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Kuroo sat anyway, he felt like he needed to be with kenma. "I know you're in pain.. we can talk about anything to get your mind off it.." kuroo spoke softly. "Even after the accident you're still as stubborn as ever.." kuroo mumbled only loud enough for himself to hear his words. He just wished kenma was more honest, especially in a time like this but right now he was pushing him away and not being truthful. Haruto was having a bit of a fit over the loss of attention, kicking his good leg and letting out a huff. "Mhm open curtain.." he mumbled, kicking his heel against the bed and crossing his arms over. Kuroo looked to kenma to see if it was okay to open the curtain again. Kenma furrowed his brows as Kuroo didn’t leave. He watched the boy with the slightest pout before shaking his head no again. “I want to be alone.” He repeated with a bit of a wince in his head. Kenma heard the commotion from Haruto’s side and began to get annoyed on top of his frustration. “Just.. go over there..” he said quietly. Kuroo wasn't happy at all, standing up and flipping the wheelchair forward. "Why are you being so ungrateful! I'm really trying!" Kuroo said, raising his voice as his breathing got heavier. He felt like he was always doing wrong, all he wanted was to be at kenmas side and not be shoved away after all he had done for kenma. Kuroo flicked the curtain out his way and left the room, feeling too hot headed to face them both right now. Haruto jumped when he heard the wheelchair topple forward, frowning and giving a whine when kuroo left the room. He didn't understand why kuroo wasn't giving him attention like he was to kenma. Kenma furrowed his brows and watched with a frightened gaze as Kuroo fumed. His body felt frozen and he looked up at the heart monitor as it began to beep faster as he got more scared. He felt his eyes fill with tears and he stayed completely quiet until Kuroo was gone. Kenma let out a sob, pressing repeatedly on the doctor button his bed had. He wanted rooms changed as soon as possible. Haruto was upset but hearing kenma cry made him angry. "I-Its your fault!" He cried out. If they hadn't gone to pick kenma up the accident wouldn't of happened and kuroo wouldn't be mad right now. Haruto let out a small coughed sob, sniffling and rubbing his arm across his face. The doctor came in quickly as kenma kept pressing the button, every time it set off a buzzer in the computer area to alert the office to tell staff. "What is it? He could see kenma wasnt exactly hurt and was just crying. "These buttons are for emergencies. You only need to press it once." He muttered, fixing up the wheelchair. Kenma was confused and scared as Haruto yelled at him also. He finally stopped pressing the button as the doctor came in, looking over while giving a sob. “I-I need- a different r-room..” he stuttered through his cries. Each sob made his headache worse, and he just wished the pain medicine would just get here already. The doctor sighed and rolled his eyes, he himself wasn't impressed by this. "You can't go around demanding things like that. We don't have the time to just get you a new room. We would have to change medical information from the room and thats a silly thing to do just because you don't like this room. Stop wasting people's time, there's people who actually need help." He lectured kenma, finding the boys fit rather selfish. "Just wait for breakfast like you've been asked to." He said, pulling the curtain open on kenma so they could keep an eye on him. Haruto gripped at his bedsheets tightly, he was becoming frustrated starting to claw at his arm. He didn't like that he wasnt really being cared for after what happened and people around him were getting more attention and he didn't know why that was. Kenma looked at the doctor with furrowed brows and lowered his gaze. It didn’t feel good to be lectured like this, but he was so confused about everything that none of it really made sense. He wasn’t sure why he was stuck with two ‘strangers’ anyway, and didn’t like how touchy the elder one had been getting. Kenma closed his eyes and took in slow Careful breaths to calm down. He didn’t say sorry, as he had no reason to apologize. The doctor left the room, passing the person handing out breakfast along the way. Haruto scratched at his arm with anger, stopping once it hurt to do. He took a couple of short breaths and laid his head back, eyes filling up with tears. Kuroo had gone outside to cool off, knowing he shouldn't of reacted harshly but he was feeling hurt kenma was treating him like he was no one. The person put a tray near harutos bed, leaving it covered as the boy refused to look at them. Next they went to kenma, setting the tray up and placing the meds right next to kenmas food and drink finally before leaving the room. Haruto glared the tray for a moment, fingers wondering over and pushing it off the table until it came crashing down and splattering on the floor. He was blank, unphased by his actions. Kenma gave a relieved sigh as the food finally came in. He stayed quiet and waited a bit impatiently as they got to Haruto first. He said a soft thanks as they gave him his tray. He didn’t bother with the food for a minute, taking the glass carefully and swallowing down the pills with some water. He shuddered in relief, leaning his head back before forcing himself to sit and begin to eat. The boy was about to swallow as he heard the tray clatter. The noise scared him, and Kenma sucked in a breath with the food. His eyes went wide as it stuck in his throat, no more noise came as the food clogged his pipes. Haruto glanced down at the floor, the porridge he had on the tray was now across the floor. He knew what he did was wrong and that it wasn't okay, starting to fidget with his hospital bracelet and wait for someone to clean it up. Kuroo had mostly calmed down, he knew he needed to be the bigger person and say sorry. He talk a deep breath and came back to the room, gasping when he saw kenma was struggling. He ran up and pulled kenma to sit up more. "Kenma. You're alright. Cough it up" kuroo encouraged, unsure how long kenma hadn't been able to breath for. Haruto looked over and his heart sank, it wasn't a nice thing to watch. Kenma kept his eyes wide as he tried to unclog his throat. He curled his fists and dropped his fork, eyes going teary and face quickly reddening as he sat there struggling. He hardly noticed Kuroo coming over since his ears had started to ring. Kenma squeezed his eyes shut from the pain as he was sat up, fists weakly curled now as he gave the smallest bump to his stomach to try and get it up. His eyes started to roll back, cheeks almost bluing at the lack of air. Kuroo was beginning to freak out, hitting a hand to kenmas back. "Stop it.. cough it up kenma" kuroo said, his words lingering with fear. He began to hit harsher at kenmas back, trying his best to force kenma to bring it up. It always scared him when kenma would choke on his food, he wished the boy would learn to chew it up properly. It was scaring haruto too, covering his ears and looking away to block out what was happening or being said about it. Kuroo rubbed a hand up and down kenmas back, moving his other hand to hold kenmas bottom jaw open at a tilted angle to help clear a path for it to come up. Kenma’s head was dizzy, he could hardly understand what Kuroo was saying as he sat there not breathing. The blows to his back were almost excruciating, but the harder ones began to move the food as he tried to cough. Kenmas body slouched forward as he finally was able to cough out the food. He gasped for air, saliva stringing from his lips and connecting to the piece of food he spit up. Kuroo took a breath as kenma did, ignoring the saliva and trying to hold the drink to kenmas mouth. "Have a drink.. you're okay.." kuroo spoke with heavy breaths between. He was just glad kenma managed to bring it up without him having to shove his hand in kenmas mouth. Haruto was trembling now, unsure if kenma had stopped joking or not. He pressed his hands over his ears tighter as he slowly took a glance, his breaths short. He relaxed a little to see kenma wasn't silent anymore, able to get some air in. Kenma coughed and cleared his throat, whimpering a little. It was scary to almost choke, especially in such an unknown environment. He gave a slight tremble before having some of the water, turning his head away when he was done. He looked down and rubbed his throat with one hand. “Mm.. thank you..” he grumbled at Kuroo. Kenma was still on alert around him after what happened earlier. Kuroo had to calm down a little, sitting down in the wheelchair. It was stressful but he was appreciative kenma had thanked him for helping. "Mhm" kuroo mumbled back, taking a few more deep breaths. Haruto furrowed his eyebrows and removed his hands from his ears, yet again kenma was getting attention all the time. Haruto wanted to fuss at that, groaning and laying his head back. Haruto sat up and frowned at kuroo "help.." he spoke softly, yet again craving some attention. He felt he deserved it just as much as kenma. "Mhm give me a minute" kuroo told him back, rubbing over the bandage over the wound on his own head. Kenma looked at Haruto with a bit of a bitter look, he didn’t understand the boy. He looked away after a moment and gave a frustrated sigh. He was feeling better pain wise, the medicine kicking in. “I.. I’d like to eat alone.” He said to Kuroo softly so he didn’t anger the boy at all. He didn’t understand why he was caring so much for him when he couldn’t even think up his name yet the boy knew his. Kuroo looked up "and what? Choke again?" He asked, sitting up properly in the wheelchair. The last thing he wanted was for kenma to silently choke on his food, it wasn't safe to leave him eat alone. Haruto fussed when kuroo told him to wait, sitting up more and shaking his head. He did wait a moment before starting up again. "I need to go now.." he whispered impatiently to kuroo. Kuroo sighed and stood up "Fine.. only for a moment" kuroo told kenma, going over and pulling the curtain to help Haruto yet again. Kenma sighed and shook his head, looking down at his tray. He poked the food around a bit before glancing over as Kuroo got up to help Haruto. He shrugged and shoveled some food into his mouth making sure to chew this time. He sighed and finished what he wanted before moving the tray so he could carefully lay himself down. It was peaceful without Kuroo there. Kuroo wanted to hurry up and help Haruto so he could keep an eye on kenma eating. Haruto sat up, trying to be discreet about being glad kuroo was giving him some attention again. Kuroo assisted Haruto again, waiting for Haruto to hurry up and go. Haruto knew it was wrong to lie but it had been the only thing getting him attention. "Do you even need to go??" Kuroo asked after waiting a moment. Haruto didn't respond, giving a shrug. Kuroo wanted to roll his eyes, taking the bed pan away and letting haruto get comfortable again. "Mhm.. sorry.." he mumbled, knowing kuroo was catching on. Kuroo didn't respond, going by the curtain and back to kenmas area to sit down in the wheelchair. He was hoping there wasn't too much of a big deal online about the accident. Pulling out his phone he decided to contact yaku, considering kenma was apart of volleyball. "I'm sorry you can't go back to volleyball at the moment.." kuroo mumbled to kenma, it was something kenma really wanted to do. Kenma stared at the ceiling, counting along to the beats of the heart monitor. He got bored quickly and turned to Kuroo as he spoke, brows furrowing together. “Volleyball..?” He asked. He was starting to feel worried about the situation since he couldn’t remember anything that was coming out of kuroos mouth. The boy shook his head but quickly winced. “I.. I don’t play volleyball..” he felt that was a safe answer since he didn’t have any recollection of the sport. Kuroo froze up, þhumb hovering over the send button. "Kenma. You play volleyball.. with Yaku and Lev? We used to play together all the time.." kuroo went on, lowering his voice. He stood up and came to stand right beside kenmas bed. "You don't remember??" Kuroo questioned, it was hard to process that kenma had forgotten things. Haruto was yet again in a fussy mood, kuroo had helped him only for a bit before going back to kenma. "Kuroo.." haruto whispered, wanting kuroo To stay with him until he fell asleep again. Kuroo ignored it, he needed to talk to kenma about all this. Kenma looked at Kuroo while tilting his head, neither of the names sounded familiar to him. He looked down and furrowed his brows, thinking hard but coming back with nothing. “…who?” He asked. He felt muddled up in his brain, he didn’t know Kuroo and he didn’t know anyone that he was talking about. The boy swallowed back the saliva in his mouth and took in a shaky breath. Kuroo frowned, he didnt think kenma would actually forget something like that. "What do you remember..?" Kuroo spoke quietly, he wasn't sure if he actually wanted to know. It hurt just thinking kenma could forget about who he was. "Do you even remember my name? Who I am..?" He questioned, though he knew the answer could hurt him. Haruto whined after being ignored "kuroo.." he called again, not sure why he wasn't answering him. "Enough!" He shouted out to Haruto, his own emotions getting the best of him right now with everything going on.
Kenma jumped a bit from the shout, frowning and looking down at his lap. He nervously played with the sheets between his fingers, not looking at Kuroo. He shrugged to his question though before shaking his head no. “I.. have no idea who you are..” he spoke honestly while looking at Kuroo with a somewhat blank gaze. Haruto jumped at the raised voice too, quickly closing his eyes to try and sleep. Kuroos heart felt like it shattered, his head feeling light and legs shaky forcing him to sit back down in the wheelchair. Tears were brought to kuroos eyes, he wasn't sure what to do now he knew. He wanted everything to go back to normal, just to be home with kenma like they were supposed to be and not trapped and injured in hospital. "I'm sorry.." he whispered, not sure how to respond. Kenma could tell Kuroo seemed crushed by the news, it made him wonder if Kuroo was someone important to him. He closed his eyes to try and picture his face, in different settings and such, but he just couldn’t remember him. He shrugged to the apology and didn’t really react since he didn’t remember kuroo on a personal level. Kuroo kept quiet for a moment, he wasn't sure how to help the situation anymore. It was scary to not know if this was going to be permanent or not, he didn't want to have to face the reality of that. "Do you know who you are?" Kuroo asked, his tone a bit choppy from holding back too many emotions. Haruto wasn't really listening but he hated there was still no one around him, getting teary eyed and trying to sleep it off since he understood kuroo was getting annoyed with him. Kenma went silent, glancing at Kuroo before slowly shaking his head no. He was aware his name was Kenma, but only because the others had said it around him. “I.. don’t..” he spoke, sounding a bit lost. It was scary not to remember a thing, all he could put together was that he was in the hospital with someone who he apparently knew. Kuroo just gave a small nod, he knew not to take it out on kenma as it wasn't his fault that he didn't know who he was exactly. "How are you feeling..?" Kuroo questioned, he didn't want to ask anymore questions kenma couldn't answer and confuse him. Haruto slowly fell asleep, being alone on his side of the curtain and with no one by his side he really didn't have a reason to stay awake. Kenma sighed and looked at Kuroo with a bit of a tired look. “Better..” he said quietly. With the pain medicine working, he could actually lay somewhat comfortably without writhing in pain. He kept his body against the bed and turned a bit to get comfortable. “Chest hurts..” Kuroo nodded again, deciding it was best to just pretend that kenma didn't lose his memory at the moment so it hurt less for himself right now. "I hope you feel better soon.. I wanna take you home.." kuroo whispered to kenma, he knew he'd have to leave the hospital at one point to sort out his insurance with his car and other medical bills or the fact he was dreading Haruto’s father finding out. Kuroo stood up finally, looking over kenmas body. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Kuroo asked, considering the doctors hadn't been in to the room for awhile now. Kenma sighed and continued to mess with the sheets between his fingers. It was really the only entertainment he had, considering his phone had probably been crushed during the accident. He didn’t think about it though and just shrugged to kuroos question. “No.. I’m okay..” he said softly with a monotone voice. Kuroo frowned, he wanted the other kenma back. The one that was playful or was a little sassy, seeing kenma unsure on how to act like himself was a little stressful for kuroo. He held onto the side railing of the bed, pouting his bottom lip at kenma. "Can.. can I kiss your cheek?" Kuroo asked, he really hadn't got the chance to show affection to kenma after the accident and it was a pain in the chest to him that he wasnt able to show his affection. Kenma looked at Kuroo, tilting his head with a bit of unease. “I… I’m sorry, I’m not comfortable with it.” He apologized with the same empty tone. He figured his words might hurt Kuroo, but he couldn’t help the fact that the boy seemed like a complete stranger to him. Kuroo was devastated to hear that, he needed some sort of physical affection from kenma or to give some out to the hurt boy. "What about a kiss on the back of the hand.. or a hug??" Kuroo tried to reason, gripping onto the bed railing tighter. Haruto stirred a bit in his sleep, he was a little cold with the thin blanket and the hospitals air-conditioning always blasting. He slowly woke with a bad headache, squeezing his eyes shut to try and block it out. Kenma stared at Kuroo for a minute, he could tell that the elder desperately craved some type of touch from him. He sighed and stared at him for a while longer before holding his hand out for the kiss. A hug would hurt too much, so he tried to accommodate for kuroos needs. Kenma looked awkwardly at him as he kept his hand out, head tilted. Kuroo gave the softest sigh of relief as kenma finally gave in, he would of done it while kenma was asleep if he had said no just because he was craving giving out his affection to the boy. Kuroo gently held onto kenmas hand, leaning down and kissing the top of it. After pulling away he rubbed his thumb over the back of kenmas hand. "You know I still love you.." kuroo whispered, even if kenma didn't know who he was he would never want to leave kenma especially in a time like this. Haruto opened his eyes and groaned softly, stretching a bit before trying his best to curl up. Kenma kept his hand out, he let it there for a minute but had to pull away after Kuroo got too affectionate for him. “Mm..” was all he responded with. He didn’t know what else to say, since as far as he knew he had no particular feelings towards Kuroo. The blonde turned his head away and closed his eyes, hoping to sleep off some of the boredom. Kuroo frowned as kenma looked away from him "Hey.. do you want anything from the vending machine? I'm going out for a walk and to make a few calls" kuroo spoke softly, leaning a little over the railing to try and look into kenmas eyes. Haruto coughed a couple of times and sniffled, rubbing over the side of his arm and pulling up the blanket more to keep himself as warm as possible. Kenma looked at Kuroo after a moment, he could feel his eyes on him. “No.. no thank you.” He said. He tried to be polite since Kuroo seemed to be so upset. He still felt a little full from breakfast and didn’t want to overdo it with something for a snack. The blonde sighed and let his eyes flutter closed before he turned his body away. Kuroo sighed softly, nodding and pulling the blanket up over kenma. "I can get you another blanket" kuroo said, going off and leaving the room. He was still going to get a snack for kenma even though he had said no, feeling like kenma didn't really know what his body needed right now after the state he was in. After a moment Haruto opened his eyes again, trying to sit up a little. He took a deep breath and managed to do so but was left feeling the pressure of his bladder finally catch up to him. "Kuroo.." Haruto called out, hoping he was sitting with kenma just on the other side of the curtain. Kuroo went out first to make calls to insurance, school and Yaku since he felt it was appropriate to let them know what had happened. Kenma stayed in the bed, mention of a blanket made him realize how chilly it actually was in the room. He didn’t say anything as Kuroo left, looking over at the curtain. He heard noise from the other side and pushed out a sigh. “He’s not here..” he said quietly to Haruto before closing his eyes to fall asleep again while he waited for Kuroo. Haruto tried to sit up more, shaking his head at kenmas answer since it wasn't what he wanted to hear right now. "Where..?" He questioned, hoping hed be back soon. Kuroo called insurance first, working out what had happened to the car and what was going to happen until he got a pay out on his car. They offered a car to rent while the money came through for the insurance, kuroo knew that was better than nothing. Kenma shrugged and turned his head away from Haruto. He pushed out a sigh before giving a bored sigh and tapping the bedsheets between his fingers. He wanted to get out of the hospital, but it was a little nerve wracking now that he was aware there were things he didn’t remember. He tried hard to remember anything about a Yaku or a Lev. He just couldn’t though, not even a slight image would pop into his head. Haruto began to get jittery with his movements, trying to get up somehow or reach the bed pan. "Help.." he whined, worried he'd wet the bed and have to get help to get clean like kenma did. "I need to go.." he whispered to kenma, hoping he'd understand that he wasnt just doing it for attention now. Afterwards Kuroo called Yaku, informing him of what had happened and to let the volleyball team know as well. Yaku was shocked and told the team, it was concerning to all the team even after things that had happened with kenma in the past. Lev was the most shocked to hear it, he knew kenma must of been in a position of weakness. He was rather hoping kenma couldn't do much for himself, it had been so easy to get to kenma when the boy was slow on the crutches or hurt. Kenma opened his eyes to look at Haruto, tilting his head. “I can’t help.” He said a bit harshly, he too was bed bound and couldn’t even go himself. It was annoying having to share the room with someone who seemed so needy and annoying, but he didn’t remember all the help they’d given each other. He sighed and let his eyes fall shut yet again. Haruto started to tear up and try to pull himself up and off the bed, he didn't want to get his cast wet. He cried out as too much movement hurt, reluctant to give in though. Haruto had to bite his tongue as kenma had spoken harshly to him, becoming frustrated with kenmas mood towards him. "You've been so mean!" He snapped back, ever since all the big events had been found out about he found kenma to be rather annoyed with him. Haruto felt like he should be the one annoyed with kenma, he never knows when he's going to snap or be in a bad mood with him. "Just fucking help!" He shouted as he felt the pressure continue to get to him. He froze up and opened his mouth again but couldn't speak, his body finally giving in. After Lev had found out about kenma, he knew he had to go see him. He wanted to know just how bad the car crash was and how it left kenma. Kenma clenched his fists, he felt bad that Haruto was hurting but he figured he should be nicer about it if he wanted help. The boy turned his head and wrinkled his nose as he yelled. “Don’t yell at me!” He yelled back, instantly shutting up as pain throbbed through his head. He sucked in a breath of air and pushed out a whimper, brows furrowing together. He didn’t notice Haruto had given in, he was too busy working through the pain. Haruto tried not to react but it was hard not to, he knew he'd wet his cast and felt humiliated. Tearing up he started to rub at his eyes with fisted hands, starting to become very upset with himself and how he had been acting. He sobbed quietly to himself, not wanting kenma to know he wasn't able to hold it. It didn't take very long for the bed to grow cold and uncomfortable, he knew he'd deserved it though for crying wolf too many times. Kuroo finished up his phone calls, it was a weight off his shoulders. He went to the vending machine and got a couple of chip packets and juice boxes for the boys to have. On his way back he managed to get two blankets as well, not wanting the both of them to get cold. Kenma could hear the soft noises from Haruto, he glanced over at the boy and saw he looked uncomfortable. He couldn’t do much about it however he did feel bad. “You..” his words trailed off and he shook his head. The boy just sat there in silence, before he started to smell the urine. Haruto felt disgusting, he wished he could of just reached for the bedpan or asked for help from someone who actually could. He slowly moved himself to lay down again, grimacing at the feeling of the cold urine around him. He closed his eyes and sniffled softly, he felt like he could just sleep to get rid of the feeling of it and his emotions. Kuroo finally come back in, going into harutos area and chucking the extra blanket over him without a word. He could see haruto was upset but he didn't blame him since they couldn't do much and kenma wasn't really talking to him. Kuroo went into kenmas area "You want another blanket?" He asked, putting the snacks on the bedside table. Kenma sighed and watched as Kuroo came back in. He nodded his head and snuggled the blanket around himself, looking at the snacks. It had been a while since he had breakfast, so he was getting hungry. “Can I have one..?” He asked and pointed to the snacks. He leaned his head back after and grimaced from the pain in his head. Kuroo nodded, he was hoping kenma was going to eat even saying no to food from the vending machine. Kuroo opened a packet and a juicebox, holding them out for kenma to take. Haruto sniffled more and closed his eyes, he didn't want any attention now since he knew he wasn't going to be getting it after how he acted. Kuroo sighed as his phone vibrated, pulling it out and looking at the message. "The car I'm renting is ready to be picked up.. I'm gonna go get it, will you be alright?" Kuroo asked, hoping they'd just sleep. He was hoping the sooner he had the car, he could take them both home.

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