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Kenma stared in shock as his phone got struck, crying out and reaching for it. He pulled his hand back quickly as the man continued to break the screen. His sobs got worse and he finally snatched back his shattered phone and held it in his hands. He didn’t know how to get back without the light, and his nerves were making his urge to go worse. The boy looked back to the path before looking to the bathroom, taking a tiny step closer. “Please.. I-I just need to go quickly.” He tried. The men looked back to kenma, one glaring to the other. "We told you, you go in and you pick one of us to join you." He spoke standing back up and pointing the stick to kenmas face. The other one stood up shortly after, blocking the bathroom door until kenma would make up his mind. They thought it was fair, kenma had come back them after all. Kenma quickly stumbled back as the stick pointed in his face. He decided it wasn’t worth it to risk any harm on himself especially since he’d gone a while without it. He backed away before turning around and walking quickly back the way he came. He squinted while sobbing, trying to find his way. Kenma’s wiped his eyes and grimaced as his sleeve ran over his nose. By now he was sure a cut had formed where he was smacked. One groaned as kenma walked away, he was hoping kenma might try again later so they stuck after. It was best for them to stay in the light too, they could see everyone approaching that way. Kuroo didn't wake still, he was out for good as he stopped moving around after he got used to the cold air around him. Kenma stopped and squeezed his legs together, taking a sharp breath in. He could feel his urge getting worse, and the cool air wasn't helping. He found his way back to the tent and rummaged around for Kuroo's phone. The boy went into Kuroo's pocket and found the key, going to the car using the light. He unlocked the back and looked through the stuff he brought, finding a pocket knife he knew Kuroo kept. Kenma closed and locked the car, dropping the keys back with Kuroo as he moved towards the bathrooms again. He held his light out, also keeping the knife open in his other hand. Kenma approached the bathroom again, hiding the pocket knife behind his back. Kuroo woke slightly to someone going around the camp, opening his eyes once kenma was in the distance. "Kenma?" He called out sitting up, the boy was gone. Kuroo got up and looked around the car and in the tent, he only knew one other place kenma would be right now. Kuroo went to grab his phone and noticed it was missing, he knew kenma took it with him probably because it had a better torch light. Kuroo started to make his way to the outhouse. The man stood again when kenma came over, smirking and holding the stick out. "Change your mind?" He asked, stepping closer to kenma. Kenma flinched a bit as the stick came closer, gripping the knife tighter in his hand as he moved closer. He stopped in front of the man, looking at him with an unsure fear in his eyes. "Get.. get out of my way." He said. He made sure to hold tightly to both the knife and the phone so they didn't get knocked from his hands and broken. The man laughed "or what? You'll run off crying?" He spoke sarcastically. Kuroo made his way and stopped frozen in his track's, seeing kenma face to face with someone and a knife behind his back. "Kenma! Get you ass back over here with my knife!" Kuroo spoke, the other man didn't have a knife so he wasn't sure what kenma was doing. He understood he might of taken it for protection but it looked like he was going to use it. The man dropped the stick when kuroo mentioned a knife, playing victum and putting his hands up in defence as kuroo came over to scold kenma. Kenma jumped a bit as he heard Kuroo call out. He whipped his head to the side, quickly bringing his hand forward and looking between the guy and Kuroo. "Kuroo I-" he cut his words off and looked at the elder with a bit of a confused gaze. He didn't think he was doing anything wrong by protecting himself, especially with what the men had said. "They.. they got violent!" He said and gestured to the cut over his nose. Kuroo had slightly misunderstood the situation but still pulling a knife on someone wasn't something to be taken lightly on. Kuroo walked up and grabbed kenmas wrist tugging him and quickly to defuse the situation. "Kenma, you just can't pull a knife on someone. You should of come got me, jeez.." kuroo spoke, mortified with kenmas actions. He saw no difference between this and Haruto killing a hamster, it worried him that maybe haruto wasn't someone kenma should hang around. Kuroo leaned over and snatched the knife before looking back to see the men still hadn't moved from the area. Kenma stumbled a little as Kuroo pulled him away. He looked up at the elder, going teary in the eyes. “I-I’m sorry.. I wasn’t gonna use it..” he whispered, though hadn’t been to sure of that. He let go of the knife, squeezing his legs together and giving a small whimper. “I gotta go..” he whispered to Kuroo, glancing over at the men. Kuroo put the folded pocket knife in his pocket, he didn't need kenma having or finding it again. Kuroo said nothing back to the apology, keeping himself walking straight to the area they'd set up camp. Kenmas small whined whispered words stopped him in his track, turning back to look at kenma. His eyes glanced down to the boys legs pressed together, sighing and looking back to the bathroom. "Go behind a tree, just pick one." Kuroo spoke, still slightly upset by kenmas actions. Kenma was starting to feel guilty that he hadn’t gone to Kuroo for help, but he wanted the elder to know he was becoming more independent. He frowned and nodded slowly. He still had kuroo’s phone, using it as light for walking off. He glanced back at the men as he moved, upset they had completely ruined his phone. Kenma began to walk through the trees with the light, stopping once he felt far enough away. As much as he hated doing this, it was dark and he thought he could make it quick. Kuroo stopped following kenma a couple steps before the boy had stopped at a tree. Kuroos arms were crossed while he waited, shaking his head as he tried not to think about kenma actually going to pull a knife on someone. "Be quick." Kuroo spoke firmly. It was one thing to be wandering around at night but with kenmas weak immune Kuroo wanted him in the warm sleeping bag as soon as possible, a cold would take a bad toll on kenmas body. Kenma set the phone in his hoodie pocket. He pulled at the waistband of his pants and tugged them down just enough, looking awkwardly at the ground as he started to go. He sniffled and blinked the tears out of his eyes. Once finished, he pulled his pants up and held the phone in his hand again. The blonde walked back to Kuroo and looked up at him with a guilty look. “I’m sorry..” he whispered again. Kuroo looked down at kenna, keeping his arms crossed. "Back in the tent." Kuroo said,  it was unsafe to be outside now since kenma had been able to wander off and he didn't want to interact with the drunks. Kuroo didn't want to say another word, he was tired and disappointed. Kuroo had put the knife in a safe spot in the car for emergencies, needing people to move out the way was not.
Kenma couldn’t help but sob as Kuroo didn’t accept the apology. He felt bad enough, And now the elder seemed so upset with him. He hugged himself and followed Kuroo back to the tent with tears dripping from his cheeks. “T-They destroyed my phone..” he said, trying to get some sympathy from Kuroo.
Kuroo picked up the sleeping bag and shook it out, unzipping the tent and putting it in before turning back around to kenma. "That wouldn't of happened if you had just asked me, I tell you everyday to ask for things or tell me what you want but you never listen and then things like this happen. Just go to bed please, I'm tired." Kuroo said, pointing to in the tent. He knew he needed to actually handle the situation but in the middle of the night was not the time to be doing so. Kenma looked at Kuroo with a quivering lip, feeling guilty for how Kuroo was feeling now. He walked into the tent with his head low and slowly slid into the sleeping bag. He moved all the way to one side, assuming Kuroo wouldn’t want to lay with him because he was angry. “I’m sorry..” he sobbed out one more time before curling up and crying to himself. Kuroo sighed and knew not to get too mad, he still knew what kenma did was wrong. "No stay close, I don't want you sneaking off again. Wake me if you need anything." Kuroo said, laying in the sleeping bag as well. He closed his eyes for a moment, opening his eyes and turning himself to face kenma. "I love you, goodnight" kuroo spoke with a soft sigh. Moving himself close to kenma. It was a lot to process late at night, he understood both sides of the story but still felt kenma went too far to protect himself when there was safer ways and his phone was now smashed. Kenma felt crushed as Kuroo still didn’t acknowledge his apology. He had done everything he could to try and make up for what happened, but Kuroo seemed too upset to really understand. Kenma didn’t want to move closer, but did so anyway so he didn’t get in deeper trouble. His sobs came to a quick halt at kuroo’s words, stomach churning a bit before his sobs started again. “I-I love you too..” he said. Kuroo gave another soft sigh, nodding and closing his eyes to go to sleep. Kuroo would save the rest of the talk for the morning when he had a better understanding of the story and what had happened. Kuroo fell asleep shortly after, only remaining in a light sleep since he was too worried kenma might do something again. Kenma sniffled and closed his eyes. He held them shut tightly, hugging himself as he tried to sleep. He was upset with himself for making Kuroo angry. Finally he was able to fall asleep, dreading the morning as it meant they had to go back home and he would have to start school up again. Kuroo woke early in the morning, deciding not to wake kenma to pack up the camp-site. He packed everything away apart from a set of clothes for kenma and some food, he wanted to go home and avoid the drunks as soon as possible it had been hard packing away early and trying not to make noises, once it was all packed away in the car kuroo went to get kenma up. "Kenma, get dressed and in the car. We're going home." Kuroo whispered. Kenma had slept through the night without waking again since he didn’t have a full bladder. He didn’t budge as Kuroo packed up the camp. His eyes opened as Kuroo whispered his name, looking up at the elder with a sleepy face. “Mm..” he yawned out, turning on his side before sitting up. The blonde rubbed his eyes and looked over at the clothes, not feeling like changing. Kuroo looked down at kenma, starting to roll up the sleeping bag even before kenma had a chance to get up. "In the front of the car please, ive put food and drink there for you." Kuroo informed in a whispered tone, leaving a juice box and dry cereal for kenma to munch on. Kuroo just wanted to go home, he didn't plan on stopping this time too since he'd been to the bathroom just before coming to get kenma up and felt like kenma should be fine after last night. Kenma rubbed his eyes and pouted a little bit as he practically had to get up. He pulled himself out of the sleeping bag and stood while wobbling a bit to keep his balance. He picked up the clothes and moved to the side so he could change while Kuroo rolled up the sleeping bag. He changed his shirt first before slipping out of his pants and pulling the new ones on. The boy exited the tent and walked to the car, pulling it open and throwing his dirty clothes in before climbing in the front and buckling up. Kuroo did feel slightly guilty for making kenma get up so quick, the boy was still wobbling and looked half asleep. Kuroo dissembled the tent and put it back in the bag, picking it up and chucking it in the back of the car. Kuroo got in his side and started the car, leaning over and grabbing kenmas juice box before popping the straw in. He held it out for kenma and then opened the cereal bag for kenma, placing it beside the boy. "You ready to go?" Kuroo asked, assuming kenma didn't need to bathroom or anything else. Kuroo was glad he hadn't bumped into the drunks again, he knew it'd be all bad. Kenma gave a sleepy nod, yawning while he took the juice. He set it in the cup holder and grabbed the cereal instead, popping a piece in his mouth and chewing it. “Mhm..” he said. He leaned his head back and glanced out the window while pushing more cereal into his mouth. He was mindlessly eating it, something he hadn’t really done before. Kuroo put on his front headlights last before finally driving off steady on the dirt road, picking up pace once back onto some main road. Kuroo sighed and leaned his head back a little, he knew he had to talk to kenma about last night. Looking over he could see kenma was munching on the cereal, he didn't want to disrupt his eating since he was doing so well and he'd even seen change in his body from actually eating three meals a day over the 3 days he'd been with him. Kenma picked up his juice box and had a few sips before looking over at Kuroo. “Do.. I have to go to school tomorrow?” He asked in a soft voice. He was hoping Kuroo would say no, since he was doing so good without the stress. Kuroo squinted in the dark over at kenma, finally noticing the mark across his face from last night. Kuroo bit his tongue for a moment. "You need to.. you've got to catch up on what you missed and I'd like you to check on Haruto." Kuroo spoke firmly. He would hate for the teachers to start picking on kenma because he was falling behind, he already had one teacher on his back. "No more talk of that." Kuroo said, not wanting to hear strained whines about going back. He kept his eyes forward on the road again, barely looking over since he didn't want to see kenmas reaction. Kenma looked at him for a second before looking away. He expected that answer, but it wasn’t the one he wanted. He crossed his arms over his chest and finished off the cereal while pouting. The boy gave a soft sniffle and rubbed over his nose. “Hurts..” he whined. Kuroo glanced over, he felt kenma was reaching out for some pitty attention. "Well you should of thought about that before you got involved with them." Kuroo spoke, gripping at the wheel tighter. "Did you even try to wake me up?" Kuroo asked, feeling like that should of been the first thing kenma done. To all of kuroos knowledge kenma had gone off with the knife the first time and that's why he was treated to that way. Kenma looked over at Kuroo and glared a bit, not liking the lack of sympathy. He looked away from the elder and shrugged with one shoulder, pulling his knees up. “I thought I could handle it..” he said. “When I came back you were sleeping and- and I didn’t want to wake you.” He admitted. Kuroo said nothing at first, he was tired of telling kenma to tell him things and especially if it was in the middle of the night since it had been dangerous to go alone. Kuroo couldn't bite his tongue anymore "I would of rathered you wet the sleeping bag then going to get yourself in trouble." Kuroo spoke rather firmly before leaning over and turning the radio on. Kuroo didn't want to hear another word from kenma, between using the knife, getting his phone smashed and letting himself get hurt kuroo wasn't the slightest bit impressed with kenma. Kenma gave a bit of a whine and looked away. “But I didn’t know they would be there!” He said, scoffing as Kuroo turned the radio on. He crossed his arms and looked the other way, glaring angrily out the window. He stomped his foot a bit and fought back tears that threatened to fall. Kuroo ignored the moodiness from kenma, he wasn't in a mood for kenma to be acting out this early in the morning. "Not another word, I need to focus." Kuroo spoke, noticing his driving wasn't the best when he was angry or talking with kenma. Kuroo focused back on the road, trying his best not to let things bubble up inside him. Kuroo had a good time with kenma, something always had to ruin it at the last moment. Kenma rolled his eyes and hugged his knees up. He wanted to yell at Kuroo, but knew that didn’t fix anything. The boy squeezed his eyes shut and rocked himself a bit to try and fall asleep so he didn’t do something he’d regret. He lowered his legs after a second and leaned his head to the side, eventually drifting off. Kuroo looked over, he hated scolding kenma. It felt unfair that he constant had to pull kenma back in line, he knew kenma was capable of standing up and saying something. Kuroo left kenma to sleep peacefully, the silence was nice. Slowly the car came to a stop, cars all filling up the highway. Kuroo cussed quietly under his breath, he remembered this had happened last time around this time in the morning. He was glad kenma was asleep, the boy didn't have to know they were at a stand still. Kenma stayed asleep for a while as they were stuck in traffic, but his eyes opened some time later. He felt his stomach aching and bladder practically screaming at him that it needed to go. He looked over at Kuroo with slightly wide eyes, they only widened as he noticed the traffic they were stuck in. The blonde whined a little and crossed his legs together to hold his urine in. Kuroo hadn't noticed kenma had woken really, only glancing over after kenma had crossed his legs over. Kuroo again said nothing, he did tell kenma not another word but he didn't really mean it. Kuroo decided to just keep his eyes forward on the traffic, he was still slightly upset with kenma and with what happened. Kuroo was tired of buying so many phones for kenma, every time he did the boy would get in to trouble and someone would break it on him. Kuroo leaned back in his seat, letting his head rest for a moment while the traffic remained still. He left the radio on, turning it up a little as he hadn't heard any whined noise from kenma. Kenma squeezed his eyes shut and bounced his legs a little bit. He wanted to ask Kuroo if there was a stop anywhere close, but he didn’t want to get in trouble for talking to him after Kuroo made it clear he wanted a silent car ride. The blonde looked out the window with furrowed brows and didn’t see any exits or side roads where there could be a gas station or rest stop. He gave another small whine before looking over at Kuroo with furrowed brows. Kuroo kept his eyes forward still, not noticing kenmas frantic looking around or actions. He heard a faint whine through the music, looking over to see kenma watching him. Kuroo was being too stubborn to notice kenmas situation, not sure why kenma had his eyes on him so intensely. Kuroo looked away again and sighed, thinking if something was wrong kenma would obviously speak up since that's what he'd been telling him to do the whole time they were away. Kenma’s legs began to bounce more as he sat there, a hurt look on his face as Kuroo looked away. He didn’t think Kuroo was so mad at him that he wouldn’t notice the struggle. The boy glanced around the car to see if there was a bottle or something but he couldn’t find anything. Each second he started to feel more desperate but kept his mouth closed. Kuroo sat up a bit more when he saw a couple cars move forward, sighing as he hit the brakes in time with the car in front. He knew it must of just been a chain reaction, someone moving forward making the next person do so too. Kuroo cussed and leaned his head back again, he knew they should of left in the middle of the night but he'd been too worked up over what had happened and just wanted to go back to bed. Kenma pouted as they weren’t hardly moving. By the looks of it the traffic seemed bad, and he didn’t know how far along they were. He knew that he’d be in more trouble if he wet himself in the seat, but still didn’t want Kuroo angry if he talked. Kuroo ended up glancing over secretively after awhile, looking kenma up and down. Kuroo was aware of kenmas tense body and sad puppy face expression, he knew kenma was probably in need of a bathroom break. Kuroo decided to not mention that he knew kenma needed to go, it was up to kenma to speak up. Kuroo was unaware of just how badly kenma needed to go, he felt if it was bad the boy would be whining to him already. Kenma squeezed his legs together along with his eyes, gripping the seatbelt tightly. He loosened it over his stomach and tried to distract himself by listening to the music. He looked back at Kuroo and finally decided to speak, bracing himself for whatever was to come. “Kuroo..” he whined out. Kuroo had been waiting for kenma to say something, the more time went on he had noticed more things kenma would do when he was getting desperate. Finally hearing kenmas whined voice which he'd been expecting, he looked over and raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" He asked, keeping his eyes on kenma just to remind the boy he had his full attention. Kuroo knew it had been a bit harsh to ignore kenmas growing urge, he just wanted the boy speaking up for himself. Kenma felt his stomach jolt a little at the intense gaze from Kuroo, a little urine leaking. He quickly squeezed his legs together and looked down at his lap so he didn’t have to make eye contact. “I.. I really gotta go..” he spoke while his legs started to bounce. Kuroo was glad kenma had said something, he did wish kenma had just said it in the first place though. "Okay" was all kuroo said back, sure he wanted to tell kenma to look at him while speaking but it seemed kenma had been suffering enough. Kuroo looked around and realised it really didn't make a difference knowing right now, there was nowhere to pull off for kenma. Kuroo twisted himself around to look in the back of the car, nothing really to help kenmas situation. "How long can you hold it in for?" Kuroo asked, sitting up to see how far they traffic ahead stretched. Kenma slumped his shoulders down as Kuroo didn’t give much of an answer. He thought maybe the elder was mad that he spoke, biting down on his lip until he was asked another question.  “Not long..” he said truthfully, not sure he could even last another few minutes. Kuroo felt a little more guilt as kenma told him he couldn't hold on for much longer. "Why didn't you say something before it got this bad?" Kuroo asked with a frown. Kuroo stopped and thought about it, he remembered the absolute pain he was in while trying to hold it himself on the way down to the camp-site. He had told himself to never make kenma hold it for that long or tell him to hold it in, he didn't want kenma in pain like that. "Nevermind, it's okay.. just go kenma." Kuroo spoke softly, he wanted kenma to know it was alright to. Leaning over kuroo put a hand around kenmas  seatbelt, giving it a slight tug to cause pressure back on the abdomen since he didn't want kenma forcefully holding it. Kenma pushed a hand between his thighs, tears starting to fill his eyes. “You.. told me not to talk..!” He said, trying to let Kuroo know he hadn’t done it on purpose. The boy looked a little shocked as Kuroo told him to go, he shook his head and kept his legs together tightly. He didn’t want to purposely wet himself, not knowing how long he’d be stuck sitting in it. The blonde gave a soft grunt as Kuroo pulled the seatbelt a bit, he quickly pushed kuroo’s hand away. Kuroo sighed and leaned back in his seat "kenma, I didn't mean that literally. You know I wouldn't tell you to be quiet if you had something to say." Kuroo pointed out. He was a little frustrated kenma was still choosing to hold it, they still didn't know how long they'd be in the traffic and it was just hurting kenma. "Kenma, even if we do make it out the traffic.. do you think you'll be able to run into a gas station??" Kuroo asked, doubting kenma could barely stand. Kuroo leaned over, trying to tickle kenma so he'd stop holding it so forcefully. "Kenma" kuroo spoke firmly, tickling at kenmas side. Kenma sniffled and looked out the window, shrugging. He thought Kuroo had been serious, so he felt a little upset by his mistake. The boy rocked himself a bit to try and soothe the aching in his bladder, shrugging again at the second question. “I don’t know..” he said. Kenma’s eyes widened again and he jerked a little as kuroo’s fingers tickled his side, quickly pushing himself against the door and giving a whine. He felt a bit leaking and swatted Kuroo away. “Stop!” He snapped, pushing his legs together to stop it from coming out. Kuroo leaned over as much as he could, being taller had its advantages. His hand still just being able to touch at kenmas sides. "Kenma, just pee already before your bladder explodes." Kuroo spoke, he knew that it was very rare for that to happen though. Kuroo sat back in his seat as a car moved in front of him, finally going at a turtle steady pace. "You're not going to be in trouble for wetting yourself kenma, I'm telling you to or you're going to have a sore and tired bladder for school tomorrow." Kuroo said still trying to convince kenma to just purposely wet himself.
Kenma could help but let out a bit of a sob, squirming away from Kuroo as even more leaked. He knew Kuroo was telling him it was okay, but he was so used to getting in trouble for it that he wasn’t sure. The boy gave a bit of a sigh as Kuroo stopped to drive, shaking his head. “No..” he said though a sniffle, loosening the seatbelt again and hunching over. While it was painful to hold, he didn’t want to feel the burn on his thighs if he did let it out. Kuroo was becoming more concerned that kenma was holding it, it was obviously painful to do so. "Kenma.. please." Kuroo spoke firmly, he'd tried his best to make kenma go but there was only so much he could do while keeping an eye on the traffic. Kuroo noticed the pace picking up again, the traffic seemed to be moving now. "I think we can pull off soon." Kuroo spoke as he looked ahead at the signs, the cars all finally going near the average speed for the highway. Kuroo kept glancing kenma, trying to not feel what kenma was feeling since he understood the pain of it now. Kenma felt like it was harder to hold with the car moving. He tried not to focus on the jostling of the car, but soon enough he felt it started to leak out of his control. He tried to keep his legs closed, but eventually had to give in from the pain. Kenma began to sob, since they were so close to being able to get to a gas station. His pants quickly went darker and his thighs began to burn. Kuroo finally got to the exit and blinkered off, looking over to kenma to see it was too late. Kuroo frowned, he felt bad since Kenma had tried so hard to make it to the gas station. "Kenma it's okay, you're not in trouble." Kuroo spoke softly, pulling into a carpark at the gas station. Kuroo leaned over and unclipped kenmas seatbelt. "Do you want to change in the car or do you want me to go ask for the keys?" Kuroo asked, unbuckling himself to get kenmas clothes out the back of the car and a towel to put on the seat.

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