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Kenma looked at the knife with furrowed brows as Asahi came up to him. He bit the inside of his cheek and crossed his legs. “Asahi, I /really/ gotta go..” he said while trying to pull his arm away. He rocked on his feet and looked at the bathroom. “You can stand outside I- I just need to go..”
Asahi looked back at kenma, still feeling like the boy was pushing his luck. "Don't be ridiculous. You do not need to go. If you really had to go, you would of waited for the movie to finish." He tried to manipulate the actions kenma had taken. "You're being childish. Sit down." He told kenma, pulling out the chair at the table for him to sit. It was annoying him how frequently kenma wouldn't listen to him when he stayed over, causing a lot of the conflict. He grabbed kenmas shoulder, pushing him down into the chair. Kenma looked at the chair and refused to sit. He shook his head no and backed towards the bathroom again. “A-Asahi I’m gonna wet myself..” he said softly, trying to make him understand his emergency. Asahi was agitated by kenmas persistent attitude, coming forward and grabbing kenma by the wrist. He pointed the knife to kenmas neck, his breathing becoming heavy. "I don't care anymore. You're not listening." He sternly whispered towards kenmas ear. He felt kenma deserved to suffer after not listening to him, the movie was almost over so he was sure if kenma had just listened he would of made it with no problem. He was also confident that kenma wouldn't mention it to kuroo, considering kenma was supposed to be at school right now. Kenma whined as he grabbed his wrist, his eyes going wide as he looked at the knife. He began to grow worried that Asahi would do something that he would regret. He tried to pull away while tugging harder than before. “Asahi please I have to go!”
Asahi had enough of kenmas whines and begs, pulling kenmas wrist towards the ground harshly to bring kenma to the floor. "Shut the fuck up!" He shouted loudly, bringing the knife to kenmas neck as a threat. "I'm just about ready to send you back over with a slit neck!" He raised his voice again. "You need to grow up and listen!" He yelled, getting down into kenmas face. "Are you going to listen??" He spoke with the same raised voice. Kuroo took his earphones out as he heard some yelling, trying to listen in. He shrugged it off, putting his loud music back in to study. Kenma hit the floor with a sob, his struggling quickly stopping as Asahi put the knife to his throat. He looked frightened as he stared at Asahi, closing his eyes tight as he felt himself starting to leak. The boy let his lip quiver and he crossed his legs. “P-Please I-“ he stiffened as he felt it trying to leak some more. Asahi stayed leaning over kenmas body. "Get up. And sit at the table." He spoke slowly but very sternly, grabbing kenma to pull him back up by the wrist. "No wonder kuroo wouldn't pick you up." He muttered to himself, feeling kenma was extremely impolite and obnoxious for not listening as a house guest. Kuroo began to worry how kenma was going to get home, pulling his phone out to check. 'Kenma, are you catching the bus home or do you want asahi to pick you up?' He texted, still unable to really leave the house himself. Kenma let out a sob and stood back up, crossing his legs. He pulled away from Asahi and gave the elder a push. “I just need to go!” He shouted, not feeling his phone buzz in his pocket. He curled over a bit trying to hold in his urine while looking at Asahi with tears streaming down his face. Asahi gripped the knife tighter in his hand. "I think you need to learn some manners." He spoke with a heavy breath, pulling kenma by the wrist to the kitchen. "I'll be texting kuroo tonight. He needs to go back to work. You can stay with me and learn some decent manners around other people." He snapped, pressing the knife to kenmas neck as he walked. Kenma began to breathe heavy, walking as Asahi spoke to him. “N-no I can’t!” He said. He began to hit Asahi’s arm to make him drop the knife so he could run and lock himself into the bedroom or bathroom. “Let go of me!” He cried, feeling the knife against his throat and sobbing.  Asahi let go of kenmas wrist, lowering the knife and hitting a firm hand into the back of kenmas head. "This is why you're staying over! You don't dare raise a hand at me." He scolded, grabbing the back of kenmas hair firmly. He put pressure upwards, trying to stop kenma from moving his head around as he walked back to the kitchen. "Sit." He spat, tugging downwards on kenmas hair. He forcefully pushed kenmas chair in, keeping the knife in his grip in case kenma retaliated again. Kenma cried out in pain and held the back of his head before sobbing out loud enough for Kuroo to hear next door. He felt more leaking as his body sat into the chair. He looked up at Asahi, sobbing and trying to stand. “I-I want to leave.” He said and began to get out of the chair. Asahi pushed kenmas shoulder to make him sit back down. "You want to leave because you aren't getting your way. You're so fucking used to getting exactly what you want. You're staying here tonight, even of you go back over now." He explained, knowing kuroo would see he was just trying to help where he could with kenma. Kuroo heard the cry again through his music, taking his earphones out and going to his room. Haruto was wheezing in his sleep, not crying out at all. He couldn't work out where it was coming from, slowly taking a seat again and placing his earphones in. He thought he imagined it, stressed he wouldn't hear if haruto actually needed him. Kenma shook his head and turned it, leaning down and biting Asahi on the arm. He shoved him back and scrambled out of the chair, staring for a second before backing away and turning to run for the bathroom. He still had held most of his urine and just needed to let it out before continuing anything with Asahi. Asahi picked up his phone as kenma ran off, making the plans legit with kuroo. Kenma obviously still hadn't listened to him in the short time they had together today. Kuroo looked at his messages, seeing asahi was offering to pick kenma up from school and look after him tonight. He thanked asahi, it taking a lot of extra worry off his shoulders. Asahi walked to the bathroom. "Hurry up." He spoke with an annoyed tone. Kenma locked himself in, breathing heavy and hard as he stared at the door. He sniffled and made sure it was closed before pulling his pants down and finishing going. He flushed and washed his hands, but didn’t open the door to leave. Asahi knocked again, becoming worried at the silence. "Kenma out. This is exactly why I told you to wait. You can't fucking listen." He spat with anger, grabbing the door handle and shaking it. "Don't you dare make me go over and get kuroo to sort you out." He threatened, knowing kuroo would be extremely unhappy that kenma wasn't at school as well as not listening. Kenma whimpered a little and hesitantly opened the door. He stepped out and ducked away from Asahi before taking quick steps for the couch again hoping to avoid him. He felt he had kenma listening now, stepping out the way as kenma came out the bathroom. He let kenma go to the lounge room, a new movie playing. He went back to his cooking, almost finished making his meals to store. Kuroo checked the time, seeing it was almost the end of school. He was glad he didnt need to stress, finishing off his school work before getting up. He went to get Haruto up and packed to stay over at Asahis, still unable to leave the boy by himself. Asahi packed the meals away, coming to the lounge room to watch kenma. Kenma slumped on the couch and watched the movie. It was a bloody one, making him grimace and sob a little. He wiped his eyes and looked down and curled up instead of watching the movie. Asahi just stood watching, not bothering to change the channel for kenma. He checked the time, knowing kuroo was expecting kenma to be home soon. Haruto unwillingly got out of bed and went to the bathroom, unsure why he had to be up. When he came out, kuroo had Harutos bag ready to go. He checked outside to see Asahi was already back, thinking kenma must of just went straight over instead of coming home. Haruto followed slowly, starting to tear up as he noticed they were going next door. Kuroo knocked, waiting for a response. "Be good." Asahi told kenma, walking over to the door to open it for kuroo. Kenma nodded his head a few times and stayed curled up on the couch. He sniffled and blocked his ears so he didn’t have to hear the television. He glanced to the door to see who it was, taking that time to also turn the tv off since it got to be too much. Asahi opened the door, not expecting to also see Haruto. He'd only agreed to kenma staying over. He didn't say anything, stepping out the way for kuroo and haruto to come in. Asahi tilted his head down to whisper to kuroo. "Kenma had a rough day at school." He explained, wanting there to be no confusion on why kenma looked so upset. Haruto wiped his tears and shook his head, following closely behind kuroo. He didn't want to stay over, not after how Asahi treated him. Kuroo came into the lounge room, furrowing his eyebrows at kenma. Kenma pulled the blanket over his head and laid down. He gave a quiet sob. He looked at Kuroo, quickly standing up and hugging him. “No hes-“ he cut himself off knowing Asahi could easily rat him out for missing school. Kuroo wrapped his arms around kenma, resting his head on top of his. He noticed the smell of urine on kenma, giving a soft sigh and pulling away. "Theres some clothes in Harutos bag for you." He spoke quietly. Haruto stayed close behind kuroo still, not wanting to step away. He gave haruto his bag, turning to Asahi. Asahi gave a smile, waiting for kuroo to leave. Kuroo didn't leave tilting his head to the kitchen so they could talk. Asahi lead the way, letting kuroo follow. Haruto crossed his arms over his stomach, feeling more sick now he was at Asahi’s place. Kenma hugged him tightly, trembling a bit as he was crying softly. He didn’t want to let go, but had to as hell was walking off with Asahi. Kenma quickly went to Haruto and held his shoulders. “Haruto.. you- you have to behave tonight” he said panicked. “H-He’s threatening me with a knife and-“ his words cut off as he took a shaky breath. Haruto jolted a bit as kenma held his shoulders, eyes tearing up more. Kenma saying those things made him feel sick in the stomach with anxiety, nodding his head. He had been rather good all day, staying in bed and resting so he was sure he could keep it up. He tilted his head to lean on kenmas hand that was on his shoulder, glad kenma was with him and he wasn't going to be around Asahi alone. Kenma felt bad for Haruto, seeing the boy looked really upset and sick. “Come lay..” he said and pointed to the couch, laying Haruto down and handing him his water. “It’ll be okay..” he assured him while sitting down next to him and looking at Kuroo and Asahi in the kitchen. Haruto didn't want to say no to anything, knowing it would be better if he listened. He put his bag down and laid on the couch, holding the water bottle to his chest while he kept his eyes closed. Kuroo talked to Asahi for a moment, just over concerns such as keeping a close eye on kenma and making sure both boys were eating. Kuroo was finally ready to leave them, coming back to the lounge room. It seemed they were behaving. "Okay, I'll see you two in the morning.  Be good and call me if you need anything." He told them. Kenma bounced his knees up and down and looked at his wrist. He had one hand on Haruto’s head, the other picking at his pants while he looked at his arm and around the room. He really wanted to go home, but couldn’t with Kuroo going to work and Haruto sick like this. They were stuck at Asahi’s, and he just hoped it wouldn’t be a nightmare. Haruto opened his eyes frowning slightly as kuroo left, he tried to stay calm by taking a deep breath but only wheezed it out. Asahi came to the lounge room, crossing his arms over at the boys. "Come have dinner." He asked of them, hoping they'd want to go to bed sooner. He walked off, waiting for them to follow. Haruto sat himself up slowly, keeping the water bottle close to him. He looked towards kenma, wanting him to go first. Kenma looked at Asahi with a frown before looking at Haruto. “It’s okay.. just eat quietly and only what you want. I- if he tries to do anything I’ll protect you.” He whispered before standing and holding out a hand for Haruto. He began to lead him to the kitchen, sitting him down before sitting himself down. Haruto nodded, leaning his head on kenmas arm as he walked. He sat down slowly, keeping his eyes down on the table. He kept the water bottle resting on his lap, not wanting asahi to take it from him. Asahi threw some food he had prep today in the microwave, leaning his back on the counter watching the boys. Haruto moved his head towards kenma again, wanting to stay as close as possible. Kenma looked at Haruto with a reassuring gaze before tapping his fingers on the table. He was silent and refused to look at Asahi, though he did look around the kitchen and see where the knife was. He was on edge when Asahi had it and needed to know it was put away so he could relax. Haruto lifted the water bottle up and screwed the lid off, taking a couple sips and putting it back in his lap. He never brought his eyes up, already feeling asahi was staring at them. Asahi looked away as the microwave went off, grabbing the food out and putting it on two plates for them. He brought it over, placing one bowl in front of each of them. "You're not leaving the table until you're finished, understood?" He asked them. Haruto looked into the bowl with a frown, nodding his head so he wasn't to get in trouble. He picked up the spoon a ran it through the food, trying to find anything that looked appetising. Kenma watched as Asahi came over, looking at the bowl with a frown. He crossed his arms and shoved it away, not interested in anything from Asahi. “I’m not hungry right now..” he said before watching Haruto. Haruto quickly lowered his head as he ate a spoonful, chewing very slowly as he felt miserable and the food wasn't to his liking. He got concerned as kenma pushed the food away, not wanting him to get in trouble. Asahi sat down at the table, pushing the food over to kenma. "I asked you to eat." He spoke firmly, not wanting another battle with kenma. Haruto moved one hand under the table, grabbing on to the bottom of kenmas shirt. He just wanted kenma to eat, it being better than threatened. Kenma felt Haruto’s hand, glancing down before looking back up. He frowned and gave in, picking up his spoon and starting to eat. It tasted gross to him and he was quick to make faces. He said nothing though and continued to eat. Haruto couldn't bring himself to swallow at first, putting his fingers to his lips and finally forcing it down. He managed a couple more bites before he needed to wash it down, slowly bringing the water bottle to his mouth and taking a couple of sips. Asahi glared between the boys, they didn't look very thankful for the food given. Kenma put his spoon down and gave a gag after a minute. “Really bad..” he said and pushed the food away again, looking at Asahi with tears in his eyes. He couldn’t bring himself to have another bite as the taste and texture was repulsive to him. He could tell it was the same for Haruto. Asahi wasn't up for another fight, watching kenma push the food away. "Starve then." He told kenma, snatching the bowl off the table. Haruto shook his head and pushed his away too, he couldn't stomach anymore. "Fine. Both of you need to go to bed." He told them. Haruto stood up, keeping the water bottle with him. He didn't know where he was sleeping and if it was going to be near kenma. Kenma found the words a little insensitive, his face forming into a glare. He stood up from the table, glancing at Haruto. “Cmon.. you can have the couch.” He said and waited for the younger to stand up. Haruto stood up and leaned himself onto kenmas arm, keeping his eyes down. "I wanna sleep with you.." He whispered quietly, not wanting to risk Asahi getting to them if they were going to be alone. "Hurry up." Asahi snapped at them, cleaning up from dinner. Kenma frowned and continued to walk him to the living room. “I’ll be on the floor.. right in front of you.” He assured Haruto while sitting the boy on the couch. “Do you have to pee?” He asked softly. Haruto didn't feel right letting kenma sit on the floor, frowning and sitting on the couch but still leaving room so kenma could sit with him. He shook his head at kenmas question, only going just before he left kuroos. Haruto knew he should go before bed though. He rubbed his eyes and laid his head on the arm rest, eyes staring blankly at the tv that was off. Kenma looked at Haruto before sitting in the couch with him. He frowned and pushed out a sigh. “Where’s your bag? I need to change.” He said to Haruto while glancing towards the kitchen where Asahi was. Haruto lifted his head up, turning his gaze towards kenma. He shook his head and got up quickly, grabbing the bag off the floor. He tilted it away as he got kenmas clothes out, zipping the bag back up and leaving it near the couch close to him. He held out the clothes for kenma to take, sitting back down as standing too much made him feel worse in the head and stomach. Asahi finished up in the kitchen, coming out to check on the boys. Kenma thanked him and watched as he carefully got out the clothes. He sighed and stood from the couch, not asking Asahi before walking off to the bathroom to change. He rubbed his head a bit as he walked, stopping outside the door and walking in. Haruto laid his head back down, slowly breathing as he tried to calmly wait for kenma to come back. Asahi came into the lounge room, turning the tv on for now to keep Haruto in one spot. Asahi left the lounge room, going after kenma. "Hey. You know my rules so don't ignore them." He snapped at kenma, noticing he was wanting to get changed. "You can't go into the bathroom alone anymore, kuroo told me so." He said, standing in the doorway to block kenma from closing it. Haruto allowed himself to watch the tv, taking a sip from the water bottle as dinner still lingered on his tongue. Kenma frowned as he walked in, going to close it but meeting Asahi right there. He looked up at him with a frown, gritting his teeth. “Well.. let me crack it.” He snapped a bit while shoving the door closed against Asahi’s face. Asahi quickly slipped his foot in the door, pressing his hand to the handle. "Watch it." He snapped with a heavy tone, keeping his foot in the way of the door closing. He tried not to be obvious as he shifted his eyes to glance in. Haruto leaned back down and picked his bag back up, waiting for kenma to return so he could change too since he wasn't sure when they were going to sleep. He let the tv distract him for now, trying to not let any of his emotions become overwhelming. Kenma frowned and moved away from the door. He leaned close to the wall and began to strip, doing his shirt first. He set the dirty one on the sink and tried not to look down at himself or at his wrist as he pulled the clean one on. He did the same with his pants, turning to the door and pulling it open so he could go back to Haruto. Asahi moved out the way as kenma left the bathroom, crossing his arms and following behind him for a moment. Haruto got up with his bag, walking out the lounge room to the bathroom. Asahi stopped and followed him. "You dont need your whole bag, grab out what you need only."  He told Haruto, standing in the way of the bathroom. Haruto clenched his jaw and swallowed a lump in his throat, not sure why Asahi was being so invasive to both of them. He shook his slightly, taking a step back before turning around and going to the lounge room. He dropped his bag down near him, getting on the couch and curling up on one side to watch some TV with kenma. Asahi came out to the lounge room, turning the tv volume down more. Kenma sat back down on the couch, watching Haruto as he got up. He was gonna leave it alone but then heard Asahi getting on to him balky it. He was about to say something before Haruto came back, looking at the boy with a frown. He pushed the blanket over to Haruto and glared at Asahi walked in as well. He grit his teeth and picked up a pillow, throwing it at him. Haruto gently took the blanket, pulling it into his lap as he sat on the couch. He stared with a worried look as kenma threw the pillow, lowering his gaze down. Asahi looked at kenma as the pillow hit him and dropped to the ground, turning the tv off instead. Haruto looked up and frowned, he at least wanted to watch something before going to sleep. "Cut the attitude. I don't want to tell kuroo how impolite you've been." He told kenma. He decided to sit with them on the couch, moving to the middle of it so he could sit between the boys. He put the tv back on, going to sit with them until they were going to go to sleep. Kenma frowned at Asahi, gritting his teeth and looking away. He crossed his arms and moved all the way to the side so he didn’t have to be super up close with Asahi. He looked away and ignored the television. He was upset with Asahi for being so controlling over them. Haruto felt upset as asahi sat between them, he'd just wanted to be alone with kenma.  He fidgeted with the corner of the blanket, lifting his eyes up only a couple times to look at the tv. Haruto wasn't sure how long Asahi was going to sit with them, hoping he'd get bored and leave soon. Asahi crossed his arms over, eyes shifting each way to look at the boys. Kenma bit the inside of his cheek and pulled his his knees. He hugged them and began picking at the wrap on his wrist. He was upset and just wanted to be home with  Kuroo in bed without much of any worries. His frustration was quickly getting to himself and he kicked his leg against Asahi. Asahi was quick to react, slapping his hand down on the top of kenmas leg. He'd had enough of the behaviours, turning the tv off and standing up. Haruto jumped as Asahi laid a hand on kenma, tearing up hoping he wouldn't hit him again like last time. Asahi put the remote down on the table. "Bed, both of you." He snapped. Haruto slowly laid his head down on the arm rest again, heart beating loudly in his chest. Kenma gave a sharp cry of pain, pulling his leg back up and rubbing over the spot. He looked at Asahi with tears in his eyes and his lip quivered as he snapped at them. He looked away in a bit of a refusing manner, not ready to go to bed. “I don’t want to!”
Haruto was just as shocked as Asahi was, he thought the plan was to lay low and listen. Asahi went over and switched the light off, leaving them in the dark. "Find out what happens if you two get up after lights out." He threatened, glaring between them. He waited a moment before taking a step back and walking out. Haruto very slowly lifted his head. "No more.." he told kenma, tears still in his eyes. Kenma was just about ready to pounce on Asahi, tears dripping from his eyes as he looked into the darkness. He sniffled, glancing towards Haruto as Asahi walked off. “I’m sorry..” he said quickly. He laid Haruto back down and put the blanket up to his chin, petting through his hair before moving to sit on the floor. Haruto wiped his tears away on the blanket, curling up and closing his eyes. He still felt bad that kenma was on the floor even after he'd tried to leave room for him. Haruto tried to sleep, only to open his eyes moments later. "I wanna go.." he told kenma, keeping himself laid down and taking a few shallow breaths. Asahi went to his room, putting kenmas bag under his bed before laying down on his phone. Kenma frowned and nodded. “I know.. I know.” He said. He let out a quiet sigh and then remembered Kuroo kept a spare key outside. “Hey.. if we go quiet, we can go back home..” he suggested while standing himself up and looking down hopefully. Haruto slowly sat up more and gave kenma a sad look. "No.. I need to go.." he mumbled quietly, rubbing his eyes and looking to the door to make sure asahi wasn't around. He liked the idea of going back to kuroos but was worried that asahi would find out and scold them harshly. Kenma tilted his head confused on what he wanted now. “Like.. to the bathroom? Or home..?” He asked. “Cause if we go home you’ll have privacy and.. a nice comfy bed. We can even share..” he said. He was desperate to get home too so he wouldn’t have to stress over being there with Asahi. Haruto sat up completely and took the blanket off himself slowly. "Both.." he answered quietly. Haruto was glad kenma was being nice but he knew it wasn't a good idea if they did get caught. He didn't want to have kuroo mad for not listening to Asahi too. Asahi put his phone down, trying to listen for any movements or talk out in the lounge room. Kenma bit the inside of his cheek while slowly trying to urge Haruto up. “Shh it’s okay.. just go slow and quiet as you can.” He whispered to the boy while glancing to Asahi’s room. He assumed he was asleep by now, his mind set on getting away. Haruto gave kenma a worried look, shaking his head softly. He didn't want to go by himself and get caught, knowing well asahi would be extremely angry for him being up. He was still tearful, upset they had to stay over at asahis even after everything that had happened. "I'm scared.." he gave a bit of a sob, pressing his arm over his eyes. Asahi stood up, slowly moving out of his room and to the hall to see what the noise was. Kenma gave a quiet grumble while looking at Haruto. “Come on, I’ll be with you the whole time.” He tried to push on since he really wanted to be home instead of here. He couldn’t tell that Asahi was moving around, still waiting for Haruto and walking a few steps towards the kitchen. Haruto gave another sob as he stood up and grabbed his bag, following kenma so he didn't get left behind. His bladder was beginning to hurt too from holding it longer than he had wanted to. He grabbed onto kenmas hand, walking with him. Asahi moved from the hall to follow the boys. "What are you doing??" He asked sternly, turning the light on. He was annoyed they hadn't listened to him, obviously planning to go somewhere. Kenma held his hand tightly in his own, beginning to walk quietly. He froze on the spot as he heard Asahi and as the lights flickered on. He swallowed back the nerves and glanced to Asahi. “I was just- Haruto needed the bathroom..”

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