him. He chewed and swallowed before opening his mouth again for a second bite. Kuroo was confused as kenma covered his eyes, assuming it was helping kenma manage his food if he couldn't see it. Kuroo took the second mouthful to kenmas lips, slipping it in carefully. "Good job kenma" kuroo praised softly, knowing this meal was a challenge with the carbs. Kenma felt his lip quiver from the praise. He was in such an emotional state after what happened that hearing the encouraging words made him cry. He wiped his tears off before opening his mouth for another bite, hoping Kuroo would continue to praise him. Kuroo was proud of kenma, the boy managing to eat after the big afternoon they'd had. "Good.." was all he added, hoping his words weren't the thing making kenma cry. Kuroo continued with a third scoop of the mac and cheese, slipping it through kenmas lips. "Almost done" kuroo made sure to tell kenma, there not being too much mac and cheese in a serving. Kenma covered his eyes with both hands now, it was getting harder for him to eat. He continued on though, swallowing and taking the bites as Kuroo fed them to him. He knew it wasn’t the most ideal way of eating, but he wanted to get better and if this worked for now then he would keep doing it. Kuroo managed to slip in the last bite into kenmas mouth, putting the fork down and leaning over to kiss kenmas cheek. "Much better" kuroo praised, after the night they had this was a good way to end it. Kuroo removed the bowl from in front of the boy quickly, taking it over to the sink to wash out. "I'll put Haruto’s things in your bag for tomorrow." Kuroo mentioned, not wanting there to be a fight over it from both Lev and Haruto. Kuroo came back over to the table, ready to take kenma to be for the rest of the night. Kenma slowly lowered his hands, his eyes were filled with tears. He was glad he made Kuroo proud, hoping it would somewhat make up for what he did. He nodded his head as Kuroo talked about the stuffed animals. He lifted his arms up and held the elder, sniffling a few times. “I’m tired..” he whined a bit. Kuroo let kenma hold onto him, carefully picking the boy up so he could carry him to the room. "I know.. bed time." Kuroo said, knowing kenma was exhausted after school and the hospital. Kuroo carried kenma straight to the room, putting kenma down on the bed gently. "You feel okay?" Kuroo asked, kenma had lost a lot of blood from what he'd seen. Kenma sniffled a couple of times as Kuroo carried him. He nodded once as he was laid down, body relaxing against the bed. He held out an arm for Kuroo, hand shaking a bit. “Just.. sleepy.” He said. Kuroo got on the bed next to kenma, laying down and very carefully pulling kenma in closer. "Okay.. you rest now." Kuroo spoke calmly, not allowing his own eyes to shut. He couldn't sleep right now, not after what kenma had done to himself and managed to hide. "I love you" he whispered, resting a kiss to the top of kenmas head. Kenma was exhausted, leaning close to Kuroo without hurting his stomach. “I.. I love you too..” he whispered before letting himself start to fall asleep. He let out a shaky breath as he fell asleep in Kuroo’s arms, expression finally at peace. Kuroo watched kenma fall asleep, leaving another kiss pressed to kenmas forehead. Kuroo allowed himself to fall asleep afterwards, feeling better that he could physically feel kenma was safe in his arms. In the morning kuroo woke up first, carefully prying himself away from kenma. Kuroo went off to pack kenmas bag and lunch. He noticed kenmas bag was covered with dry blood, grabbing another one from the cupboard. Kuroo packed all of kenmas books in it. Kuroo grabbed harutos comfort items too, putting them in the bag so they wouldn't be forgotten. Kuroo found the cat plush as well, slipping it in the bag thinking it was Harutos too since he didn't remember getting kenma any new stuffed animals. Afterwards kuroo started breakfast and made kenmas lunch. He packed lots of different things, wanting kenma to have more options at lunch time. Kuroo finished making kenma cinnamon toast too, going to the room right after to wake the boy up. He leaned on the bed, brushing through kenmas hair. Kenma was fast asleep through the night, the next morning starting to wake as Kuroo messed with his hair. He looked horrible, exhausted more than usual. He blinked slowly before his eyes landed on Kuroo. He slowly leaned up to hug him, wincing and clutching his stomach as the area stung. Kuroo let himself wrap his arms around kenma as the boy hugged him, taking a much needed deep sigh. "Up you get.." he spoke softly, beginning to pull kenma from the bed. He wasn't sure if kenma was in the mood to be independent or wanting to have assistance with everything. "Feeling any better?" He questioned, lowering kenma until his feet touched the ground. Kenma let Kuroo hold him up, groaning softly as his feet touched the ground. He slowly shook his head no to kuroo’s words, he felt worse if anything. With his headache and his dizzy feeling, he didn’t look too great. “Bathroom..?“ he asked, wanting Kuroo to carry him. Kuroo couldn't refuse kenmas request, carefully managing to pick the boy back up to carry him to the bathroom. He had to say he was rather proud of kenma lately, he hadn't been wetting himself or the bed as often after they'd seen the doctor about it. He kissed kenmas cheek before putting him down in front of the bathroom. "Okay, I'll be here if you need me." Kuroo said waiting by the door, still cautious over kenma going into the bathroom alone. Kenma held on to the elder as he walked, leaning on the counter once Kuroo let him go. He sighed and nodded, closing the door before going over and taking his pants down. He was careful around his stomach, holding himself up before starting to go. Once he was done, he flushed and washed his hands before looking in the mirror. Kenma slowly started to mess with his hair, it ended up taking his mind off the pain for a minute. He ended up twisting the top parts into little space buns and leaving the rest down, looking at his reflection with a bit of a stunned look. He quite liked the hairstyle and left the bathroom to go change. Kuroo waited nervously by the door, about to open it just as kenma walked out. He saw a new hairstyle for the second day in a row, liking how kenma was feeling good about doing his hair. Kuroo leaned down and kissed the centre of kenmas head, pulling away and running his fingers through the back of kenmas hair. "Come eat?" He asked, eyes shifting down to kenmas shirtless chest. Kenma looked up at him, he hoped Kuroo liked how his hair looked. He listened as the elder spoke, sighing and nodding once before slowly covering his chest with his hands. “Don’t look..” he said, still insecure about even Kuroo seeing it. He walked around the elder into the bedroom, looking in the cabinets for a spare uniform shirt. Luckily he found one, changing into it as well as his pants before walking to the kitchen. Kuroo sighed quietly as kenma covered himself up, respecting the boy by walking out to the kitchen to wait. He sat and looked at the cinnamon toast he made kenma, he didn't feel like that was too much to eat and should be hard. Haruto woke up on the couch at levs, letting out a shaky breath after having cried so much last night. Haruto sat up and noticed he hadn't wet the couch, he was really pleased about it. He got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for school. Lev was already up, having already got ready for school and was now making himself breakfast. Kenma sat himself down in his chair, looking at the toast. He frowned a little and squinted his eyes before closing them tight. He opened his mouth a few moments later and waited for Kuroo to feed him the toast. Kuroo had thought toast would of been easy enough for kenma to feed himself, raising an eyebrow as kenma still expected to be fed. "Okay.." kuroo sighed out, picking the toast up and holding it to kenmas mouth. He started to wonder how long kenma expected this to go on for, kuroo couldn't feed him for the rest of his life for every meal. Lev waited for Haruto to get dressed and come out to the kitchen, offering some toast to the boy before heading to the front door to go. Haruto took the toast, putting his bag on ready to leave. Lev started the walk to school with Haruto following, he never wanted Haruto to stay over and cry like that again as it'd given Lev a headache that lasted through the night. Kenma relaxed a little as Kuroo agreed. He started to eat the toast, the sweetness surprising him. Usually he didn’t have many sweet things, especially for breakfast. He chewed the toast for a while before taking another few bits. He slowly uncovered his eyes, peeking at Kuroo. Kuroo focused on the toast, watching kenma take bites out of it. He managed to catch kenma peeking out from behind his hands, he couldn't help but smile and give a kiss to kenmas cheek. "Finish your toast kenma" kuroo encouraged, waiting for kenma to take another bite. He let his eyes glance at kenmas hair, still enjoying the change. Kenma flushed a bit in the cheeks before continuing to eat the toast. He used it as a distraction from the pain in his abdomen, finally finishing before turning to Kuroo. “Pain medicine..?” He asked, needing at least something to ease the burn. Kuroo took the plate as kenma finished, nodding and standing up to go get some. he grabbed a couple tablets from the cupboard, going over to the sink and getting a cup of water as well. Kuroo brought it over to kenma, holding the tablets in one hand the cup of water in the other. "This should last you until this afternoon." Kuroo explained, not wanting kenma to have anymore since his body weight was so low that it could be easy for an overdose on pain medication. Kenma thanked him softly as he took the medicine. He swallowed it with his water before standing up slow and carefully. He went to grab his bag from the door, standing and waiting for Kuroo to come and go outside with him. Kuroo followed kenma, grabbing his keys and opening the front door. Kuroo made the effort to open kenmas car door before getting in himself. He started the car, praying today wouldn't end with a hospital trip. He watched as kenma got in the car, giving a weak smile. "You'll be good?" Kuroo said, having to trust kenma wouldn't hurt himself again. Kenmanwalked out and got in, wincing as he sat down. He buckled and made sure it didn’t lay over his cut. He looked over at Kuroo before nodding his head. “Mhm..” he agreed to behaving well today. The blonde looked out the window as Kuroo started to drive. Kuroo felt more relaxed now, knowing kenma would do his best to look after himself and avoid Lev. Kuroo pulled up outside the school, leaning over and giving kenma a quick kiss goodbye. "Okay. I'll pick you up. I love you." Kuroo said, making sure kenma knew those things. Lev made it to school, stopping just out the front to wait for kenma. Haruto finished the toast he'd been eating while walking, also stopping to wait for kenma. Kenma sighed and he got nervous the closer they got to school. Once Kuroo stopped, he glanced around out of the windows before returning a kiss to Kuroo. He got out of the car carefully before taking his bag and giving a soft wave. “I love you too..” he said in a quiet voice before closing his door and walking towards the door. Kuroo smiled, watching kenma for a moment before pulling out the carpark. Lev saw kenma, rolling his eyes and walking over to him. He stopped when he saw kenmas hair. "Whats with the two bird nest?" He asked, screwing his face up a bit. Haruto saw kenma, gasping and running over, he hugged into kenma as he was Glad to see him after yesterday. Kenma looked at Lev for a moment, though he remembered about what Kuroo said about ignoring him. He looked away without a word, attention on Haruto now. He winced as his arms got close to his stomach, but tried not to show it. “I have your things..” he said to the boy. Haruto noticed kenma seemed uncomfortable, pulling back to look. He remembered the blood yesterday, grabbing onto the bottom of kenmas shirt and pulling it up. He looked with a confused stare, keeping the bottom of the shirt up. "Did they take your kidney?" He asked, he'd heard about people selling kidneys for good money before. Lev scoffed and followed, staying behind kenma with his arms crossed. Kenma was shocked by Haruto’s intrusion, pushing his shirt back down and tucking it in. “No I-“ he fell silent before taking Haruto’s hand. “Just forget it..” he said while tearing up. He led Haruto over to the lockers and stopped, opening his bag so he could take the stuffed animal and blanket. Haruto was caught off guard as kenma grabbed his hand and pulled him along, unsure why the question had made kenma so upset. Haruto frowned, keeping his mouth shut as they walked to the lockers. He felt better again as kenma opened the bag, taking his backpack off to slip them in. "I want that one too.." he said quietly, pointing the the cat plush kuroo had put in the bag. He didn't see why else kenma would bring it to school with him. Lev kept his arms crossed tightly, feeling very ignored this morning. He followed again, stopping by the lockers to wait for the bell. Kenma frowned and looked down at the cat. “But..” he slowly pulled his bag away with the cat still inside. He gave Haruto a look, pleading with his eyes like he would do to convince Kuroo to give him what he wanted. “Please..?” He asked. Haruto frowned as kenma pulled the bag away, looking into his own backpack. "I wanna look after it.." he mumbled, shrugging his shoulders. He knew he didn't need it but he still wanted it. Lev rolled his eyes as the boys exchanged words. "If you're going to play with stuffed animals you two can go back to first grade." Lev snapped, acting out with rude comments as he wasn't feeling very heard. Haruto glanced behind at Lev, slowly zipping his backpack up so Lev didn't decide who got what. Kenma frowned. “How about.. we switch days..” he mumbled while putting his bag on his shoulder. He continued to ignore Lev’s comments, hoping it was okay with Haruto. He looked down at the time and saw class was about to start. “Ah.. have a good day.” He said to Haruto, ruffling the boy’s hair before walking off. Haruto kept a small frown but nodded, feeling that was better than nothing. He took a soft sigh as kenma ruffled his hair, nodding and going off to his own class. Lev continued to follow kenma, it was really getting on his nerves now. "Hello??" He called to kenma, flicking one of the space buns kenma had done in his hair. Kenma continued to ignore Lev, giving a slight eye roll from the flick. He walked into the room and sat down carefully, putting his bag on the ground and resting a hand over his stomach. He waited for class to start, still not acknowledging Lev.  Lev groaned, wondering what he'd done to deserve this. He sat down next to kenma, slamming his stuff around as he got it out for the lesson. Lev felt he could play this silly game too, beginning to also ignore kenma now. Haruto made it to his first class, feeling a lot better now he'd been given back his comfort items. He focused hard on his lesson, having not done so well yesterday. Kenma was quite enjoying Lev not bothering him. He got his pencil out and waited for class to begin. He let out a soft sigh, feeling the edge of the bandage with his hand before beginning to write down notes. Lev shook his head, focusing on his work. He was boiling quite a bit under the surface, trying not to break and mess with kenma again.  He felt it was some sort of weird game, seeing which one of them was going to depend on the other first. Lev managed to stay quiet the whole lesson, packing up while muttering to himself as the bell went. Haruto was proud of himself, managing a lot the first lesson. He decided to head straight to his second lesson, not seeing a need to stop by and see kenma or Lev until lunch now. Kenma worked somewhat, he didn’t really want to focus on the lesson. His body was hurting as it was, and thinking about the work made his head feel worse. As the bell rung, Kenma didn’t look at Lev once. He packed his bag and carefully put it over his shoulder before taking cautious steps out of the room and to Ms Berry’s class. He didn’t see Haruto, hoping the boy was okay. Kenma walked into his classroom and went to sit down. Haruto made it to his second class okay, sitting down and getting his book and pencil case out. Haruto noticed a boy in his class handing out some invitations to a selection of boys. Haruto focused back down on his page, he never got invited to birthdays or to stay over at people's places from his classes so he didn't even think to get his hopes up. Lev walked in after kenma, keeping his eyes glared. He refused to break first, knowing kenma might come begging to him at some point during the day. Ms Berry started a quiet lesson, having gone over the learning materials last lesson. She put up some questions for the students to answer and evaluate. Kenma looked at the board as she started to write some thing. Down. He got out his pencil and paper, starting to copy the questions down so he could answer them. He found it was a lot easier to do things when Lev wasn’t right he there to make things miserable for him. Lev focused on his work, tapping his pen to his page a couple times. He was reminded of yesterday, scoffing at the thought of him going stiff over kenma. Ms Berry walked around the classroom, making sure everyone was focusing on the work. She stopped at kenmas desk, it being awhile since they had spoke. "I like what you've done with your hair today kenma" she said, trying to break the ice. Kenma flickered his eyes up towards her, looking back down at his paper. He messed with his pencil a bit before nodding his head. “Oh.. thank you.” He said quietly before going back to working on the problems. Ms Berry stood in front of kenmas desk for a moment longer, thinking that kenma was going to say more. The conversation stood still, making her smile again. She wanted to make sure kenma was okay, from what she'd seen he looked fine. "Okay, I'll be at the front if you need me." She said to end the short conversation, walking over and sitting at her desk. Lev was tempted to mutter something about kenma being a teachers pet, holding back with every ounce of strength. He shook his head, focusing back down on his own work. Kenma gave a short nod in response. Usually now was when Lev would make some kind of comment, but he heard nothing he shrugged it off and continued working until the bell. Once it rang, he stood up and packed his bag. He went outside to wait for Haruto so he could bring the boy to sit somewhere else. Lev took longer to do his work, staying back a little bit after the bell. He'd found focusing a lot harder when he couldn't get things out of his head by speaking his mind. Haruto packed up from his lesson, putting his book and pencil case in his backpack. He headed to the classroom door, stopping as a slip of paper was pushed to his chest. "Here. But‐ you don't have to come. Seriously." The boy said to Haruto. He didn't want to invite Haruto but his mother had insisted since the boys older brothers had been friends due to living on the same block. Haruto had hung out with the boy on the odd occasion when they were a lot younger. Haruto took it, having a read before giving a nod. He was really excited, running off to find kenma. He stopped as he found kenma, holding up the invitation as to ask kenma for permission to go. The only things it had on the note was the date being this Friday and that it was a sleepover, the address on the back. Kenma saw the boy coming, looking down at the paper as he handed it out. He tilted his head a bit before looking at Haruto. “Ah.. you should go.” He encouraged the boy before taking his hand. He began to lead him off towards a hallway with little activity, sitting down. “We’re not siting with Lev anymore.” He announced to the boy, hoping Haruto was okay with it. Haruto nodded as kenma said he should go, he really did want to since he never got invited to things. He stopped as kenma said they weren't sitting with Lev, looking around to not see him. Haruto wasn't too worried about it, at least that meant he got all kenmas attention. Haruto sat down, leaning against the locker. He kept the invitation in hand, reading over it a couple times. Haruto looked at the sleepover part a couple times, thinking about it quietly. He was nervous about it but he hadn't wet the bed for two nights now. He supposed people didn't really sleep at sleepovers. He held the note to kenma again. "Come with.." he mumbled, not wanting to go alone exactly. Lev finished his work, heading to the cafeteria expecting kenma and Haruto to be sitting in the normal spot. Kenma sighed and pulled out his lunch from his bag. He opened it to see all the things, knowing he could offer some to Haruto. He set it between them before looking at the note. “Oh.. I dunno Haruto.” He said. He didn’t know the boy who invited Haruto at all, thinking it would be awkward if he went. “But.. I guess I can ask Kuroo.”
Haruto nodded, pulling the invitation away from kenma again. He didn't think he could go alone without getting home sick for kuroos and kenmas place. "Mh Ryuu was friends with his older brother" Haruto mumbled, folding the invitation up and putting it in his backpack. He was still excited, for once it was kenma tagging along instead of him. Lev stopped as he saw no Haruto or kenma, assuming they must of went to the bathroom. He slowly sat down, keeping an eye out for them. Haruto didn't touch kenmas food, knowing that made kenma upset the other day. "What did they take..?" He asked kenma, gesturing towards kenmas stomach. He still didn't know what had happened with kenma. Kenma sighed and he grabbed a bar Kuroo had packed. He opened it while glancing at Haruto. “Oh.. alright, I’ll ask tonight. When is it?” He asked as he took a bite. He paused his chewing and looked over at Haruto. “Ah.. it was- just a cut.. patched.” He half lied before sliding his food closer to Haruto. “We can share..”
Haruto listened to kenmas words, fidgeting with his backpack now in his lap. "Friday" he mentioned, he knew ge had some time to prepare before then. He glanced over as kenma mentioned the wound, giving another nod. He moved his eyes to look in kenmas lunch box, eyeing off the juicebox but didn't take it as there was only one. Instead Haruto laid his head on kenmas shoulder, enjoying alone time with him. Lev was getting annoyed, standing up from the table to go find where the boys had gone.  Kenma bit into the bar again, glad Haruto wasn’t pushing it. He sighed and swallowed it after chewing enough. He glanced down at the boy and didn’t move him, if Haruto was content he wouldn’t say anything. He continued to eat the bar while thinking about leaving school. He was already exhausted from his day, and pretty sure Kuroo had work that night too. Haruto sighed quietly, his mind still busy on the birthday. He didn't have money for a gift, he was sure he could make something. "What do I bring..?" Haruto asked having not been to a party sleepover before, it was only Friday afternoon to Monday morning so he didn't want to over or under pack. Haruto gently started to fidget with kenmas shirt, keeping his eyes down as he waited for kenma to tell him. Lev started checking the bathrooms, all the stalls were empty making him scoff. He went off to check classrooms next. Kenma looked at the boy, shrugging his shoulders. “Ah.. um..” he ha t really gone to parties either, so he wasn’t completely sure. “Card..?” He thought about possible gifts. They could always ask Kuroo later too. He sighed and finished the bar off, grabbing out the juice. Haruto furrowed his eyebrows, shaking his head slightly. "What clothes.." he asked, nuzzling his head more into kenmas arm. He thought kenma would know since kenmas stayed at lots of different places for different amounts of time. Haruto frowned as kenma grabbed the juicebox, having wanted it in the first place. He leaned on kenma even more, trying to show more physical affection. Lev checked every classroom, finally going to the halls. He checked the main one before going down the quiet ones. Kenma slouched a little as Haruto leaned against him, taking a sip of the juice. He didn’t really know why Haruto was being so touchy. He didn’t say anything though, shrugging. “Pajamas.. uh.. I don’t know.” He said a little defeated as he continued to drink the juice and slouch down the wall the more Haruto leaned against him. Haruto tilted his head to look up at kenma, shrugging gently. He decided he'd just have to ask kuroo, he'd know what to pack. Haruto moved himself to lay on his side, resting his head in kenmas lap. He gave a small groan as his hip pained, it'd get sore in certain positions after the car accident. Lev finally found them, storming up the hall and crossing his arms. Lev didn't open his mouth, glaring the two on the floor.
Kenma sighed and he continued to drink the juice. He looked down at Haruto and placed a hand over his head. He looked up as he heard approaching footsteps, frowning when he saw it was Lev. He looked down and sipped on the juice without a word to Lev. Haruto closed his eyes as he felt comfortable against kenma, breathing in and out softly. Lev could see they were still playing some ridiculous silent game, wanting kenma to break first. Lev stood in front of where Haruto was laying, giving him a quick kick to the crotch. He felt Haruto deserved it after last night anyway. Haruto let out a pained groaned, quickly sitting up to push his knees together and put a hand over his crotch as he leaned forward to try and soothe the pain. Lev rolled his eyes to the side, finally bringing them to look back down at kenma drinking the juicebox. Kenma furrowed his brows as he watched. He slowly leaned over and looked at Haruto. “You’re okay..” he said, setting the juice box to the side and gently putting a hand on his shoulder. He didn’t say anything to Lev though, since Kuroo had said specifically to ignore him.

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