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Kenma wiped his eyes with his hand, though it was dripping with water and only wet his face more. He whined a bit and shook his head to get the drips off, hand falling back into the water. The boy lifted his arms a bit as Kuroo started to help him out, holding on to him with one hand and using the other to keep himself balanced. His thighs felt instant relief once out of the water, though his body trembled a bit at the loss of the warmth. Kenma glanced to the side at Kuroo, his heart throbbing as he saw the saddened look on his face. He knew that it was his fault. The blonde gave a couple small sobs and held on tighter to Kuroo. "M' sorry.." he whispered with a shaking voice. Kenma stepped out of the bath carefully and held a hand out for the towel, hoping to warm himself up a bit before getting into bed. Kuroo closed his eyes for another moment, feeling bad he'd made kenma upset by seeing. "No.. it's okay.." he spoke, this time not letting his emotions latch on to his words. Kuroo leaned over and grabbed the towel, handing it over to kenma so the boy could warm up. He felt lost, unsure if he should be helping as much as he could or be looking away so kenma wasn't uncomfortable with him staring at his body. Kuroo flinched between the two for a moment, deciding to just look away but keeping close in case kenma needed his help or support. Kuroo rubbed a hand over his face, the sighed breath blowing onto the palm of his hand that was going back to his side. Kuroo mentally scolded himself, he shouldn't of been looking away and acting differently. Quickly facing kenma he felt his heart jump, why was it getting to him now of all times? Kuroo pushed the thoughts away, he couldn't let kenma read his thoughts that laid in his eyes. "Need help?" Kuroo asked softly, his hands moving awkwardly. Kenma shivered a bit and crossed his arms over his chest. He could feel his ribs press against his arms, and the feeling made him immediately drop his arms back to his side. He never liked to be reminded on how unhealthy his body was, it often only made him feel worse. The blonde glanced up as Kuroo handed him the towel. He took it with a small thanks and began to dry off his legs. He was careful around his thighs, barely rubbing over as he dried the water. He ran the cloth over his chest as well, eyes traveling over to Kuroo, who was looking away. Kenma tried to think nothing of it, telling himself that the elder was just trying to be respectful. Kenma looked down at himself, furrowing his brows a bit. A bruise had formed going straight across his stomach from the table, and it sat right above the scar from when he brought a blade to his stomach. His torso looked beaten, parts of his bruises sticking out more if they sat over one of his ribs. The blonde felt his shoulders begin to Tremble as tears welled up in his eyes. He hadn't felt this sorry for himself in a long while, the emotions hitting him like a train. Kenma physically jolted at kuroo's voice and looked at him with the miserable expression on his face. He gave his head a shake and wrapped the towel around his waist. "No.." he whispered while taking careful, limping steps towards the bathroom door. Kuroo looked uncomfortable, and he didn't want to increase that by asking him for help when he was fully capable of doing it on his own. Kuroo stepped back after kenma jolted at his voice, almost putting his hands up in defence. He frowned as kenma limped his way out the bathroom, ashamed by himself and how he acted. It hurt to know kenma was pretending his best to be okay, he clearly lied about needing assistance. Kuroo followed with his shoulders lowered, taking smaller steps so kenma didn't feel compelled to hurry along. Kuroo shook his head, standing up properly again while he walked. "I-..I can help you get dressed." Kuroo spoke wholeheartedly, picking up his pace to beat kenma to the room. Kuroo knew he was good at that, he could always help kenma get dressed. Kuroo stood in front of the cupboard, pulling out some clothes for kenma before turning back to him. Kenma winced as he moved, putting one hand over his stomach and rubbing gently to try and soothe the pain. It wasn't only hurting on the inside anymore and was sensitive to the touch from the outside. The boy held his head down and listened as Kuroo began to follow him out. He appreciated all the elder did, but whenever he had to go off and do something on his own, he felt incapable, and it made him feel worse when Lev made fun of him for it. The boy wiped his eyes discreetly, lifting his head as Kuroo spoke, only giving a slight nod. Even though ur wanted to do it on his own, he wasn't sure he'd be able to bend over and get his clothes on. Kenma stumbled a bit and caught himself from falling, giving a cry. He trudged into the room with a quivering lip, rubbing his eyes and going right over to the bed and sitting on the edge. Kuroo made sure to keep himself together, coming over and starting to help kenma get dressed. Slipping up the boxers first, though afraid to take the towel away from kenma since he looked cold. Kuroo slipped the pants up next before standing properly, pulling kenma off of the bed and into his arms so he could pull both the boxers and pants up all the way. Kuroo went to smile at kenma, he couldnt when he noticed kenmas bottom lip was almost blue. He tried not to stare but he was worried for kenma "sorry, shirt." Kuroo said, not wanting to make kenma stand around feeling cold. Kuroo slipped it over kenmas head, helping the boy guide his arms through. "Are you cold?" Kuroo asked, though he suspected kenma was always cold at this point. It was a silly question to asked, closing his eyes tightly wanting to erase the question all together. He opened his eyes "mhm bed" he said, not wanting anymore obvious things slip out his mouth. Kenma bit back a grimace as Kuroo strayed to dress him, it hurt but he wanted to act like he was okay so Kuroo didn't worry any more. He stood as Kuroo pulled him up, shivering a little and crossing his arms once his shirt was on. He felt far too cold to be able to lay comfortably, shaking his head and giving a soft sob. "I-I'm too cold.." he said. Kenma limped to the door and walked over to the couch, at times like these he wished they had a nice fireplace to cuddle in front of. The boy sat on the couch and pulled the blanket up to himself, looking at the television. He needed a distraction, looking over at Kuroo. Kuroo gave a soft confused look, looking back to the bed as kenma limped off to the couch. Kuroo went after him "but bed, we are up early and youre not sleeping on the couch." Kuroo told kenma. Kuroo just wanted to curl up and cuddle kenma until he was warm. Kuroo felt bad at this point, it'd be nice to have an electric blanket to put under the sheets to keep kenma warm. It was way too risky, between kenmas nightmares and Haruto sneaking into their bed he didn't want any of them getting electrocuted. Kuroo pointed back to the room "please? I'll warm you up" kuroo said, pleading a little in his voice. This was meant to be the start of them spending time together, he couldn't do that if kenma wouldn't come to bed with him. Kenma's lip started to quiver and he shook his head a bit. He got cold in the sheets, even with the blanket over him. He kept himself all bundled up in the blanket, tapping the couch next to him. "Please.." he asked. The boy hoped Kuroo would lay down so they could cuddle on the couch, and he would even fall asleep there if it meant he didn't have to go on the bed. "Too cold in bed.."
Kuroo lowered his hand, he could tell kenma was being serious. Kuroo could suffer a night on the couch if it kept kenma warm and happy. Kuroo nodded and came over to the couch, sitting beside kenma. Kuroo laid back and pulled kenma to lay on top of him, leaving the blanket over them to stay home. "Is this better?" Kuroo asked, feeling kemmas Boney cold body lay on top of him. He gave a big sigh, letting himself get comfortable under kemmas body. It was easy to sleep and breathe with kenma on top of him so weightless but the prodding of his bones did leave him trying not to groan and he promised he wouldn't. Kenma let out a bit of a relieved sigh as Kuroo gave in, he was glad he didn't have to argue for it. He made room for Kuroo to sit down, waiting for him to lay before he let himself lay on top of Kuroo. He was careful as he laid down since he knew his bony frame could hurt at times. Kenma shivered a bit as he curled up on kuroo's chest, pulling his knees close and snuggling under the blanket. The boy put his head down and nodded once, letting his eyes flutter closed.
Kuroo left kenma to get comfortable, holding his breath to avoiding groaning at the bones digging into him. Once kenma settled nicely curled up kuroo could relax again, sighing softly and wrapping his arms around kenma. His hand rubbing over kenmas back to keep him warm, it was nice to have kenma sleep on top of him. The thought of kenma wetting himself in his sleep did cross his mind once or twice, only because he was laying under kenma. Kuroo knew not to say anything stupid though, he didn't want kenma to get off of him and it rarely happened. Kuroo closed his eyes, he hoped to get as much rest as possible before they had to get up and leave. Kenma held one of his legs over kuroo's, keeping himself close. He gave a soft sigh and leaned into the touch, he felt kuroo's warmth beginning to spread to him. "Gnight kuroo.." he said softly. Kenma let himself relax completely, breathing softly and starting to fall asleep. He yawned and cleared his throat once before shifting again. Kenma sighed and relaxed once put.
Kuroo nodded with his eyes closed "mh night." He spoke back, almost asleep. He could feel kenma on top of him as he drifted, knowing the boy was safe on top of him. When kuroo woke up to his alarm beeping he groaned, hugging his arms around kenma. Kuroo felt stiff and still tired. He had to remind himself the alarm wasn't for school, sighing and rubbing a hand over kenmas back again. "up.. in the car.." kuroo groaned out, still half asleep while mumbling his words and trying to wake kenma up. He wanted to go back to sleep, kenmas warmth on top of him was comforting. At least with camping kuroo could still enjoy that, hoping kenma would want to share a big sleeping bag with him. Kenma slept through the night without a problem, waking up the next morning with kuroo's alarm. He gave a bit of a groan, rubbing his eyes and shaking his head a bit. He didn't want to get up, still sore and exhausted. "Mmm.." he groaned, pushing his head into the elder's chest. He opened one eye and looked at Kuroo, shaking his head a bit. "Few more minutes.." he whispered. The boy yawned and closed his eyes again after a second. Kuroo wanted to cave badly and say yes, if he did he knew they probably wouldn't wake up till late. "Mh no.. gotta leave so we made it to camp before it gets too dark to set up." Kuroo spoke back, it was a bit of a drive and he really didn't want to be trying to set up as the sun was going down tonight. "Up.." kuroo added, forcing himself to sit up with kenma. "Get ready and dressed" kuroo said, trying not to mumble. "I need coffee" He continued on, forcing himself to get kenma off of him. "You want one?" Kuroo asked in his tired state, pushing himself off the couch and picking his phone up to turn the alarm off. Kenma pouted a bit as Kuroo sat them up. He rubbed his eyes again and looked at Kuroo after peeling his eyes open. "Mm.." he groaned and leaned his head on his shoulder. The boy whined as Kuroo moved him off shaking his head a bit. He didn't much care for the taste of coffee unless it was mixed with loads of milk and sugar. Kenma gave a soft sigh and stood from the couch, wobbling a bit and clutching his stomach. It was sore over his bladder, and the urge he got made him groan. He needed to pee, but his legs wouldn't carry him another step. Kuroo kept his eyes down on his phone, checking all messages and that the roads weren't going to be too busy. Kuroo even went as far to check the weather, as he thought the nights were getting colder. He heard kenma groan to get up, looking up once kenma managed to stand. Kuroo noticed he looked weak on his feet and clutched to his stomach. "Are you sore?" Kuroo asked, he could already tell kenma was but liked to hear it directly from him anyway. Kuroo put his phone in his pocket, giving a stretch and walking off slowly to the kitchen to make himself a coffee. Kenma crossed his arms over his stomach and stared at the floor with wide eyes. He held his breath and bit back the pain, stomach clenching a bit as he held in his urine. The boy brought his gaze up to Kuroo as he spoke, nodding his head once. "Wait-" he spoke softly as Kuroo walked off, watching his help stray farther. Kuroo was almost about to walk out room when kenma called out to him, turning back with a confused look. "What is it?" Kuroo asked, turning the light on in the loungeroom thinking kenma didn't want to be in the early mornings darkness alone. He yawned and leaned his head on the door frame, closing his eyes for a second. Kuroo slowly leaned out the room, going to start making his coffee considering kenma could still talk to him from the room over. Kenma squeezed his legs together and hissed in pain from his thighs. He couldn't find words right now, too focused on keeping himself from peeing on the floor so early in the morning. Kenma pushed his hands down to his bladder and watched again, hopelessly, as Kuroo walked off to make his coffee. He took a step forward but instantly regretted it as urine trickled down his leg. Kuroo was In the kitchen for only a second, raising an eyebrow ad he didn't get a response back. "Kenma?" Kuroo said, thinking kenma had something important to say to him. Kuroo put the instant coffee in his cup before going back to the lounge room, his expression softening rather quickly. "Kenma.. what happened?" Kuroo asked, looking down at the urine going down kenmas legs. "Did you get nervous?" Kuroo asked slightly confused, wondering if the stress of everything had accumulated into the puddle kenma was now standing in. Kenma couldn't keep his cries in, the tears dripping down his cheeks as he gave soft sobs. He couldn't stop it from coming out, he assumed it was just from how much pain he was in. His head jerked up as Kuroo came over, and he quickly started to cry harder and hold his hands over his crotch to hide. "I-I'm sorry..!" He said, looking at Kuroo hoping he wouldn't be upset. "I don't know what happened I just..-" Kuroo stood watching, not sure why it happened exactly. "Its okay, you're not getting sick are you??" Kuroo asked concerned, knowing kenmas bladder could play up if he was coming down with something. "It doesn't matter, are you okay?" Kuroo said softly after, kenmas health and well-being was far more important than going out his way to scold kenma for it. Kuroo thought of many things for it, maybe kenma felt off or wasn't completely awake when it happened or even just because he didn't go before bed. Kuroo came into the room towards kenma, gently lifting the boys chin. Kuroo hated it when kenma thought he was going to scold him for it, especially if it was just an accident and couldn't of been helped. Kenma's shoulders stiffened and trembled as he cried, hands gripping at the bottom of his shirt and he played with it while standing there. He felt humiliated and angry with himself. The boy knew Kuroo was trying to get out fast, but he had only delayed them with cleaning himself and the floor. "I'm sorry.." he said again. Kenma flinched as Kuroo lifted his chin, squeezing his eyes shut and partially expecting a slap, especially after his nightmares and the pain he'd received from others recently. Kuroo had to frown as kenma expected the worse, caressing his thumb over kenmas cheek waiting for him to open his eyes. "Do you still need to go?" Kuroo asked softly, he didn't want kenma with a half emptied bladder since it could lead to infection and he still wanted to leave sooner than later. "You clean yourself up and I'll deal with the floor" kuroo said, at most this was just going to push them into some more traffic but he obviously couldn't leave kenma or the carpet like this. Kuroo hoped it wasn't because kenma was nervous, he'd picked a place that was quiet most the time. He even made sure there was a bathroom at the camp ground, kuroo didn't look into it though to read it was an old outhouse probably swarming with bugs and the odd spider. Kuroo slowly pulled his hand away from kenmas face, standing back to give kenma room to pull himself together. Kenma's breath hitched a bit as Kuroo gently ran over his cheek. His eyes slowly fluttered open, heart feeling heavy and guilty with what he assumed was going to happen. He wanted to apologize again, but his mouth wouldn't open. The blonde gave his head a small shake no, he had emptied his bladder on the floor. He nodded once and took small, slow steps away from Kuroo towards the bathroom. Kenma sniffled and wiped his eyes on his sleeve, closing and locking the door behind himself as he entered. He went to the tub and immediately turned the hot water on, holding his thighs apart and wincing as the burning came back. Kuroo let kenma go off before attending to the floor, not wanting to make kenma feel shame by watching it get cleaned up. Kuroo never really minded cleaning it up, it wasn't hard to do so and didn't take long. Kuroo got down on his knees and started to spray and scrub at the carpet, making sure it was clean before standing back up. He put the cleaning supplies away and washed his hands, sighing and going back to making his coffee. Kuroo stayed in the kitchen afterwards, sipping at his drink slowly while waited for kenma to clean himself up. Kuroo was ready to go, he didn't want to say that and make kenma feel rushed. Kenma sighed and stripped of his pajamas, giving a shiver. He looked in the mirror, glancing over each mark he had. The bruises had gotten darker, and his skin seemed to be going paler. Kenma's face contorted a bit as his stomach growled. It was to the point that it was getting painful when it did so, since he had quite literally nothing in his stomach most of the time. Once the tub was full, he lowered himself carefully and began to wash over his thighs. Kenma dealt with the pain, sobbing occasionally as it got bad. Once he felt clean enough he stood and pulled the plug. Kenma climbed out and took a towel, drying off and slowly opening the bathroom door. Kuroo waited very quietly, hearing the bathroom door open. Kuroo grabbed the car keys and walked in the direction of kenma. "I'll wait in the car for you?" Kuroo said, wanting to move along himself after standing around. Kuroo was just eager to get going, having his coffee he felt like he had a good amount of energy to burn now. "Take your time." Kuroo reminded kenma, knowing it wasn't good to rush him. Kuroo walked by, going to the front door to slip his shoes on. Kenma looked at Kuroo and nodded once. He didn't really listen to what he was saying, but he walked into the bedroom and got on something warm and comfortable. He dressed slow and careful, bundling himself up in a pair of sweatpants, a t shirt, and a hoodie. He pushed his hair out of his face and made sure he had what he needed before walking to the door. Kenma exited and closed the door, walking out to the car. He hissed in pain as he moved, opening his car door and sliding in. The blonde pulled his door shut and buckled, looking at Kuroo. Kuroo had the car on and music down low, waiting for kenma to get in the car. He smiled as kenma came out the house, watching patiently as he got buckled up. Kuroo was glad he packed the day before, now being able to leave straight away. Kuroo didn't say anything as he pulled out the driveway, just enjoying the early morning silence. "You feel okay?" Kuroo asked, he just wanted to make sure after what happened as soon as kenma got up. Kuroo hoped that was going to be it for the rest of the day, he really didn't want kenmas time ruined by anymore slip ups since they were meant to be enjoying their time away and not worrying. Kenma settled in and pulled his phone out, looking at the screen. He gave a nod to Kuroo, feeling better now that they were on their way. "M sorry again.." he said before opening his phone. He didn't know what exactly he was going to do, but needed to find something to pass the road trip time. His finger lingered over Instagram, but he decided against it. Kenma had no desire to see what had been posted from the day before, as it was happening he had seen some students recording. Kuroo nodded "Its fine, really" kuroo said, feeling bad kenma felt the need to apologise again. He kept his eyes on the road, slowly adjusting to the sun coming up. After a moment he glanced to kenma, seeing the phone was out. "Hey, why don't you put it away? We don't need our phones while away." Kuroo said, not having to take any important calls and he hadn't got anything from Haruto in a long while so doubted he'd try to get in contact knowing they were away. Kuroo just wanted to two of them, the phone brought too much stress over the past. Kenma looked at Kuroo, furrowing his brows a bit but nodding. He didn't know what to do anyway, and thought maybe Kuroo was right and he should just turn it off. The boy set his phone down and looked out the window, seeing the trees and such pass. He gave a soft sigh and let his eyes fall closed, he was extremely tired regardless of the sleep he got. Kuroo looked over again, assuming kenma was going to fall asleep on him. Kuroo didn't mind too much, kenma was quiet regardless if he was sleeping or awake. Kuroo turned the music down a little more so kenma could sleep better, he didn't want to be keeping him up if he was tired. Kuroo focused back on the road, tapping softly at the wheel while he drove. After a bit kuroo sat up properly in his seat, gripping the wheel sightly tighter. Kuroo glanced over to kenma, trying to see if he was awake or not but really couldn't tell. "Hey.. you awake kenma?" Kuroo asked softly, keeping his eyes on the road most of the time. Kenma let out a low sigh as he tried to relax. He was able to fall into a light sleep, however his body would allow him to go any farther with the rocking of the car as Kuroo drove. He groaned a bit and opened his eyes, staring out the window. The boy snapped out of it as Kuroo called his name, looking over. "Mhm.." he answered quietly. Kenma put his head against the window, keeping his eyes on Kuroo. Kuroo couldn't look back at kenma now he knew he was awake, nodding his head a little at kenmas response. Kuroo brought himself to sit up straight more, trying to find a comfortable position to drive in for now. Kuroo hating admitting it "we've got to pull over somewhere." Kuroo spoke bluntly, giving a small side glance to kenma. He was always used to kenma being the one demanding to pull over. Kuroo found himself biting at his cheek, leaning over and turning the music up a little while avoiding eye contact with kemma. Kenma furrowed his brows more as he read the uneasy look on kuroo's face. He didn't know what was wrong though, looking at the elder. "Kuroo..?" He asked a bit nervously. Kenma wasn't used to seeing the elder act like this, it was off putting. "Are.. you okay?" He asked while keeping his eyes glued to the other. The boy looked over to see if there was somewhere they could pull over, glancing back at Kuroo to make sure he was okay. Kuroo could feel kenmas eyes on him every time the blonde looked over, giving a stiff nod. "Mhm Yeah.. but don't look at me like that." Kuroo said, feeling his face grow warm in embarrassment. Keeping his eyes on the road kuroo tapped at the stirring wheel more, trying his best to act like his casual self. Kuroo felt rather foolish, it wasn't his fault kenma had spend all morning in the bathroom and he'd been so eager to leave the house. He took a deep breath and looked over to kenma "I'm fine" He insisted, staying firm with his voice. Kenma quickly averted his gaze, looking down at the ground of the car. He thought Kuroo was acting rather strange, trying to figure out what was wrong. He started to feel increasingly more nervous as Kuroo continued to drive. "Kuroo.." he spoke with a bit of a whine. He was starting to feel how Kuroo felt when he didn't tell him what was wrong. Kuroo ignored him at first, keeping his eyes on the road like he had been before. Kuroo didn't feel like he had to mention it more than he had, he was the driver after all. He hated swallowing his pride and admitting things like this, again biting at his cheek. Another moment past, thinking he could turn the table. "Well I thought you might want to find a rest stop area, just in case." Kuroo said, nodding his head at his own made up story. He didn't even know if kenma had to go, he felt like kenma always had to go so it didn't feel bad to assume he did at times like this.. especially if it saved his own pride over kenmas. Kenma bounced his knees a bit and shook his head. He didn't like how secluded it made him feel, and he especially didn't care for the excuse. "I just.." his voice drifted off. "Whatever.." he said softly. Kenma knew something was up since Kuroo was never nervous to ask him if he needed to stop.
Kuroo sighed and looked over to kenma, he could see he had made kenma upset about it. "I'm sorry I-" kuroo cut himself off to spare some dignity. not only did he lie in the first place but he was choosing to blame kenma for it subconsciously. Kuroo shook his head, maybe he was spending way too much time around kenma and Haruto. He hated going against what he'd say to them, understanding why they might do it to some degree now. Kuroo hit the back of the traffic, slamming a hand down on the top of the steering wheel. "I have to pee, okay?" Kuroo finally spat out, leaning back in his seat while his foot stayed firmly down on the brake as traffic was at a stand still.

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